Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 185

Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors

Mangnyang‘s choice was to ‘send a Lion.’ Although the Alchemist had fallen, Zhuge Fu‘s barrier remained a potent threat, leading to the decision to probe Zhuge Fu‘s intentions first. Approximately an hour later, the Lion returned.

The Lion dismounted and staggered into Mangnyang‘s tent, suddenly rolling its eyes back in a haunting manner. A somber voice emanated from the Lion’s throat.

[Do you truly believe you have seized power?]

“Why would I have any doubts?”

It appeared Zhuge Fu was using the Lion’s body to convey his thoughts from a distance, likely a type of sorcery. After a moment of silence, Zhuge Fu spoke again.

[Though I don’t know how you managed to steal the ancestral spirit, that was a grave mistake. You have touched the Reverse Scale.]

“Reverse Scale, you say? Who’s a dragon here? You? Well, I suppose you are known as the Human Dragon.”

As Mangnyang replied nonchalantly, Zhuge Fu retorted.

[In this world, there exist horrifying truths beyond human imagination. What you’ve done has drawn the attention of the true ruler of that truth. Henceforth, even I cannot predict how the situation will unfold.]

Mangnyang‘s complexion changed.

“Are you implying that the Old Ruler is directly involved?”

[That seems unlikely. But soon, you shall bear the consequences of your actions.]


[Out of kinship, I am warning you in advance, Hyun-ah. I will seek my own survival, so find a place for yourself to live.]


A moment later, the Lion swayed, regaining its color as its eyes returned to normal, indicating it was likely a form of possession or spirit summoning. Mangnyang sent the Lion away and immediately sought out General Hwang Yeon with the elites of the Thunder God Lineage.

Mangnyang bowed before General Hwang Yeon, saying,

“General, we must retreat to Eunsa as well.”

“To Eunsa? Does that even make sense?”

General Hwang Yeon wore a baffled expression. They were now on the verge of capturing the Luoyang Castle with a grand army—Eunsa was a crucial location over a hundred li away. Retreating while they could seize the Emperor was akin to throwing away a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, leaving Hwang Yeon flustered.

However, Mangnyang spoke with utmost seriousness.

“We’ve done all we can with human effort. However, now it’s the time for Heaven’s power to intervene; we must avoid disaster as much as possible. Please consider that.”

“But, Mangnyang, pulling back to Eunsa would give the Emperor time to regroup and escape. Are you asking me to accept that?”

“That’s no longer the critical issue. If mythical beings begin to act, any human army is practically insignificant. There’s a risk of irreversible damage.”

General Hwang Yeon pondered for a long while before shaking his head.

“I cannot accept that.”


“I trust you, but this is a matter I cannot concede. The defending forces around Luoyang barely number three to four thousand; with just half a day of siege, it would fall into our hands. We can discuss this after securing the Emperor’s safety.”

“No! That’s the worst possible choice…”

General Hwang Yeon glanced at Lee Kwang beside him.

Lee Kwang, you owe me a debt.”

At that moment, Lee Kwang’s face turned ashen. Yet, he quickly regained composure and responded.


“You’ll repay that debt now. Bind Mangnyang and have him step back from his military position.”



At that moment, I darted in, blocking Mangnyang‘s path. I spread my hands protectively and took a few steps back, glaring at the elites of the Thunder God Lineage.

“Master Lee Kwang! You promised to share fate with the Ban Cheon Alliance, didn’t you? Please trust Mangnyang to the end!”


Lee Kwang grasped his spear tightly in silence. After a moment, he said,

“I owe my life to General Hwang Yeon. And whenever I’m called upon to repay that life, I must comply.”

“Are you insane…? Master, you know which side is right, don’t you?! Mangnyang has never made a wrong choice!”


Lee Kwang glared at me coldly.

“Soldiers must obey military orders. If you do not step back, I will cut you down.”

I gritted my teeth. As I subtly reached for my Violet Flame, Lee Kwang’s imposing presence stalled my movements. Though he lacked actual coercive power, if I touched the Violet Flame, I’d soon be under a storm of attacks.

