Remnants anomaly

Journey’s start

Thanks to the extensive work leon did during these two weeks he finally wasn't needed to oversee vales infrastructure anymore and finally got the chance to relax. "you know you could have visited sooner right?" he asked while laying in bed covered in sweat with a equally sweaty blonde draped over his chest. "you were busy fixing the city , i could wait." glenda said honestly. "i'll be leaving soon to increase my training , that fight was a rather rude awakening for me to be honest." leon said with a sigh. "i know , even now we are still collecting pieces of you outside the walls at random." glenda said with a slightly disgusted face.

Leon chuckled "ah yes the incidental leftovers i tend to leave behind when i get injured. out of curiosity has anyone found my weapon yet?" he asked with a smirk. leon knew that his weapon would undoubtedly be stuck in the most unusual place since that is just how things tend to work out in this world. glenda pouted at the teasing question since she also knows this was the case and as a result she definitely didn't know where the weapon was.

"No need to pout the thing was made of insanely sturdy stuff so it will be fine till i can get to it." leon said calmly. "are you sure you have to leave?" glenda asked softly. as much as she was loathe to admit glenda had indeed gotten rather attached to leon over this past year. "we've had this conversation already glenda , i won't be tied down until i simply can't grow anymore. while it was fun to spend this time at beacon it was always just a distraction from my goal , and now it's over."  he said with a sad sigh.

The conversation ended there as glenda simply couldn't bring herself to spend her last night with him in an argument. the next day leon formally left vale behind to explore the wilds of the world and bring himself to the peak. it will be a long journey filled with all sorts of strange encounters and powerful foes the likes of which the world has long forgotten. "at least that's how the story is supposed to go but it won't be going anywhere IF I CAN'T FIND MY DAMNED WEAPON!" leon said angrily after having searched all over the place outside vale for his calamity for three whole days.

"Fuck the pretenses EVERYTHING BURNS!" he yelled before pumping out waves of hell fire in every direction to clear away all these trees blocking his sight. leon had officially lost his patience with looking for his weapon and decided to flat out destroy the forest to find it since it was fireproof and the forest was not. he found it stick up out of a huge boulder with the spear blade and half the handle penetrated into the stone. leon was not gentle at all as he extracted his weapon by grabbing the handle sticking out and spartan kicking the boulder apart.

Shards of stone flew everywhere and a cloud of dust exploded from that spot. a full power kick from a high level four was horrifyingly powerful , which was shown from the collateral damage that happened from this attack. "all's well that ends well" leon said as he walked away completely ignoring the unreasonably high amount of destruction he had caused just to retrieve his weapon. "hmmm , lets go north." leon said to no one in particular as he started walking to the right of the sun directly overhead.

Leon knew flying would definitely be a faster method of travel but he was in no hurry since he had no real destination in mind. rather than zoom over the land leon wanted to fully take in his surroundings as he made his journey to the unexplored corners of the world. one would assume that all the futuristic tech available in this world would allow people to explore every part of the world but the grim always foiled these attempts. try to fly and explore? hordes of flying grim will hunt you down zealously. use a boat on the sea? massive sea serpent grim literally everywhere. exploration was a slow and agonizing affair for humanity to undergo thanks entirely too the grim who have a raging hate-boner for humans from birth.


my patrons can read an extra two chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.


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