Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 91

0091 : Dark Heaven Village

About a year had passed since I began studying medicine and acupuncture. I had been evaluated as having excellent overall memorization skills, so I had already managed to apply simple memorized knowledge to practical understanding quite well. However, since medicine requires the application of learned skills to showcase one’s own cool-headed and intuitive judgment, I felt a sense of barrier in that regard.

Hwa Seo-myeong always seemed to hold back his words, as if reluctant.

“Hm… You have a good head, but being foolish is a flaw.”

What kind of evaluation is this?

At a loss for how to respond, I simply stared blankly at him, and Hwa Seo-myeong continued speaking.

“Don’t worry. You learn much faster than the average physician. It’s just a pity that if your comprehension were a bit better, you could have been an extraordinary genius.”

“Well, that’s a relief.”

“Especially your speed in acquiring acupuncture is remarkable.”

Hearing praise about acupuncture, the only area in which he acknowledged my talent, made me feel pleased. Indeed, among various fields of medicine, I had shown potential specifically in acupuncture.

Acupuncture involves very fine adjustments that can alter the flow of Qi (气) and the manipulation of acupoints (穴), and I had developed a keen sensitivity to Qi, allowing me to read the flow throughout the human body. Additionally, due to my high martial skills, my hands remained stable and undistracted, and physically, I was much stronger than an average physician. Although my results in other medical fields—such as herbal medicine, surgery, and treatment techniques—were not particularly impressive, I was confident in acupuncture.

‘It seems there is something I’m good at too.’

Having lamented my lack of talent for so long, a sense of joy arose within me. Observing me, Hwa Seo-myeong hesitated before speaking up.

“… I have one question.”

“What is it?”

“Have you ever considered becoming a physician? Rather than engaging in these knightly pursuits, wouldn’t you prefer to heal others?”


After some contemplation, I replied,

“If I have the means later, I definitely want to become one.”

Though I couldn’t pursue the path of medicine right now due to pressing obligations, I thought that once I could avert the schemes of the Golden Eagle Guards and regain my life, it would be a worthwhile pursuit. I was able to think this way because I was enjoying my learning process in acupuncture. Hwa Seo-myeong, lost in thoughts, suddenly spoke again.

“For the entire year, I haven’t mentioned that the Hwa Clan, where I resided, was once one of the prominent families in Hebei… Yet, I never told you why it fell from grace.”

I paused in my organizing of herbs and glanced at him. Hwa Seo-myeong remained seated, warming his hands by the fire as he slowly continued.

“That was entirely my fault. It was because I accepted the offer from the White Lotus Sect.”

“What do you mean?”


Hwa Seo-myeong cast a kindling into the flames, causing the fire to flare up.

“About ten years ago, as the head (家主) of the esteemed Hwa Clan known for its medical prowess in Hebei, I was acknowledged as one of the Five Great Doctors of the World.”

A statement in the past tense.


“I still believe my medical skills can match against anyone in the world, except for Dongfang Mu-jue and Jiang Zhuangji. Given that, my pride in my medical abilities was beyond measure. It may have been inevitable for the envoy of the White Lotus Sect to approach me.”

I set down the herbs and moved to sit across from him. As I adopted a serious posture to listen intently, Hwa Seo-myeong continued his story.

“There was a Little Sect Leader of the White Lotus Sect. He had a very serious illness. I was asked by the envoy of the White Lotus Sect to treat the Little Sect Leader’s ailment.”

“What illness is that?”

“Huh… At that time, it wasn’t revealed to me. However, he offered me a tremendous bribe of two hundred pieces of gold along with a promise that the White Lotus Sect would provide full support for the future of the Hwa Clan. And, since he provocatively suggested that I wouldn’t be able to cure him, I became hooked.”

Hwa Seo-myeong spat those words out bitterly.

“Indeed, the Dharma Protector came personally to my home, so there was little choice but to accept.”

“The Dharma Protector?”

“Yes. He was the one wearing a gray fox mask.”

The gray fox mask.

As I muttered that phrase, Hwa Seo-myeong added,

“I followed the Dharma Protector to the White Lotus Sect. While I couldn’t meet the sect leader directly, all the Five Great Doctors of the World, including myself, were already present. It seemed they, too, had received invitations from the White Lotus Sect.”

