Remnants anomaly

F*ck this situation

'Well if this thingy is accurate i really am a newb , lets fix that shall we.' leon thought totally ignoring the fact that he was four. ' if my noodle isn't telling me lies this falna thing works by getting exp from killing shit in order to raise the stats , this leaves me with one question.' he thought seriously. 'the fuck am i supposed to kill when i'm two feet of solid squishiness?' he wondered while looking around for anything useful. 'time to go pokemon hunting , cuz i wanna be the very best like no one ever was~' he hums to himself while waddling out of his room of the house.

He stops when he reaches the hallway and sees the stairs going to the ground floor. ' i may have miscalculated a little.' he thinks finally remembering he was in a four year old body. 'it's fine , i just need to take this slowly and not get oh look kitty cat.' he thinks distractedly. the sudden switch in attention was all leon needed to fall over onto the floor. 'wooden ceilings , nifty' he thinks flat on his back. ' it is going to actually require some effort from me huh?' he wonders seriously. 

'Fuck it , i'll worry about having fun later , for now though we need to get down those steps without dying.' he resolves himself as he slowly goes down the stairs one step at a time taking him thirty minutes to get down. 'alrighty lets go find something to kill and OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT THING!' leon backpedals away from the pitch black dog sized creature with a white bone mask and horns that was rabidly thrashing in the crate. the creature looked like a demonic rabbit but way larger and definitely trying to destroy the crate it was in.

'Seriously what the actual fuck is this thing?' he wonders after calming down. 'whatever it is i want fuck all to do with it , who even leaves something like that in the house with a child?' he chastised in his mind before going to find a sharp implement of some sort to stab the trapped creature. leon was quickly adapting to the limitations of his new body as he searched the house that was oddly empty. he found a rather long kitchen knife that looked perfect for stabbing things since it was a about a foot long and sharp.

'Now lets go put down bug's evil brother' he thought as he headed back to the crate next to the bottom of the stairs. leon put on a brave front but he had never killed anything other than fish before so he just stabbed into the cage with his eyes closed. the creature screamed as the blade dug into it's body and thrashed around even more leaving leon no choice but to stab it again and again. leon just kept stabbing until the creature went silent and he opened his eyes only to see the thing dissolving into black smoke. 

'If i wasn't sure before i can officially state that whatever that thing was is definitely evil. i can't imagine anything not evil turning into black smoke when it died.' he thought seriously before he felt a sudden surge of warmth in his chest that grew the more the creature dissipated. 'is this what exp feels like? it's kinda comfy to be honest.' he thought before pulling up his status again only to see it unchanged. 'is this one of those things were i have to manually points points into stats? let's go magic since i feel like that's going to be kinda important , also i really want to span fireballs.' he thought.

Focusing on the magic stat causing the status to blur for a moment before clearing up and revealing that the magic stat had jumped up to thirty five. there was a slight headache accompanying the change however his thinking became a bit more normal an clear. ' the headache sucks but this shit is better than adderall for my focus.' he marveled at the difference. if before he was thinking in eight different directions now it was like he was thinking in seven , not major but definitely noticeable.

'Now to figure out why a four year old has been left unattended for so long.' leon thought while climbing onto the shelf by the open window to look out. "ahhhhh!" he screamed in surprise stabbing the huge black werewolf creature outside the window in the eye reflexively killing it. 'Fucking monsters outside that's why , come on god i literally only just got control of this body!' he cursed mentally. the warmth filling his chest as the monster dissolved was far greater than when he killed the rabbit thing. ' i'm probably going to need a lot more endurance if i'm alone with these monsters.' he focused on that stat.

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