Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 65

0065 : Demon Subduing Hall

“What does that mean? Gan Jiang and Mo Ya were not swords from the Warring States period?”

It was such a famous legendary sword that it was impossible to be mistaken.

Gan Jiang and Mo Ya!

Mangnyang grinned.

“Indeed. Do you know that story?”

“Of course.”

According to Wu Yue Chunqiu and the Yue Zhe Book, it was said that Gan Jiang, under the orders of the King of Chu, attempted to forge a famed sword for him.

After creating both Gan Jiang and Mo Ya, the blacksmith Gan Jiang was aware he would be executed for being late to deliver it to the King of Chu. Therefore, he presented only the concealed sword Mo Ya to the king and hid the water sword Gan Jiang in the trunk of a pine tree on a rock where Namsan could be seen from home. This was a riddle referring to a wooden column set on a cornerstone, and later, when Mo Ya birthed a child, he would have that child solve the riddle to inform him of his own death once the sword was found. Mo Ya followed his words, and her child, Zhe Bi, swore vengeance by finding the water sword Gan Jiang.

The King of Chu witnessed this scene in a dream, causing him to fall into anxiety. He created a wanted poster bearing the appearance of Zhe Bi he had seen in his dream and placed a bounty on his head. Suddenly, Zhe Bi found himself wanted and was unable to enter even a village. Overcome with sorrow, he sang a lament, which drew the attention of a passing swordsman who, moved by pity, offered to take vengeance on his behalf if Zhe Bi would provide him with the sword and his head. Upon agreeing, Zhe Bi staunchly stood even after deciding to take his own life, and when the swordsman vowed to uphold his promise, Zhe Bi collapsed and died.

The swordsman presented Zhe Bi’s head to the King of Chu and declared that it must be boiled for three days due to the deep resentment held within it. The King followed this directive, but for over three days, the head merely floated on the water, seemingly alive and poised to leap out of the pot at any moment. The swordsman advised the king to take a look, and upon peering into the pot, the King of Chu had his own head severed.

The fallen head of the King plummeted into the pot. Surrounded by soldiers, the swordsman understood he could not survive, so he took his own life, and that head too fell into the pot. The officials hastily retrieved the heads, but the heads of Zhe Bi, the King of Chu, and the swordsman had soon been boiled to the point where none could tell which was which.

The officials, moved by the bravery and righteousness of Zhe Bi, who took his own life for vengeance, and the swordsman who honorably fulfilled his promise, buried the three heads together, naming the site the Tomb of the Three Kings.

This was a story I had heard during my youth; it was famous enough to be known as folklore. I had learned a bit more about it during my studies, but it was certainly something anyone from the Central Plains would have heard at least once. Thus, the idea that this sword Mo Ya was made during the Shang Dynasty was truly absurd.

Mangnyang replied,

“However, that is indeed true. To be precise, it would be more accurate to say both statements are correct.”

“What do you mean?”

“The oral traditions have been transmitted differently. Mo Ya was indeed created during the Shang Dynasty, then rediscovered during the Warring States period by the joint craftsmanship of Gan Jiang and Mo Ya. In other words, this sword was never originally made by human hands.”


I stared at Mangnyang in disbelief. While such a statement could indeed hold some truth, it was far too absurd. So, I asked,

“Do you have any basis for that claim?”

“I completed the interpretation of the Oracle Bone Script in just a month. However, to verify whether this assumption was correct, I spent the time searching for ancient texts throughout various mountain ranges. As a result, I managed to find some evidence.”

“What evidence did you find?”

Mangnyang entered inside and came back with a pile of books. There were easily more than ten volumes, all smelling of mildew. He placed them on the table and said,

“These are books containing the account of Gan Jiang and Mo Ya. Each one is a valuable true document. If you look up this account, you can find variations, yet also common elements.”

“Common elements?”

“They all contain the line, ‘It was placed within the trunk of a pine tree on a rock where Namsan could be seen from home.’”

With that, Mangnyang lowered the sword and continued,

“The laws of this Oracle Bone Script differ from the rules written in other texts. It’s likely that only the royalty of the Shang Dynasty had a distinct grammar. And according to that grammar, rearranging that common phrase found in the transmitted ancient texts pointed to a single character, which was ‘Xun’ (殉).”


