Remnants of Filth

Chapter 132 - I like you

Ink lifted his face.

I saw Gu Mang’s eyelashes trembling slightly in the dim candle, then slowly opened his eyes, the blue eyes were as deep as the sea.

He stared at Mo Xi, all consciousness hadn’t come up yet. Only the instinct to control his expression, so the thin face was relaxed and soft, like the “gu man brother” should be, very gentle .

“My Royal Highness … why are you crying …”

He muttered with a sigh, but Mo Mo hasn’t answered yet, Gu Mang’s dreamlike expression disappeared, and he gradually came to his senses. So almost visible to the naked eye-mistaken, frightened, clinging, cruel, remorse … Every emotion is a fragment of his past, the tide will surge up, washing away the tenderness in his eyes.

After all these emotions faded, Gu Mang stood up and pulled his hand from Mo Xi palm, his face was the kind of fierce mask that he had already been used to: “Mo Mo you crazy ?! Who makes you Come to Shura to find me? Do you know– “

But what interrupted him was Mo Hu’s sudden hug. The man’s warm and sturdy embrace hugged him firmly, like fishing him from the frozen lake of three feet, and rubbing him into the long-lost world. month.

Gu Mang’s blue eyes widened suddenly. He was held by Mo Que, so surprised and so shocked that he forgot what he was about to say.

Mo hugs him tightly, his chin against the top of his hair, and kisses and strokes his hair.

“I already know everything.”

In just one sentence, Gu Mang was tense all over, and he struggled, trying to push the ink out. But before the hand was firm, I felt the man holding himself trembling slightly, and Mo Xi said hoarsely: “Brother, stop talking silly and stop doing silly things.”

Gu Mang was almost at a loss.

For so many years, he has been deceiving himself very well. He built the hardest mussel shell so that the world can only see his cruelty and brutality. But just waking up, he found that his fakes had been stabbed and shattered. The man he wanted to protect appeared in front of him with red eyes, and reached out to touch his soft heart that could not escape.

He almost instinctively denied: “The ink is off-you are only half-knowable, and what’s the matter between me and you? I told you that we are not the same people, I am … I am …

Mo Xi’s response was to put his hands behind his head, his voice was thick and nasal, and he said, “You are not such a person at all.”

Gu Mang: “…”

They seemed to be separated by a layer of ice, and the ink outside would hug Gu Mang under the ice. No matter how cold Xuan Bing was, he refused to retreat, so the ice layer melted and collapsed.

“You don’t want to kill at all, you don’t want to fight. You never thought of hurting me, you never thought of revenge on anyone …”

Mo Xi’s voice was low, and Gu Man was crying when he fell asleep. Now Gu Man wakes up, but he doesn’t want to. Gu Mang has suffered enough, and he doesn’t want to let this soft and tough life worry about him anymore and make him uncomfortable.

“It’s been eight years, Gu Mang, are you suffering …”

“Sorry, I didn’t understand you.”

With every word he said, the trembling in Gu Mang’s arms became clearer. And when the last sentence came out, Gu Mang seemed to be overwhelmed at this moment. He shrank so hard that Mo Xi could even hear his throat choked low and could feel something. The warm liquid dipped into his chest.

“No … no no …” Gu Mang shoved wildly. Mo Xi had never seen his brother Gu Mang’s cleverness before, but was struggling to lie at the moment when he was forced into a dead end, just for protection. He, Brother Gu who kept him away from him, was so clumsy, clumsy to stubborn, and clumsy to pitiful.

Awkward enough to make him whole heart, the whole person was inexhaustible.

Gu Mang didn’t know what else he could explain or sacrifice. He just kept protecting others. This protection became an instinct engraved in his bones, and once he couldn’t do it, it would make him blind. Clawed dragons are usually helpless.

He kept repeating: “It’s not like this … you don’t understand …”

Mo Xi shook his hand, his eye circles were reddish: “Do you have to push me away?”


“So many years, brother, you know what is the most painful for me? It’s not you who stabbed me, not that you left me, but that you have become a person who I don’t know completely … you know I had How sad? “

“I know you want to protect me and don’t want to be involved with me, but I have already told you that I have no affable people except you in this world. Why don’t you want me when you protect me What do you think is the cruelest for me? Am I afraid of suffering with you, afraid of criticism from the audience?-I am afraid that you will never come back to me, Gu Mang, I am afraid of you Go! “Mo closed her eyes, and even though tears could hold back, her eyelashes were already wet.

