Remnants of Filth

Chapter 100 - Servant

I saw that the skin washed with blood, all the fine wrinkles began to disappear slowly, and in the transpiration of water vapor, the appearance of Wuyan was undergoing subtle changes.

Her slightly slackened face became firm again, the creases between the eyebrows seemed to be ironed by steam, the curvature of the corners of the mouth gradually disappeared, the lip lines on the lips faded, and the whole person was as delicate as early spring The first stamen buds of the branch.

A bath of blood pools turned this beautiful woman, who had just looked up to more than forty, into a truly beautiful young girl.

She is charming and charming, like a flower immersed in the blood pool, sucking the blood of the dead souls who have died thousands of years into her own blood vessels, and her skin has been colored since then.

Wu Yan held a handful of blood, Dan Zhu opened his mouth lightly, opened his eyes after drinking.

Even her eyes are as pure as twenty one or two.

Gu Mang looked at the incredible scene in front of him, and suddenly his heart was shaken, something broke out-he knew it all at once!

In fact, in the rumors of Lao Guo, it was her beauty, and the old woman with a crane skin!

Want to come to repair the immortal, Wu Yan can not go the door, but instead of failing, he made himself very hurt and quickly aging. But as far as the demon Tianshou is concerned, she should still be in its prime, so the years will fade, how can Wu Yan be happy?

So the Blood Spirit Pill, which was made with the blood of the feathers, should have the same effect as this agate pond—no, it should be stronger. It can not only restore Wuyan’s primordial spirit, but also allow Wuyan to rejuvenate her whole body. Blood pool may only allow her to go back to her early twenties, or it may not last long, but Xueling Dan …

Xueling Dan should make her physical appearance return to the age of fifteen or sixteen, and be able to last longer …

Wu Yan soaked for a while, the full pool of Yin gave her endless nourishment, she was exuding the young light from the inside out, and this seemed to dissipate the haze in her heart slightly. When she spoke, her voice became looser: “Afang, who do you say is this person who came back to the island?”

Afang replied: “Listening to the mountain paste, four came, all men. But the mountain paste was cursed and he couldn’t spit out anything decent, so I don’t know more.”

“Four men.” Wu Yan snorted. “This seat doesn’t have to plunder mortals, it’s just these ants, and those who got into the chase must run to the island of this seat. It should be detained by this seat.” “


Gu Mang thought that she was really good. What she was talking about was not to be used for imprisonment, but to be “made” for imprisonment. This Bat Queen really has a white moon in her heart, so she will use the tapeworm to change Yue Chenqing’s appearance and appearance. I do n’t know which man is so charming, but she was so perverted by a female batman for so long.

Afang said: “On the king, mortal lives are so few decades. The last monk who came to the island to seek medicine for his mother, you have only played for twelve or three years, and he ca n’t afford to toss him. Now, how many years do you think these four can play? “

Wu Yan pinched her fingers and brought up a string of Yin Hong, saying: “They tried to take Yumin Yaoyin from the island of this seat, making this seat so angry that it didn’t matter if they hadn’t played for a few years. Anyway, it was made by this seat. Come out, not … “

She paused for a moment, her pure expression disappeared on her delicate face, and was replaced by a gloom and madness that could not be covered by black magic.

“Not really him.”


“Forget it, don’t mention it.” Wu Yan lifted her head and rested her neck on the pebble. “He is a fairy, hey, but that fairy is a betrayal. This seat has long since lost his true feelings for him, this century It ’s just his handsome face that he ca n’t forget. It ’s not easy to get the exact face? ”

Gu Mang was surprised-what? Does Wu Yan fancy a fairy?

After being shocked, it was awe-inspiring.

Yes … otherwise she is a demon, why should she practice ill-fated life and go to the immortal path instead of the magic path? It turned out that because of her dream, Qing Lang was a fairy.

Since ancient times, the fairy demon has been out of affiliation. The female bat king was very fascinated, so she was determined to change her ancestry, and she could be right with the fairy. But according to her words, the immortal “betrayed her faith” later, she must have done something that made her extremely disappointed or even desperate, so her immortal could not be repaired, and she suffered from a disease and aging.

As a result, the infatuation of that year decayed into a distorted obsession—she did not want to take the initiative to see any men other than her race, and if men broke into Bat Island, she would make them look like that fairy, Torture and play to death.

