Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 38

0038 : Golden Eagle Guards

I was to face three battles in sequence at the Great Sword Gate. This was because there were three challengers from the Sword Master of Great Sword Gate, each holding a significant position within the sect.

The sparring arena of the Great Sword Gate was filled with disciples. They all regarded me with unfriendly or even hostile gazes. This was no minor leak of secrets; it was evident that rumors had spread, and everyone was aware.

‘This is…’

The first to step forward was the Grandmaster of the Great Sword Gate, Seong Kyu. He was a tall man in his thirties who approached and said,

“You are Baek Woong from the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School, aren’t you?”


“I am Seong Kyu, the Grandmaster of the Great Sword Gate. I ask for a match!”


At that moment, his sword smoothly gleamed as it was drawn from its sheath.

I was taken aback and exclaimed,

“A real sword? I thought this was merely a sparring match!”

The Sect Leader standing beside me remarked,

“Practice as if it were real combat; real combat as if it were practice.”


“Prepare yourself to spar. Of course, if you prefer, you may use a wooden sword instead.”

The Sect Leader’s tone was unwavering. Only then did I begin to grasp how this situation had unfolded. While it was true that secrets had leaked, if the Sect Leader desired it, he could easily disregard the formalities of a sparring application. Yet, he was using this sparring excuse to set the stage because he wanted to witness my abilities from the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School firsthand. If my skills fell short of expectations, it would tarnish his honor.

‘These guys are underestimating me.’

However, I felt an inexplicable sense of defiance. So, I abruptly walked over to the side of the sparring arena and picked up a wooden spear. The spear was clearly designed for practice, with a poorly sharpened tip that wouldn’t injure an opponent.

“I’ll use this.”

Murmurs echoed from the assembled disciples. Particularly, Seong Kyu’s expression contorted in anger, with veins bulging on the sides of his head. He erupted in a fit of rage,

“You! Are you kidding me? You dare to face me with a practice wooden spear?!”

“Of course.”

“Don’t regret it!”


As his words ended, Seong Kyu surged forward. This seemed to be the Great Sword Gate’s signature footwork technique, the Breakthrough Cloud Sword Technique. The might of his strikes was reminiscent of a raging wolf.

Yet, I could see through his movements, the tips of his sword, the changes in direction, and even his mindset all in one glance. I was inwardly impressed that someone at his level had reached the status of Grandmaster. It felt like child’s play when compared to my intense battles with Jin So-cheong.

‘So this is all they’ve got? It’s exactly as I expected.’

I had trained for five years at the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School and learned so much. These experiences were things I could never master alone; they truly represented the advancements of a prestigious school. Particularly, because Jin So-cheong had personally taught me how to harness Qi properly, I found it easy to assess my opponent’s strength in an instant. My innate ability to perceive Qi had already developed significantly thanks to repeated consumption of Thousand-Year Snow Ginseng, and the addition of skill only sharpened my insight.

As I assessed Seong Kyu’s abilities, I found them wanting. My decision to choose a wooden spear reflected just that.


In that moment, my body moved. Like a shadow, I glided through the air, circling behind Seong Kyu. As he turned to respond, shocked, I already had the wooden spear aimed at the back of his head.

There was no need for further words; it was a clear victory.


Seong Kyu’s complexion had drained of color. In his eyes, I must have appeared as a blur when I accelerated, employing Thunder Cloud Step. Unlike before, when I merely relied on my inner strength to run, I could now effectively execute Thunder Cloud Step, channeling the power of Thousand-Year Snow Ginseng into my movements. Consequently, I could easily toy with martial artists of Seong Kyu’s caliber.

I spoke leisurely,

“This is a sparring match, so I should be using a wooden spear, right?”


The Sect Leader, watching with his arms crossed, coolly declared,

“That’s enough. Baek Woong is the victor.”

As Seong Kyu and I clasped hands to conclude the match, the murmurs among the onlookers intensified. With my keen hearing, I could discern that among the regular disciples of the Great Sword Gate, there seemed to be very few stronger than Seong Kyu.

Next, two other Grandmasters stepped forward. Typically, a single leading disciple would be referred to as the Grandmaster, but due to the large number of members and fierce competition at the Great Sword Gate, several distinguished individuals were honored as Grandmasters.

“Grandmaster of the Great Sword Gate, Wang Lu! I ask for a match.”

“Grandmaster of the Great Sword Gate, Bal Ji! I ask for a match.”

However, I was unable to engage in a protracted battle with them.


“I won.”



“I won.”

This was because, just as with my earlier match against Seong Kyu, employing Thunder Cloud Step to exploit the openings was more than sufficient. Wang Lu and Bal Ji held somewhat better skills than Seong Kyu, but they could only withstand my attacks for an additional five seconds. I felt deflated; I had won far too easily, even beyond my initial expectations.

