Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 160

Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors

After a short while, we seated Dongbang Mu-gyeol at a large table, surrounded by the masters of the Thunder God Lineage. It was true that Dongbang Mu-gyeol was a prominent figure known across the realm, and it was also true that we had forcibly brought him here. So, Lee Kwang bowed politely and said,

“Nice to meet you. I am Lee Kwang.”

“It seems I’m meeting the Azure Dragon who once shook the Shengxi Wu Lin.”

“I’m also pleased to meet a figure of such renown.”

After exchanging light pleasantries, Dongbang Mu-gyeol spoke up,

“Where shall I start?”

“Of course, from everything.”

“Are you asking me to show my sincerity?”

“That’s right, isn’t it?”

Though Lee Kwang spoke politely, there was an underlying sharpness to his tone. It seemed he was putting on a façade, hinting that the atmosphere could shift dangerously at any moment. Treating Lee Kwang as if he were just some ordinary scholar would be the biggest blunder anyone could make. Understanding Lee Kwang‘s true intentions, Dongbang Mu-gyeol offered a wry smile.

“Very well. I’ll begin by telling you how I got involved with the White Lotus Sect.”

Everyone in the room focused their attention on him.

“This story begins about several decades ago. It was likely after your Thunder God Lineage was expelled. I was wandering around, calling the world too small, and became curious about the White Lotus Sect, visiting their main hall.

At that time, I considered joining the White Lotus Sect, but it had an air that was quite unwelcoming to outsiders. So, I thought I’d just look around as a guest and leave, but the Master of the White Lotus Sect called for me.”

“The Master of the White Lotus Sect?”

“He asked me to search for the Dragon Flower Tree.”

At those words, Lee Kwang paused for a moment before responding.

“Isn’t the Dragon Flower Tree the legendary tree from Buddhism where the Maitreya is said to be born?”


“If you’re joking with me, you won’t escape unscathed.”


Lee Kwang emanated a chilling aura, his deadly intent making even the disciples of the Thunder God Lineage sitting around flinch. Dongbang Mu-gyeol, despite having his powers suppressed, turned pale upon feeling that presence but soon composed himself and said,

“I can stake my name on this: the Master did indeed ask me to find the Dragon Flower Tree.”


“The tree where the Maitreya will descend is indeed the one.”


The Maitreya is the future Buddha in Buddhism. According to legend, after Shakyamuni entered Nirvana, he will be reborn after 56 billion 7 million years. Until then, it is said that the Maitreya resides in Tushita Heaven to guide sentient beings. Because of this, he is often referred to as both a bodhisattva and a Buddha.

However, with the immense timeframe of 56 billion 7 million years, the Dragon Flower Tree became more a symbol of myth than a real entity. Temples honoring Buddhism might build shrines to the Dragon Flower Tree or the Maitreya, but even the highest monks cannot definitively claim the tree’s existence.

Yet, for the Master of the White Lotus Sect, the supreme figure of the Shengxi Wu Lin, to be asking for the Dragon Flower Tree!

Lee Kwang calmed his deadly aura, seemingly willing to listen for the moment.

“So what did you say in response?”

“Of course, I said I would help. The Master assured me with his name that [the Dragon Flower Tree exists].”


“From that day forward, I obtained the right to enter and exit the White Lotus Sect freely and was able to have at least casual conversations with the Protectors. Thus, I traveled the world in search of Dragon Flower Tree.”

Lee Kwang, along with the rest of us, could only sit there in silence. It appeared Lee Kwang was deeply unsettled by the fact that the Master of the White Lotus Sect was so confident about the existence of the Dragon Flower Tree. After quietly listening for a while, Lee Kwang responded,

“The Dragon Flower Tree exists in the Central Plains. It’s not an imaginary tree. Did you really venture all the way to the Southern Kingdom to find it?”

A chuckle escaped Dongbang Mu-gyeol.

“Do you think I wouldn’t know that? Sure, the species of the Dragon Flower Tree isn’t common, but you can see it here and there in the Central Plains. However, what the Master referred to as the Dragon Flower Tree is the original variety that holds the divine powers allowing the Maitreya to descend. It’s also the place where the divine being known as the Buddha can manifest.”

“Divine power? Are you saying that the Master of the White Lotus Sect believes in such superstitions?”

“Don’t debate with me. I merely believe what the Master, the best in the world, confirmed.”