“Yes. For some unknown reason, those who created the tale of Gan Jiang and Mo Ya concealed the fact that this famed sword was in fact excavated from a burial site where human sacrifices were made. Furthermore, some ancient texts mention that a similar tale already existed during the Shang Dynasty.”

A burial site for human sacrifices.

Could it be that the ruins where the famed sword was unearthed were places used for burying humans alive?

“That means…”

“The story of Gan Jiang and Mo Ya didn’t actually occur during the Warring States period. It happened during the Shang Dynasty, and as it was passed down through the ages, it got intertwined with local folklore, fabricating fictional characters. This is undeniably the famed sword from the Shang Dynasty.”


I gazed at Mangnyang in shock.

If that were true, the legitimacy of all scriptures in the Central Plains could be called into question! Moreover, this alone would send shockwaves through the academic world of all students studying philology! It was such a groundbreaking theory that I found myself at a loss for words for a while.

Mangnyang said,

“Of course, I have no plans to announce this to the world. There’s no reason to do so, and it wouldn’t be accepted anyway. What’s important is the danger that the character ‘Xun’ entails.”

“Danger in ‘Xun’?”

“‘Xun’ signifies that someone is buried alongside a deceased ruler. Who would be buried alongside them? It’s a nice way of saying human sacrifice, but it’s simply slaughter and offerings.”

Mangnyang paused momentarily, as if to catch his breath. Then, he drew water from the well to moisten his throat and continued.

“Many people are unaware, but the Shang Dynasty was an era in which human sacrifices were highly prevalent. As part of the ancestral rites at that time, such practices persisted even into the era when Confucius lived. You might recall anecdotes in Confucius’s teachings that prohibit superstitious practices, right? Even back then, the ritual of beheading human slaves as offerings to the deities continued.”


Human sacrifice.

The mere mention of that phrase sent waves of nausea surging through me. I had witnessed such madness firsthand on multiple occasions, and I understood the horror of it better than anyone. It was a frenzied banquet treating human beings as lesser than livestock.

“The method of worship involved seizing captives from other ethnic groups, such as slaves or outsiders, and killing them for ancestral rites. There were reportedly as many as twelve different methods for sacrificing humans for rituals in the Shang Dynasty.”


“Each of those twelve acts is said to have been passed down in the Thousand Character Classic. For instance, they include methods like paeng (烹), min (民), hal (割), jak (炸), jeung (蒸), hun (燻), and tang (湯) among others. Such methods entailed boiling, frying, chopping, roasting, tearing, and drying people alive. They showed no mercy even to countrymen, often using them in the rituals of human sacrifices.”

I shook my head in disbelief.

If that were true, it meant that the people of the Shang Dynasty were beings who could be considered beneath humanity in terms of cruelty. I said irritably,

“I don’t want to hear any more. So, what does it mean that ‘Xun’ is dangerous?”

“The important aspect is the connection between this content and the Oracle Bone Script.

[‘I offer sacrifices to the heavens, cutting off the head and limbs of a turtle to present to the sky. The gods are pleased. Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, bless me. I received the water of the Seven Stars.’]

Here, the ‘turtle’ does not refer to an actual turtle, but to a human. In other words, brutal sacrifices of humans were performed, resulting in the gods being pleased. The gods mentioned are likely those we refer to as the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors—this famed sword symbolizes the water of the Seven Stars bestowed by the gods.”


I took a moment to gather my thoughts after hearing Mangnyang’s words. Then I replied,

“It’s hard to believe. Even if this is truly the treasure of the Seven Stars, weren’t the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors great beings in the history of the Central Plains? Does it make sense that such beings would receive gruesome human sacrifices and be delighted to bestow treasures?”

Mangnyang chuckled softly.

“The Three Sovereigns are Fu Xi, Shen Nong, and Nuwa, while the Five Emperors refer to Yellow Emperor, Zhuanxu, Chiyou, Yao, and Shun. Do you know what the commonality is among the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors?”

“What is it?”

