Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 67

0067 : Demon Subduing Hall

It took about half a day to reach the village near Luoyang where Cheon U-jin lives. Originally, it would have taken about three days by horse, but I was able to significantly shorten the distance by capturing Mangnyang and crossing the mountains.

Mangnyang lay behind me, gasping and catching his breath after the rapid journey.

“Ugh… huff… what in the world is happening…”

“I apologize, but I need to save every moment I can.”

“Ah… I’m starting to calm down. But who exactly are you? You seem to know something about my master.”

“Please wait a moment.”

Instead of explaining, I went to the nearby Pine Forest to bury Cheonam Biseo. Since there were no pursuers like the Golden Eagle Guard this time and I knew I could leave quickly, I aimed to avoid any unnecessary conflict with Cheon U-jin. When I returned, I told Mangnyang,

“I feel sorry for springing this on you so suddenly. However, once we stop Ma Lei’s disaster, I promise to explain everything.”

“Fine, I suppose. It’s not like you would tell me anything in this situation anyway.”

I led the grumbling Mangnyang into the village where Cheon U-jin resided.

Soon, we arrived at the shrine where Mangnyang had visited previously, and I stepped forward confidently. This was the shrine where I had offered the treasure, the Five-Flower Seven-Gold Line.

In front of the shrine stood Cheon U-jin. Dressed as a farmer, he glared at me with suspicious eyes and spoke.

“Who are you? You possess quite an unusual treasure.”

“I am Baek Woong. I was informed that there is someone here who can resolve the issues.”

I spoke calmly before drawing the Water God Sword, Mo Ya, from my waist.

“This is Mo Ya, a secret treasure of the Seven Stars. I successfully retrieved it from the sealing ground, but in doing so, I’ve come to understand that a tremendous flood disaster is imminent. To prevent this calamity, I’ve come to you, Cheon U-jin, as I’ve heard we need to construct an altar for Mo Ya and perform a celestial ceremony.”


Cheon U-jin glanced at Mangnyang beside me. Mangnyang quickly averted his eyes, perhaps feeling guilty for bringing another unwarranted task to his master. After a moment, Cheon U-jin said,

“That sword neutralizes my illusions. It is indeed an object that could be called a treasure of the current era; therefore, I will believe that it is the secret treasure, Mo Ya, of the Seven Stars. However, why should I be obligated to aid you?”

“The gathered water spirit within Mo Ya has been building for thousands of years, which is why a disaster is about to strike.”

“That’s not what I asked. Explain to me first why you’ve taken the secret treasure of the Seven Stars from its sealing. Isn’t that simply your own greed for personal gain? If it truly is the source of the disaster, isn’t that your own desire?”

“I do not deny that. However, I believe that this Mo Ya will greatly assist in preserving peace in the world, which is why I risked my life to bring it with me. If I were truly irresponsible, I wouldn’t have come all the way here to wrap things up.”

At that moment, I knelt down. Both Cheon U-jin and Mangnyang showed signs of surprise in their eyes. I implored earnestly,

“I beg you, please help just this once.”


Cheon U-jin frowned slightly. Then, he cast a critical gaze at Mangnyang and said,

“Your master seems to always bring troublesome tasks.”

Mangnyang awkwardly chuckled.

“Ahaha… I’m sorry, master. But I agree with this Baek Woong. Who else could handle this matter except for you? Even Jinwu Island and Kunlun Mountain refuse to interfere in worldly affairs.”

“That is true, but…”

Cheon U-jin pondered for a moment before saying,

“Please wait a moment while I inform my master about this matter…”

As he spoke, Cheon U-jin suddenly paused. He appeared to be contemplating something as he stood still, letting out a sigh as if in resignation.

“… No, I will handle it myself. You, senior brother, prepare the altar using the techniques of Qi Men Dun Jia.”


“I will set up the altar to the north and borrow the power of Tai Xu Tian Zun.”

With that, Mangnyang and Cheon U-jin began to move busily. They set up formations around the shrine and brought out flags and instruments to plant. It seemed they intended to use the shrine itself as the altar. I stood idly, unsure of what to do, when Cheon U-jin said,

“Please step outside. Those who do not understand the formation will only be a hindrance.”