Gu Mang looked at the banshee, feeling that she was hateful and pitiful, and could not help sighing.

As Afang squeezed Wu Yan’s shoulders, she said, “Yes, to catch the four uninteresting things, they will feed the maggots together with the little ghost they want to hijack, so that they can teach them to change. Pouch, forget about the floating life, and stay on the island to serve our king honestly. Hmm! It’s cheap for them! “

Wu Yan was getting better, and laughed, “Just keep your mouth sweet.”

Turning his head, he said, “Bring the fruit plate, eat a bit.”

Gu Mang looked back, holding up the white jade porcelain plate with both hands calmly, and came to the agate pool side, kneeling down respectfully.

Wu Yanxueyu picked her finger inside and finally pointed at a bunch of litchi: “That’s it, peel the peel.”

Gu Mang said, “Yes.”

A maid next to him immediately served a small celadon bowl, and the lychee meat that was crystal clear and tender was quickly peeled off by Gu Mang. A total of six were placed in the bowl.

Wu Yan twisted one of them, Zhu Lip opened the mouth, put the glycyrrhizinate in the mouth, chewed it several times, and said, “Today is particularly delicious.”

Gu Meng smiled and said nothing.

This plate of fruit he applied the demention method when he brought it in. In order to hide the magic trace, he also applied some illusions that once felt useless, making the fruit more sweet and delicious.

His technique was excellent at first, and the Firebat tribe was a very simple mind in the monster, so he could easily get it. After Wu Yan eats these lychees, the Dementor Curse will disperse in her body, capturing the memory needed by Gu Mang. After that, as long as she recites the spell, this colorless and invisible magic spell will be removed from Wu Yan’s brain. Finally, returned to Gu Mang, and submitted all the collected information to Gu Mang.

Wu Yan finished eating the berries, wiped her fingers with the silk scarf handed in by the maid, closed her eyes lazily, and leaned against the pool to take a blood bath.

The most important step has been reached. Gu Mangzheng felt relieved, but at this time, he heard Afang ask: “King, do you need a guard to sleep tonight?”

Gu Mang’s breath just suffocated again.

Waiter, waitress? !! !!

“Xuan Nu Shuang’s practice has the effect of prolonging life. This seat cannot serve Xueling Dan today, but it also needs to pick up the yang and yin.

Gu Mang: “…”

“Go arrange for this seat.”

Afang responded, “Yes.”

The big maid Afang went out, and Wuyan was soaked in the blood pool. This enchanting beautiful woman was like a female ghost crawling out of purgatory. She lifted her tail and looked at the cardamom Danzhu at her fingertips for a while, then indifferently said: “This seat is in a bad mood today. You pour some incense and help this seat.

“Yes!” Both left and right bat spirits stepped forward, each holding a crystal thin mouth fat belly bottle, which contained a pale pink floral perfume incense. They knelt beside the blood pool, Yanxiu’s neck drooped, and poured the perfume into the pool.

At that time, the fragrance was full in the court, and a fragrant peculiar fragrance quickly spread throughout the entire waterside and spread outward. Gu Mang has never smelled such a special sweet fragrance, it seems to bring together all the flavors he likes in the world. He smelled the grass, Fang Fei in the lotus pond in summer … and the sweetness of honey.

He was amazed that there would be aromatherapy in the world that fit his preferences so perfectly, but Yu Guang glanced at the faces of those bat sprites with an intoxicated expression.

——No, this incense may have the same magical effect as Murong Piao’s floating life dream!

Gu Mang quickly shook his head vigorously, adjusted his internal interest, and brought the scent of incense to him to the lowest level. Then take a look and see that the monsters of Manxie are all fluttering. Wuyan pillow leaned against the side of the blood pool, her face became more beautiful and seductive under the fumigation of this fragrant fragrance.

This magical fragrance was like ink on paper, slowly drifting around, and after a while, Afang returned.

“Lord, everyone is here.”

She stepped into the waterside, followed by a group of guards, a total of ten, each with wide shoulders and narrow waists, heroic.

Gu Man glanced, and immediately saw the ten men with the most extravagant looks and the brightest eyebrows.


Mo Xi was surely selected to flop.

But looking at him, he didn’t know what he was going to be brought in. He frowned at the sword eyebrows, faintly swept across the demons, paused for a while on Gu Mang, and then moved away, his eyes faintly confused.