“To gather all the famous physicians for the Little Sect Leader’s treatment then.”

“Yes. This implies how desperate the White Lotus Sect was at that time.”

Hearing such unexpected information struck me with a sense of intrigue. Considered in the context of a decade ago, it didn’t feel that far off from my previous life. The thought of a gathering of the Five Great Doctors attempting to treat the Little Sect Leader ten years back was astonishing!

As I listened attentively, Hwa Seo-myeong bowed his head and continued speaking.

“However… that day, my pride was shattered into pieces. No one among the Five Great Doctors, including myself, could cure the Little Sect Leader’s illness. Dongfang Mu-jue discerned the nature of the disease, and I managed to alleviate some of the symptoms with acupuncture, while Jiang Zhuangji stabilized the patient. The other two helped as well, but together it was still futile. Even with the precious medicinal herbs supplied through the assistance of the White Lotus Sect, curing it remained impossible.”

I was stunned.

“……!! Is there truly such an illness?”

“There was. We remained at the White Lotus Sect for an entire year unable to cure the illness, and it became a source of grave despair. Since we couldn’t save the Little Sect Leader, it seemed he was destined to perish, and the clan faced annihilation.”

However, he is still alive. As I gazed at Hwa Seo-myeong, he offered a faint smile.

“On the last day, I had the chance to see the leader of the White Lotus Sect from a distance. He didn’t want to show himself and spoke from behind a great figure, saying, ‘That can’t be helped,’ and simply let us go. I don’t know what the situation was, but it seemed that the sect leader knew from the beginning that we wouldn’t be able to cure the Little Sect Leader.”

He knew it was impossible to cure him.

Yet he called us.

Why was that?

‘Something… doesn’t seem like it’s just simple desperation…’

As I pondered this, Hwa Seo-myeong spoke again.

“Then the real trouble began. The fact that the Five Great Doctors, including myself, went to cure the Little Sect Leader of the White Lotus Sect became known throughout the Jianghu. The martial artists criticized us for colluding with the demonic sect, and suddenly, guests stopped coming to the Hwa Clan. No matter how great a physician one is, if no one comes to seek treatment, there’s nothing that can be done…”

“Is it true that this information got out? Could it have been leaked by the White Lotus Sect?”

“I can’t say for sure. But the timing was too precise for it not to be the White Lotus Sect. This was likely their form of punishment.”

The sect leader probably thought that directly killing the Five Great Doctors would not bode well for them. So they deliberately leaked the information in the martial world, branding us as ‘traitors.’ In this case, the arrows of blame would certainly be directed solely at the Five Great Doctors.

I couldn’t understand and said,

“Weren’t you concerned about the possibility from the start? Why did you…?”

“I’ve said it was unavoidable. The Dharma Protector of the White Lotus Sect personally came to me with a request. If I had refused, the Dharma Protector could have wiped out my family right there. I had no choice but to accept, whether it be life or death.”


Hwa Seo-myeong gulped down the drink beside him. Upon closer inspection, it seemed not to be water, but rather bamboo leaf tea that had been poured into the cup beforehand. Sipping the tea and letting out a brief sigh, Hwa Seo-myeong continued,

“I felt I could no longer survive in the Central Plains, so I sought a way to live elsewhere. I planned to move my main residence to Goryeo. I thought that in Goryeo, which has no connections to the Central Plains martial world, I could live without being looked down upon.”

“So that’s why you joined the Jeong Clan as a guest.”

“Exactly. As the personal physician of the clan leader of the Jeong Clan, he agreed to naturalize the descendants of the Hwa Clan in Goryeo. Therefore, I can never forget the kindness of the Jeong Clan leader, and I can never refuse his requests.”

As he spoke, Hwa Seo-myeong glared at me with a somewhat displeased expression. Given his position, he must have been busy simply serving as the personal physician, and then suddenly having to accept a disciple like me would have been unwelcome. Due to the nature of medicine, which is more closed-off than martial arts, he would likely have been reluctant to share his secret teachings.

“However, my relatives from the Hwa Clan have not all been able to come to Goryeo yet. Half of them still remain in the Central Plains, living with scorn.”

“Why is that?”

“Because of money. They can’t afford it.”