“For so many years … I have been sincere to you. I used to hope that my sincerity could be exchanged for your sincerity, but after so much, do you like me, do you want to be with me, these Are no longer important … I only ask you … “

He stroked Gu Mang’s head, looked down and kissed Gu Mang’s forehead, resisting the trembling of his voice, and said dumbly, “I only ask you to give me the opportunity to protect you and stay with you … I just want to guard you … you really can’t tell me the truth, you can’t share the burden on your shoulders with me, even a little? “

“Gu Mang … I am also your brother and foot robe. Would you rather fall into me and let me live like this …”

What he said was so sincere and affectionate, but Gu Mang felt only terrible.

Eight years.

From the day when Gu Mang was determined to be the secret agent, he had planned the future of Mo Xi. But at that time they were so young and had not yet experienced the pain of love, so Gu Mang naively thought that as long as he was more indifferent, this young man would feel that loving him was a very painful thing.

As long as it hurts, Mo will let go sooner or later.

But he waited, he waited.

The ink that he pierced was full of blood, and the ink that was stabbed was wounded, but he never put him down. Over the years, he has always hoped that Mo Xi can belittle their past love, hope Mo Mo can live a stable life, marry a gentle and virtuous wife, and have a group of lively and lovely children.

The irresistible feelings and love that happened when he was young and frivolous will sooner or later be wiped out by the years into ink marks that can no longer be seen-this is how he considered the ink.

But in the end he made a mistake: love and dislike in this world can really be changed, but the only one is always the one.

Mo Xi has never been a casual person. On the day he was determined to confess to Gu Mang, it was not his love that he gave to Gu Mang.

But his heart.


Suddenly, Gu Mang realized that there was something wrong. He stuck to Mo Xixi’s chest, and he could sense the faint flow of Moxi, and the spirit core was almost broken.

Before the coma, the situation in Shura seemed to flash to his eyes again—when Mo Xi came to rescue him, his face was terrible, could it be said that …

Gu Mangong looked up: “Where did you know these truths?”


“Have you gone to Bat Island again? Have you used the timepiece again?”

Mo Xi looked at his suddenly nervous face, staring at those uneasy blue eyes, slowly, with a soft and sad smile between his eyebrows.

“Are you worried for me?”

After waiting for Gu Mang to answer, he seemed to be afraid of being denied and rejected. He bowed his head and kissed Gu Mang’s brows: “I’m fine.”

However, Gu Mang’s heart seemed to be cut apart, and speculations rushed into his heart and then fell, leaving only the most clear answer left on the beach.

Gu Mang didn’t ask this time, he murmured, tears flowing down his soft face, he said, “… is … Zhi Yujian …”

The long eyelashes closed together, Gu Mang reluctantly, suppressed, seemed to want to say something to clear the gap between them.


Eight years. Life and death are cruel, and Mo Xi can’t stop him from chasing his steps and walking on this thorny path. The obstacles he set, the dangers left behind, did not stop the young man in the end.

His little master still caught up. He turned back in the darkness and saw that his lover eight years ago was no longer so young. He was dusty and blood-stained. The only thing that remained unchanged was the stubborn and bright eyes . The lover he ran away ran to him, overtake him, then stood in the bush, breathing, and said to him–

Brother Gu Mang, I’m here to pick you up, let’s go home.

The ice surface was smashed completely and shattered into thousands of thousands of shining spots, and the long-sleeping man under the ice was finally embraced by his younger brother.

Suddenly Gu Mang couldn’t help it anymore. The string that had been strained for eight years finally broke and he finally cried out. He kept saying, “I’m sorry … I’m sorry …”

It was I who despised your affection and did not understand your stubborn heart.

It was I who made my choice for you without asking which way you were willing to go.

It was I who did not respect your wishes and did not understand what you care about most, but imposed my plan on your destiny.

I have been deceiving you … not giving you a chance to travel …

Eight years.

I hurt you, hurt you, alienated you, stabbed you, I did everything to disappoint you, and even cost you my life-

Why don’t you look back, my little fool, my Royal Highness.

Why do you still have to smash the bones to dig the truth, and then cloak and rain, scars come to me, why are you so stupid.