Gu Mang’s secret way is not good. Mo Xie belongs to the kind of beautiful and unaware people. The reason why he was able to retreat a group of mad bees and butterflies is because he is used to posing Zhang Bingshan’s serious face, and teaches people to look extremely disappointed. But as soon as he didn’t understand something, he felt a loss in the eyebrows, and that sharp cricket would weaken a lot, and even gave birth to some astringent and pure temperament.

Simple and concise two words, beauty.

Since Mo Xi’s good-looking can no longer be covered up, you can only count on Wuyan’s unique taste, or on Wuyan’s blind eyes.

Gu Mang prayed again and again, don’t choose a princess, don’t choose a princess. The princess has a bad temper and can’t eat and walk away … After reading the old prayerfully for a long time, Wu Yan raised her hand and nodded towards Mo.

“Just you.”

Gu Mang: “…”

Ink off: “?”

Wu Yan stretched her body and stood up from the side of the blood pool. The firebats had a special constitution. Bloody water did not dye her body bright red, but slipped like ordinary hot spring water, exposing her creamy white jade.

Gu Mang was about to slam his head for the boldness of the demon.

She went out of the bath without warning, and did not even wrap a bath towel. From Gu Mang’s direction, she could see only her bare back, but from the direction where Mo extinguished … but her chest …

Gu Mang took a peek at Mo Xi’s complexion, and the red orange yellow green blue blue purple horseshoes went through all of them, which was called colorful.

The partial fire bats’ brains are not easy to use, and they don’t understand the look of others. In addition, Wu Yan was soaked in incense by the incense, and his thoughts are not affiliated. He can only see Mo Xi’s handsome man. Ink extinguished.

The female batman opened her arms coyly, gathered her long hair, and said, “You little maid is really helpless. I picked you to sleep, and I was too happy to come back. Come and wait This dress changes. “

Everything is up to this, what else does Mo Xi know? He opened his eyes narrowly, first looking at Wu Yan in amazement, then his eyes fell on Gu Mang again.

Gu Man bowed his head guilty.


Mo Xi seemed to be pinched by something, his eyes slowly turned back to Wu Yan, and a handsome face slowly turned blue.

The author has something to say: 墨 extinguished: This female bat is very suitable for plastic medical advertisements.

Gu Mangmang: What about you? What advertising are you suitable for?

Mo Xi: … I don’t know.

Gu Mangmang: You are not suitable for advertising, you are suitable to go to work in the (cough) discipline (cough) committee (cough) sweep (cough) yellow (cough).

Gu Mangmang: Crab Crab “Meow and Fish Broken Mind” x25 “sumo” “Qing Mu looking back at Aoki” “19521341” “Frost and Snow” mines x6 “asphyxia” “Zhanlu’s little wife” “36394484” “26905103 “31272717” mine x2 “Dyed” “The cub is very sexy” “Upper evil” “Bag holding hot pot” mine x2 “Men’s ink.” “Fat tom Saemon” “Red butterfly crimson_Flying “Atom” “Jia Jia. Cheng Cheng.” “Day Island Duck”, “Cat Ning Ning” Meow “Sweet Crisp” “Everyday is Everyday” “Can’t afford to take out” “Tianzhuang Orange Cat” “Bow Cup” “Find “Ji” “Skins with broken legs sixteen” “Mocheng Yue i” “Is Yan getting taller today” x3 “Legs and legs” “Shimada Naruto” “Ki Yichen” “Waizhou guest” “Thank you “Su”, “Kiye Maniac”, “Hei Zekong”, “Shen Yan” mines x5 “Umbrella idle” “Wind blowing Liu Yuansan” “Pinglu Chengjiang” “Southern Jiayu mry” “The flowers of the night sky are scattered behind me” “White Wine”, “Dill”, “Ling Ling”, “Nine Songs”, “Lin Jie”, “Xia Ziyan”, “Fan Wu”, “Mother Brothers My Love”, “Jin Yu”, “Long Yi”, “The Paralyzed Bed” “” Demon “land mines x3” Ye Feng Mian “” sound cloud tip of “” vic south of speech, “” cat lady “” hook Yi, “” Lost in the abyss of the black cat “” bilgewater “” bun small leaf “throwing mines ~~~

“Zhanlu’s Little Wife”, “Late Night Yuheng_Don’t Visit” Grenade x2 “Gongzi Mo.” “It’s the quilt’s first move”, “Wang Zhu”, “It’s a baby orangutan”, “The meow and the broken thoughts of fish “” False “” Xiao Xiaoyiren “throwing grenades ~~~