“They are simply recorded as divine beings in human history, and there are only brief accounts of their actual reign. They exist as figures in mythology. The first monarchs regarded as truly human are King Wu and King Tang.”

“What are you trying to say?”

“What I mean is that the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors may not have been human from the very beginning.”


I fell silent.

Gods who rejoice in human sacrifices. Also, monstrous beings that transcend humanity.

It felt eerily similar to the scene of a sorcerer using the village as a sacrifice to bring forth otherworldly beings!

Mangnyang pulled out the Shan Hai Jing and said,

“The strange monsters recorded in the Shan Hai Jing might have actually existed during the Shang Dynasty. Thousands of years ago, the Central Plains were not as organized as they are now; it was a wilderness filled with jungles and barbaric tribes. In such places, how could humans survive?

They had to present sacrifices to divine beings, like the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, to obtain the power to protect themselves. This, I believe, is the secret treasure of the Seven Stars and the force that enabled the establishment of human kingdoms in the ancient Shang Dynasty.”

“Well… it seems you are convinced that it is indeed the Seven Stars’ sword, Mo Ya. In that case, I will believe it too.”

I had no choice but to concede. If a genius scholar like Mangnyang had spent years gathering evidence and had that much confidence in calling me, there must be something to it. I decided to acknowledge that this famed sword was indeed the Seven Stars’ sword, Mo Ya.

Mangnyang said,

“I have spent nearly three years researching this Mo Ya, and I have gained a lot. Not only did I acquire martial skills, but I also received the divine abilities hidden within Mo Ya, allowing me to learn numerous techniques. This Mo Ya possesses the ability to stimulate the human upper dantian, making it a treasure for sorcerers.”

“So if I have Mo Ya, even someone without innate magical talent can learn sorcery?”

Mangnyang nodded at my question.

“Of course. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have reached an intermediate level.”


Mangnyang sighed.

“I have reached the end of my research over the past three years. Now it’s my turn to ask you.”

“What do you want to know?”

“Who exactly are you? Where did you get the Seven Stars’ sword, Mo Ya, and what do you intend to use it for?”

Mangnyang showed genuine curiosity in his demeanor. After some contemplation, I decided to be honest with him.

“I am… a reincarnator.”

Now I had no choice but to say it. The village of Taekyeongchun had managed to avoid disaster, but I had come to realize that the Golden Eagle Guards were up to something else. Since I lacked the wisdom to uncover that by myself, it was better to speak candidly with Mangnyang. Furthermore, I felt indebted to him because I had caused his death in the past.

So I laid out everything I had experienced over my eight reincarnations and my encounters with Mangnyang. During my narration, I noticed Mangnyang’s expression shifting dramatically; I had never seen him look like that before.

“… And that’s how it happened.”


“Can you believe what I’m saying?”

Mangnyang staggered and covered his eyes. Then he said,

“Wait a moment. I need time to process this.”

He lay on the thatched-roof floor, seemingly in a daze for quite a while. After some time, he stood up again, approached me, and said,

“I have no choice but to believe your words are true. The only way to know so much about the events of Master Cheon Woo Jin and my master’s situation is through you. Haha… I really have gotten caught up in something tremendous.”

“I apologize for causing your death last time.”

Mangnyang shrugged.

“Well… even if you say that, it doesn’t feel real at all. I can’t know how the former me felt during those times I was with you. That was entirely a consequence of my decision to follow you, right? I probably just thought of it as stepping in poop while dying.”


“Hmm… the Secret Book of Heaven and Earth and the Anonymous Ritual Book… the Golden Eagle Guards’ sorcerer… hmm…”

While sitting with his chin resting in hand, lost in thought, Mangnyang finally spoke.

“So you were building up your strength in the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School to oppose the head of the Golden Eagle Guards, only to find that their influence hasn’t spread to Taekyeongchun?”

“That’s right. I’m currently wondering why that is.”

I asked seriously,

“Could it be because of the Seven Stars sword, Mo Ya?”


Mangnyang cast a glance at Mo Ya. Then he replied,

“That’s unlikely. Certainly, the tremendous storm that occurred when you came to find me was definitely caused by you retrieving Mo Ya from its seal.”