Lee Kwang’s voice echoed in my mind.

[You lot should yield. Even I think retreating to Eunsa is a foolish act. General Hwang Yeon is risking it all in this lifetime, you shouldn’t ruin that.]

Lee Kwang too understood the validity of Mangnyang‘s words. He knew that if mythical beings involved themselves, great chaos would ensue. Nevertheless, as a warrior, he felt compelled to repay his past debts, convincing himself in the process. I couldn’t help but feel exasperated.

‘Why live so complicatedly?’

But it wasn’t the time to argue. I had no choice but to bolster my resolve to wield the sword.

“Master, if it comes to death regardless, then I’d rather choose mutual destruction.”


At that moment, my latent power surged, shaking the tent. Jin So-cheong, Lee Kwang, Jeok Wol, and Nok Wol froze momentarily at my released energy. Now fully unleashed, the level of my power was beyond human limits. Feeling this change in my mana, Jeok Wol wore an expression of shock.

“How on earth did you amass such power?”

Lee Kwang replied curtly.

“A fight isn’t just fought with power; if you think you can end in mutual annihilation with our abilities, you are mistaken.”

“…Of course. But, I really can.”

I was confident. If I utilized the White Tiger Seal alongside the Heaven’s Wrath, and found an opening for the Great Destruction, my combat power would multiply several times over. In that moment, I felt I could take down even the elites around me. When Lee Kwang noticed the determination in my voice, his eyebrows twitched.

At that moment, Mangnyang let out a sigh from behind me.

“I understand. I concede, bind me then.”


Mangnyang sent me a message.

[If this is an unavoidable flow, I have no choice but to follow.]


[You’ll end up seeking me out again soon. Do not worry.]

I lowered my sword and quelled my fighting spirit. The surrounding soldiers soon rushed in, tying up both me and Mangnyang with ropes. Before long, we were confined in a dim temporary supply tent.


As the door to the temporary supply tent closed, Guk Ho ignited a torch. Once the flame flickered to life, Guk Ho secured it against the wall and sat before us, taking on the role of our guard.

Guk Ho said,

“Don’t worry, I have no intention of harming you. Just a disagreement, that’s all.”

“I think the same.”

Mangnyang responded in an unbothered tone before continuing.

Guk Ho, if a disturbance breaks out outside, please release us. I ask this of you.”

“Sorry, but the disciples of the Thunder God Lineage must all follow military orders; I cannot release you until either Master Lee Kwang or General Hwang Yeon arrive.”

“I will trust your judgment.”

Guk Ho only chuckled. Though he appeared carefree and capricious, he was sharp-minded, calm, and had strong willpower, making him the right choice for the guard post.

Guk Ho added,

“By the way, don’t even think about using that Violet Flame to escape.”

“Why, elder brother?”

“If you attempt to use it, I may not be able to stop you with my skill, but you won’t ever regain our trust again.”

“What’s the point when trust is already shattered?”

“Shattered, you say? If it had, I’d have sent someone like Jin So-cheong to join you.”


“Because I still believe you are on our side, I’ll let you off with mere confinement. Otherwise, I would have killed you both on the spot.”

“What does it matter?”

Annoyed, I replied curtly. Guk Ho widened his eyes.

“Don’t provoke me for no reason. My patience isn’t all that strong.”


With him pushing my buttons this much, I had no choice but to remain compliant. Guk Ho, being a disciple of the Thunder God Lineage, bore an inner turmoil, so one wrong move could lead to significant trouble.

Bound, we began to wait. I inquired of Mangnyang mentally.

[Mangnyang, what did Zhuge Fu mean earlier?]

[Zhuge Fu has fled. The barrier protecting the palace has likely vanished.]

[Why did he flee…?]

[It means that a being powerful enough to easily kill him has appeared in Luoyang. Moreover, that being will soon assail our army.]

[No matter how powerful, that’s still over a hundred thousand soldiers…]

[I too have no idea what kind of being may come. We can only leave it to fate.]

