Remnants anomaly

Battered but victorious

Leon found himself ripped apart more and more as the fight raged on as he was having trouble adapting to the various different speeds. against most enemies leon wouldn't be having this much trouble since he merely needed to adapt to a single tempo but this time there were three completely different ones. even using kami no keshin wasn't helping him much since the combined power of four ancient grim damaged him through it. leon refused to escape however as a true challenge was exactly what he wanted when he came here and he knew he could do this.

Soon however leon finally adapted to the speed of the three attacking forces and launched his counter attack. hell flame blasted out of his back pushing him forward while also slightly damaging the king taijitsu that was attacking from behind him. hexus was caught unprepared for this sudden shift in momentum and paid for it as leon speared the ursa attacker in the head reducing it's combat power drastically. a pulse of power hit leon from the apathy slowing him down long enough for the beowolf to slam him into the ground.

Still leon recovered and continued his assault on hexus with brutal efficiency slowly chipping it down until eventually it breathed it's last as leon bisected it with his scythe form. leon laughed madly as the massive influx of life force and high quality exp flowed into him from the dissipating corpse. he finally had what he needed to level up and close the gap between himself and his goal of being the strongest person on remnant. the most unfortunate thing about this victory in his opinion however was that this was also the final challenge he could ever use to level up via combat.

"Now i need to find me a good place to level up." leon said to no one in particular as he stood in a thoughtful pose as he searched through his memory for a good spot. soon he found one that was perfect and grinned before vanishing in a circle of infernal script. in the next moment leon found himself in the very same woods that he had hunted an alpha ursa so very long ago. leon thought it was only fitting that his last combat level up happened in the same place as his first which is why he came here.

Without hesitation leon pumped all of the exp he had on hand into his falna while hoping for something good beyond his next developmental ability that he had already chosen. leon felt his back heat up before the heat spread throughout his body at which point he cooled down again signaling that the level up was over. Leon immediately opened his status to see what had changed this time with an excited look.

Name: vermilion drake

Race: Faunus(horned ape/tailed bat)







Developmental skills: lancer , scyther , artillerist , sealer , mage

Magics: Mangekyou Sharingan(Left: kami no keshin , Right: Rakurai) , semblance(greater vampire) , hell fire , Infernal script , penance (the power of hell to purify those within it through their suffering all the way to the core of their souls.)

Skills: Devil's due , Infernal script

Leon couldn't help but feel conflicted about the new magic he got not only because of it's fairly long activation chant but also because the chant basically tells him what the magic does. purifying those it was used on in exchange for a large amount of suffering on their part made it the single most twisted healing spell he had ever heard of.

He was left at a loss however as with this magic he completed all the stereotypes of the devil he had sought to become. there was nothing left for him to obtain along this path and as a result he was for the first time in a long time lost as to where to go from here. at first he thought that maybe he could go down the opposite path as an angle but every part of him rejected this idea. he teleported back to the desolate lands while still lost in thought not even realizing that salem had noticed the change in him immediately and was horrified because he had actually gotten on the same level as her.


my patrons can read an extra two chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.


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