Remnants anomaly

You might not know….

The first thing leon did after hitting level two was pull the life force out of the dying tree the ursa smashed into. trees had a huge amount of life force but died extremely slowly which is why leon didn't use them. now that he could just directly take the life force at a huge penalty he wasted no time at all filling up his new reservoir with the tree. during this time living with tye and the girls leon had discovered another use for life force. it turned out that leon could heal others with his stored life force in an inefficient manner.

Leons semblance was actually very versatile with the various different things that life force could be used for. having finally reached level two at the tender age of nine leon noticed that he needed to put in a crazy amount of work in order to level up. 'why is this so hard , danmachi made it seem so fucking easy.' he griped mentally as he flew back to the homestead. yang was out training in the yard as he could see from high up in the sky. leon wasn't the fastest flyer but he could still make good speed which he showed when he dive tackled the girl.

"Gotcha!" he yelled as they rolled a few times. "dang it leon , how many times have i told you not to do that!" yang said angrily pounding her little fist on his chest. "and how many times have i told you to pay attention to your surrounding while you train." leon retorted with a chuckle. "honestly i'm a big dark spot in the sky , how you keep letting this happen is beyond me , and you apparently." he teased her playfully. she huffed angrily and got off of him while pulling the grass and dirt out of her long messy yellow hair.

"Do you know how hard it is to keep this hair clean?" she asked irritably. leon rolled his eyes "no because my hair is naturally like gods dang silk and you and ruby kept petting me like i was a cat when i tried growing it out." he said with his own irritated voice. "but it's so soft!" she exclaimed defensively. "that's all well and good normally but you still insist on sleeping in my bed and clinging onto me like you're the ape faunus in that situation." leon shot back. 

"You are mine and i refuse to let you go!" yang said firmly leaving no room for argument. "that's not how this works!" leon exclaimed. "nope , all mine and that's final." yang said not even arguing. leon knew from experience that he couldn't win this argument because yang simply refused to admit that he also gets a say in the matter. whats worse is that when leon went to tye and qrow for help all he got was "your on your own there we know better" before they shooed him off like it was contagious.

' Fuck , puberty is gonna suck with yang clinging onto me so much , at least ruby is an obedient little ball of energy.' he thought diving off the cliff into the nearby sea after separating from yang. he had changed into swim wear before hand of course but the cold water felt amazing over his lean form as he hit the surface. despite neither side of his faunus heritage being aquatic in nature being under the water always relaxed leon as he was pushed and pulled by the waters current. something about the constancy of the sea appealed to leon and he tended to celebrate his good days in the surf at the bottom of the cliff.

The local cliff seals were used to leon by this point and tended to either ignore him or try and play with him depending on their mood. today was no different as the seals swam around leon on their foraging for the cliff barnacles they mainly ate. relaxing for a few hours leon decided to head back home since he had some wicked ideas for his new skill. like every time he swam leon needed to get a shower when he got back to wash off the salt and sediment on him before eating dinner and going to bed.

Leon woke up early the next day and headed for the city of vale a few miles away from the homestead. like all capital cities vale had it's own seedy underbelly that dealt in the less than legal side of things. this was leons target , his plan , secretly expanding his influence through the power of the deal. 'and would you look at that my first customer.' leon thought looking down at a homeless man that was missing a leg.

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