Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 171

Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors

We moved to the village where Mangnyang’s master resided at Mangnyang’s request. Of course, Cheonam Biseo didn’t forget to bury it in the pine forest. As we entered the village, Cheon Woo-jin looked at us and asked,

“What brings you here this time?”

“I have something urgent to discuss with my master,” Mangnyang replied.

“And those people?”

When Cheon Woo-jin glanced at us, Jin So-cheong introduced himself.

“I am Jin So-cheong of the Thunder Gods. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Hmm, another martial artist,” Cheon Woo-jin murmured in a rather unfriendly tone. He continued,

“Best behave and take your leave. It seems my master has many concerns lately.”

“What do you mean, disciple?” Mangnyang inquired. Cheon Woo-jin sighed.

“The Overlord’s Star has shifted. Didn’t your senior read the heavenly signs?”

“I’ve been too busy lately to check the signs.”

“With the constellation in upheaval, I expect a great being to stir soon. Even the Heavenly Realm is closely watching, so it appears many requests will come to my master, Protector.”

“Hmm… I see.”

I was eavesdropping on their conversation and became curious, asking Cheon Woo-jin,

“What is this Overlord’s Star?”

He shot me a glance but eventually explained.

“You know that constellations consist of 3 Principal Stars and 28 Lodges. These stars have fluctuated throughout history, and among them is a peculiar star that helps balance the North Star. This star is called the Overlord’s Star in astronomy, and its movements indicate great changes in the world.”

“Really? I had no idea…”

It seemed Mangnyang wanted to avoid discussing it further, urgently prodding me to leave.

“We should hurry. Time is of the essence.”

We followed Mangnyang to the shrine where Mangnyang’s master was honored. After a moment, Mangnyang glanced at me and said,

“Please take out the Crystal Stele and the Spirit Bodies.”

“Huh? I could do that, but won’t it be dangerous with the Alchemist’s tracking techniques if I bring these out?”

“Trust me, just do it.”


Following Mangnyang’s command, I retrieved the Crystal Stele and Spirit Bodies from my bag. The three Spirit Bodies lined up under the enormous Crystal Stele. Jin So-cheong, watching from the side, was taken aback, exclaiming,

“What is all this? Who are these people…?”

“I’ll explain in a bit. For now, let’s follow Mangnyang’s wishes.”


Mangnyang carefully examined the Crystal Stele and Spirit Bodies, then stepped forward towards the shrine and bowed politely, saying,

“Master, your disciple Mangnyang seeks your guidance. Today, I come with a significant question.”

There was only silence.

It was as if the existence of Mangnyang’s master had never been acknowledged, an oppressive stillness enveloping the area. Mangnyang, undeterred by the silence, continued,

“I know you are aware that Baek Woong’s reincarnation raises many questions and that you are reluctant to reveal yourself due to these discrepancies. I’ve come to understand through the tales of Baek Woong’s past lives.

But if he is cursed, will merely avoiding him resolve anything? He possesses a heart and will for justice. That’s why I am willing to align my fate with Baek Woong and risk my life. Did you not always say that facing challenges head-on is the path of a sorcerer?”

Having said that, Mangnyang still received no response.

He sighed deeply and declared,

“If that is the case, I shall take my chances. Here I present the Crystal Stele and Spirit Bodies capable of creating the Philosopher’s Stone as offerings. In return, I ask my master to help clarify my doubts.”


I was taken aback.

I had previously mentioned that if there was no time to research the Crystal Stele and Spirit Bodies, I might as well offer them up. But to think that Mangnyang would offer them right here to Mangnyang’s master? Then, something unbelievable happened shortly after.


Suddenly, the massive Crystal Stele disintegrated from above, turning to dust. In the blink of an eye, the three Spirit Bodies also got sucked into a bizarre distortion of space and vanished completely.

The scene was akin to a bizarre offering being devoured.

As I watched this strange spectacle in silence, a deep voice echoed through the space.

[My human disciple, Mangnyang. Indeed, the secrets of the world you seek weigh heavily; this offering makes me ponder whether to provide them. To be honest, I would need at least a hundred human lives to keep the balance.]

This voice was entirely different from the previous one.

However, we instinctively recognized it belonged to Mangnyang’s master. The moment we heard that voice, Mangnyang’s expression brightened. A moment later, Mangnyang’s master spoke again.

[Considering that you are my disciple, I will deem this offering sufficient. You need not worry about the karma that follows.]

“Thank you, Master.”

[Speak your question.]

His tone was peculiar, as if Mangnyang already knew what he would ask.

Mangnyang opened his mouth.

“Is the history of the Central Plains distorted by the ancient ruler, the Non-Birth Mother?”

[It is indeed true.]

Upon hearing this, both Mangnyang and I were taken aback.