About half a day passed. Guk Ho, as a supreme guardian, remained calm and still, leaning against the wall. As Guk Ho said, I could easily escape using the Violet Flame at any moment, but Mangnyang seemed to harbor no desire for freedom. I too had no choice but to restrain myself.

Then it happened.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A sound erupted outside, indicating something was happening. Guk Ho sensed the unusual and leapt up.

“Wait here a moment.”

He dashed outside, and shortly after, he re-entered the tent. He swiftly swung his spear, slicing the ropes binding us, and tossed a sword to me.

“Quick! We have to go! Big trouble is brewing! We must see General Hwang Yeon!”

“What’s happening?”

Guk Ho gritted his teeth.

“You were right, something strange has appeared!!”


Everywhere seemed engulfed in a vibrant blue mist. Visibility was barely a few meters, and the fog felt alive, swirling about. Yet even in this eerie atmosphere, Guk Ho maintained his bearings, guiding us to General Hwang Yeon’s tent.

Inside General Hwang Yeon‘s tent, the general and the elites of the Thunder God Lineage had gathered. General Hwang Yeon, pale-faced, spoke.

Mangnyang, a monster has appeared at Luoyang, leaving our forces paralyzed.”

Mangnyang sighed, replying,

“What’s the damage report?”

“We’ve already lost over ten thousand lives. I’ve issued a retreat order, but the strange mist prevents the command from being relayed properly…”

“What kind of monster is this?”

“It’s… an Earth Soldier.”

“Excuse me?”

“Soldiers made of earth are relentlessly rising as if they were undead to attack us, and a white, foamy creature seems to be controlling them…”

“A white, foamy creature.”

Mangnyang muttered, and then added,

“It seems we’ll soon be trapped in the fog as hundreds of thousands of our men are obliterated.”

“What on earth is that?”

“A mythical being… I presume.”

Mangnyang continued, his expression twisted in despair.

“The survival rate is a mere 30%… Prepare yourselves mentally.”

Looking around, Mangnyang then said to the elite members of the Thunder God Lineage,

“Fighting against this monster is tantamount to suicide. We must issue commands to various divisions to manage the situation now. But I must stress, while fleeing from the Earth Soldiers is feasible, never engage that white, foamy creature; we must escape that at all costs.”

The Dharma Protectors, Jeok Wol and Nok Wol, spoke dismissively.

“Flee, you say?”

“Without even trying to fight?”

Mangnyang declared matter-of-factly,

“If the sect leader is beyond the mist, what will you do?”

“Well, we’d run.”

“That’s the answer.”


“Fighting against an ancient being is impossible for humans, so recklessness is out of the question.”


Jeok Wol and Nok Wol’s eyes brimmed with dissatisfaction. After all, as absolute masters who didn’t fall short even compared to Lee Kwang, the thought of running away from an unknown monster was likely distasteful.

After a moment, the disciples of the Thunder God Lineage dispersed to lead the remaining soldiers while protecting their leaders. I stepped outside, wandering through the mist until I stumbled upon a location thick with Blood Mist. Moving closer, I was met with a horrific sight.

Drip, drip, drip!



[Ugh… Gok…]

Earth Soldiers, the monsters made of soil, stabbed corpses with their swords. They greedily drank the blood spewing from the corpses. Some were even using their hands to dig out and chew on the organs of the dead.


Others, not Earth Soldiers, were single-eyed tentacled monsters slowly slithering about, plunging their appendages into the cadavers. The bodies bled a yellowish liquid, from which worm-like tentacles began to sprout as if eruptions of fungi, slowly lifting the corpses with their threads.


Such brutality could drive an ordinary human mad upon sight. Yet, I observed calmly, realizing this scene resembled a human sacrifice—a grotesque banquet of beasts devouring men for their pleasure.

I lunged in, swinging my sword at the Earth Soldiers and tentacled monstrosities.




