Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 154

Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors


As soon as my conversation with Mangnyang concluded, I teleported alongside Miho to the underground lair of the Imperial Palace, specifically the lowest level of the Abyss. Here, shining in the darkness, stood a massive stele.

Miho gazed at the Crystal Stele and remarked,

“Impressive. This magical power is…”

“This stele contains the method for creating the Philosopher’s Stone.”

I stared intently at the Crystal Stele.

During my thirteenth reincarnation, Zhuge Fu had directed me to the existence of this stele. At that time, he had proposed that we harmoniously create the Philosopher’s Stone together. However, I had refused his offer, unable to trust him, and chose to confront Zhuge Fu instead.

‘There really are no guards around.’

This location was reserved for emperors, alchemists, or high-ranking figures like Zhuge Fu. Naturally, it’s highly confidential; it’s possible that alchemists wouldn’t even allow emperors or Zhuge Fu to access it. Thus, it would make sense that regular guards were nowhere to be found near the Crystal Stele.

As I approached the Crystal Stele to insert it into my pouch, Miho suddenly stopped me.



“There’s some kind of magic barrier set up. If you touch it, it will connect to the source of the spell.”


That seemed reasonable. For an alchemist, this Crystal Stele was likely more precious than life itself, so it wouldn’t be strange to have all sorts of defensive spells in place. Directly contacting the Crystal Stele would indeed be quite risky.

Miho, can you break the curse?”

“It’s difficult. This isn’t a regular spell; it seems to be magic forged from pure magical power. It appears to borrow the power of a Demon God, making it challenging.”

It seemed alchemists indeed used bizarre magic as servants of the Demon God. After a moment of contemplation, I decided to press the pouch against the Crystal Stele anyway.

Hmm, it can’t be helped.

It’s possible the alchemist was alerted upon my entry. Returning is out of the question.

The only choice is to act swiftly.


In an instant, the large stele, which was three spans tall, was sucked into my pouch.

Click, click, click!

At the same time, red eyes seemed to emerge from everywhere, flickering with intense light. I quickly grabbed Miho’s hand and activated the teleportation again.


We reappeared in Cheonlam’s room, the research chamber where the incomplete Super Superior Being was still located. This room, too, had no guards present—only young boys and girls lying on a stone altar.

I raised an eyebrow.

‘Four bodies?’

The number had increased. When I had come here before, there was only one young girl, but now there was a boy by her side and a beautiful woman in her twenties, along with a tall, muscular figure. It seemed the alchemist had expanded the number of experimental subjects for the Super Superior Being within about a year.

In any case, there was no time to hesitate. I didn’t even pause to confirm if the Super Superior Being was still in a suspended state; I stretched out the pouch and absorbed their bodies. After placing all four into the pouch, I quickly grasped Miho’s hand again.


We emerged once more in Jinrang Valley. Using teleportation in quick succession left me feeling mentally drained and tense. Judging by her slightly weary expression, Miho felt the same.

“Haah… Haah…”

“We made it.”

And there awaited us, a beaming Mangnyang.

“Well done.”

By now, the alchemist and the forces of the Imperial Palace Demon Subduing Hall must have made significant progress with the Super Superior Being. Of course, I could not let them grow stronger without interference, so I had brought the Crystal Stele here while simultaneously rescuing the incomplete Super Superior Being!

It was a tactic of containment.

Mangnyang said,

“Do not extract the Crystal Stele from here. Though the pouch might act as a spatial barrier preventing location tracking by spells, bringing it out will expose its location. If Jinrang Valley is tracked by the Demon Subduing Hall, we will be in big trouble.”

He seemed to suspect some sort of tracking magic was indeed in place.

“So what do we do?”

“There are two options,” Mangnyang said, handing me a flask filled with water.

“The first is to bring the Crystal Stele out to the farthest and most remote location you know and start interpretation. Naturally, the alchemist isn’t a magician capable of long-distance teleportation, so we can momentarily forget about being tracked and interpret it at our leisure.”

I gulped down the water and replied,

“And the second?”

“The Crystal Stele itself can be regarded as a magnificent Divine Treasure. By presenting it to the gods, you may obtain new abilities or blessings.”


I was tempted by the latter choice. After all, I didn’t even know how much I truly needed the Philosopher’s Stone at this point and had no desire to make the effort to work for it. Instead, simply offering the Crystal Stele to a god like an offering seemed like a solid plan.

“Well, that’s something we can’t attend to right now.”

“And what about the Super Superior Being?”

“That’s the same…”

Mangnyang wore a bittersweet smile.

