Remnants anomaly

Traveling companion

Leon grasped her outstretched hand without any hesitation "vermilion drake , i go by leon though." he said while squeezing her hand hard enough to let her know he was physically strong despite his lean figure. "message received violent stranger." she said pulling her hand away with a grimace. "And here i was trying to be nice." she said in mock disappointment. leon shook his head "those things weren't even a warm up for me. speaking of warm ups have you seen any powerful grim in the area?" he asked curiously. she shrugged " depends on what you mean by powerful , alphas sure but nothing i couldn't handle with a good plan." she said honestly.

Leon shook his head "a pity , i was kinda hoping for a centaur or maybe even a manticore." he said before turning to continue his journey. "hold up there leon!" opal said seriously as she grasped his shoulder. leon turned to look at her with a raised eyebrow "is there something else?" he asked calmly. "you know why i'm all the way out here in the middle of nowhere but whats your excuse?" she asked seriously. "looking for a challenge since i can't find one at my level in the usual areas , i figured out here would probably work better for that." he said calmly.

"I admit you seem pretty tough but all it would take was a single mistake to end up dead and you have been causing a ruckus since you showed up in this area. notice the lack of sound around us? that's from that blazing aura you have had going this whole time. been tracking you for close to a day now which is pretty hard to understand since it's like you didn't stop walking to rest at all." she said seriously.

"Oh this aura isn't meant to be turned off , here watch." leon said while withdrawing this aura to the point his presence seemed to vanish in opals senses. she was surprised to see how great of a control over his aura leon had since most people tended to ignore the fact they could use it beyond their semblance and shields. moments after leon retracted his aura opal heard crashing sounds and felt the ground shake as trees in the distance began to be plowed over as something started making it's way towards them fast.

She held her weapon tightly as whatever monstrosity leon's action summoned bowled over tree after tree before busting into the clearing making her jaw drop. sure as the air she breathed in front of her face stood a very spikey and VERY unhappy looking dragon who's every breath was like steam. "this big teddy bear is genesis , my familiar and the reason i've had my aura flaring so much." leon said walking over and patting genesis on his side. opal was slapped herself hard "definitely not dreaming so it must have been that mushroom i ate earlier." she said to herself as if trying to rationalize what she was seeing.

"Out of curiosity how long have you been out of range of the nearest scroll signal?" leon asked seeing her reaction since it meant it had at least been half a year if she didn't know about genesis or himself. "about three years or so but what does that have to do with the mythical beast you are petting like it's a fucking cat?" she asked seriously while refusing to take her eyes off genesis. "it has quite a bit to do with him and myself actually." leon said before he took a portable signal generator from his back pack and began setting it up.

The scroll towers could send signals across entire continents much less to the northern part of this one so leon merely needed to boost that signal to a range their scrolls could pick it up. the slight pinging sound that came from their scrolls proved this piece of technology worked since it meant they were picking up signal. "well while you do that i'm going to set up camp and it's defenses." leon said before walking to the edge of the clearing an slowly making a circle with them inside it.


my patrons can read an extra two chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.


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