Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 40: Eich

   When the earth rhinoceros was about to succeed, the middle-ranked goblins who were still in the fierce battle immediately noticed something wrong, and they turned their targets and launched a strong offensive against the earth rhinoceros.

   Two winged frost worms gathered their wings fiercely, and when they were gathered and scattered, the icy blue energy gathered, and finally turned into two huge ice blades with a length of two meters, cutting away towards the earth rhinoceros.


   In the sky, the bird of paradise uttered a loud chirping sound, shining brightly all over, condensing the dazzling brilliance, turning into a number of light arrows that seemed to be true, and shooting towards the ground rhino below.

  Due to the rush of time, the two mid-level goblins activate basic skills, mainly to block the earth rhinoceros.

  In the blink of an eye, the ice blade and the light arrow appeared in front of the earth rhinoceros. Unexpectedly, the earth rhino did not dodge, nor did it activate the skills. While fighting hard with his flesh, he opened his mouth to bite the blood fruit.


A strong roar sounded, the rock armor on the surface of the earth rhinoceros was almost completely broken, and there were several scars on the thick cowhide. If you look closely, you will find that these scars are not very deep and did not cause much damage to the earth rhino. .

   The rock armor offsets part of the damage, and the earth rhinoceros has thick skin and is good at defense, so it is naturally difficult to cause too much damage.

   At almost the same time, the Thunder Leopard rushed forward. It stepped on the back of the earth rhinoceros, causing the earth rhinoceros to have a halt and bite directly at the blood vein fruit.

   With the speed of Thunder Leopard, it is very possible to bite the bloodline fruit first.

   Seeing that the fat of the hand was about to be lost, the earth rhinoceros was naturally quite annoyed, and the khaki energy quickly gathered and turned into a few large stones, slamming on the Thunder Leopard frantically.

   Although the Earth Rhino reacted quickly, its movements were still a bit slow, and the Thunder Leopard was about to eat the blood fruits.

   At a critical moment, several vines slammed out of the ground, entangled the thunder leopard's limbs with lightning speed.

   These vines are Kailan’s masterpieces!

   Due to the melee, in just two or three minutes, the lower level goblin fell for most of the time, and the remaining threats were not great. The middle level goblin was left with Thunder Leopard, Earth Rhino, Two-winged Frostfly and Bird of Paradise.

   Due to the difference in realm, Kailan's vines are not tough enough for the Thunder Leopard, and can easily break free, but the timing is fleeting, especially it has become the target of fire.

   So, when the Thunder Leopard broke free from the vines, several stone-like stones had hit it head-on.


   Accompanied by a screaming scream, the Thunder Leopard was hit to the ground heavily.

   Before the Thunder Leopard stood up again, the offensive of the Bird of Paradise and the two-winged frost flies came and completely submerged the Thunder Leopard.

   When the brilliance dissipated, the Thunder Leopard lay motionless on the ground, no longer alive.

   Thunder Leopard, die!

   After killing the Thunder Leopard, the earth rhinoceros once again moved towards the bloodline fruit.

   "Drill the mole, do it! Ashe, come on!" At the critical moment, Li Changsheng chose to see the poor, and under his command, Ashe took a vigorous step and also rushed towards the blood.

   Li Changsheng was also very helpless. He also wanted these middle-ranked fairies to continue to kill each other, but the time for the bloodline fruit to maintain is limited. If it continues to be delayed, the effect of the bloodline fruit will definitely be weakened.

   Suddenly, the ground on which the earth rhino was standing cracked, and then the earth rhino felt that it was empty under its feet and fell directly into a large pit several meters deep.

   It turned out that the burrowing mouse was already prepared and was always under the willow tree. When Li Changsheng gave an order, the trap could be activated instantly.

   At this time, the gopher burrowing out of the ground, its limbs are shining with bright yellow brilliance, flooding into the earth continuously.

  In an instant of effort, the surrounding ground changed, the soil quickly became sandy, and slowly rotated, binding the earth rhino and several lower level fairies in the quicksand.

   After becoming a middle-level fairy, the range, depth, and restraint strength of the Quicksand Hell have been substantially improved.

  In the rotating quicksand, the movement of the earth rhinoceros is obviously affected. It is too heavy and too clumsy. Even if it struggles hard, it cannot break free of the quicksand for a time.

   At the same time, Ashe stepped on the head of the earth rhinoceros, jumped up and opened her mouth to bite the blood fruit.

   The Bird of Paradise and the two-winged frost worm naturally did not want Ashe to succeed, and jointly launched a close attack on Ashe.

   In the sky, the bird of paradise swooped down, its sharp beak gleamed with cold light, and its body rotated violently, pecking at Ashe's waist.

   On the other side, the two-winged frost worm fanned its wings, opened its hideous mouthparts, exposing the fangs exuding cold light, and bit towards Ai Xi from the other side.

   At a critical juncture, a large number of cotton spores appeared on Ashe's body, as if it was wrapped in a thick layer of cotton.

   Whether it is a bird of paradise or a two-winged frost flies, in the process of touching the cotton spores, they are more or less hindered, and their strength has declined to a certain extent.

   However, they are mid-level goblins after all. Even if Kailan's quality is high, the cotton spores can only slightly offset their offensive under the gap of realm.

   Even so, but also because of the cotton spores, under their siege, Ashe was not seriously injured, but suffered serious injuries.

   Without any hesitation, Ashe opened her mouth wide and bit down the bloodline fruit on the branch in one bite. Its throat visibly stirred and dragged the bloodline fruit into her stomach.

   At the moment of swallowing, the fruit of the blood veins quickly took effect. Ashe's body quickly swelled, and the muscles under the hair were constantly agitating, as if a worm was burrowing around.

  The pain deep into the bone marrow made Ashe's eyes full of bloodshot eyes. The energy of the fruit of the blood is too tyrannical. It can only lie on the ground languidly, temporarily losing its ability to move. Ai Xi can't count on it!


   After Ashe swallowed the fruit of the blood, the bird of paradise and the two-winged frostworm couldn't help becoming angry, and once again launched a strong offensive against Ashe.

  Before fully digesting the energy of the blood fruit, Ashe's flesh and blood are naturally filled with the energy of the blood fruit. They can completely eat the flesh and blood of Ashe. Although the effect is not as good as before, it is better than nothing.

   Besides, Ashe grabs food from her mouth, she naturally became the target of their anger.

  Unfortunately, before their offensive hit, Ashe had turned into a purple light and quickly flew towards Li Changsheng, and disappeared at the moment of contact with Li Changsheng.

   It turned out that Li Changsheng was ready to take back Ashe when Ashe acted.

   "Lightning zebra, lightning strike!" At the moment of taking back Ashe, Li Changsheng gave the order to attack again.

   Under the command of Li Changsheng, the one-horned horns of the five Thunder Zebras were once again surrounded by a strong electric current, and finally turned into five golden electric currents, shooting at the bird of paradise.

   Compared with the two-winged frost worm, the bird of paradise is more threatening.

   The bird of paradise reacted extremely fast. It did not evade in a hurry. Instead, it opened its mouth and spewed a bright beam of light. Its head began to deflect, causing the beam of light to move continuously, colliding with five currents one after another.


   Along with the roar, the beam of light forcibly canceled the five currents.

   "Thundering zebra, charge!" The situation was stronger than others, and Li Changsheng had no idea of ​​head-on, and immediately took a strategic retreat.

   During the retreat, the driller jumped up and landed on the back of a Thunder Zebra.


   The five Thunder Zebras quickly turned their heads, the sound of their horses stomping on the ground sounded, and they galloped out of the valley.

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