Remnants anomaly


"Honestly the kids semblance feels like cheating half the time." qrow said calmly. "what do you mean? he told us that he had regenerated an arm once but even that seems small compared to his current injuries." weiss said confused. "oh yeah , i know that story too but the version he gave you was the watered down version. see what had actually happened was that during that ambush he was cut in half , from shoulder to waist." qrow said running his hand from his left shoulder to his right waist band. "he didn't just grow back an arm but rather most of body instead." qrow explained honestly.

"He's pretty much unkillable at this point." tye chimed in agreement. "that's insane! surely such a powerful semblance has just as big downsides right?" weiss exclaimed in an attempt to rationalize what she just heard. tye shook his head "the only limitations are the limited pool of lifeforce and the severe inefficiency of using it on living things. at least those are the only limitations that he has found till now." he explained honestly. "there is actually another." leon said as he woke up with a huge headache and an empty feeling in what parts of his body he still had.

"Ugh , did someone get the number of the truck that hit me?" leon joked as ruby tackled him which aggravated the frailty of his current body. "you big dummy , we were worried about you." she said tearfully. "as much as i would like to sit here and let you hug me to death it's really hard to keep my semblance from eating you right now." leon said seriously. it was true too as now that he was awake his instincts were fighting against his reason to try and drain the nearest source of life force in order to recover.

It was only thanks to leons intense will that he was fighting the deep seeded urge off but it was a serious matter none the less. ruby shivered and leapt away from him when he said that frightened like a spooked cat. the lack of physical contact with a living thing eased the raging urge but it was still there just below the surface. "we can talk after someone throws me out the window so i don't damage the house when i try to move. no need to worry about injuring myself though." leon said seriously.

Qrow wasted no time at all grabbing leon and tossing him right out the window much to the horror of the other watching. before he hit the ground a dark red rib cage with a single skeletal arm of huge proportions manifested around him and cushioned his fall. this brought a dull ache to leons eyes but he ignored it as the single arm pulled the rib cage and by extension leon over to an nearby tree. the incomplete susanoo vanished and leon rolled his torso into touching the tree and began to siphon away the lifeforce within.

The small wounds such as his broken ribs and torn muscles rapidly fixed them selves as his body burned through this life force infusion. thanks to the scarred over nature of his limb nubs no lifeforce went there but instead went after the things that were counted as not healed. for those watching from the room however it was a horror show as the tree shriveled and died visibly under leons touch while he was clearly improving in health. the fact he needed to drain the lifeforce from living things could be considered a restriction in their minds after seeing this.

'Now i need to stockpile some more lifeforce until i can regrow my limbs.' leon though totally ignoring the now desiccated tree he was leaning on. the incomplete susanoo reappeared and leon repeated the process of draining an entire small grove of trees of their lifeforce. thankfully leons fear of him needing to stockpile life force in order to recreate the liquid state his stores had before he used it all didn't happen. in fact the lifeforce that he gathered condensed into liquid on it's own since his semblance had adapted to holding lifeforce in that state.


my patrons can read an extra two chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.


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