Remnants anomaly

As you stare into the abyss

The anatomy of the grim was an interesting topic that leon had in depth knowledge of due to his "method" of handling them. see , rather than flesh and blood of various types and functions the internals of the grim were closer to barely shaped sludge than an actual organ. in people organs are complex and detailed things but for the grim they were extremely simple in that they basically served no real purpose other than wasting space. leon had even experimented on these organs to see why they caused the grim to die when damaged.

What he discovered was that when the organs became damaged that particular organ liquifies and damages the rest of them causing a chain reaction that ends with the grim dissolving into smoke. this explained the reason for the powerful external defenses since without them the lightest injury would result in the grims death. what concerned leon however was when he pulled the small unknown grim open he immediately noticed something off. unlike the normal grim's organs this type of grim had an extra few steps forward in complexity and the barest hint of a familiar type of energy maintaining it , mana.

Leon had a grave expression when he noticed this and wasted no time at all dispatching the bird grim after finding this energy. magic was a versatile and troublesome thing in that with enough time and skill multiple layers could be interwoven together to create complex spells. it would not surprise leon then to know that salem had indeed added a sense sharing function to the scout's. normally this function remained dormant until one of two conditions were fulfilled , first was if the scout's were captured and second was if they found their target. the moment leon captured that particular scout and began his examination salem was just as equally observing him through it.

Salem was left extremely confused by what she saw however as not only was leon no longer corrupted by the essence of grim but his eyes now had a completely different look compared to what her agents reported. she easily figured out that his lack of corruption likely had something to do with this new shape of his eyes but the actual significance of it was lost on her. this wasn't strange considering how leon had only explained how the sharingan worked to people he felt he could trust.

At the moment that list included , ozpin , qrow , tye and glenda since tabitha was likely going to eventually unlock her own sharingan. leon knew without a doubt that since he was the progenitor of the sharingan in this world any child he had was basically guaranteed to had the same eyes. rather than leaving glenda to suffer while trying to understand how to raise a child with these eyes leon explained everything he knew about them up to mangekyou since he hoped tabitha was never put in a position to unlock it. in the terribly case she did leon left a magical box with the information in it that could only be opened using the mangekyou.

Looking at leons eyes through the scout made salem's heart rate increase as she could sense a sort of familiarity to them that she couldn't figure out. salem could also not be blamed for this since despite having personally witnessed the god of darkness and tasted his aura leon's eyes were completely different than the gods unlike the silver eyes of ruby that came from the god of light. as a result she sensed the faint influence of the god of darkness in leon's eyes but failed to make the connection.

If leon ever managed to evolve his eyes into the rinnegan this would change immediately since the rinnegan would likely be the same purple color as the god of darkness's. this was unlikely to ever happen however as the requirements to evolve the sharingan to that point were monstrously high even for leon. still this familiarity that salem felt only made her desire leon for her own even more and would be the source of a great time of peril in the near future as she began to make plans.


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