Lee Kwang, along with the other masters of the Thunder God Lineage, looked perplexed. Since I was accustomed to myths, sorcery, and the existence of extraordinary beings, I wasn’t shocked at all. Given that the Master of the White Lotus Sect was the best in the world, I believed there had to be connections with transcendent beings.

Dongbang Mu-gyeol continued,

“So I searched all over the Central Plains, delving into myths and legends, but I couldn’t find anything. Then, all of a sudden, a messenger from the White Lotus Sect came to summon me to cure the illness of their Young Master.”

“I see, so the Four Great Leaders gathered in one place.”

“Yes. The others also claimed a certain level of medical knowledge, so they were confident they could handle any ailment in the world. However, that illness had a different quality. It didn’t seem like an illness from this world.”

With a sigh, Dongbang Mu-gyeol said,

“The rest, as you all know, wrapped up with the Four Great Leaders facing the hostility of the Central Plains. However, unlike the others, I realized the illness was a result of sorcery or a curse and had a discussion with the Master of the White Lotus Sect.”

“What did the Master say?”

“The Master suggested that unless we obtain pure Holy Lotus or the Dragon Flower Tree, or eliminate the source of the curse, there was nothing we could do.”

As Lee Kwang listened, he crossed his arms, looking skeptical.

“Then why on earth did they call the Four Great Leaders in the first place?”

“Perhaps it was out of hopeful optimism. After all, could there not be a way to treat it using medical skills? Yet, the results were evidently predetermined.”

“I see… so you then resolved to seek the Dragon Flower Tree and decided to travel to Tianzhu.”

“That’s correct.”

“Why did you stop by the Southern Kingdom along the way?”

Dongbang Mu-gyeol shrugged.

“Though not as significant as Tianzhu, many countries in the Southern Kingdom are deeply intertwined with Buddhist myths. Since I had decided to search for the Dragon Flower Tree, I figured I should explore thoroughly.”

Lee Kwang’s eyes sharpened.

“You found something that could solve the illness, didn’t you? So you returned to the Central Plains.”

“That’s right. However, I didn’t find it right away.”

“What is that solution?”

Before answering Lee Kwang’s question, Dongbang Mu-gyeol replied,

“I would like to ask you something first.”

“Go ahead.”

“What’s with that kid?”

Dongbang Mu-gyeol‘s gaze shifted directly to me. As all eyes turned my way, Dongbang Mu-gyeol looked at me as if he were observing something extraordinarily bizarre.

“Such remarkable items like the Golden Amulet and the Protection Ring! Whether they’re artifacts of magic depends on their capabilities. Besides, the level of your martial arts isn’t believable for someone your age. What exactly is this Baek Woong kid’s identity?”


After a moment of silence, Lee Kwang finally responded,

Baek Woong is a disciple of the Thunder God Lineage. That is the only fact that matters to me.”

“Aren’t you curious about the origins of that peculiar item?”


Lee Kwang glanced at me and suddenly asked,

Baek Woong, where did you obtain the Golden Amulet and the Protection Ring?”

Though it seemed simple, it was a challenging question to answer. However, since I was planning to unite all the masters of the Thunder God Lineage with the Banchen Alliance, I thought the timing was just right. So I answered slowly,

“I acquired them after defeating a pirate.”

“A pirate?”

“I personally took down the Blood Sword Clan, which was controlling the trade routes to Goryeo.”

Then, I casually mentioned that I received the Golden Amulet and the Protection Ring from the Blood Sword Clan’s base. Of course, I actually obtained the Protection Ring from the Great Deity Jade, where General Hwangyan was imprisoned, but revealing that part of the tale would’ve led to involvements with General Hwangyan or the Banchen Alliance, so I kept that to myself. I also shared how I utilized my knowledge about the effectiveness of the Golden Amulet and the Protection Ring to help others, prompting Lee Kwang to express his admiration.

“You truly exhibit the spirit of a Hero. To help others so selflessly without expecting anything in return!”

“Flattery won’t get you anywhere.”

As I answered, an odd feeling washed over me. Lee Kwang, along with Jin So-cheong and Geuk Ho, gazed at me with sincere admiration. It was clear they weren’t lost in the excitement of my adventure stories but were genuinely awed by my sense of justice.

‘What’s this? Have I really done something so noble?’

I had learned from Mungryang that such deeds were commonplace. So I didn’t particularly feel proud or boastful. While I pondered these thoughts, Lee Kwang asked,

“Then why didn’t you mention acquiring such items to me?”

“There wasn’t an appropriate opportunity to bring it up.”