“Ink is out, sorry …”

Mo Xi stroked his hair and touched his hair slightly. He would be wrong, so he said, “It doesn’t matter, I know what you choose, and I know what you endured, suffered, and paid for this choice … … Don’t apologize to me, in fact, I have already told you that if you really do n’t like me and want to be free, I wo n’t be too reluctant, as long as you can come back … ”he said, his eyes slowly red , Lips gently touched Gu Mang’s forehead.

Like the most devout prayer.

“As long as you are good, you can let me stay with you, give me a chance, and share with you … Gu Mang, my good brother, that’s enough.”

Speaking of this, he was probably afraid that his hug would make Gu Mang feel so, so he lowered his head again, and gently pressed Gu Mang’s forehead with his chin, nodded.

But at this moment, he was suddenly hugged by a violent force, Gu Man suddenly hugged him, like a stray beast finally had to return to his companion, Gu Man was completely crying, this displaced, lonely too For a long time, after suffering too many years, the man who had kept the secret for eight years finally broke down in his lover’s arms and cried. His forehead was close to Mo Xing’s heart, almost mournfully. The sadness shed in these tears.

Gu Mang hugged Mo Xi’s waist tightly, his long, soft eyes were wet and pitiful. He finally cried and said that he had been in his heart all these years, almost rotten: “… It hurts … Mo out … I really hurt … “

Mo Xi was held by him. This hug was like a drowning man holding a driftwood, so desperate and so tired, his heart was tightened, he touched Gu Man’s head, lowered Murmured: “I know, I know …”

“I do everything by myself … I can only do everything by myself … So for many years I can’t talk to the people around me, even if I have a word of heart, I have to kill my own people, monks … Killing my hands, feet, and robes … It really hurts … Mo Xi … “

Mo Xi choked and said, “Yes … I know …”

“I’m really going crazy … It’s like every day, every night, every moment, a knife is stabbing me hard, but I still have to say … I closed my eyes in pain, “… I don’t want to kill anyone … I want to return to Chonghua … I think Lu Zhanxing is alive, I think nothing happened …”

“I know, I know, you say it, you feel better when you speak it out, I stay with you, I’ve been by your side …”

Gu Mang didn’t say anything. Gu Mang opened those blue eyes that had been washed to tears, and after a while he murmured, “I don’t want to leave you …”

“I–” Mo Xiyuan couldn’t help comforting him, saying that I knew everything, I understood you, but when he heard this, he hesitated.

For a long time, neither of them broke the silence again, only the sound of heartbeat.

One, one, one …

So anxious, so fast, as if the mantra that has been in my heart for so many years is about to emerge.

Gu Meng whispered, who was tough and strong, and who was always exuding a sense of stability and courage, but now so timid.

It seemed like a poor person, carefully spread his arms, trying to embrace an expensive gift that he thought he was destined to not get.

He whispered, “I don’t want to lie to you … I don’t want you to go, me, I never want to …”


“I don’t want to see you go, I don’t want to see you with anyone else.”

Mo Xi’s hand stopped, his Qingjun’s beautiful face was pale and red again. He had clearly put down hope, thinking that he was just a brother, as long as Gu Mang was healthy and happy, and relaxed No matter how good it is. He will never force him again, never force him again, and do nothing for him.

But Gu Mang’s words rekindled the fire that had just been extinguished by others.

Gu Mang closed his eyes, how many years of disguise finally fell apart at this moment.

He said, “Ink is out, I really like you …”

Mo Xi’s heartbeat seemed to freeze at this moment. He looked at the person in front of him, and looked at the wet, shivering, but real face.

He had the best dream in his life, and he didn’t dare to hear Gu Mang saying this wholeheartedly.

“I like you and I always love you … Sorry, I was too selfish in the past, I didn’t think about what you really wanted, what I really feared, I just wanted to protect you in my own way, I don’t know … but I don’t know … “

But I don’t know that you will stumble to catch up with the past eight years, and live up to your best youth, just to find me back. I don’t know that you have been identified as a person for a lifetime since you were so young.

I don’t know that even after going through so much, you will still accompany me in the end, even to hell.

Gu Mang didn’t say any more. His face was lifted by Mo Que, and Mo Xi’s eyes were wet. He raised his hand and wiped away the tears on Gu Man’s face little by little.

Whispering: “But I don’t know how much I like you too? Can I like you for so long?”

Gu Meng lowered her eyelids and gently said, “I’m sorry … I have lied to you for so many years.”


“Do you want me?”