Hwa Seo-myeong muttered with a hint of lamentation, downing another cup of bamboo leaf tea.

“No matter how kind Jeong Cheol-wook may be, he isn’t the type of person who would support moving the entire clan from the Central Plains to Kaesong financially. I’m currently using all the money I’ve earned as his personal physician for the naturalization of the Hwa Clan. Even then, it’s still not enough, and it’s quite bleak.”

“What do you mean? Are you saying that it costs so much money for someone to travel from Hebei to here via Shandong?”

“That’s a foolish thing to say. The lifeblood of a healer is medical texts, and my main residence is filled with invaluable resources, herbs, and knowledge. To relocate all of that to Goryeo would require enough money to set up two or three trading posts. Are you telling me to give up everything the Hwa Clan has accumulated over hundreds or thousands of years?”


Hwa Seo-myeong squinted and looked at me.

“Then you showed up and gave me a root of the Sacred Lotus. I was able to sell that root over the year, and with that money, I managed to bring twenty members of my clan and medical resources to Goryeo. I owe you a great deal.”

“With the Sacred Lotus root, your inner power should increase dramatically…”

“Haha, would you have me watch my relatives suffer in the Central Plains for a millennium just to increase my own abilities? I am a physician first and foremost, not a martial artist. Therefore, what matters to me is not my martial prowess.”


This time, Hwa Seo-myeong downed the bamboo leaf tea in one go. It felt like he was expressing thoughts that would be hard to articulate without a drink. He said,

“Honestly, I had no intention of passing down the Hwa Clan’s 108 Acupuncture Techniques or the secrets of Hua Tuo’s Five Animals. To be frank, what basis do I have to entrust the family’s secrets to you? Furthermore, for an ordinary person, just learning the basics can take ten years, and many fail along the way, so I intended to keep it light. However, during the year we spent together, my mindset changed.”

It seemed he had truly intended to take advantage.

I wasn’t surprised, as I had more or less expected this. Giving him the Black and White Lotus was a sacrifice I was willing to make to learn medicine from a master. I asked casually,

“What changed?”

“You lack talent. While you do possess extraordinary memorization skills, exceptional endurance, and precision, which allows you to excel above average, it’s also true that your understanding has some gaps. As the medical skills become more advanced, it will become increasingly difficult.”


“But you possess sincerity and substance. I appreciate that aspect of you.”

Having said that, Hwa Seo-myeong cleared his throat.

“If you wish it, I would like to formally accept you as my disciple and teach you my medical skills. I want to pass on everything I know to you.”

“Is it because it would help the Hwa Clan?”

“To say otherwise would be a lie. However, you need to recognize your own value a bit more. There are countless gifted individuals in the world, but who wouldn’t salivate at the sight of you? Setting talent aside, even that immense inner power makes you an extraordinary genius.”

“I imagine there will be many who dislike me.”

I thought of the three-eyed Liang. Hwa Seo-myeong shook his head.

“Regardless of which master you trained under, he probably had expectations that were too high. However, a true master-disciple relationship isn’t like that. It’s built on mutual trust and guidance, and in turn, a look at the path he should take in life. I hope you can become a physician who merely fulfills his role.”


I recalled Liang’s gaze. Indeed, when he taught me earnestly, there was a sense of urgency and intensity to him. Looking back, it was clear he had set exceedingly high goals for me, and with such lofty expectations came the potential for great betrayal. I thought to myself,

‘Right. If he hadn’t set expectations from the start, it wouldn’t have come to this.’

Having thought that much, I asked Hwa Seo-myeong,

“Is there a way to conceal my energy?”

“Of course there is. You have been contemplating this, haven’t you?”

Hwa Seo-myeong smiled cheerfully and answered.

“I can’t offer you the level of the Reverse Energy Technique, but by utilizing the Hwa Clan’s 108 Acupuncture Techniques, you can implement the Heaven Seal Acupoint Method to minimize the energy leaking from your exterior. That way, you won’t get embroiled in unnecessary disputes.”

Upon hearing that, I nodded without hesitation.

“I will become your disciple.”

“Then perform the Nine Prostrations Ritual.”


I executed the Nine Prostrations Ritual and formally became his disciple.

Up until now, we had been engaging in a psychological battle, each waiting for an opportunity, but now we had entered a genuine master-disciple relationship where I would receive his teachings.