“Jiangshui Linzhao” Rocket Launcher x3 “Eating Mission” Total Rocket Launcher x2 “The Cub is Very Sexy” Rocket Launcher x2 “Hotpot Bags” Throw Rocket Launchers ~~~

“Black Diced Rice Ball” Throwing Deepwater Torpedo ~~

Big dog: 2019-04-1921: 47: 57 irrigation 5 bottles of nutrition solution, 2019-04-2001: 08: 23 irrigation 5 bottles of nutrition solution, 2019-04-2022: 15: 39 irrigation 2 bottles of nutrition solution, 2019 -04-2023: 37: 18 Irrigation of 2 bottles of nutrient solution, 2019-04-2117: 40: 22 I ’ve pumped 5 bottles of nutrient solution. I ’m sorry, thank you ~~~ Thank you “binary”, “see One “,” midsummerboiii “,” serganty “,” No milk for tea “,” September “,” Sheng Lingyuan’s largest brand farm “,” Can’t order takeaway “,” Tian Guo Guo ° “,” Sweet crisp “,” Fat House Happy Home “,” Cat Ningning “,” Nine Children Want to Hug “,” Take Chang’an “,” Can I finish my homework before 10 o’clock? “,” Binary “,” Drinking Honghong “, “Ch Wanning’s Loyal Fan”, “Wen Huang is flustered”, “Admiral Lin”, “Lost Day”, “Chao He won’t stay up late”, “sumo”, “Luo Hua Ting Yu”, “Ling “Double”, “Ring of Ishtar Tower”, “Ling Shuang”, “Yi Chi”, “Pig Three Hundred Buns”, “Spicy Rabbit Head”, “Formula Equation”, “Ning Ning Licking Dog Forever”, “Farm House Fried Meat”, “Lan Wan Szd”, “lions1325”, “Never Think, Not Think”, “Light Rain at Night”, “anyan , “For two”, “Xing Mo”, “Tian Guoguo”, “dear.”, “Qiu Niang”, “Wind Knife”, “Panda Mumu”, “Mrs. Xie Yuchen”, “Yuan Yuan”, ” You are warm and backlit “,” Flower without delusion “,” Crane “,” Jury “,” iris “,” Zhao “,” Chu Wanning is my wife “,” Frost and Snow “,” Endless life “,” Water bowl “,” Xiao Xiaoyiren “,” Cool pigeon Zhouze “,” nickname is not important “,” The fierce cat Wan Ning Meow! “,” Kkboomboomboom “,” la? Arrogancia “,” 噗噗”,” Empty “,” yuege “,” vic Nanci “,” everyday hard work duck “,” suephi “,” dot star “,” messie “,” professional maltose “,” autumn bacteria ” , “Spiritual Xinlong’s Woman”, “Shaojue”, “Slowness of consciousness”, “Cook head of paralysis”, “Jiang Zhao.”, “Vegetarian is really delicious”, “Ningning’s little bag “,” Mo Yuan Yuan Tong Yuan “,” lolipopligo “,” Anger is not restrained “,” Van Wu Wu “,” Xia Ziyan “,” Lotus Love Detective “,” I love to drink pulse & boiled water “,

“Shaboti Potato”, “A Hairy Hair”, “Lingxi”, “Lingxi”, “My nickname was eaten by me”, “Hot pot bag”, “The flowers of the night sky are scattered behind me”, ” “Yuqing Fairy”, “Behind the Time / Small Sauce”, “Yuqing Fairy”, “Shen Yan”, “Cang Cang Cang Cang Yun”, “Lu Yaxing”, “Don’t eat sugar,” “Wu Yu Ye Sheng” , “嫄 love to drink pulse & boiled water”, “sunshine”, “World’s Warrior Sugar Cookies”, “A knife fine”,

“Dumbbell’s Dumbbell”, “Jiangshui Linzhao”, “Sanzhenzi”, “59”, “Mengshan Blow”, “Little Worm Milk West”, “”, “sugayunkia”, “Ghost Diving”, “Southern Candle Autumn “Shi”, “small leaves of meat”, “Zhaozhao_”, “Wuyu”, irrigation nutrient solution ~~~

Everyday thanks to the cute little who follows the article ~~~~ 2k novel reading network

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