“The energy contained in Mo Ya has been condensed for thousands of years, enough to disrupt natural disasters… I observed the astrological signs the day before the storm and noticed unusual movements of the stars.”

Explaining further, Mangnyang continued,

“However, that sorcerer from the Other World is a Great Sorcerer capable of freely casting human sacrifice rituals involving thousands of people, isn’t he? He would not halt his plans just because one of the Seven Stars stirred. Moreover, if the Golden Eagle Guards didn’t move in conjunction with the sorcerer, only one conclusion can be drawn.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“It means the Great Sorcerer has escaped beyond the dimensions of time and space. If my master said so, it must be true.”

Escaped beyond time and space!

The absurdity of the statement left me dumbfounded, and Mangnyang crossed his arms to elaborate.

“That being was likely accumulating human sacrifices in this world to achieve their goals. However, upon seeing your Heavenly Secret Keeper, they must have felt something was amiss. The sorcerer’s self-detonation was probably a special technique to extract their soul from this world by abandoning their corporeal form.”

“Is… is that even possible?”

“That’s the only explanation I can think of. The sorcerer is probably no longer in the Imperial Palace or anywhere else. Without the sorcerer, the Imperial Palace couldn’t interpret the Anonymous Ritual Book, and thus, they would have no choice but to cancel their human sacrifice plan.”


I felt a rush of both surprise and joy.

The sorcerer could no longer interfere with my reincarnation!

And even if I reincarnated again, I wouldn’t need to worry about the tragedies of the village one by one!

It was indeed a wise choice to show the Heavenly Secret Keeper to the sorcerer.

Just as I was about to break into a smile, Mangnyang pointed his finger and said,

“It’s too early to feel reassured. Because the Golden Eagle Guards will now likely begin moving to collect the treasure of the Seven Stars.”

“Hmm…? I had that thought as well, but I’m not sure.”

“The human sacrifices may have merely been a means to expedite ‘time’; the Golden Eagle Guards probably intended to gather the Seven Stars from the very beginning. Though their methods differ, their ultimate goal hasn’t changed. If you think of it that way, you still have a lot of work to do.”


I became curious.

What could the ultimate goal of the Golden Eagle Guards be?

The leader of the Golden Eagle Guards had mentioned a [Second Ritual] after increasing the number of otherworldly beings through human sacrifices. And they had implied that once achieved, the White Lotus Cult would be a trivial matter. Perhaps they intended to accomplish their goal using the treasure of the Seven Stars instead of human sacrifices?

“Oh, right. Please take a look at this.”

Suddenly remembering, I handed him the silver phoenix sculpture I had obtained from the Hua family of Taekyeongchun. Mangnyang accepted the silver phoenix, examined it closely, and exclaimed in surprise,

“Isn’t this an artifact of Balhae? Where did you get this precious thing?”

“What is Balhae?”

“A strong nation of the Dongyi people in the east. This appears to be an artifact related to the royalty of Balhae… only royalty could use a phoenix sculpture. And it seems to be in the shape of a three-legged crow.”

After carefully inspecting the silver phoenix sculpture, Mangnyang remarked,

“There’s a small line sealed in the gap. It seems there’s some sort of incantation that will be released in a specific order. This too is an interesting artifact.”

“Can you interpret it?”

Mangnyang let out a laugh as if he found it absurd.

“Ha ha ha… I know you’re a reincarnator, but can you really trust me that easily? To be honest, when I realized this was the Seven Stars sword, Mo Ya, I thought you had lost your mind. To hand over a divine sword capable of overturning heaven and earth just like that… Did you really think I would betray you?”

“I did.”

I answered calmly.

“But if you were to betray me, I would think that as a good thing as well. It would relieve me of the debt I owe for having caused your death.”

Mangnyang seemed momentarily taken aback before he spoke despondently,

“That’s quite a way of thinking… You’ve clearly transcended the normal human mindset.”

“I’d take that as a compliment.”

Mangnyang chuckled softly and said,

“Well then. I’ll do my utmost to assist you.”

“Thank you.”

“I will send you a message again once I finish interpreting this silver phoenix sculpture. Also, feel free to take Mo Ya with you.”