“When will it be completed?”

“It’ll take about one time unit (shijin).”

Following his words, I wandered around this rural village for a while. With nothing in particular to do, it seemed fitting. This village operated on a principle of self-sufficiency, and perhaps that was why the farmers cultivated only enough land to feed themselves, with no landowners in sight. Normally, such a system would lead to scarcity, yet I remembered that the harvests were usually plentiful, possibly because Cheon U-jin lived here.

After a light meal at the inn, I returned. Sure enough, after one time unit, Mangnyang and Cheon U-jin had finished setting up the altar for Mo Ya. As I placed Mo Ya on the altar, Cheon U-jin, now dressed in Daoist robes instead of farmer’s clothing, began to chant loudly.

“When a person fails to adhere to the five elements or when the nine stars lose their order, or when faced with crucial punishments and all spirit slaughters, as well as the moving and changing of circumstances, if all cannot align with harmony, then the heavens will be angered, the earth will chastise, and the body may perish or life will be endangered. All is governed by the Three Officials, the Five Emperors, the Four Saints, and the Two Dippers that redirect fate. The disharmony within a person’s five elements and the chaos of the nine stars arise from many spirit slaughters.

I command the assigned duties to the six gods: the heavenly official will dissolve the heavenly calamities, the earthly official will dissolve the earthly calamities, the water official will dissolve the water calamities, and the Five Emperors will dissolve the calamities of the five directions, while the Four Stars will dissolve the calamities of the four seasons, and the Southern Dipper will dissolve the calamities of the true name, and the Northern Dipper will dissolve all calamities. In general, these Three Officials, Five Emperors, Four Stars, and Southern-Northern Dippers have the power of the heavenly sovereign.

Thus, the exaltation of the Upper Clear signifies how a person may understand the vast divinity of the heavenly sovereign’s guidance. The net of heaven and earth is inescapable; when the ominous stars approach, they must all be eradicated together. Call forth the name of the heavenly sovereign with a sincere heart!

Therefore, I, Cheon U-jin, declare to heaven and earth that I shall eradicate the earthly calamities with the power of the heavenly sovereign!!”

At that moment, a brilliant golden light began to flow from Mo Ya, which was placed on the altar. Oracle inscriptions clearly emerged, and Mo Ya ascended into the heavens. A colossal beam of light burst forth in the center of the sky as Cheon U-jin frantically waved the flags and performed the footwork.

Mangnyang was no different; he energetically waved the flags of the Twelve Zodiac Gods from behind, serving in a supportive role for the formation. However, lacking sufficient strength, he stumbled and fell. Cheon U-jin, on the other hand, completed about seventy-two steps of footwork without faltering, but at that moment, the sky began to darken.


Dark clouds gathered, and a heavy downpour began to pour down. As Cheon U-jin stood there momentarily getting drenched, he muttered,

“It’s successful.”

“Is it done?”

“Yes. I dispelled the earthly calamities by offering Mo Ya’s water spirit to Tai Xu Tian Zun. Thanks to this, you, the owner of Mo Ya, will receive a great gift from Tai Xu Tian Zun.”

I was taken aback by the unexpected mention of a gift.

“A gift? What is it?”

“I do not know that myself. It is only that Tai Xu Tian Zun is a deity who interferes with fate, so it may be related to that.”

As he spoke, Cheon U-jin chuckled.

“Well… both I and senior brother Mangnyang have gained something as well.”

It seemed that his motivation to conduct the Mo Ya ritual stemmed from personal benefits. I took Mo Ya from the altar and strapped it back to my waist, then said,

“Thank you very much. I will repay this debt in the future.”

“Let’s put that aside. Quickly take your senior brother and leave this village. My master finds your presence quite displeasing.”

“Mangnyang Seonsa?”

“If you come back here, I will close the door on you. So long.”

In the blink of an eye, I and Mangnyang found ourselves outside the village. It seemed Cheon U-jin had sent us off using his sorcery. Fortunately, it wasn’t raining outside the village, so I returned to the Pine Forest to retrieve Cheonam Biseo, leaving the exhausted Mangnyang behind.

