Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1381: Special sculpture villain

Among the four treasures, the first is a sculpture of a little man covered in green light, which is only three feet tall.

The head of the sculpture of the villain is concave, and there are strands of green liquid on it. It looks very viscous, and it feels like green jelly.

Li Changsheng took a closer look and found that the sculpture of the villain was constantly absorbing nearby natural energy, and then transformed into a viscous green leaf liquid.

These liquids are condensed by natural energy, and their properties have undergone certain changes in the process of condensing, giving a sense of vitality to life, but they are not the water of life.

Li Changsheng didn't know the effect of the green liquid, and he didn't find the answer in the memory of the natural disaster king, but it didn't bother him. Just ask an expert for this kind of thing.

"Kalan, help me analyze the green liquid."

Li Changsheng directly summoned Kailan, even after three or four days of rest, Kailan was still in a weak state, and her strength was greatly weakened.

But analyzing the nature of the green leaf liquid is natural.

As the queen of natural spirits, Kailan's power of natural elements is becoming more and more powerful, and his understanding of natural energy and life energy is probably second only to the king of spirits.

The next moment, Kailan closed her eyes and carefully felt the change in the nature of the green liquid.

During Kailan's analysis, Li Changsheng looked at the second treasure.

This treasure was placed in a jade box. After the jade box was opened, a fiery red crystal was slightly suspended, without a trace of noise.

Li Changsheng was startled for a moment, and then he smiled with joy.

Crystallization of the rules of fire!

Not surprisingly, this should be the treasure obtained by the King of Natural Disasters from the Temple of the Sun. Originally, Li Changsheng thought it was used by the King of Natural Disasters, but it turned out to be unused.

Judging from the situation, it must be the fire demon saint-level demon pet that the natural disaster king is not on the verge of breaking through, and it will not be used. As a result, Li Changsheng is in vain.

Naturally, Li Changsheng was not polite. He collected the rules of fire and prepared to wait for Hongluan to reach the critical point of breakthrough.

The third treasure is a gourd. Judging from the feedback of mental power, the gourd is not precious, it is just a container of space, and the key lies in the contents.

When Li Changsheng opened the cork of the gourd bottle, he saw a lot of soil stored in it, which looked quite familiar.

He dumped a little and placed it on his spread right hand, and he could feel a peculiar energy, which gave him a sense of life and harvest.

"Nine Heavens Breath the Earth!"

Li Changsheng recognized it immediately. He had obtained a cylinder of Nine Heavens Breathing Soil in the inheritance of the King of Yum. He was very familiar with this kind of heaven, material and earth treasure that promoted the growth of spiritual plants.

The volume of the gourd is not very large, but it also contains 20 to 30 cubic meters of nine-day soil, which is several times that of Li Changsheng.

"Why didn't the natural disaster king put the Nine Heavens Breathing Earth in the secret realm for the growth of the spiritual plant?"

Li Changsheng was a little puzzled. He couldn't understand the mind of the natural disaster king, and he was too lazy to think, after all, the secret realm of the natural disaster king would eventually belong to him.

What I have to say here is that in the ring of the natural disaster king, there is indeed a secret realm token of the natural disaster king, which is easy to handle.

Before Li Changsheng looked at the fourth treasure, Kailan finally completed the identification.

Kailan organized a phrase and said: "This is a very special liquid that can promote the growth of the spiritual plant and shorten the growth cycle of the spiritual plant."

"In other words, this is a liquid similar to light and clean water."

"Yes, but in terms of feeling, the effect should not be as good as the light water purification."

"Then call it the essence of life. By the way, how long does it take for the sculpture villain to give birth to a drop of the essence of life?"

Kailan thought for a while, and replied: "It will take about three months, but this sculpture villain is similar to the wooden heart that can cultivate wood spirit grass. They both uncontrollably swallow the life energy of plants within a certain range."

"Maybe there is a certain connection between the two, but it is not necessarily."

Li Changsheng secretly said under his heart, using the authority of the lord of the secret realm, to bring the sculpture villain to the place where the unknown spiritual tree heart is stored.

As the area increased greatly after being promoted to Blessed Land, Li Changsheng placed the unknown Mu Xin in the secret realm, but he would transfer it every once in a while, and the task of transferring Mu Xin was handed over to the old Bai Ze .

When Li Changsheng suddenly appeared, Bai Ze showed a vigilant look. After discovering that it was Li Changsheng, he lay down on the ground again and cultivated leisurely.

"Little Li, it's rare for you to come here, what's the matter?"

In the fierce battle with the Emperor Human and Emperor Feng, this Bai Ze also helped a little, providing treatment for the monster pets in the rear, which made the monster pets' battery life to a higher level, which was indispensable.

"I found this. It feels similar in nature to Mu Xin. Come and see if there is any connection between the two."

Li Changsheng took out the sculpture villain and placed it in front of Bai Ze.

Among the many mythical beasts, the smartest are Bai Ze, Nine-Tailed Fox and Kunpeng. Among them, Bai Ze has the love of all things and knows the appearance of all things in the world.

But even Bai Ze couldn't identify the unknown Mu Xin's information.

Bai Ze looked at the sculpture villain carefully, pondered for a while, and finally shook his head.

"I don't have any impression of this thing, you let it touch Mu Xin first."

"It can only be the."

Li Changsheng nodded, and the sculpture villain flew up and touched Mu Xin.

However, at this moment, there seemed to be a connection between the two, Mu Xin shook slightly, and then the swallowing force suddenly accelerated.


Li Changsheng watched this scene with suspicion. Judging from the sense of mental power, Mu Xin's absorption range has expanded several times, and the swallowing speed has naturally increased.

As for the sculpture villain, after contacting Mu Xin, he no longer draws natural energy, but Mu Xin actively feeds back a small amount of energy, which is faster than its absorption rate.

This is undoubtedly a model of 1+1>2. Obviously, there is indeed a connection between the two, but for these two unknown things, Li Changsheng and Bai Ze have never been able to identify them.

In this way, Li Changsheng will be able to obtain more wood spirit grass and life essence.

"It seems that you need to add a few more transfer locations, Bai Ze, they will take care of them."


Bai Ze has no objection, not to mention the natural energy gathering here, it feels very comfortable, and life here may be able to live longer.

After speaking, Li Changsheng was about to look at the last treasure, but he suddenly moved in his heart, but he sensed that the jade for seeking the truth had been absorbed.

Li Changsheng's figure suddenly appeared in front of Qiu Dao Yujue, Qiu Dao Yujue turned into a stream of light and returned to the sea of ​​consciousness.

He squinted his eyes slightly and carefully sensed the message of the great road in Yujue.

Unsurprisingly, after absorbing this piece of debris, some of the incomplete Three Thousand Avenues have become complete, including a top ten existence.

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