Remnants anomaly


Leon's first victim was a beowolf that didn't even have time to react before it's skull was pierced through. the lifeforce that leon got from it was easily equal to three trees proving how much more effective this method was in comparison. for the next four hours leon thinned the grim population in the surrounding few miles to almost nothing. during this time he had cut off the nub of his left leg and regrew that as well as his left arm and genitals. yes , since those had also been removed as part of the wyverns attack and were not vital organs they had not been regrow forcing leon to do it himself.

It was an uncomfortable process to say the least thanks to how sensitive that particular area was. the only limbs leon hadn't regrown yet were his tail and wings since they were in hard to reach areas of his body and he would rather not mutilate himself in unnecessary ways. still this hunting trip paid off as leon was mostly recovered and even had half of his lifeforce storage full leaving him much safer. no one was surprised when he showed up later at the cottage with most of his limbs back.

"It's strange seeing you with only a single faunus trait , it was odd seeing the extras at the start but i got used to it and now you seem , incomplete." blake said when leon walked up to the kitchen to get something to eat. "not to worry , i'll get genesis to help me regrow those in a bit." leon said with a shrug. "you know how bad that sounds right?" blake asked with a roll of her eyes. leon grinned "of course i do , that's half the fun after all." he said cheerfully.

Blake rolled her eyes again "keep talking like that and i may fall for you." she teased. leon chuckled "nah , I'd rather not make your dad happy thanks." he said sarcastically. blake looked confused at this "what do you mean?" she asked curiously. "as a member of the world council your dear old dad is one of the few people who actually understands the full ramifications of me hooking up with someone. i am rich , powerful in every sense of the word , handsome , genius and to top it off actually a pretty nice guy most of the time."

"If you hooked up with me it would give your father the leverage he needed to use my resources for his cause and give him the best son in law he could hope for , there is literally no real downside to it for him." leon explained while creating a sandwich. "he's not like that!" blake said defensively. leon shook his head " you misunderstand me , i didn't say your dad was manipulative or insensitive , merely that he would be thrilled at the benefits that he would gain if you pursued such a route. i am well aware of ghira's personality thanks to my unique position after all." he said honestly.

"How would your resources be worth so much to the cause?" blake asked confused. leon chuckled "you remember the deal i have with weiss's father correct?" he asked and she nodded. "that entire deal was a minor side effect of the influence and power i personally hold , so what exactly do you think would happen if i were to actually put my full resources behind the faunus equality movement?" he asked and blakes eyes widened in realization. "but you are also a faunus why haven't you?" she asked both confused and angered at him.

"Because the faunus don't need a savior to swoop down and lift them up. no , what they need is the motivation as a whole race to stand up and say enough is enough , while the white fang may have started to go too far in how they act the idea behind their acts is correct. frankly speaking i am simply not needed to fix the problem." leon said seriously. "that's not to say i don't help out as well , there's a reason my company hires faunus for the majority of it's staff after all." he said before walking off with his huge ham and steak sandwich leaving blake to her thoughts.


my patrons can read an extra two chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.


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