Remnants anomaly

Leave me be

"Tried that once , it didn't go so great since the guy we hired was not really elite material if you get my meaning." opal said with a sigh. "like he was weak or like he had some moral problems?" leon asked since her description left a lot to interpretation. "he was weak enough that when a student challenged him he lost , after that we had to let him go since most of the student body complained." opal said in exasperation. "yeah i can see how it would be hard to replace the literal strongest man on the planet in a teaching position." leon said with a smug look.

"If you are done stroking your ego maybe you can give us a suggestion on how to fix this problem." opal said with a roll of her eyes. "well there is always i don't know , not having that class." leon said casually. "can't do that either since that's the entire reason i came to bother you to begin with since the students keep seeing you lazing about on the building and asking the rest of us to get you to take up the position again , it super irritating i'll have you know." opal said with a huff.

"You know i am only here because glenda insisted on going back to work now that tabitha was born and she recovered right?" leon asked with a plain expression. "literally everyone knows that , it's one of the reasons no one complains about the infant on school grounds. most people are afraid you'd curb stomp them for it with how stupid protective you are with that little girl." opal said with a sigh. "well they aren't exactly wrong about that , though to be fair she's my first child so i'm allowed to be protective." leon said defensively.

"Yes leon we know , still it would be nice if you could at least try and get the students to back off about it." opal said hopefully. "fine fine i can give a little speech if that'll get you out of my hair." leon said dramatically like it might actually kill him to help. "great imma go get the students piled up in the hazard room." opal ran off before leon could try and stop her. "ugh , what a pain in the ass , might as well get this over with leon muttered as he started to walk nice and slowly.

The resulting speech from leon definitely got the students off of the teachers backs since he all but directly threatened each of them for making him need to come give a speech at all. the only good news out of the entire ordeal as far as the students were concerned was the news that leon was going to install a permanent familiar summoning circle in a heavily defended room. this wasn't a spur of the moment decision not his part as he had taken the data of how effective the hunter students who had familiars were compared to normal ones.

Unsurprisingly they were multiple times more useful since the unique traits they got from their partners in addition to the lack of interest the grim showed towards the familiars made them head and shoulders above most normal hunters. leon didn't plan on making the familiars a publicly accessible thing though since having stronger hunters benefits everyone while the owner of a donut shop could live without a familiar. as for the few hunters who may become criminals after graduating it wasn't going to be a problem since they would be massively outnumbered.

Leon wasn't bothered again for the next month save for the day of the summoning were he was needed to identify the new familiars and their needs. funnily enough multiple people tried to infiltrate the summoning room to test their luck but the heavy security measures leon had set in place included script along the entire room captured each of them. the funniest was a packrat belonging to one of the criminal gangs that was sent because the gangs felt he was expendable. leon gave the gang in question a heavy slap when he not only allowed the boy to make the attempt but when he succeeded personally had the boy join the devil's den after rescuing the kids family.


my patrons can read an extra two chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.


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