Remnants anomaly

One year later and true story

Time flew past for the world and a few things had happened during this time that needed to be mentioned. the first was that salem had finally got laid six months in and had drastically mellowed out as a result. this happened mostly because leon got bored of denying her and because the longer he did so the more aggressive she became. it was so bad that he was practically being commanded to go get her items from places he's never even heard of from across the globe that she immediately threw away.

It was impressive that he had even lasted six months under such treatment without killing any one. then again most of salem's minions had mysteriously vanished once salem showed signs of being pent up. the second thing was that cinder had grown into the combat strength of a maiden perfectly during this year letting her barely keep up with leon if he only fought with his magic. living in the same place as leon for an entire year had also removed most of cinders hatred of him. though to be fair it helped that she had inflicted serious injuries on him during their spars even if he just regenerated from them.

The third thing was that leons stats jumped from the lower end of level five all the way up to the peak of it at SSS 1500 in all of his stats. the reason for this massive leap was due to the fact that even if it was low quality and only harvested once a week leon was practically drowning in exp and lifeforce he could pump into his stats. the stat gain may have drastically increased as his stats went up but leon simply had far too much exp at his disposal since he was literally in the birth place of the grim race that spawned thousands of them every single day.

The fourth thing that was of interest was that tabitha had spoken her first word and had gotten ironwood beaten up by glenda since it was "bastard". apparently the man couldn't stop himself from saying that word in the regular conversations he had with glenda about leon and tabitha had picked up the word. leon was rolling on the floor laughing as tears went down his face when he heard this story. glenda was far from amused however that her childs first word was a curse directed at her father.

The fifth thing that had happened was that the full story of what exactly had happened between salem and ozpin in the past was revealed. the story was plain stupid in leons opinion as what it boiled down to was that due to salem's extreme love of her husband she had sought out the at the time still present gods to have him brought back to life. the god of light and life said no since it fucked with the balance of life and death , which even leon could agree with.

Rather than understanding this and mourning her loss like a normal person however salem cursed at the god before taking drastic measures and seeking out the other god on remnant , the god of darkness and destruction. she then tricked said god into bringing ozpin back but this caused a big fight between the two gods who quickly figured out that salem had turned them against each other and cursed her to walk the world forever without her husband. she then STIILL didn't accept her failure and turned all of the human race at that time against the gods.

The gods got pissed at this (for good reason) and killed off the entire world before leaving an empty remnant and salem behind. later the god of light sent ozpin into his first incarnation with a mission to prove that humanity was capable of working together before bringing the artifacts together and summoning the gods back. ozma decided to find salem who was corrupted by that point and ignore his mission to rekindle his old flame. but of course when salem's destructive corruption reared it's head ozpin fucked up and killed all their children before turning against salem who has devoted herself to ruining all his effort since then.


my patrons can read an extra two chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.


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