I raised my eyebrows.

“Isn’t that needed to enhance your sorcery?”

“The interpretation of the Oracle Bone Script is already complete, and I believe I’ve gained all the learning effects I could from Mo Ya. Given that my sorcery hasn’t improved for the last six months, this seems to be my limit. So now, it’s yours to keep.”


According to Mangnyang, if I had the Seven Stars sword, Mo Ya, and learned the art of Qi Men Dun Jia, I would be able to master sorcery up to the intermediate level. The only issue was whether that level would carry over after death, but I decided to think about that later.

As I held Mo Ya, I descended the Zhenlang Valley. Mangnyang’s last words echoed in my mind.

[If possible, seek the treasure containing the power of Tuesday, Gan Jiang, first. It’s highly probable that Gan Jiang and Mo Ya were forged as a husband-and-wife pair according to historical records, so possessing both divine swords will grant you tremendous strength.]

I also recalled what Hyeon Cheon Do-in had said.

‘The treasure of Tuesday holds the essence of the Flame Emperor, Shen Nong, and is located at the southernmost tip of the world.’

The southernmost tip of the world.

That was something I had never considered until now.

I knew that if I traveled further south on the Central Plains, I would encounter the barbarian tribes known as the Nanman; but what would I find if I continued to the end of the world? The thought of potentially visiting the southern end of the world filled me with excitement.

After exiting Zhenlang Valley, I began my journey toward the Heukya Gate. Now that my curiosities were satisfied and I had entrusted my request to Mangnyang, it was time for me to complete the task my master had set and return leisurely to the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School. This was the best mood I had felt in some time.


Just when I had half a day left to reach the village of Jo Byeok, where I could submit my request, I suddenly sensed a formidable energy surrounding me while I was traversing the mountain path.

‘What is this?’

It felt like an ominous power. The strength of a hidden expert was palpable. Realizing that a reckless move here could result in a major attack, I unsheathed my sword and calmly focused my energy.


As I raised my cultivation, the flora and fauna shook. Sensing the magnitude of my strength, the hidden experts began to advance towards me one by one.

There were six of them in total.

As I watched them with an air of vigilance, the man in red who stood at the front spoke.

“You must be Baek Woong. To think you are capable of defeating the Blue Demon Four Evils all on your own. It’s hard to believe such a young warrior could exist…”

His words carried a hint of genuine admiration.

“Who are you?”

“We are the Six Great Protectors of the Blood Demon Clan, belonging to the Mado Eight Gates you defeated.”


I instantly realized I had fallen into a trap. The moment I sensed that each of the Six Great Protectors was a Peak Expert, a chill ran down my spine. No matter how formidable the Mado Eight Gates might be, they were supposed to be weaker than the righteous sects. So how could there be six Peak Experts?

“Have you come for revenge against the Blue Demon Four Evils?”

“It’s not as grand as revenge. It’s merely that we have learned of your identity as a disciple of the Azure Dragon, and the central figures of the Mado Eight Gates have gathered to discuss. We have reached one conclusion.”

The eyes of the man in red shone brightly.

“Let’s kill the little tiger while it’s still young.”



And then I sensed powerful experts approaching from afar. Remarkably, their energies were at the Peak Expert or First-Class Expert level as well. With over fifty of them, I no longer felt confident about escaping.

“W-What… just how many of you are there?”

“The Azure Dragon created numerous blood debts among the unorthodox sects decades ago. At that time, the strength of the Mado Eight Gates was ten times what it is now, and the Azure Dragon’s utmost peak experts were defeated. Leaders like the Black Moon Demon, the Spirit Sword Lord, and the White Sword Demon were also beheaded. Had it not been for that event, we could have posed a significant challenge to the righteous sects.”

The man in red muttered as if chewing on his words, and suddenly released a strong aura from his body.

“The power of the Azure Dragon was so overwhelming that we could not even think of seeking vengeance against the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School. But if a little tiger has come out alone, then it’s a different story. I shall sever your head to avenge that old grudge and bring unforgivable shame upon the Azure Dragon! Hahaha…!!”