Mangnyang spoke.

“That’s quite a speed, like frying beans in lightning! It’s about time you explained who you are and how things ended up like this.”

“Of course.”

I felt there was no need to hide anything from Mangnyang.

“I am a reincarnator…”

Throughout the past life, I had witnessed Mangnyang’s sense of justice and loyalty. Furthermore, I thought that since it was Mangnyang, it would not matter if I were betrayed, so I intended to share this secret with him as a companion enduring this life.

As Mangnyang calmly listened to my story, he showed signs of surprise. After organizing his thoughts while pacing around, he finally calmed himself and spoke after a while.

“Wait… isn’t this a bit of an inconvenience?! Are you saying you will bring me to the village of your master in every one of your tenth reincarnations just like this?!”

“Ah… I see.”

“It’s not just ‘I see’; this is quite the inconvenience.”

Mangnyang clicked his tongue.

“Hmm, anyway, please do bring me along next time. I need someone to assist me.”


“Cheon U-jin presided over the ceremony today under the orders of my master, so I’m sure he will do it again next time.”

“Was it the command of Mangnyang Seonsa?”

“If it weren’t, would a disciple like him take care of someone else’s affairs? The command of the master echoed in our minds. It was an order to prevent Mo Ya’s calamities if possible.”

“I see.”

I then asked another question that piqued my curiosity.

“Earlier, Cheon U-jin mentioned that your master gained something from this ceremony.”

“Tai Xu Tian Zun is known for bestowing abundant grace upon those who offer sacrifices to him. Naturally, it’s not only you, the owner of the treasure, but also my master and me who have received opportunities. My master probably got to learn an ancient technique that was sealed and unusable, and I feel that my talent for sorcery has been unlocked one step further.”


“Ha ha ha, I should say thank you. Now I can finally enter the intermediate level of sorcery.”

While Mangnyang smiled broadly, I was too preoccupied to pay attention.

‘God bestows blessings? Is that actually a thing?’

To me, the sorcery of the Left Path Sect was merely an interesting technique, nothing more, nothing less. However, the existence of divine beings that surpass humanity and grant supernatural powers to mortals seemed quite absurd.

“I haven’t even learned sorcery yet, and it’s a gift from Tai Xu Tian Zun…”

“Well… that I cannot determine. But it can’t be a bad thing, so just live as you usually would. If you embark on dangerous and difficult adventures, it might prove to be a great help.”

Is that so?

I decided to set aside this matter for now, as pondering it further wouldn’t yield any answers. Once the situation settled, I told Mangnyang,

“Then I will take you to Jinlang Valley. I apologize for bringing you here so suddenly.”

“Ah, that’s fine. I have things to discuss along the way.”

Clippity-clop, clippity-clop.

We didn’t need to rush on the way to Jinlang Valley, so we borrowed horses from the relay station. During our ride, Mangnyang said,

“About what you said earlier, I think you don’t really need to return to Qinglong Martial Hall right now.”

“What do you mean? I haven’t fully mastered the Thunder God Style yet.”

Mangnyang shook his head.

“While accumulating strength is important, knowing why you are accumulating it is also crucial. Besides, your master Ik-gwang sent you to the Black Night Sect for real combat experience. Since you’ve already learned the basics of the Thunder God Style, wouldn’t it be good for you to travel around Jianghu and develop your own skills this lifetime?”


“You mentioned that your current state was awkward, didn’t you? Then perhaps trying to break free of that awkwardness through solo training would be a method.”


“Moreover, aren’t you currently unaware of what the Golden Eagle Guard is doing or what their intentions are? If you don’t find that out first, it would just be a waste of time building strength.”

Mangnyang’s words held merit. Clearly, rushing back to Qinglong Martial Hall risking my life wouldn’t differ much from spending years on basic training. Instead, traveling around Jianghu to refine the skills I had acquired could potentially shorten the time significantly. Even if I later sought out the successor of the Thunder God Style, it would not matter much. Being a young successor who had excessively mastered skills would raise fewer suspicions.