The Earth Soldiers appeared agile and powerful, yet they fell before my sword with ease. Far weaker than I expected, but undoubtedly, they would overpower ordinary soldiers. As I scanned for additional enemies, an unexpected boom! caught my attention.


Mi Ho suddenly transformed from the necklace shape into my view. She manifested in a half-human, half-fox form, the appearance she adopted when in partial combat mode. Mi Ho stared at me with a face filled with dread.

“Baek Woong! Stop and run!”

“What are you talking about?”

“Can’t you feel this terrifying demonic energy? If you hesitate much longer, there won’t be any time to escape!”

“What the…”

Mi Ho was genuinely scared. She darted her eyes nervously at the ominous fog.

“A chaotic Great Demon lurks beyond there! We must run now!”

“A Great Demon? Which one?”

“Ugh… No time to explain! Use the Violet Flame now!”

Seeing Mi Ho so terrified reminded me of that instance with the Moon Guardian. Being a sensitive creature with resistance to demonic influence, she seemed to sense something different from us humans. With no choice, I complied and summoned my Violet Flame.


In an instant, Mi Ho and I appeared before Mangnyang’s tent. Mangnyang was busy organizing documents when he looked at us.

“Is the situation that serious?”

“It’s already too late. We must flee.”


Our first priority was to regroup with the elites of the Thunder God Lineage. Mangnyang had likely implemented a hardship strategy to preserve as many survivors as possible, but now the elites of the Thunder God Lineage were at risk. Thankfully, they fought valiantly, exhibiting strong energy, allowing us to join them swiftly.

Once reunited with all except Jeok Wol and Nok Wol, Lee Kwang frowned, stating,

“It’s over. There were only corpses left.”

“That was fast…”

“Where are the Dharma Protectors…?”

At that moment, a horrific scream echoed.


The dreadful cry reverberated throughout the area. We all turned our heads toward the source of the scream. At the same time, a massive lightning strike and flames exploded, parting the mist, creating cracks that extended widely.


As the sounds subsided, we beheld an unbelievable sight before us.

Jeok Wol and Nok Wol, the elite Dharma Protectors recognized throughout the land! They hung lifeless, their hearts pierced by a new, luminous entity—a silvery figure. Although they still bled, indicating that they were clinging onto life, survival seemed impossible due to their grievous wounds.

Jeok Wol managed to muster his final strength to look toward us, shouting,

[Run…!! This being… is on a different level…!!]


Those were the last words of Jeok Wol. The ethereal silver tail flicked, and almost playfully, it pulled apart the forms of Jeok Wol and Nok Wol, scattering pieces of flesh through the air as crimson mists filled the space.

Flames ignited in Lee Kwang’s eyes. He gritted his teeth, gripping his spear tightly.

“That beast…!!”

Following Lee Kwang, Jin So-cheong stepped forward, equally enraged at the deaths of Jeok Wol and Nok Wol. Mangnyang shouted urgently,

“No! Calm down! You’ll die if you fight now!”

“Don’t even joke! We just need to take that beast down!”


The next moment, Lee Kwang and Jin So-cheong launched themselves toward the white, foamy creature. Lost in the mist, their figures soon extorted tremendous power, indicating they were engaged in combat against a formidable adversary.


As the thunder rolled, I felt a throb in my head.


It’s coming.

He is coming.

I sensed a force, Ye Dong-bin, attempting to descend upon me. Unlike before, this time Ye Dong-bin appeared remarkably cautious as he established a connection with my soul. I, in turn, endeavored to synchronize my mental waves with his.

Ye Dong-bin spoke to me.

[Your aura… I am Ye Dong-bin… I’ve vanquished countless demons, yet… this time, even I struggle to ascertain my odds of victory… Yet, will you entrust your body to me?]

[Swordsman, what exactly is that white, foamy entity?]

[It is not merely a foam being. It possesses an overwhelming demonic power that renders lower beings incapable of even observing its form.]


[Let me ask again. That enemy ranks among the most formidable I’ve encountered in my demon-hunting endeavors… Will you entrust your life to me?]

I hesitated.