“Flying to Dongyoung and doing research by myself would be good, but right now, as the head of the Bancheon Alliance, I’m working to expand our power, making that difficult. We can do that once the alchemist is dealt with.”


I realized that Mangnyang had unspoken constraints. If he weren’t bound by the weight of leadership within the Bancheon Alliance, he could freely study the Crystal Stele and the Super Superior Being in distant lands. But that was not the case.

At that moment, another idea crossed my mind. However, betraying Mangnyang was not something I wanted to entertain, and there was no immediate reason to act on it, so I tucked it away in my heart.

Mangnyang said,

“With this, we’ve at least gained five years.”

“Five years?”

“During that time, we must expand the scale of the Bancheon Alliance, gather strength, and be in a position to reliably take down our enemies. You, Baek Woong, should focus on improving your martial arts as much as possible.”

I pondered and then said to Mangnyang,

“What will we do about the emperor, who hasn’t died this time?”

“The previous emperor’s death was a very unique circumstance. Let me say upfront that overt rebellion is not an option. We plan to rally the figures from the Clear Stream Faction and politically pressure the emperor.”

“With the emperor wholly cooperating with the Demon Subduing Hall, how is that possible?”

“That’s the most crucial point.”

Mangnyang, seating himself nearby, said,

“If the emperor cooperates with the Demon Subduing Hall of his own volition, it could render our resistance futile, but paradoxically, that can also work to our advantage.”

“What’s the difference?”

“If the emperor can voluntarily reject the alchemist’s contract, it suggests that he might also choose to expel the Demon Subduing Hall. At the very least, it indicates that he isn’t merely a puppet being controlled by them.”


“That seems to be the best approach for now.”

The emperor could throw out the Demon Subduing Hall!

If that came to pass, then there would be no need for the Bancheon Alliance to create a hassle. The emperor’s alliance with the source of all evil wielding power was the root of the problem. Pondering this, I nodded, mumbling to myself,

“Is that really possible?”

At that moment, Miho, who had been listening, burst into laughter.

“Hahaha… It seems you’re just saying what Baek Woong wants to hear. Do you think it’s that easy?”

“It won’t be an easy feat.”

“The power player has teamed up with the Demon Subduing Hall under the premise of immortality and eternal life. If we can’t deliver greater benefits or pressures, the emperor will never sever ties with them. And where can you find a reward greater than immortality and eternal life for a power holder?”


Miho’s laughter carried the perspective of a power broker wielding authority in Dongyoung. Indeed, if a power player dangled the carrot of immortality before them, the emperor would never give up on the alliance with the Demon Subduing Hall. After a moment of contemplation, Mangnyang replied,

“Even if we can’t change his mind, there are alternative methods. It’s just that this is the most ideal.”

“Ugh, it seems like a thorny path.”

“There’s no other way.”

Mangnyang sighed and addressed me.

Baek Woong, henceforth, your role becomes paramount. No matter how capable I may be, there are limits to utilizing the Bancheon Alliance to confront the emperor. You need to move and create variables, and further, generate blind spots in the enemy’s plans.”

“I understand.”

We returned to Jinrang Valley and sought out the Dao King. Dao King Byeokji-sang had unpacked her belongings and changed into attire akin to that of a gentlewoman from a common household. A beautiful woman exuding both elegance and a refreshing charm stood there.

Upon noticing me, Dao King Byeokji-sang chuckled lightly.

“You seem busy.”

“I truly am.”

I replied indifferently and then said to her,

Dao King Byeokji-sang, I need you to tell me everything you know: the circumstances of meeting Dongbang Mu-gyeol, the reason you ended up gambling in The Unfinished House, and the identities of those wearing the Monkey Masks…”

“Ah, so that’s what you were planning to ask.”

“I hope you answer sincerely. I’d rather not resort to torture.”

Dao King Byeokji-sang’s eyes narrowed, almost as if she were smiling.

“You seem soft, yet you’re much colder and tougher than I expected, considering the composure of your age.”

“Please spare me the unnecessary flattery.”

“Alright. It’s not an important matter, so I’ll share it.”

She began recounting her experience of meeting Dongbang Mu-gyeol.

“When Dongbang Mu-gyeol came to find me, he made a proposal. He asked me if I would please join him at a grand gambling board.”

Dongbang Mu-gyeol requested you?”

“Indeed. And since I owed him a debt, I accompanied him under the condition that he forgave it. Afterward, he expressed a desire to test my skills, so we toured several gambling halls in Sichuan. Once his requirements were satisfied, we headed to The Unfinished House.”

“Debt? What sort of debt?”

Dao King Byeokji-sang shook her head.

“I can’t disclose that. It’s a personal matter between him and me.”

