Remnants anomaly

Poor leon(3)

Yang completely ignored leons look and acted like she hadn't just made an inappropriate implication. no one knew but a certain blonde woman far away cringed when she saw this unfold. much like leon had said opal walked out of the forest in her hazmat suit fifteen minutes later which reinforced leons words about the island being covered in toxic things. "oh thank the gods , it's just a bunch of normal people this time. the last person i came across has made me question my sanity constantly for the last couple weeks." opal said honestly.

Leon rolled his eyes "now you are just being dramatic , it was only once a day." he said jokingly and everyone laughed. opal quickly checked herself over to make sure there were no hidden "passengers" from the forest before removing the hazmat suit making everyone save ren , qrow , oscar/ozpin and leon flinch at how stupidly muscular she was. seeing such an amount of muscles on a woman was VERY rare so their surprise over it was normal after all. yang realized immediately why leon shot down her implication the moment she laid eyes on opal's physique. not many men would feel any lust over a women with more muscles then them after all.

Leon caught opal up on the information he received about how the others got here to which nora mentioned leons joke about talking to god along with him getting struck by lightning which made opal stiffen. everyone decided to join leon and opal in the journey until they could figured out an actual goal besides wander from kingdom to kingdom helping where they could. this forced leon to fly back to vale in order to get more hazmat suits and supplies since he didn't have enough for twelve people.

Leon didn't know why but for the next week he was miserable because every time he turned around some crazy event popped off like some divine being was purposefully messing with him. the funny part was that he wasn't wrong either as far away in the small divine pocket alex helplessly watched as his wives took turns playing pranks on leon and one other person with the exception of freya who merely gave the rest ideas. there wasn't anything alex could do to fix this issue because each of his wives seemed to be enjoying themselves and he didn't want to be a buzz kill.

While the pranks on leon were harmless on a totally different part of the world that was covered in darkness and grim salem was having it much worse. at random points in time she would spontaneously explode in a shower of glitter before reforming thanks to her immortality. as if that wasn't bad enough somehow everyone of her actions were twisted into reverse which was massively disorienting. when she adapted to doing everything in reverse and as such correctly the twist had been removed and she was left frustratingly disoriented again.

The worse part however in salem's opinion was when the grim all seemed to go into heat and grow male genitals that they wanted to use on the only female grim , her. this was obviously the work of some higher power but confused her as neither of the twin gods would do such strange things. even alex was horrified about the level of cruelty his wives were inflicting on salem despite the fact she had been punished for causing some of their deaths and indirectly alex's own. women were spiteful and grudge holding creatures and it was so much worse when they were also divine as well.

For leon though he had to deal with a grim horde from out of nowhere , a literal meteor and the air of the island suddenly having alcoholic effects. he was fine since his level four s rank body was basically immune to most kinds of alcohol but besides qrow who was already drunk perpetually the rest were greatly affected. things got crazy when the others got intoxicated as leon needed to literally create a soundproof room for jaune and pyrrha who got , affectionate shall we say. ruby was ironically a sleepy drunk while weiss was a funny one and blake was a sad one , yang though was a VERY touchy drunk as she felt up literally everyone until leon restrained her. needless to say leon was not having a very good time dealing with all of this.


my patrons can read an extra two chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.


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