Remarry the Farmer

Chapter 848

Chapter 847 I want to know him

Pearl was a little bit happy, Liu Qinghe said that she was the first person to listen to his flute. This identity is really a good identity for Pearl. The first woman to listen to Liu Qinghe’s flute, the first woman to be moved by Liu Qinghe. Pearl blushed at the thought of this.

She looked back at Liu Qinghe, who was also looking at her. Pearl’s face was ruddy. She walked up to Liu Qinghe, lay her body in Liu Qinghe’s arms, and said, “I am so happy now that I have you by my side.”

As Pearl said, she slightly raised her eyebrows and looked at Liu Qinghe. There was a touch of melancholy in Liu Qinghe’s eyes. He did not speak, but looked at Pearl quietly, his eyes overflowing with tenderness.

Pearl became a little emotional, she rushed forward and took a bite of Liu Qinghe’s mouth. Liu Qinghe was slightly startled in fright and looked at Pearl in disbelief. Pearl bit her lips and bowed her head embarrassedly, not daring to look at Liu Qinghe again.

“You actually… kiss me…” Liu Qinghe laughed. Seeing Liu Qinghe’s smile, Zhuer blushed and turned her head away: “You…you are my father-in-law, and I kiss you…it is only natural for me to kiss you.”

“As a woman, you are really not shy.” Liu Qinghe Weiwei Yao Yao’s head, Pearl heard this, curled her lips, and glanced away. Shy? What is shy? Can it be eaten? She likes Liu Qinghe, so she wants to kiss Liu Qinghe. This is a normal reaction.

Pearl thought so, her face even more ruddy.

Liu Qinghe looked at Pearl, with a smile at the corner of his mouth: “Why, I didn’t even speak anymore?”

“I…I like you, so I thought about kissing you. Isn’t that allowed? Who ruled that forbid it?” Pearl snorted and glanced away.

Liu Qinghe was really envious of Pearl. He could say his likes so easily, and he couldn’t do it for him. Liu Qinghe sighed, he put down Chang Xiao, and said, “Pearl, thank you, thank you for your love, I’m very happy.”

“Are you really happy?” Pearl looked back at Liu Qinghe incredulously.

Liu Qinghe nodded.

Pearl laughed. In Pearl’s heart, she really liked Liu Qinghe. Although she knew Liu Qinghe didn’t like her, what did it matter? Liu Qinghe didn’t like it. She could make Liu Qinghe like her. Liu Qinghe hid a lot of secrets and thoughts in his heart. There are many, although Pearl can’t understand, but she really loves Liu Qinghe.

For a beautiful person like Liu Qinghe, encountering these things makes people feel sad. Pearl naturally understood this truth in her heart. The saddest thing in Liu Qinghe’s life must be that the people he likes don’t like him, Pearl really can’t figure out why some men like Liu Qinghe don’t like him.

Pearl was lying on the bed that night, and Liu Qinghe was also lying on the bed. Liu Qinghe was very regular on the bed, but lay straight, without reaching out to hug her. Pearl was a little bit lost, but it didn’t matter. After all, it was still early. After all, they had only married for one day. It was only one day. How could Liu Qinghe suddenly fall in love with her.

Pearl sighed a little melancholy. In the early morning, Liu Qinghe went up and down, and Pearl stayed at home bored. She was lying on the bed, unable to sleep on either side, got up and walked out of the Liu Mansion, and went to stroll around the streets.

She shuttled among the various small shops, looking here and there, it was very novel. At the beginning, she fled to the capital in a panic. Pearl didn’t want to elaborate on the hardships, but fortunately God has eyes, and the place where she fell when she was tired turned out to be the place where Liu Qinghe was.

Now that she is married to Liu Qinghe, it is truly a blessing from heaven.

Pearl was thinking, but when she turned her head, she accidentally ran into someone. Pearl looked at this person and was slightly surprised. Isn’t this person Liu Yiyuan who often visits Liu Qinghe’s house?

“Sister-in-law, what are you doing here?” Liu Yiyuan asked.

Pearl smiled, Liu Yiyuan’s sister-in-law called her a little embarrassed.

“I wander around, how about you? Why are you here?” Pearl asked.

“Like my sister-in-law, I can go shopping everywhere,” Liu Yiyuan said. “Sister-in-law, since we have met now, do you want to hang out together?”

“Okay!” Pearl nodded.

Liu Yiyuan took Pearl and wandered around in the capital. Pearl suddenly thought of something and said, “Master Liu, can you tell me about Qinghe?”

“Didn’t he tell you about these things about my elder brother?” Liu Yiyuan said.

“I just heard about Wang Xiushu, and I haven’t heard of other things about him. I’m very curious.” Pearl said.

Liu Yiyuan smiled brightly when he heard this. He could see that the woman in front of him really liked Liu Qinghe. Liu Qinghe is really blessed to be able to have such a beautiful woman by his side.

“Okay, sister-in-law, shall we find a teahouse and sit down and have a careful chat?” Liu Yiyuan asked.

Pearl nodded when she heard this.

Liu Yiyuan led Pearl to a teahouse. There were many people in the teahouse, and Pearl looked around, feeling very surprised. She has never been to the teahouse in the future.

Liu Yiyuan led Pearl to the second floor. He sat down and said to Pearl: “Sister-in-law, don’t hesitate to ask what you want. As long as I can answer, I will tell you.”

When Pearl heard this, she was a little delighted, and she said, “I want to know when Qing He was a child.”

“When I was young…” Liu Yiyuan condensed his brows, as if recalling. After a while, Liu Yiyuan arrived. “My eldest brother had nothing to say when he was a child. He was very smart. At that time, the Liu family was a big family in Beijing. So I went to a genius medical doctor.

My eldest brother didn’t like Wang Xiushu, but a playboy, he was always accompanied by beauties, and he liked to spin around among the beauties since he was a child…”

Liu Yiyuan was whole, wait, what was he doing? He said something in front of people who liked his elder brother. How could he corrupt his elder brother’s reputation so much? Although what Liu Yiyuan said was the truth.

He raised his head and looked at Pearl. Pearl listened very seriously and did not appear angry, but as if listening to a book, she was very fascinated.

Liu Yiyuan relaxed and continued talking about Liu Qinghe. Tell Pearl one by one the good and embarrassing things that happened to Liu Qinghe. When Pearl heard the funny place, she laughed with Liu Yiyuan, and frowned when she heard the sad place.

Liu Yiyuan looked at Pearl. He really felt that this woman really loved Liu Qinghe, and she loved her deeply.

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