Thus, eight years swiftly passed.

During that time, I worked as a guard for the Jeong Clan, and in my spare time, I went to learn medicine from Hwa Seo-myeong. Even though I was busy with guard duty, I still found time three days out of the week during the seventh week. Over the course of about eight years, I learned medicine from Hwa Seo-myeong to a point where he mentioned I had reached a level where I could contribute as a physician.

One day, while reading a book under the autumn sky, I muttered,

“I’ve lived longer than ever.”

At that moment, my body had fully matured, and I was in my mid-twenties. I had survived much longer than the records indicated. Simultaneously, I realized how well I had managed to evade death in the meantime. The peaceful routine of life had me reminiscing about the chaotic years past.

However, my martial skills had not improved much. During this time, I dedicated all my efforts to learning the Hwa Clan’s 108 Acupuncture Techniques and Hua Tuo’s Five Animals, focusing solely on daily practice of the fundamental techniques so as not to forget them. I felt regretful about that, but I also accepted it. Even if I were to die later because of the Nine-Tailed Fox, learning Hwa Seo-myeong’s medical skills was invaluable, and just gaining that knowledge was a fortuitous opportunity.

‘Damn… If I die, I die.’

Such medical skills could not be learned later.

By then, Hwa Seo-myeong had already received another root of the Sacred Lotus from me eight years ago and had successfully relocated his entire clan to Goryeo. With nothing particularly pressing, I had continued my ordinary days of studying medicine.

At that moment, Hwa Seo-myeong opened the door and spoke.

“Baek Ung, do you understand the Blood Seal section of the Hwa Clan’s 108 Acupuncture Techniques well?”

“It’s a bit difficult.”

“Understanding seventy percent of the 108 Acupuncture Techniques is quite impressive. Strive for more.”


I managed a wry smile. I had expected Hwa Seo-myeong to drain me dry and then dismiss me, but it seemed that there had been sincerity in his confession from eight years ago. He had genuinely accepted me as his disciple, and I had come to regard him as my master.

Then, Hwa Seo-myeong casually broached the topic.

“Have you considered marrying my granddaughter? As I mentioned before…”

“Um… It seems your granddaughter greatly dislikes my face.”

“Ahem. A man’s appearance isn’t everything; what a disgrace,” Hwa Seo-myeong said irritably. My appearance as an adult was certainly lacking. While the depth of my inner power prevented my looks from falling into complete disarray, I was still born with an unappealing face. So, when Hwa Seo-myeong introduced me to his fifteen-year-old granddaughter, Hwa Yeong-yeong, she looked utterly shocked and seemed about to faint at the sight of my unfortunate looks.

Hwa Seo-myeong remarked,

“I would like to personally arrange for your appearance to be altered, but are you truly fine with not changing your looks?”

“Yes. Like you said, appearance isn’t what’s important.”

“Hah… If you change your mind later, let me know. Though at your level now, you could handle things by yourself.”

Sighing, Hwa Seo-myeong got to the point.

“Step outside for a moment. There’s a guest here looking for you.”

“A guest?”

I was taken aback. I hadn’t engaged with anyone other than my duties as a guard for the Jeong Clan and had not formed connections with anyone outside of the people from the Jeong Clan, the guards, and the Hwa Clan. It was hard to fathom that a guest would come to see me now.

However, as I stepped outside, a man wearing a black feathered coat was standing there. I recognized that the coat was called a ‘hakjangui,’ and it was very familiar to me. In fact, it was an unforgettable outfit.

After a moment, the man took off his coat and smiled as he said,

“It’s been a while, Baek Ung.”

“Mang Ryang…!!”

It was indeed Mang Ryang who stood there. Unlike before, he had significantly improved his skills, and confidence radiated from his face. Moreover, behind Mang Ryang stood four subordinates who appeared quite formidable as well. Glancing at them, I said,

“You’ve formed the Counter-Heaven Alliance?”

“Haha, I liked that name you mentioned last time so much that I couldn’t use anything else.”

Mang Ryang burst into hearty laughter. He looked very different now; in the past, he had been a lazy and carefree free spirit, but now he exuded the dignity of a leader of an organization. As I stared at him, Mang Ryang said,

“I got permission from Jeong Cheol-wook, the head of the family. Let’s step outside for a talk.”