“Fool … From the first time I confessed to you, I said that I knew one person, that is my whole life.” Mo Xi’s heart was trembling, but he tried his best to maintain his calm.

He could no longer cry in front of Gu Mang, he warned himself.

So he bent those wet eyes, and he opened a smile that seemed infinitely bright and infinitely sad. He said, “I promised you all things in life. It’s only eight. Years, you and I still have a long way to go. Why do you say I don’t want you? “

The two people who endured countless forced lies and how much sadness and joy they experienced, looked at each other stupidly, and they reunited because of the broken mirror that finally came, so no one cried, but also knew life in each other ’s heart Although the road is long, it is destined to no longer be healthy. Unlike in the past, no one can let go of joy.

They have been tortured by fate and the situation for a long time, but when those two eyes moistened with moisture are staring at each other, they still choked, slowly picking up all the courage and warmth from their hearts, toward each other I tried my best to reveal the softest smile that they can present today.

A pair of scarred beasts finally embraced each other without a gap, the ice layer melted, and they could finally absorb the warmth of the other person and share the pain of the other person.

From then on, the endless cold lake, or April in the world, he was with him and never separated.

The author has something to say: 咩 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ~ finally here the bird ~ can send sugar candy Liao ~

Big Dog: Thank you “Late Night Jade Heng_Don’t visit” “I love drinking pulses and eating potatoes” mines x2 “Dill” mines x2 “Soda-flavored lunar chicken” “Pirates” “The flowers of the night sky are scattered behind me “Mine x2” Shui Siliang “” Delayed “Mine x2” Pinglu Chengjiang “” I give my heart to Brother Wan Ning “Mine x2” Meow “” Walking Life. “” Jun Mo Xiao “” Ghost Shadow Blood Tomb “” The March Woodworm, “Rong Xi”, “Ai Chuan”, “General Dingyuan’s Man”, “He said Ayuwa,” “Coral Fish,” “Linko,” Mine x3, “An Qixia in its initial state,” “Kwai Xiaoxiao” “Xi Qiang Big Dog”, “Dancing Cunning” Landmine x2, “Clear String is a Salted Fish” Landmine x2 “Ink” Landmine x3 “xxkingxx” “A Big Dog” “Qing Mu Looking Back at Aoki” Landmine x2 “Ignoring You “Is Nakahara-ku today handwritten?” Mine x2 “Niezi” mine x2 “112233” “23434731” mine x2 “Taoqi Qiluoli” “い” “Passengers are all shrimp skins” “Changhai Jingkong” mine x2 ” “Ye Ye”, “Light Rain in the Night”, “Yo Yuezi”, “Jam”, “Cat that can’t wake up”, “It’s a baby orangutan”, “I’m negligent of you” “Shimada Naruto rolls” mines x2 “someone, something”, “Kurozawa Sora”, “fish-golfberry”, “can’t afford takeaway”, “he said Ayuwa”, “xrting”, “Elder Qingxu-Jiang “Yuexue”, “Naihebai”, “Mochengyuei”, “Raising Pleasure”, “Gu Mei” Mine x3, “Sake Sake”, “Frozen Snow Cake”, “Michellezp”, “Mengshan Blowing”, “Mug and Glutinous Rice” Mine x2 “Hug Cats and other copies “” Xie Su “mines x3” non-snow relics “” Yu Xing “” into the river Yan Yan “mines x2” Yu Liujun cherry blossoms opened “” Schwarzenegger “” xrting “” Wang Qinsi q I love you ” “Lin sauce” mines x2 “Yi Yichen” mines x2 “Autumn does not eat farts _” “Jinyu” mines x2 “take one” mines x2 “pleren” “19060105” “chukou” “rice fruit crystal” “A “Yu Buyi” “An Qixia in the initial state” “Mo Yiyou Jue” “One meter of sunshine” “Jiangshui Linzhao” mine x2 “Ju Li” “Late Night Yuheng _ declined visit” mine x2 “The most handsome little Eleven “,” Jun Moxiao “,” season hunting “,” rice cut “,” official. Carp fish. “Mine x2” Yu Xing “” Man Man Ya “Mine x 2” Shui Siliang “” Non-Snow Relic ” “A Qian” “Coral fish” “not as good as soaring scavenging” “pathetic and weak and helpless,” “month” “linko” “Sissy big Gouzi” “Little Sunflower” “Magic Cube” throwing mines ~~~