After the Sect Leader of the Great Sword Gate confirmed the results of all the matches, he nodded and proclaimed to the assembly,

“Baek Woong’s victory is finalized. Is there anyone who objects to his recommendation for the Golden Eagle Guards?”


“All disciples, return to your training schedules.”

With that, over a hundred disciples scattered under the guidance of the instructors. In the now empty sparring arena, only the Sect Leader and I remained. Even after the matches had concluded, the Sect Leader stood still for a time before speaking to me.

“What do you think? Is it pathetic?”

“No, they all displayed good skills.”

The Sect Leader frowned at my response.

“Are you buttering me up? You don’t seem like Li Gwang’s disciple at all. Just honestly say if they were weak.”

“… I apologize.”

Feeling a bit embarrassed, I turned my head away. Regardless, it didn’t seem polite to criticize the disciples in front of the Sect Leader, so I tried to be courteous; however, the Sect Leader appeared to be the type who didn’t care about such things.

The Sect Leader remarked,

“It was a favor from a friend, but to hand over the recommendation for the Golden Eagle Guards to someone like you, an outsider, is really quite troubling.”


“The Sect Leader and I, along with the Head of the Twin Sects of Luoyang, have the right to recommend one disciple each year to the Golden Eagle Guards from among our own disciples. However, the capable ones have either already joined the Golden Eagle Guards or have set up their own schools elsewhere. The remaining ones are not strong enough for me to stake my name on their recommendation.”

“I see.”

Now I understood another reason why the Sect Leader had insisted on holding this sparring event. He likely wanted to firmly demonstrate the overwhelming difference in skill, putting an end to any further discussion. I became curious and asked,

“Since you’re a master of unmatched prowess in the world, it’s difficult to understand why you find yourself with a lack of suitable disciples.”

“Haha, now you’re being a bit more honest. That’s good.”

The Sect Leader chuckled lightly and continued,

“To be frank, the skills of Seong Kyu, Wang Lu, and Bal Ji, whom you faced, are actually considered first-rate by the public. The reason you felt they were weak is that you’ve trained under true masters. Since you’re used to battling top-notch practitioners, facing those of lower caliber makes them seem pitiable.”


“Talent is something you can’t help. No matter how hard I try to teach, if the talent isn’t there, it won’t work out. Finding a genius among the many talents out there is truly difficult…”

The Sect Leader’s lament was profound. Even in the Great Sword Gate, which admitted hundreds of promising talents from Luoyang, it was hard to cultivate just one proper master. After a brief pause, the Sect Leader posed a question filled with doubt,

“But really, did you come here because of a lack of talent? At your age, your level is already enough to be called a genius.”

It seemed that Li Gwang had starkly pointed out my lack of talent in the letter. I managed a smile and said,

“There are true geniuses who wouldn’t even be in the same league as me. I may be lacking, so please bear with it.”

“Haha, indeed, Li Gwang. His luck with disciples surpasses mine by far.”

The Sect Leader laughed bitterly. After all, regardless of this temporary shortage of suitable disciples, it couldn’t feel good to see your friend and rival have a superior disciple right in front of you. I then asked him,

“Is there any chance that disciples from the Great Sword Gate who joined the Golden Eagle Guards could return?”

“The Golden Eagle Guards are not merely a military organization; they carry out the imperial secret directives, so their very existence is shrouded in confidentiality. Old disciples may sometimes drop by for a drink, but neither I nor they can pry into each other’s affairs. There is no possibility of return.”

“That must be lonely.”

“Hmph… it can’t be helped. Shall we have a drink or two?”

“I won’t refuse.”

Afterward, I spent some time having light snacks and drinks with the Sect Leader. Given that dealing with someone like him was a formal matter, I made sure to uphold my manners. I had sensed during our first encounter that someone like the Sect Leader, who outwardly seemed open-hearted, still needed a degree of decorum and etiquette in reality.

Perhaps because of my demeanor, the Sect Leader, now pleasantly inebriated, remarked,

“I just can’t fathom why you would receive such a harsh evaluation from your friend Li Gwang. You are already stepping into the peak realm and possess terrifying inner strength!”


“You mean to say that Li Gwang has another disciple who is even more impressive than you? The world is truly unfair…”


I concluded the drinking session and returned to my accommodation, collapsing onto the bed. Naturally, with my immense inner strength, even after consuming nearly four bottles of alcohol, I hardly felt intoxicated. My stomach felt a bit full, but after sweating out the drunkenness, my mind remained clear.

Sleep eluded me.

Now that I was out in the world, I could truly appreciate how much stronger I had become.