I followed Mang Ryang to a nearby inn and reserved a room. At the door, Mang Ryang commanded his guards,

“Be on guard at all directions.”

“Yes, sir!”

With that, they vanished from sight in unison, showcasing first-rate light body technique. I watched them and remarked,

“Those guys must also be members of the Counter-Heaven Alliance.”

“Indeed, they are people gathered here for righteousness.”

Once we entered the room, silence hung in the air for a moment. I was the first to break the silence.

“What have you been up to all this time? I’ve been trying to find out the whereabouts of Hae In while staying in Goryeo.”

“I know that. I’ve grown using the Black and White Lotus and Makya that I received from you, and I’ve formed the Counter-Heaven Alliance to oppose the imperial family.”

“Has the Golden Eagle Guards gathered the Seven Celestial Stars to become stronger?”

At that, Mang Ryang lightly shook his head.

“If we follow the original history you mentioned, they should have done so by now. However, there are no signs of that yet, and they haven’t been able to summon a large number of demons or summoners. They likely haven’t obtained the Seven Celestial Stars.”

“Is that true?”

“That’s correct.”

Why was that?

Upon hearing Mang Ryang’s words, I fell into thought. My intention in this life was to find out the whereabouts of the Seven Celestial Stars, whether I lived or died, so I had somewhat half-given up on the turmoil in the Central Plains. It would not be strange if the Golden Eagle Guards had obtained the Seven Celestial Stars and were causing chaos by now, yet curiously, Mang Ryang said that was not the case.

‘Have I unintentionally influenced the Golden Eagle Guards in this life?’

I pondered but couldn’t come up with anything specific.

While I was deep in thought, Mang Ryang grinned and said,

“Actually, a few years ago, I asked my master whether Hae In is indeed one of the Seven Celestial Stars.”


“When I asked, my master said that Hae In is definitely one of the Seven Celestial Stars, but obtaining it is the most challenging among them. So, I thought that you wouldn’t need to struggle anymore and came to talk to you again.”

I was speechless.

To think that there was such a way!

Mang Ryang’s master doesn’t want to meet me, so I had no way to confirm that, but Mang Ryang, who treasures me as his disciple, could just approach his master and ask. I let out a deep sigh and said,

“Ah… I feel like I’ve wasted my efforts. If you knew about that, why didn’t you just tell me earlier?”

“Actually, I’ve been receiving news about you from the members of the Counter-Heaven Alliance in Goryeo. There’s one in the Jeong Clan as well.”


“I thought you were dying too frequently and wanted to give you time to gather your strength. If you rashly got involved in the situation in the Central Plains, the risk of dying would be high.”

I was astounded by Mang Ryang’s consideration. At the same time, realizing how much Mang Ryang had developed the Counter-Heaven Alliance sent shivers down my spine.

He had a vast organization capable of communicating from Goryeo, which was thousands of miles away, and stood in a position to negotiate with the Jeong Clan, the most powerful family in Goryeo, with first-rate masters as his guards. I never imagined he could grow into such a significant figure in less than a decade.

I said to Mang Ryang,

“Then you could have just told me to come meet you; why go to all this trouble?”

Mang Ryang shook his head.

“That would be impolite. You’ve gifted me such a great opportunity and endured hardships in Goryeo for your purpose, so how could I simply send a messenger to call you to the Central Plains? As friends, it’s only right to come see you personally.”


Feeling a rush of emotion, I glanced away for a moment.

‘Meeting Mang Ryang was the greatest fortune of my life.’

While he appeared laid-back, he was a genius with a fiery passion, innate talent, and a strong sense of chivalry. It was no exaggeration to say that if Mang Ryang had lived in chaotic times, he could have been a figure like Zhuge Liang or Sima Yi.

When I couldn’t find the words, Mang Ryang spoke,

“Actually, that’s part of it, but the state of the Central Plains is unusual, and I needed to come to Goryeo for a bit. I feel that if I stay in the Central Plains right now, I might get swept up in something.”

“What’s going on?”

“Don’t be alarmed, just listen well.”

Mang Ryang took a deep breath and said,

“The White Lotus Sect has declared its presence in the Central Plains martial world.”

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