Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1364: Congenital Jiamu Miaozhen Qinglian

After entering the secret realm, Li Changsheng went to the central medicine garden and placed the lingxi sacred jade close to the golden apple tree, so that the golden apple tree could gradually absorb the energy of the lingxi sacred jade, and the fruit could mature quickly.

This process may take several hours.

As for the hole virtual chalcedony, Li Changsheng gave it to the hibiscus tree to absorb it. Although it is only a treasure of heaven and earth, it is very different from the hibiscus tree, but it will always be improved more or less.

Up to this moment, Li Changsheng had handed over the congenital wood energy and a large amount of wood element crystals to Kailan for absorption.

Due to the numerous crystals of wood elements, it will take a certain amount of time to sublimate the power of the elements this time.

While Kailan was absorbing it, Li Changsheng began to treat the body of the water-saving golden eye beast, using the flesh and bones to purify the essence and blood, and the minions and fur as the materials for the refinement.

Li Changsheng is skilled, and in just over half an hour, he obtained nearly seven pots of the corpses of water-saving golden-eyed beasts, plus the previous accumulation, reaching as many as eleven pots.

However, the water-sheltering golden-eyed beast belongs to the middle-level divine beast, and it takes about 12 cans of essence and blood.

This does not mean that Li Changsheng has no choice. In his secret realm, he has nearly 20 wild goblins with the bloodlines of the water-saving golden-eyed beasts. They have different blood veins, but they want to gather a pot of the water-saving golden-eyed beasts. Blood is still enough.

As a price, this group of wild goblins will inevitably fall into a state of weakness for a period of time.

There was no accident. One hour later, Li Changsheng once again received a can of blood from a golden-eyed beast.

When Ning Bizhen's blue-eyed golden-eyed beast absorbed twelve cans of blood, Kailan's momentum skyrocketed, and her strength had been greatly improved.

Kailan's appearance has not changed much, but her facial features have become more refined, and her appearance is very small.

Li Changsheng couldn't wait to check Kailan's information.

[Fairy Name]: Queen of Nature Elf (growth period, Congenital Jiamu Miaozhen Qinglian: Can automatically absorb the surrounding wood energy, quickly restore the defense of the lotus platform, and can increase the power of wood skills by 50%, which can be offset once or Multiple damages of the same tier, depending on the attack intensity. While absorbing the Yimu elites to increase the damage of the wood type skills, it automatically pulls the nearby wood type energy, greatly accelerating the recovery of injuries and physical strength, and automatically understands the Yimu **** thunder. Absorbing thorns Sacred Fruit, which greatly enhances the power of wood skills, strengthens the restraint ability, and slightly improves the recovery ability. Consolidates the power of the rules, the power of the skills is doubled, and causes continuous damage to the enemy; rule guard: exemption from partial damage, depending on the opponent's realm)

[Fairy Realm]: Demon Emperor Tier 2

[Fairy Race]: High-ranking beast

[Fairy Quality]: Legend

[Fairy Bloodline]: Elemental Power (Dacheng), Elf King (Dacheng)

[Fairy Attributes]: Wood

[Fairy State]: Healthy

[Fairy Weakness]: No "Xuanyu Ginseng Eliminates Attribute Weakness"

"Legendary quality!"

When he saw Kailan's quality, Li Changsheng said that he was not surprised that it must be a lie. After all, it has not been long for Kailan to reach half-step legendary quality. It stands to reason that even if the concentration of elemental power reaches Dacheng, it should not directly reach legendary quality.

"Maybe the effect of innate Jiamu Qi?"

Judging from the situation, the greatest possibility is the congenital aura.

"Hey, how did the Congenital Qi Xuancha Miaozhen Qinglian become the Congenital Jiamu Miaozhen Qinglian?"

Until then, Li Changsheng found an abnormality again.

From the perspective of the situation, this should be the fusion of the innate Jiamu Qi and the Innate Yiqi, or the innate Jiamu Qi has swallowed the innate Yiqi, and this change will occur.

The same is the innate qi, the innate Jiamu Qi is higher, but the innate Qi also has a unique effect. After the combination of the two, the increase effect of the innate Jiamu Miaozhen Qinglian on the wood system has changed from 30% to 50%.

From this point of view, Kailan's quality improvement is indeed related to this.

But this is good news, isn't it.

In addition, Kailan's characteristics have also undergone certain changes.

The healing divine light characteristic becomes the Jiamu divine light, which is probably related to the absorption of the congenital Jiamu qi. If it is absorbed by the congenital Yimu qi, it may be changed to the Yimu divine light.

The healing effect of Jiamu Shenguang is even better, and it can greatly improve Kailan's ability to recover from injuries and improve Kailan's battery life.

The rest of the characteristics have not changed. As Kailan's combat power soars, Li Changsheng's strength has also risen, I am afraid that he has reached 0.9 Wudi.

Of course, these are his predictions, it is possible that he can already compete with Emperor Wu, and he has to fight before.

After checking Kailan's information, Li Changsheng took Kailan back to the Central Medicine Garden.

The hole virtual chalcedony has been absorbed by the hibiscus tree. Just as Li Changsheng predicted, the hibiscus tree has not grown much, and probably increased by more than ten meters in height.

On the other side, the sacred jade of Lingxi shrank by a half, and the nine golden apples on the golden apple tree, with only a trace of variegated colors, were about to mature.

Under the golden apple tree, Xiao Guai is staring at the golden apples on the branches and leaves. As soon as the golden apples mature, they will take down the remaining sacred jade.

Li Changsheng touched Xiaoguai's little head, Xiaoguai pouted dissatisfiedly, trying to get rid of the shackles of big hands.

It's a pity that these are all useless work, and in the end Xiaoguai can only obediently submit.

When the nine golden apples were completely golden, a strange fruit scent hits. It doesn't smell very good, but it makes people feel slanderous.

Golden apples are ripe!

At this time, Xiaoguai jumped up, took down most of the remaining sacred jade, handed it to Li Changsheng graciously, and showed an expression of complimenting me quickly.

"Good job."

Li Changsheng didn't mean to admire him, and immediately stretched out his hand, and nine ripe golden apples fell and hovered in front of him.

Among the many demon pets, the golden apple is suitable for Ashe and Dumb, as well as Ning Bizhen's Gengjin Golden Scale Beast.

Among the three Li Changsheng naturally leans towards Ai Xi, followed by dumb, and finally is the Gengjin Golden Scale Beast.

Ashe is still an epic quality, but not far from the half-step legend quality.

The effect of the golden apple is almost equivalent to the origin of gold. Nine golden apples are enough to make Ashe reach the legendary quality in one leap, and directly reach the legendary quality, and there may be surplus.

In the blink of an eye, Li Changsheng teleported to the edge of the secret realm and summoned Ai Xi.

As a natal demon pet, Ashe has a tendency to lag behind. Not to mention that he can't beat Kailan and the two cats, even the current status is almost impossible to guarantee, because the round, four-clawed yellow dragon, and Lei Qilin are already close to its status.

In view of the fact that the essence of Baihu and Qiongqi have not yet been collected to the next stage, the best way to improve Ashe's combat power is to improve its quality, and there is a high probability that Ashe will become a real monster emperor.

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