The real problem was that even though I recognized my growth, I felt little satisfaction. This was likely due to the fact that both my master and senior brother were geniuses. Their presence loomed so large that it made me feel inferior when measuring myself against ordinary talents.

“I don’t care anymore. I’ll just take a nap.”

I decided not to think any deeper. What was immediately important was joining the Golden Eagle Guards, so I resolved to focus on that first before pondering anything else. This was my attitude towards life, gained through repeated brushes with death.

Two days later, I followed the Sect Leader of the Great Sword Gate as we passed through the outer gate of the imperial palace. After a brief inspection, the sound of horses clattering filled the air. I felt a jolt in my seat as I faced the Sect Leader in the carriage.

The Sect Leader, who was accompanying me, said,

“We will soon arrive at the Golden Hall. This is as far as I can accompany you. Once you enter the building, you will meet the Commander of the Golden Eagle Guards. If you pass his interview, you will start working with the Golden Eagle Guards the very next day.”

“Is there anything I should be cautious about?”

The Sect Leader smiled wryly.

“Not particularly. The recommendation given to the Twin Sects is granted because the imperial family trusts the reputation of our sect. To date, not a single person who received the recommendation has failed the interview, so just act as you normally would.”

“I see.”

Once again, I felt the weight of this recommendation’s power. The right to enter the Golden Eagle Guards, which was often referred to as the dream of military positions, came with a ten out of ten chance of acceptance! It symbolized the prosperity of the Twin Sects and explained why the Sect Leader had chosen to pass the recommendation to others. Even though the recommendation allowed for perfectly secure acceptance, if a subpar candidate were to join, it would reflect poorly on the sect’s trustworthiness.

The carriage came to a stop. I got out with the Sect Leader and bowed to him.

“I will never forget this kindness.”

“I wish you a good outcome.”

After the carriage bearing the Sect Leader turned back, I walked into the Golden Hall. In front of the inner gate stood two members of the Golden Eagle Guards, and they seemed quite formidable. They were at least two or three levels above the elite disciples I had faced, and their movements showed the marks of seasoned fighters.

The Golden Eagle Guards member on the left spoke.

“Are you the one recommended to come today?”

“Yes. I am Baek Woong, receiving a recommendation from the Great Sword Gate.”

“You hail from the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

He tilted his head as if confused.

“Normally, the recommendation is supposed to be used strictly within the sect, so this is quite unusual. In any case, if you wish to meet the Commander, follow me.”

I followed him inside the Golden Hall. True to being part of the imperial palace, the hall was adorned with luxurious and opulent architectural styles, with fine silks scattered everywhere. Soon, I stood before the Commander, and I felt a sudden surge of tension.


Something feels off.

This was my first time seeing the Commander of the Golden Eagle Guards. As well as sensing a presence and aura I had never encountered before, there was something strangely familiar about the energies of the two standing beside him. If I hadn’t met these individuals somewhere, I wouldn’t be feeling this sense of familiarity.

‘What is this? I feel like I’ve seen those two somewhere.’

The feeling was indeed reminiscent of a previous encounter.

Where had I seen those two?

I racked my brain but couldn’t recall.

The Commander was strangely donning a white mask that obscured his face, revealing only his right eye. He spoke while his dark eyes gleamed, seated at the table.

“Baek Woong. Welcome to the Golden Eagle Guards.”

“Thank you.”

He briefly rifled through a white piece of paper, likely containing information on my background.

“I’ve completed my investigation into your personal details. You moved to the capital from a rural village and joined the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School five years ago, after which you lived quietly as an instructor without any major incidents. Your past is very clean, which I find quite pleasing.”

“Thank you.”

The Commander appeared to smile slightly. He then remarked,

“But I’m disappointed in the Great Sword Gate. To the extent that there are no talents in your sect strong enough to recommend…”


“Nevertheless, it’s all right. From now on, follow Gwak Cheon-ho to receive your uniform and weapons. Today, he will instruct you on the rules and operations of the Golden Eagle Guards.”

I walked with Gwak Cheon-ho, who had been waiting by the door. Known as Gwak, he was a member of the Golden Eagle Guards with a higher rank than ordinary guards, similar to a captain in operational terms. This likely explained why his martial abilities seemed to be at a level above those I had encountered at the entrance.

As we walked, Gwak Cheon-ho said,

“You are now a member of the Golden Eagle Guards. Every action you take is for the Emperor, and your life and death belong to the imperial family. Keep that in mind; that is the mission of being a Golden Eagle Guardsman.”

“I understand.”

“Your martial skills seem extraordinarily strong, so I won’t comment on that. After learning about the rules and operations today, you will be assigned to the Sixth Group and deployed for actual missions, so keep that in mind.”