“Hmm… Please continue.”

“When we arrived at The Unfinished House, we played Mahjong. I brought the table, and two men wearing Monkey Masks were already waiting there. I managed to completely win against them, taking their chips from the Sixteen States, and Dongbang Mu-gyeol thanked me afterward.”

“Is that the end?”


“Do you have any idea who the ones in the Monkey Masks were? Or perhaps why they chose to gamble at The Unfinished House…?”

At my question, Dao King Byeokji-sang pondered for a moment before saying,

“I’m not entirely sure, but those in the Monkey Masks appeared to be exceptional masters. Dongbang Mu-gyeol seemed hesitant to use force against them. It also felt like Dongbang Mu-gyeol wagered a substantial sum at that gambling table, and after the game, he seemed to whisper something to the ones in the Monkey Masks.”


“I’m not certain why they chose to gamble at The Unfinished House. Perhaps only Dongbang Mu-gyeol knows.”

I was flabbergasted and replied to Dao King Byeokji-sang,

“Then, are you saying you didn’t know anything? So you walked into such a risky situation without having a clue?”

“That’s what makes it interesting.”


I gazed at Dao King Byeokji-sang in exasperation. This woman seemed to have something broken inside her head. Even without knowing anything, she was willing to dive headfirst into a gambling den that could jeopardize her life. It was an incomprehensible mindset for an ordinary person. Then she suddenly recalled something and said,

“… Oh, by the way, I do know where Dongbang Mu-gyeol went. He said he was going to meet a fellow by the name of Black Prince.”

Black Prince? Who’s that?”

“He’s reputed to be the top master of martial arts in the Nanzhong.”


The Black Prince of Nanzhong? What kind of character was that?

I had unexpectedly gleaned some information, but not understanding it left me with questions, hence I asked her,

“What on earth is Dongbang Mu-gyeol trying to achieve? Why did he venture beyond the Central Plains all the way into Nanzhong?”

“He said he wanted to cure an illness.”

“An illness?”

“What I’m certain of is that he won’t return to the Central Plains until he finds a solution.”

As I fell into deep thought, Dao King Byeokji-sang interlocked her fingers and said,

“I want to join forces with people like you. It seems fun somehow.”

“If that’s the case…”

I subtly glanced at Miho. Just then, as though she had been waiting, Miho suddenly cast her Enchantment Technique on Dao King Byeokji-sang. Almost instantly, Dao King Byeokji-sang’s eyes glazed over, and she fell backward as if fainting. There was no way she could withstand the Enchantment Technique that even a peak expert like Jang Bong had fallen victim to in one blow.

Miho grumbled,

“Wasn’t it better to cast the enchantment from the beginning?”

“There are things you can’t pull out solely with magic, plus I needed to see how sincere she is towards us.”

“Oh? Are you interested in her?”

“Why’s the conversation veering into that direction?”

I chuckled awkwardly.

“This woman is beautiful, but she has a mentality that I can’t possibly handle. Even if she were ten times more beautiful, I would still decline.”

“Hohoho, to hear such a declaration from you, Baek Woong, is quite a feat. Indeed, being obsessed with gambling is a frightening thing.”

As Miho laughed, she began interrogating Dao King Byeokji-sang.

“Now, look at me…”

After casting her enchantment one by one while asking questions, it became clear that Dao King Byeokji-sang had not lied at all and had spoken the truth entirely. She truly knew almost nothing about Dongbang Mu-gyeol and seemed inclined to join us.

“Personal debts… so she’s absolutely unwilling to disclose that.”

The Enchantment Technique couldn’t uncover everything. It was impossible to pry out the contents that she firmly resisted and closed her heart to. After finishing the interrogation, Miho said,

“It seems there’s no problem with her.”

“That’s good. Having another master is always beneficial.”

“So where are we headed next?”

“To Geuk Ho.”

I led the unconscious Dao King Byeokji-sang toward Mangnyang and then, alongside Miho, we headed to Guanzhong, where Geuk Ho was located. Upon our arrival in Guanzhong, Miho and I stopped by an inn for a meal. While Miho slurped up some noodles, she asked,

Baek Woong, how much do you plan to explain to Geuk Ho?”

Miho’s question was crucial. I believed I could share everything with Mangnyang and Miho, including details about my past life, as I considered them complete comrades. However, Geuk Ho was a neutral figure, and I had no established trust with him at all. Just revealing that [I experimented on transferring Myeonhon-bo from Dongyoung to the swordsman] would likely have me treated as a scoundrel.

I pondered for a moment before replying to Miho,

Miho, lend me a hand.”


I responded confidently,

“With my beauty trick.”

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