“Hmm… let’s discuss that later. For now, understood.”


Lee Kwang decided to put that matter aside and turned his attention back to Dongbang Mu-gyeol.

“As I’ve heard, this kid is exceptional and was merely doing what needed to be done. We shouldn’t doubt that he’s a disciple of the Thunder God Lineage.”


Dongbang Mu-gyeol glanced at me with a somewhat complicated expression before saying,

“In any case, I found a solution in the Southern Kingdom. With the help of the Black Prince, Naresyun, I accessed the ancient library in the Southern Kingdom, where I discovered the location of the Dragon Flower Tree and the legend of the Seven Luminaries.”

“You speak the language of the Southern Kingdom?”

“I didn’t reach this age for nothing. I can speak the languages of all seven surrounding countries.”


While they continued their conversation, I was taken aback by the mention of the Seven Luminaries!

Why would the Seven Luminaries even come up here? I sharpened my focus on their dialogue as Dongbang Mu-gyeol continued,

“The Dragon Flower Tree is said to be a being that waits for a myriad of eons, warming its seeds by the radiant light of the Fire Planet. Thus, if we find where the secret of the Fire Planet is hidden, we might also acquire the Dragon Flower Tree.”

“So where is it?”


After a moment of hesitation, Dongbang Mu-gyeol replied,

“Well, how should I put this… it’s really, really far away.”

“So where?”

“If you go further south from the Southern Kingdom, you’ll reach the southern archipelago. Then, further down, you’ll find the Great Ocean. Travel several thousand li to the south from there, and you’ll come across the legendary continent where Shennong was said to have lost to the emperor and been exiled.”



The room fell into silence. Typically, even the Southern Kingdom or Tianzhu would be perceived as far-off places, but the locations Dongbang Mu-gyeol mentioned were nothing short of fantasy, bordering on the edge of the world. I could sense Lee Kwang becoming slightly irritated.

“Are you seriously trying to mock me?”

“Damn it! I didn’t want to say any of this! Who would believe me except the Master of the White Lotus Sect? But I’m telling you this all based on my own thorough investigation!”

Cough cough…

Lee Kwang cleared his throat uncomfortably. It seemed he had caught the vibe that Dongbang Mu-gyeol was speaking the “truth.” At that moment, Jin So-cheong, who had been quietly listening, raised his hand and asked,

“Were you planning to go to the White Lotus Sect in Gansu and tell them about this? Ultimately, what you’ve discovered is that going to the southernmost tip of the world is needed, but isn’t that a bit insufficient?”

Upon hearing that, Dongbang Mu-gyeol had a slightly guilty expression. He nodded.

“Indeed, that’s true. So I gathered another piece of information from a different legend.”

“What is it?”

“It’s about where the pure Primordial Holy Lotus can be found!”

Lee Kwang interjected,

“Isn’t the Holy Lotus an elixir cultivated only by the White Lotus Sect? What difference does it make if it’s pure?”

“Hmm… You see, the current Holy Lotus of the White Lotus Sect has lost its divine quality from the original strain to make it easier for cultivation. If we get our hands on the pure Primordial Holy Lotus, we should be able to cure the Young Master’s ailments, while the current Holy Lotus is merely a medicinal brew to bolster internal strength.”

Taking a brief pause, Dongbang Mu-gyeol’s eyes sparkled.

“According to what I discovered in the ancient library of the Southern Kingdom, the pure Primordial Holy Lotus exists as Black and White Lotus blooming near the ruins of the Water Planet! The ruins of the Water Planet must be somewhere in the Central Plains; if we find it, we can surely cure the Young Master’s illness with the pure Black and White Lotus.”

Upon hearing that, Lee Kwang nodded in admiration.

“Impressive… If your words are true, then this information is worth countless riches.”


“So… where is the ruins of the Water Planet?”

Then Dongbang Mu-gyeol looked a bit flustered.

“Uh, well… I don’t know either. All I have is a clue left by Xu You, who left evidence of his water control in the primordial age. But as for where that is, I’m not sure…”

“Hmm. Understood.”

They seemed to be wrapping up their discussions, yet I found it hard to resist the urge to speak. I struggled to contain my laughter. Internally, I yelled,

‘So that’s why!’

The reason why the Black and White Lotus from Goryeo had flowed into the White Lotus Sect, causing it to thrive.

And the reason the Protectors had come all the way to Goryeo searching for the Black and White Lotus.

The threads of karma experienced in my tenth life were finally unraveling in my fourteenth life!

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