‘If I go all out to fight, I could easily die, right?’

There’s precedence. The odds of my demise are not to be taken lightly. If Ye Dong-bin is pleading for permission, the danger must truly be beyond verbal understanding. Yet I felt that if I did nothing, I could sense Lee Kwang and Jin So-cheong might be tragically slain.

Though I might make peace with Lee Kwang, I definitely cannot allow Jin So-cheong to die. I clenched my jaw and responded resolutely.


[Very well… I shall vanquish that ancient… Absolute Demon King! Great Celestial Sovereign, lend me your strength!]



[This is the second stage of the Celestial Thunder Sword Technique… transcending belief to resonate with faith.]

Suddenly, thunder struck from the heavens, striking the sword I held aloft. Rather than pain or consciousness leaving me, I instead felt a surge of power course through my body. Apparently, Ye Dong-bin deployed a spell to alleviate the strength borrowed from the sky, flooding my being with energy.

‘Me’ transformed into a state of Ye Dong-bin‘s descent. He glanced at both Mangnyang and Mi Ho, then turned to Mi Ho and said,

[The Queen Mother instructed you to return to the Heavenly Realm.]

Mi Ho trembled, questioning.

“What do you mean?”

[You must disengage from this affair. If you do not, you’ll return to the Celestial Realm within a hundred years.]


With those words, ‘me’ dashed into the battlefield.


Utilizing the Sword of Flight, I dove into the mist, taking the fight into full view. All around lay the bodies of soldiers who had tragically perished at the hands of the Earth Soldiers and tentacled monstrosities, amidst which Jin So-cheong and Lee Kwang were fiercely attacking the white foamy being.



As Jin So-cheong cried out, his Thundering Spear struck the creature, causing its form to tremor as a layer cleared away. This blow must have been Jin So-cheong’s lifetime attack, proving that even the creature had to respond to it.

Shortly thereafter, a voice echoed through the air, tinged with astonishment.

[You, a mere human, have compelled one of my nine tails to sever…?]

“Shut it, Demon!”


The next moment, something murky zipped past, swiftly severing Jin So-cheong and Lee Kwang‘s arms. Jin So-cheong narrowly avoided a follow-up attack, but Lee Kwang was less fortunate.

In what felt like a jest—Lee Kwang’s head flew into the air.

It was the tragic end of Lee Kwang, the successor of the Thunder God Lineage, the esteemed wielder of the phase of the heavens. Jin So-cheong stood dumbstruck, unable to comprehend the scene unfolding before him, until Ye Dong-bin swiftly dashed in, seizing Jin So-cheong‘s body and safely bringing him back to the ground.



Jin So-cheong just managed to rise to attack again, but Ye Dong-bin easily subdued Jin So-cheong’s resistance. As Jin So-cheong fell still, he was flipped outward. Perhaps, to allow the other elite disciples of the Thunder God Lineage to catch him.

Once Ye Dong-bin entered the fray, the white foamy entity began to speak.

[Are you one of the Eight Immortals? You all still intend to engage in futile battles, huh?]

[I acknowledge you as the Demon King of the ancient times, but I cannot tolerate further chaos in the realms.]

[Hehehe, even if the Eight Immortals all join together, you alone are insufficient against me!]

As the white foamy creature laughed, Ye Dong-bin raised the Thunder Sword, declaring,

[I shall withstand it…]

Then a troubling feeling creeped into my conscience.

The power of the Thunder Sword began to swell, revealing that what had previously appeared to be foamy was, in fact, the gigantic white, silver ‘tail’ of a vast, sinister fox looming behind.



This entity seemed intent on shaking the very heavens as it loomed over me. At that moment, I realized I had never faced an opponent of such overwhelming strength before. Though it appeared similar to Mi Ho, it emanated a profoundly nefarious, malevolent aura, warping the natural energies surrounding it.

The balance of the universe was distorted.

As the Swordsman Ye Dong-bin prepared for a final showdown, I too felt the gravity of the situation.

[“Dali Qi!”]

And thus, the battle commenced!

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