Remarry the Farmer

Chapter 857

Chapter 856 runaway

The servant on the side looked at his master, hesitantly stepped forward, and said, “Master, are you really going to stop it?”

“If a woman often coaxes, doesn’t it increase her arrogant arrogance?” Liu Qinghe said with a cold snort. The servant looked slightly startled, nodded, and said: “So that’s it, but well…”

“But what?”

“I’m afraid that the master won’t coax now. If the lady is really angry, what should I do if she really leaves?” The servant hesitated.

Liu Qinghe’s gaze was slightly startled. He turned his head and didn’t look at the servant. The servant seemed to realize that he had said the wrong thing and smiled: “Master, don’t mind, I said the wrong thing.”

Liu Qinghe gritted his teeth and sighed. This Pearl is really more and more unsure of what is good or bad. Let her be cold for two days, see what she says, Liu Qinghe will not believe it, this Pearl can really be out of anger for a long time.

Liu Qinghe thought so, and he let out a long sigh.

Pearl was sulking in the room at this time, she didn’t know what was going on, she would be jealous so much. Obviously, when she heard that Liu Qinghe liked Wang Xiushu, she had never felt so jealous.

Why now…

Pearl really couldn’t understand herself. She sighed, feeling a little upset in her heart, not knowing how to say it.

Maybe she saw another woman kiss Liu Qinghe. Although Pearl knew that Liu Qinghe liked Wang Xiushu, Wang Xiushu did not kiss Liu Qinghe, but Liu Qinghe let other women kiss him. Unforgivable, really unforgivable.

Pearl felt even more angry when she thought about it.

In the morning, Liu Qinghe got up, just about to go back to the room, but realized that Pearl was still angry with herself last night. He sighed, looked at the closed door, and said nothing more.

The servant had already prepared breakfast. Liu Qinghe looked at the dishes and took a bite, but he was suddenly disappointed. These dishes were not prepared by Pearl.

It seems Pearl is still mad at herself. Liu Qinghe put down his bowl and chopsticks and came to the main hall. He knocked on the door, but there was no response from inside.

“Pearl, when are you going to be angry?” Liu Qinghe asked.

There was still no sound inside. Liu Qinghe was furious and kicked in directly, but there was no one in the room, and there was no Pearl. Liu Qinghe felt anxious, so she turned out to be so angry with herself? She was so angry that she ran away from home.

The general mansion at this time.

Wang Xiushu looked at Pearl who was squatting on the side helplessly, and said, “What happened to you and Qinghe, why are you so angry?”

Pearl pouted and shook her head, but couldn’t say anything. Wang Xiushu couldn’t help but sigh slightly when she looked at Pearl’s appearance.

Pearl looked at Wang Xiushu pitifully: “I… did I bother you?”

Wang Xiusu shook his head: “Don’t worry, you didn’t bother me.”

Pearl chuckled, that’s it, you can hide in the general’s mansion. For some reason, Pearl didn’t want to see Liu Qinghe, perhaps because Pearl was still angry with Liu Qinghe. Liu Qinghe, he didn’t care about himself at all. The only person he cares about is always his pearl.

When she thought of this, Pearl felt very sad, as if she was about to explode.

Seeing that Pearl was angry, Wang Xiushu also hid with her in her own place. Suddenly she thought of something, turned her head to look at Pearl, and asked: “Pearl, is the reason you are angry because Liu Qinghe kissed another woman?”

Pearl shook her head: “He was kissed by another woman.”

Wang Xiushu laughed a little bit dumbly. It turned out that he was not from Liu Qinghe’s relatives. This is good, this is good. Wang Xiushu sighed slightly, and said, “Then what are you doing so sad today? Since you are not from Cousin Liu, you shouldn’t be so sad anymore, right?”

Pearl was slightly startled, looking at Wang Xiushu.

“Cousin Liu didn’t change his mind, but was accidentally kissed by another woman,” Wang Xiushu stretched out his hand and stroked Pearl’s head and whispered softly, “So, are you still sad?”

Pearl didn’t know what to say, and she knew she shouldn’t be sad. But as soon as I thought about it, I was just a substitute for Liu Qinghe. Since she was a substitute, she would be replaced by another woman one day. When she thought of this, Pearl felt sad and didn’t know what to do.

Wang Xiushu looked at Pearl with a smile, and Pearl lightly averted his gaze and stopped looking at Wang Xiushu. Wang Xiushu’s smile became brighter.

Although she didn’t know what Pearl was worried about, this was a matter for the young couple, so she didn’t need to worry about it. Anyway, she has notified Liu Qinghe, Liu Qinghe should come to pick up people soon.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long before Liu Qinghe rushed into the general’s mansion. When Wang Xiushu saw Liu Qinghe, the smile on his face became brighter. Liu Qinghe stepped forward and made a salute with Wang Xiushu. Wang Xiushu looked at Liu Qinghe’s slightly angry face, smiled slightly, and turned his gaze to Zhu’er.

When Pearl saw Liu Qinghe, her face was slightly surprised. She was startled, and when she was about to run away, Liu Qinghe caught Pearl first. Pearl looked at Liu Qinghe’s face, stunned, not knowing what to say for a while.

Liu Qinghe raised his eyebrows and said, “What? Why didn’t you talk to me?”

Pearl turned her gaze away, not looking at Liu Qinghe.

Liu Qinghe took Pearl’s hand and walked to Wang Xiushu: “Xiushu, I will take Pearl to leave first, and I will come back to thank you for another day.”

Upon hearing this, Wang Xiushu nodded slightly.

Pearl followed Liu Qinghe, not knowing what to do for a while. Liu Qinghe did not speak either, and the hands holding Pearl did not separate.

Pearl was taken all the way back to the Liu Mansion by Liu Qinghe. Back in the room, he closed the door, and then released Pearl.

“What the **** are you arguing with me?” Liu Qinghe asked.

Pearl’s nose was sore, tears fell from the corners of her eyes. Liu Qinghe looked at Chu Chu’s poor Pearl, and his heart suddenly softened.

“Pearl.” Liu Qinghe whispered. Pearl averted her gaze and refused to look at Liu Qinghe.

“Pearl, you can talk to me today, what the **** are you arguing with me? If I did something wrong, you can mention it to me and I will change it.” Liu Qinghe said.

Pearl’s nose became sore, tears suddenly flowed out. Pearl didn’t know what to say for a while. She only knew that she was sad, sad.

“Pearl…” Liu Qinghe leaned down and kissed Pearl gently.

Pearl’s crying stopped a lot, she looked at Liu Qinghe, and then she said: “I…I’m just afraid you don’t like me anymore…”

Liu Qinghe was startled, what’s the reason for this? When did he say that he didn’t like her anymore?

“What do you mean by this, when did I say I didn’t like you?” Liu Qinghe was really a little bit dumbfounded.

Pearl frowned, “The person you really like is Wang Xiushu, isn’t it? I’m just a substitute…”

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