A massive force erupted from the man’s palms and came flying at me. The Six Great Protectors attacked almost simultaneously as if they had been signaled, and I had no choice but to unfold my Thundercloud Barrier to confront their power.



“W-What kind of energy…?”

At the same moment, the Six Great Protectors of the Blood Demon Clan screamed and were blown away in an explosion. I easily repelled them and clicked my tongue inwardly.

‘How fortunate they are fools.’

If an expert utilized the subtleties of martial arts and aimed for my openings, I wouldn’t be able to win so easily, but they had trusted in their own skills and decided to challenge me in a contest of power. However, my troubles did not end there.


Daggers began flying in from all directions. I quickly swung my sword and used the Thunder Raging Sword Technique to evade, but despite extending my Thunder Raging Sword, there were situations where it was difficult to avoid. The ones who rained down weapons from the ground suddenly soared and shouted,

“From the Mado Eight Gates, Heavenly Gate, we are sixteen! We have come to collect the blood debts of the past!”


They seemed like expertly trained assassins. While I was busy deflecting their attacks with my Thunder Raging Sword, suddenly, martial artists wielding black blades appeared and attacked me from all sides.

“From the Mado Eight Gates, Hell Gate, we are seven! We have come to collect the blood debts of the past!”

Kakakak! Kakaang!

As I began to deploy my Thunder Raging Sword, my body was pushed back. Even though my internal power was overwhelming, there were dozens of daggers flying from First-Class and Peak Experts—there was nothing I could do.

Just when I was desperately looking for an escape route, a chilling voice reached me.

“From the Mado Eight Gates, Mad Demon Alliance, we are fifteen! We have come to collect the blood debts of the past.”


Finally, I gave up on trying to parry their blade strikes directly and resorted to unleashing my internal energy like cannon fire through my Thundercloud Barrier. It was indeed a foolish method, but when it came to area destruction power, it was the best. About ten of the unorthodox experts caught in the force staggered back, but they continued to swarm towards me like a swarm of bees.

‘No, no… This is my chance to escape…’

As I took a few steps back, I heard a strangely familiar voice.

“Oh my, oh my… you really have a lot of grudges, don’t you? It’s quite pitiful.”

“You… who are you?”


A man from the Dark Night Gate approached leisurely, drawing blade energy to his sword. It was a face I could never forget, not even in my dreams. He opened his mouth.

“From the Mado Eight Gates, leader of the Assassination Squad. I will assist you in collecting blood debts with twenty assassins.”

“You bastard!!!”

Yes, I should have been able to survive.

Even if the First-Class and Peak Experts of the Mado Eight Gates surrounded and attacked me, with my overwhelming internal energy, I would have somehow found a way through. Evading pursuit is a separate issue, but surely survival right here would have been a guarantee.

However – I rushed at the leader of the Assassination Squad.


His sword shattered, and he spat blood as he was knocked back, but at the same time, the waiting assassins all lunged at me with knives drawn.


I deflected their attacks with the Thunder Raging Sword Technique, but in the next instant, despair engulfed me. I had sacrificed a moment of survival to leap towards the leader, and now dark-clad figures were struggling to swarm in from all directions.

“Damn it!!!”




The leader’s face appeared faintly.

My body was already impaled by numerous swords, and dozens of daggers had struck me.

“At first, I thought it was an excessive mobilization of troops, but now I understand. Over a hundred elite from the Mado Eight Gates have mobilized and attacked for half a shichen, and I’m only dying now…”

“Cough… half of my subordinates were taken out.”

The leader of the Mad Demon Alliance ground his teeth.

“But to let him die so easily!”

“Stop it. That brat is just a little tiger. It’s fortunate enough that we’ve captured him like this.”

“Damn it…”

I was on the verge of death.

In fact, it was normal to die. They recognized that I was clinging to life thanks to my immense internal energy, so they were reluctant to save me. Half-aware and in pain, I was waiting for death.

“Let’s bestow some honor of martial arts. What crime does this young one have?”

The leader of the Assassination Squad crouched before me and said, holding a sword dripping with blade energy.

“Go peacefully. Your head will be sent to your master with the postage due.”


That was my eighth death.

—————————= Author’s Note —————————=

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