Could it be that the Divine Being of the White Lotus Sect, the Non-Birth Mother, was indeed the ancient ruler who changed the history of this world?! Mangnyang’s master added with a hint of scorn,

[The history of the Central Plains has shifted due to the White Lotus Sect, and even the histories of Goryeo and Dongyoung have changed. Even the distant histories of the Western Regions have been altered…]

“Then should the White Lotus Sect also be considered a force of the ‘ancient ruler’?”

[Not exactly.]

Mangnyang’s master took a pause before elaborating.

[You all might not know this, but the ‘ancient rulers’ are not on equal footing. There exists a clear hierarchy and even significant gaps between them. The Non-Birth Mother is a powerful entity, yet she has little interest in the Human Realm. That entity is an Outer Deity.]

“What is an Outer Deity?”

[An existence so supreme that even the ancient rulers worship and revere it as a god. Simply put, they have no interest in humanity.]


Suddenly, a pitch-black cat appeared in the chamber. It was the manifestation of Mangnyang’s master that I had only ever seen in dreamland. Seemingly too lazy to speak himself, he sent his avatar to relay his words. The cat said,

[The founder of the White Lotus Sect was a monk who mastered the teachings of Buddhism. During the Mandang Era, as humanity fell into corruption and despair, he despaired himself. He searched desperately for an existence that transcended human power and resolved to bring this world to Nirvana using that being’s strength by establishing the White Lotus Sect.

It is thanks to the teachings derived from the Outer Deity, the Non-Birth Mother.

Thus, the existence they revere, the Non-Birth Mother, might not even be aware of the White Lotus Sect in the Human Realm. Being a being with no need for worship, they simply grant magical blessings and protection since humans call out in desperation. Such a thing cannot be termed a force.]

As I listened to his words, confusion filled my mind, and I asked,

“Wait, that seems odd.”

[What seems odd?]

“The ancient rulers usually require offerings of human flesh or souls to grant their fickle power, right? So why does the Non-Birth Mother grant power to the White Lotus Sect seemingly without any compensation?”

The cat tilted its head thoughtfully and replied,

[That is indeed strange. Why would that existence care?]

“What do you mean?”

[The being humans refer to as the Non-Birth Mother possesses power to obliterate the three thousand worlds with just a single curse from the center of the Universe. Though the ancient rulers have their limits, she does not. Her power is infinite, rendering mere offerings trivial distractions.]


Mangnyang shuddered, his face revealing a rare expression of ‘fear.’ He trembled, stuttering,

“Could it be that Master… that being is the one you mentioned before…”

[Indeed. It is ‘that’ being.]

“What a shock… just as I feared…”

Mangnyang wore a solemn expression, and the cat approached him as if to comfort him. It rubbed its palm against the hem of Mangnyang’s robe, saying,

[Don’t worry. That being is oblivious to this world. It merely sleeps in chaos. The White Lotus Sect does not directly embrace that entity’s powers; they simply use tiny fragments of those powers without understanding them. Your concern seems excessively premature.]

“Really…? Thank you.”

Mangnyang breathed a sigh of relief.

[However, there is some merit in your concern. Should the first teachings left by the founder of the White Lotus Sect be comprehended in their entirety, obtaining the full power of the Outer Deity would pose a serious danger.

Though that being also founded the Zen school, the teachings of the Non-Birth Mother must have scattered across various forms of Buddhism in this world. So, at least for a thousand years, we shouldn’t have to worry.]

I chimed in with a question,

“What do you mean by danger? Would reciting the complete scriptures of the Non-Birth Mother summon the Outer Deity?”

[No, it would mean the end.]

“What do you mean by the end?”

[Simply put, everything would end. There’d be no need to ponder further.]


I was astonished.

Could it be that the deity revered by the White Lotus Sect, the Non-Birth Mother, was such a dangerous existence?!

‘But then again, the manner he speaks about it makes it sound daunting, yet strangely distant…’

It seemed that Mangnyang had a rough idea of what the Non-Birth Mother was. Perhaps he considered it a significant secret, prompting him to make such an offering to learn.

The cat, as Mangnyang’s manifestation, leaped atop the shrine and said,

[By the way, it’s been a while, Miho. How are things going on your end?]


At that moment, the figure of a beautiful woman transformed from the jade pendant around my neck. Miho gazed at the cat and spoke in an irritated tone,

“Mangnyang Master! Mind your own business. What have you ever done for me to meddle like that?”

[That’s true, but I can’t help but worry about that cute little fox in the Heavenly Realm.]

“Hmph! What a cheeky old man…”

Miho maintained a haughty expression but seemed to let it slide. Crossing her arms, she said,

“Hey! Since we’re on this topic, why not do something generous?”

[What do you mean?]

“You know that Spirit Body—whatever it is—can create the Philosopher’s Stone, the ultimate alchemy, right? Are you just going to drop one piece of information and call it quits? If you love your disciple, why not offer more substantial help?”

I couldn’t believe it as I watched Miho boldly demand more from Mangnyang. Up till now, I’d perceived Mangnyang as a being surpassing the powers of protectors, and here he was, subjected to Miho’s brazen audacity? I couldn’t help but feel a chill run down my spine thinking he might face his 14th death right here!

