Remnants anomaly

Get some

When leon arrived at mount glen he could only sigh at the ruin he found. the buildings were weathered and crumbling while grim openly prowled the streets. 'let's hope my regeneration can keep up , cuz i'm about to do something stupid.' he thought before taking a deep breath. "COME AT ME YOU BITCHES!" he bellowed at the top of his lungs. what was leon's plan here you may be asking , simple really KILL EVERYTHING.  the easiest way to do this was to draw every grim within a few miles right to him in one big swarm.

Leon left his gravity suit back at beacon since it would definitely get torn up if his plan worked. the grim started to pour out of every nook and cranny and swarm towards leon angrily. the sheer number of grim was like looking at a tide of black and white sweeping towards leon. a quick burst of hell fire on either side of leon created a funnel to keep the numbers of grim manageable for him. the fast grim like the beowolves and boarbatusk were in the front of the swarm and thus the first to clash with leon. 

It was a pointless struggle for leon as despite his firewalls he still ended up surrounded and covered in sweat as he spun his weapon through the swarm at just barely enough speed to keep them from dog piling on him. a dozen , two , five a hundred , two , three leon slaughtered the swarm and fell into a fugue state were all he noticed was fighting on. minutes passed as the whole of the city rang out with grim cries and gunshots over and over again. the swarm slowed over time as the older members of the grim noticed that they were getting nowhere fast.

After fighting for an entire two hours leon stood alone panting and shivering from over exertion while covered in his own blood. the only reason leon was still alive was because he killed the grim at a speed fast enough to restore his lifeforce at a stupid fast rate. "i hah regret hah nothing hah." he said between pants. before he could rest though leon knew he needed to get to safety so he forced his exhausted body to move as he flapped his wings and unsteadily rose into the air. a short flight later and leon was on top of merlot industries decrepit building far from any grims reach.

'I'm just gonna rest my eyes for a bit , wake me when the world ends.' he thought before passing out cold. leon slept for close to two days as his body was simply that exhausted from the stunt he pulled. when he woke up the blood that had long dried cracked and came off of him like a fine brown dust. 'good morning vietnam , ugh i need a bath this blood is all dried out and grainy.' was his first thought as he got up. 

'Clouds are made of water right?' he got a clever idea and stripped naked before flying up higher and higher. the wind grew more and more wild the higher he went until he had trouble not getting pushed every which way. eventually he made it to the lowest layer of clouds that he dived into without hesitation. he regretted that as the water making up the cloud was super cold which caused him to go through a full body shudder that messed up his flying. after stopping his fall leon headed back up to the cloud only this time he stuck around the outside of the floating ball of water. 

This let him wash himself with gritted teeth as the blood stuck to him and required thorough scrubbing to come off. the polluted water fell like rain onto the ground and grim below who didn't care since they loved blood. it took a whole hour of scrubbing for the grime on him to finally come off leaving him raw but clean. landing back on the roof of the merlot industries ruin leon dug through his bag for a fresh set of clothes and gets dressed. what came next was seeing if his stunt was enough to level up.

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