Remnants anomaly

The difference

"To be fair he started it most of the time." leon said with a shrug while ironwood visibly flinched at the words but couldn't deny them. "oh? well in that case maybe i shouldn't mention how you openly spat on james authority multiple times then?" glenda shot back making leon shut up before he dug his hole even deeper. "alrighty then , not to be rude or anything but why , exactly , are you here?" leon asked ironwood curiously. the man sighed "as much as i am loath to admit it , all of this" he gestured at the white and gold city outside the windows.

"Has forced the rest of the council to see you as the next greatest thing since the hero king of years past. i can not honestly say that i don't see why either since the kingdom of vale has made a quantum leap forward technologically speaking since your arrival." the man sighed in disappointment. "prosthetics , synthetic materials , communications , medicine and even weaponry have grown so much that it is almost impossible to compare the before and after state of the city since your arrival." he said honestly. "what i don't understand is why you are so passive." ironwood said with a frustrated expression.

"Ah , i think you are under a bit of a misunderstanding." leon said with a chuckle much to ironwoods confusion. "how so?" the man expressed his confusion earnestly. "from what i gather you are an ambitious man ironwood and you probably think someone like me shares those same ambitions." leon said and ironwood nodded in agreement. "what you misunderstand is that my ambitions are vastly different from your own." leon say and ironwood looks at him in disbelief. "yes what i aspire to obtain is completely different than what you want."

"See you want to unify the world and dispel the grim once and for all , which is a noble goal to be sure. i on the other hand only want to push the limits of my strength until i simply can't anymore , i don't want to rule the world and even all these amazing things you've seen me create are merely hobbies that i don't care about all that much. that is the difference between us ironwood , you want a better future no matter the cost and i simply don't care about what happens to the world so long as it doesn't try to stop me." leon said honestly.

"That's .... selfish and foolish , what do you think would happen to you if the world fell apart and you did nothing to stop it!?" ironwood asked angrily after hearing what leon said as it spat in the face of all his beliefs. "not a thing , let me let you in on a little secret that ozpin hid from everyone , i'm basically immortal , i no longer age and can regenerate from even the most severe injury without any issue including those that would normally be fatal. even if the world fell apart i would be fine." leon said causing both ironwood and glenda to freeze.

"My semblance lets me take the life force from any living thing and store it within my body , this life force heals me constantly so that i don't age nor can i truly suffer any injury because almost an instant later it's gone. unlike almost everyone else in the world i have all the time in the world to do whatever i want with , there's no rush for me at all." leon said and ironwood deflated in a defeated manner. "has this whole conflict with you been a pointless waste of time then?" he asked seriously.

"Pretty much , even if you somehow had succeeded all i needed to do was take everything back , wiping you out is also a possibility but i prefer not dragging unrelated people into my own problems." leon said with a shrug. glenda and ironwood were both left horrified at how casually leon spoke of mass murder and they both realized immediately that he had already done something like that before. it was a sort of open secret that the white fang had been purged violently from vale a while ago due to a terrible plot they had , but besides ozpin and leon no one knew that the order to do so was given by leon personally until now.


my patrons can read an extra two chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.


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