It was clear that Gwak Cheon-ho was a formidable individual. The fact that he could gauge my level of expertise even while I concealed my energy meant he was a master operating on a level beyond that of ordinary first-class practitioners. I was inwardly astonished.

‘Cheon-ho must be at a squad leader level in the Golden Eagle Guards, yet his skill is at this level?’

He is likely a peak master.

The average power level of the Golden Eagle Guards seems to be much higher than I had anticipated. I tried not to show my surprise and asked,

“The Sixth Group?”

“The Golden Eagle Guards operate with ten groups, from the First Group to the Tenth Group, totaling 100 members. Those with superior skills are assigned as Captains or Vice Commanders, while others are placed in separate upper groups. The Sixth Group you will join is currently involved in confidential missions, so you will need to exert every effort.”

Afterward, in a closed room, Gwak Cheon-ho explained the Golden Eagle Guards’ regulations, activities, and a general organizational chart along with the power dynamics within the imperial palace for two hours. I also had to memorize the names of all the imperial family and relatives existing in the royal household, as well as confirm my knowledge of various skills including disguise techniques.

Surprisingly, it seemed that they didn’t provide any special mental training. It appeared that the Golden Eagle Guards had too much essential information to cover for that. Furthermore, there seemed to be an underlying confidence that, barring insanity, no one would betray the Golden Eagle Guards.

Once Gwak Cheon-ho felt the training for the two hours was sufficiently concluded, he gulped down some water and remarked with interest,

“You’re quite smart. I’ve never met anyone who understands things so well.”

“Is that so?”

“Usually, the dullards who have only focused on martial arts throughout their lives become part of the Golden Eagle Guards. Teaching new recruits is often much more difficult than teaching martial arts.”

I possessed knowledge and reading experience comparable to that of an average scholar. Moreover, my memorization and comprehension abilities were quite high, making me significantly smarter than the average member of the Golden Eagle Guards. While mumbling the details I had learned so far, I asked,

“Which group do you belong to, Gwak Cheon-ho?”

“I belong to the Fifth Group. Soon, the leader of the Sixth Group will come to take you.”

At that moment, the door creaked open, and a figure clad in black entered. Gwak Cheon-ho waved his hand, seemingly pleased to see him.

“Hey, Ryu! Welcome. I just finished distributing weapons and training.”

“Good job. Is this the new recruit?”

I immediately stood up and replied,

“Yes! I am Baek Woong!”

“Ho, it’s good to see an energetic one… I am Ryu Cheon-ho, the leader of the Sixth Group. I look forward to working with you.”


Once the handover from Gwak Cheon-ho to Ryu Cheon-ho was complete, I followed him as we headed somewhere.

“First, I’ll give you a break for an hour. You can recover your strength in your private room and will head out for actual missions immediately after.”

“What is the mission?”

“I’ll tell you that later. Do you have any more questions?”

Before I knew it, we had arrived at my room. After resting for an hour, I would be deployed for my first mission as a member of the Golden Eagle Guards. I fiddled with the iron sword I had just been issued.

I pondered for a moment, but there was only one question I wanted to ask.

“Who were those two individuals standing beside the Commander? Are they also Cheon-ho?”

“Those individuals are the Vice Commanders. There are three Vice Commanders; one supervises the leaders of the Tenth Group. The other two always guard the Commander or undertake special missions.”


This was truly confusing. I definitely remembered those two, but for them to be Vice Commanders, the second highest rank in the Golden Eagle Guards? Although I had lived for quite a while, where had I encountered them? The frustration grew, as it seemed to be a mystery that could be unraveled with some thought.

I examined the spear, sword, and dagger I had received over the course of an hour. Surely, as weapons issued to the Golden Eagle Guards, they were crafted from exceptionally good steel with the craftsmanship of a master. It seemed I wouldn’t have to worry about them dulling or breaking for quite some time.

Then, having nothing else to do, I lay back down. I remained lost in thought until nearly all of the hour passed.

‘I’ve definitely seen them somewhere… but where…’

In that moment, the thought of the “Mangryang” came back to me, along with words describing the royal family and the nameless rituals. This brought forth a memory I had never expected. As one thought suddenly occurred to me, I stood up in surprise.


That’s right.

The two Vice Commanders—those were the ones who thwarted the ambush of the Hyeonjeondo (Dark Heaven Taoist) in the village of Carnage! Masters capable of executing rare combination techniques, as I had felt back then, radiated the same energy I was sensing now.

‘That means… could it be…’

Just as I swallowed hard, the voice from outside announced that time was up.

“Mission deployment. Come out, Baek Guard.”

It was Ryu Cheon-ho, the leader of the Sixth Group to which I belonged, calling for me. I quickly responded.

“I’m coming out.”

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