However, the cat relaxed on the roof of the shrine and replied,

[If you had brought the genuine Philosopher’s Stone, I would have bestowed the blessings of broken heavens immediately. But merely having the method won’t suffice. While it’s indeed an excellent artifact, the offering is insufficient.]

“Whaaat?! You’re like a crazy guy who wouldn’t be intimidated even by the order of Jade Emperor unless you’re a high-ranking deity? You could ignore such trivial matters!”


As Miho spoke harshly, the cat appeared to contemplate for a moment. Then, it turned to Mangnyang and asked,

[Then, my disciple Mangnyang, I have two proposals for you, would you like to hear them?]

“Please command me, Master.”

Everyone in the place was taken aback by the following statement.

[You are destined to die soon.]

“That’s surprising.”

[Will you absorb the withered blessings and extend your life, or will you accept your fate and allow others to receive the blessings?]

Mangnyang’s imminent death was a shocking revelation!

What could this mean?

I nearly yelled out in disbelief.

“What the hell are you talking about! Why would Mangnyang die?!”

The cat’s form grew faint and appeared elsewhere. Being a mere illusion, I couldn’t catch it. The cat looked at me with emotionless eyes and stated,

[Mangnyang’s heavenly mandate already exceeds the age of seventy. But, as he has been caught up in the mandates of the White Lotus Sect and your fate, his remaining time has drastically diminished. He will meet his demise within the next two years.]


Mangnyang’s master dealt a harsh blow with his words.

[It seems this will continue as long as you stay with him.]

Upon hearing that, I was left speechless.

‘Could it be that by pulling Mangnyang into my life, I’verendered him unable to enjoy his heavenly mandate?’

It was entirely plausible. Our actions in defiance of the White Lotus Sect, the martial world, and even the Imperial Palace surely bore immense risks. While I may have a fleeting life, Mangnyang also stood to lose a great deal. However, receiving a death sentence from such a powerful being as Mangnyang’s master carried a weight of its own.

Just then, Mangnyang spoke,

“Master, I choose the latter.”


I was about to protest when Jin So-cheong silently blocked my mouth, stopping me dead in my tracks.

Then, Mangnyang’s master continued,

[Are you absolutely sure about that?]


[If you were to abandon Baek Woong right now and seek another master, you could live to see your natural lifespan and freely wield your talents as a strategist. Yet you prefer this path?]

“Of course. I’ve made my choice, so please don’t hesitate.”

[…Very well.]


[I’ve bestowed the blessings of broken heavens. I hope it aids you well.]

With that, Mangnyang’s master vanished.

I stood there dumbfounded, looking at the spot where he had been.

Mangnyang wiped the sweat from his brow.

“Uh, it’s hot.”

I gazed at him speechlessly.

“What… why…?”

The revelation of Mangnyang’s life expectancy was too shocking for me to process. I locked eyes with Jin So-cheong, gritting my teeth in frustration.

“Senior! Why did you stop me?!”

The roar of a lion echoed.

If Jin So-cheong hadn’t restrained me at that moment, I surely would have jumped in to cancel everything and ask for Mangnyang’s life to be extended instead. But because of him, I was held back, unable to do a thing. Jin So-cheong spoke gravely,

“He asked me to stop you through a mental relay.”


“That’s right. I asked Jin So-cheong to stop you.”

Mangnyang spoke calmly, causing me to falter in confusion.

“But why not just extend your life? What does it matter if there are no blessings? What does it even matter?! You’re the only one who should be fine!”

Damn the blessings of Mangnyang’s master! I couldn’t bear to think of how Mangnyang would meet his end.

If Mangnyang were alive to help me, that would hold real significance!

I felt like I was spitting blood as I shouted,

“Why are you so nonchalant about your own death…”

Mangnyang pressed his temples with the emblem of the Seven Star Banner and replied,

“Well, it’s because I’m with you.”


“If I were to fearlessly fret about death, how could I ever gain your trust, someone who continuously faces death? That’s all there is to it.”


Mangnyang brushed my hand away and calmly said,

“There’s no guarantee I will certainly die. The heavenly mandate is fluid and variable. In the future, if I make the right offerings, I could extend my life again. After all, there are methods at Dongyoung such as the Tai Mountain Technique. Isn’t that right, Miho?”

Miho nodded when Mangnyang pointed at her.


Mangnyang laughed heartily.

“See? That’s how it is.”

“That’s how it is?”

Mangnyang firmly grasped my hand.

“Of course! Our priority is not to waste time whining, but to prepare ourselves for victory!”


Upon hearing Mangnyang’s words, I felt rejuvenated.

If that’s the case, then things could change!

Using the blessings of broken heavens to foster advantageous developments ahead while searching for the artifacts or laws that could extend Mangnyang’s life— that was the plan!

And so, with the blessings of broken heavens, we headed back to Jinlang Path.

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