Remnants anomaly


'I will find somewhere safe nearby to stay and store stuff before making trips to loot the other houses while i wait for rescue.' he thought as he rose higher into the air in a wobbly manner still not used to flying just yet. he saw a group of ten of those werewolf monsters rushing through the forest to the small village thanks to his new improved eye sight. 'thank you past me , that would likely have been the end of me had i stayed.' he thought as he carefully flew toward the nearby small mountain in hopes of finding a small cave.

'Looks like i'm in luck there is a small but deep looking crevasse on the side near the top if i am careful i think i can squeeze in just barely. now how do i land this thing?' he thought as he stopped flapping his wings while leaving them open letting him glide in a wobbly fashion before crashing into the cliffside and sliding down like a carton character. 'not injured oddly enough , but i definitely need to work on my landings.' leon thinks as he starts squeezing into the small opening.

The passage went on at a slight downward angle for five minutes before it widened into a small cavern the size of a port a potty. 'i can always make it bigger , but for now this will do.' leon thought as he dumped his bag and carefully made his way out of the crevasse. once outside leon took to the air again  with his dull but pointy swords and headed back to the village that was crawling with those monsters especially his house. ' looks like they aren't very vigilant towards the sky , lets punish them for it.' he thought with a vicious smile showing his fangs. he practiced hovering before he flew over so that his plan would work.

Leon's wings were very quiet , a property he had discovered during his hovering so when he positioned himself about ten feet above the monster furthest from the group it was none the wiser. ' here goes something , geronimo!' the mentally yelled as he folded his wings shut and plunged straight down with the sword tip , directly through the monsters neck killing it. leon noticed wisp of red mist mixed into the black mist and reached out to grab it instinctively.

The moment leon touched the red mist he felt an intense but pleasant heat travel through his hand into his body only to settle just below his naval. ' oh shit man that was some good stuff right there , life force i take it?' he wondered as he got his exp as well. 'one down nine to go , lets show these things what a predator is really like.' he thought as he took to the sky again. once more leon picked off the monsters one at a time dropping seven of them before the last three fled into the forest.

'Good now to loot the other houses for anything useful including all of the pillows , that cave is bumpy and definitely not soft.' he thought as he started making trips back and forth from the village an his small cavern. he got lucky in one of the houses and found an old rock breaker shovel that still worked which he stashed to expand his cave later. he found a plethora of different items in each of the houses including a huge blank white sign that he wrote "in cave at mountain , please help" in big bold letters incase he doesn't hear the rescue people.

Leon covered the outside of the cave with a blue plastic tarp so that water won't roll into the cave while he slept if it rained. 'now then time to spend this juicy exp on trying to get all of my stats to a hundred.' he though focusing on doing that the status updated again with all of his stats at a hundred which was the cut off point to the next letter h which is what his stats showed. leon felt that he still had around two of those monsters worth of exp left. which he dumped into his magic skill bringing it to a hundred and forty two. his body and mind changed drastically as the exp was spent. 

Leon was astonished to learn that his focus had increased from seven direction to four making his thoughts far more coherent as well as improving his recall greatly. he became more flexible and quick and he now had the strength of a five year old despite only being four. it was only after a good bit of time passed that leon discovered that he no longer needed as much food to work longer. he kept watch from the entrance in case he missed the rescue people until night started to fall at which time he said fuck it an turned in for the night having monster filled nightmares as he slept.


For those wondering why he can freely distribute his exp unlike how it is in danmachi , it is because it takes away the need for a god to do it based on his effort. also i made it so the amount of exp needed to increase a stat by one point doubles each letter his stats rise , this makes it so he can't just rely on hunting to grow stronger. a nice little check and balance system in my opinion.

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