Additionally, Mangnyang’s point about understanding the movements of the Golden Eagle Guard hit home. Right now, I merely had a gut feeling that they were searching for the Seven Stars, having given up on human sacrifices, but there was nothing concrete. I had to observe the enemy’s movements.

A few days later, Mangnyang and I arrived at Jinlang Valley.

“Uhhahaha, home sweet home!”

Excited to be back, Mangnyang looked thrilled, and I said to him,

“Here’s the reward for this job.”

I handed him one root of Black and White Lotus, two gold bars, and the Mo Ya. Mangnyang paused in shock and asked,

“What is this?”

“This Black and White Lotus contains the essence of extreme yang, and if you brew and consume it, it will enhance your internal strength to levels comparable to a Thousand Year Snow Ginseng. These are two gold bars, and if you train with the Mo Ya, your sorcery abilities will further improve.”


I also threw in a silver phoenix sculpture from Balhae for good measure.

“Additionally, I have a favor to ask. Please interpret the secret hidden within this. Use the Mo Ya as much as you need, and then return it to me. After that, I will go to train in the Jianghu.”

Mangnyang stared at me with disbelief, then called out my name.

“Wait, wait, wait!”

“What’s the matter?”

“Are you sure it’s okay to give me such an enormous opportunity?! Don’t you think it’s a waste or worry that I might betray you?”

“Well, I don’t really need these things right now. Eating the Black and White Lotus won’t significantly improve my internal strength, and I still have plenty of gold bars. Right now, I’d prefer to enhance my martial arts rather than practice sorcery with the Mo Ya.”

“That’s not what I’m saying. We only met a few days ago, and you’re just giving me all this without a second thought!”


What was he talking about?

I tilted my head in confusion, but Mangnyang sighed heavily. Then he said,

“Ha… I’m grateful for this gift, and I won’t decline it. I will use it well. But you should know one thing.”

“What is it?”

Mangnyang raised a finger.

“To you, I am a companion who has faced the brink of death with you multiple times, but to me, we only met a few days ago, and you feel like just a bizarre person who resembles a daydream. Even if you ask me to accept you as a companion, it’s just too much pressure for me.”


I kept my mouth shut.

He was right. From Mangnyang’s perspective, even if he believed my words of being a reincarnator, it would still seem sudden. I carried an unpayable debt of gratitude toward Mangnyang, but he didn’t even remember it and considered it an experience he had never had. After pondering for a while, I said,

“I have nothing to say. I can only call it my own self-satisfaction…”

“Ugh… you really are a complicated person. Well, I guess that’s why your mind is still intact.”

Mangnyang shook his head and continued,

“How about this? Next time you meet me, call it ‘an investment for the future.'”

“An investment for the future?”

“I may look like someone who just indulges, but I’m quite calculating. If you give me that one phrase, I will work tirelessly to repay the value of the gift I received. And when you eventually face a tremendous enemy and need an ally, I will do my utmost to repay as much as I was given.”

Mangnyang grinned.

“That way, we won’t develop any unnecessary emotional debts to each other.”

I understood.

This was also Mangnyang’s form of consideration.

At the same time, I realized the attitude I should adopt toward people as I reincarnated. Rather than blindly relying on my memories to show kindness, it would be better to maintain a slight distance and treat them purely as a transactional relationship. While it might seem cold-hearted, it would actually show consideration for the other party.

I then agreed with Mangnyang.

“Alright. I will come back in a few years, no matter how long it takes, to repay you for today’s reward. You will be my companion then.”


With that, I left Jinlang Valley.

Within my heart, one fixed goal was already established, leaving no room for rest.

My own form of martial training!

‘This Thunder God Style and Heavenly Pillar Kill are still far from complete. I need to refine them further through real combat. Once I feel I’ve reached a sufficient level, I will go seek out the Qinglong Martial Hall.’

At the same time, I wanted to attempt the creation of my own network or power this time. Using the remaining two roots of Black and White Lotus and the gold bars to ‘practice’ forming a faction. This endeavor would lead to tremendous differences in proficiency through trial and error, making it imperative for me to urgently learn about mingling with people and organizing systems.

—————————= Author’s Note —————————=

I made slight modifications to the content.

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