Remnants anomaly

First evening

'Is this why i feel so attracted to his eyes?' salem wondered. in the end she kept her questions to herself since she had an entire year to try and extract leon's secrets. leon watched as salem sent her people off before leading him into the castle to show him around. she had a good poker face since if he hadn't seen the slight change in expression she had when his eyes changed he wouldn't have known that she was interested in them. 'two can play at this game.' he thought without a single twitch on his face.

The inside of the castle was rather confusing for leon since the ceiling was so far above them that he could have genesis parade around without any issue. he never understood this design choice for castles or temples since without really big people or animals involved there was simply no reason for it. salem pouted slightly when she saw how unimpressed leon was with her castle but could only suck it up since she didn't want to create a bad impression. it had been quite a long while since she took any interest in the opposite gender so she had a lot of trouble rationally deciding what to do.

"And you will be staying hear for the next year , feel free to spend the rest of the day getting it comfortable for you." salem said before leaving leon standing outside a wooden door with blackened iron faceting. opening the door leon was surprised to see that the room was fairly barren with only a simple bed and body mirror in the entire thing. 'clearly this room wasn't designed with guest in mind.' he thought as he walked into the room while carefully looking for spying devices.

There weren't any so leon wasted no time at all sprucing up the place with an new bed , a dresser , some tapestries depicting him beating the wyvern to death and a fuzzy rug across the whole floor that was bright pink just to fuck with anyone who might come snooping while he was away. leon also enchanted the body mirror while he was at it to not show reflections but ones truest self. for leon that was unsurprisingly a version of himself covered in blood sitting on a throne of bones situated at the top of a mountain with his vision fixated on the sky above.

Leon wasn't flustered at the image shown to him since he had already seen it before and knew that if it helped him reach his goal he would sacrifice everything. a few hours later salem came to invite leon to dinner but couldn't stop her face from twitching slightly when she saw the decorations of the room when leon opened the door. salem was never big on flamboyant things and was always more interested in darker more restrained themes so the explosion of hot pink that greeted her eyes bothered her. leon merely smirked at the woman before following her to the dinning area.

The meal wasn't anything special as it was basically a thanksgiving dinner from earth not that leon was going to complain because he was quite hungry. the food was cooked perfectly which wasn't that hard to believe since leon saw the kitchen full of chefs earlier during the tour. leon got a few stares from the few minions salem had eating with them as he moved his hands at superhuman speeds to eat as much as possible in short order. normal food barely had enough calories to fuel his body when he wasn't active so he tended to eat large amounts as a result.

In order to prevent this leon usually summoned sea king flesh from the world of one piece due to it's extremely nutrient rich properties. no one said anything about his ravenous consumption however since most of them assumed such a powerful physique required a large amount of fuel. cinder tried to copy leon with her own increase in consumption but failed pretty fast as she got full since her metabolism wasn't fast enough to burn through the food like leons. the most disturbing part however for everyone was when the bones of the turkey weren't even spared from being eaten.


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