Remnants anomaly

Family drama

Leon shrugged "it's not like you have any use for the stuff and desides i just so happened to have been looking for a good place to gather a huge quantity of it at once anyways." he said honestly. "i'll forgive you if you tell me what it's for later since as you can tell i am kinda busy." opal said before focusing fully on the task at hand. ' it's not like me trying to solidify the life force is that big a deal so what's the harm telling her right?' leon thought not realizing the twin gods were VERY cocerned about it.

"The anomalous mortal is trying to press on the bounds of his mortality again brother. should we intervene?" the god of light asked seriously. "no , his semblance is not of a high enough state to allow him to start shedding the shackles on his existence any further than he already has even if he has not realized it." the dark god said calmly. "but at the rate he is progressing i fear the mortal may reach that point in the next three years. the world was not designed to handle the presence of an ascender like him and the previous one whom they called beast god." the god of light remained serious in his speech.

"Should the mortal begin to strain the balance we shall warn him against his actions and he refuses to listen like the last one we shall deal with him the same as the last." the dark god spoke coldly. The twin gods both shivered however when these words were spoken as a third voice spoke up from past their perception. "that simply won't do at all, no sirree." the voice said and the twin gods watched in horror as a blindingly bright hand tore through the void and pulled space itself apart to manifest the rest of the being it was attached to.

A tall man with a lean muscular figure and lion ears on the top of his head walked out of the void fissure as it started to close. the man also had a pair of eagle wings folded behind his back but the most striking feature was his right eye that filled with the most incredible patterns and also radiated the highest amount of power. the man ignored the looks on the twin gods faces as he looked at the planet in the distance with a nostalgic expression.

"I thought we had agreed that both of you were to remain hands off in regards to my pet project down there." the man said before slowly turning to look at the two gods who looked VERY nervous in his presence. And yet i happen to over hear that you were planning to erase him despite him playing by the rules , or am i mistaken , brothers?" the man asked seriously before a heavy pressuring light started to crush down on the two gods.

"What would you have us do!? ignore him as he brings upset to the balance we up hold in that world!?" the dark god asked angrily while shrugging off the pressure for a brief moment as his divinity flared out. the man shook his head "i helped reforge the world to a time before my own presence there once before as penance for my actions , so why not simply ask me to do so again once he leaves?" he asked calmly. when neither of the twins replied the man rubbed his eyelids and sighed "is it because i outrank both of you now?" he asked and saw the two avoid his gaze.

"Look i get that you may be a little sore about your imperfections since you are two halves of the same higher god and can't reach that level without fusing as a result. but come on , shouldn't you be happy that your little brother is doing well?" the man asked in exasperation. "You didn't visit us for a thousand years! and then you have the nerve to show up randomly one day , fix the mess you made and then immediately throw an anomaly into the world and leave again! " the light god said in outrage causing the man to wince slightly.


my patrons can read an extra two chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.


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