“Aya”, “Yi Ning”, “Serial slowly chasing wind”, “Bamboo” grenade x2 “Have you written a book in Nakaharajuku today?” Throw grenades ~~~

“Tingting Ting.” “Towing group of the dinner group” rocket artillery x2 “19060105” “Mengshan blowing” throwing rocket artillery ~~~

“Xuan Qing” throws shallow water bombs ~~~

Gu Mangyong: 2019-05-2722: 26: 01 irrigation 20 bottles of nutrient solution, 2019-05-2800: 27: 43 irrigation 20 bottles of nutrient solution, 2019-05-2822: 08: 11 irrigation 57 bottles of nutrient solution, 2019- 05-2900: 44: 20 Irrigation of 4 bottles of nutrient solution, 2019-05-2909: 31: 19 Irrigation of 10 bottles of nutrient solution, 2019-05-2912: 59: 51 Dee, crab crab you guys ~~~ Crab crab is “on the water side”, “the deer of the deer family”, “the cat who cannot sleep”, “Finally is free”, “Yi Ning”, “kkboomboomboom”, “I am “Lovely”, “Shangguan Gu Wan”, “Chen Xi”, “Mo Yan”, “Song Zhan.”, “The nickname is not important”, “by sister”, “Key sand”, “No returning wild goose”, “2019 China Koi “,” Black and White Lattice “,” A Meng “,” Fried Chicken Miao Crisp Horn “,” Dragon Crest “,” It’s Acridine_ “,” Ye Miao Li “,” Cat Who Can’t Awake “,” Don’t ask “,” I have a lotus in my heart “,” stubborn “,” Speaking of Qiu Chi’s family “,” Autumn fungus “,” wuki ya “,” Hanasu frost wood “,” 59_ holding meat bag 800 meters ” , “Anxi Xiaojunxi”, “Second Son of the Nangong Family”, “hhxxhh”, “hhxxhh”, “Man of General Dingyuan”, “Xing Mo”, “Axie is the best “,” Salt “,” Ning Ning’s Little Bag “,” Ghost Shadow Blood Tomb “,” Ling Ling “,” Soda Moon Chicken “,” Xiao Qu “,” lions1325 “,” Grinning King “,” Jiang Yexue’s Little Sister ”,“ Erha Eating Meat Buns ”,“ A Sugar Dumpling ”,“ Non-Snow Relics ”,“ Behind the Time / Soy Sauce ”,“ La La La La La Wu ”,“ I Love Drinking Pulse Eating Potatoes “,” Feng Huixi “,” Peach Blossoms Three Two Three “,” boo. “,” No Return Goose “,” Qi Zui “,” Miss Moon Moon Sister “,” Caramel Sweet Wine “,” “Ni Ni”, “Behind the Times / 嗖 sauce”, “Xiguang slightly cool”, “Bottle evil river figure deer 晗”, “Ink dye”, “But there is no sadness in wine”, “Fat fat”, “Just forget to envy “Xianxian”, “Sunflower”, “A Meng”, “Yu Zhaozhao a few tails”, “Salt”, “Red Moon Palace”, “Man Hai”, “Drowing Eyebrows”, “Ten cats sucking cats today “”, “Small vegetables leaves”, “Hua Moumou”, “Have you written a book on liver today in Nakaharajuku”, “Peach Blossoms Three or Two”, “Baby Fungus”, “Non-Returning Wild Goose”, “Tangerine Xiaoyu”, “Bai Qian “,” Wen Suian’an “,” franky “,” Neglected You “,” heimdallr “,” Aichuan “,” senmoun “,” Drinking Rainbow “,” The second son of the Nangong family “,” Autumn Fungus “,” Chu Hao Ge “,” Cat who can’t sleep “,” 谶 “,” Crane Yu “,” It’s 璟 璟 ac_ “,” Yu Yingying “,” Minghe Yingying “,” Shen Shengxiao “,” Autumn of Qiuchi’s Family “,” I love drinking pulses and eating potatoes “,” double “,” Hugging Jiang Yingdi “,” Anjing Xiaojunxi “,” Mo Wen “,” Pecking Woodpecker Bird “,” Ling Ling “,” Ling Ning’s Tips “,” The nickname is not important “,” Yue “,” Qi Ji “,” Coral Fish “,” 琹 偌 “,” 袅袅 ” “,” The name is really bad “,” whatever “,” Xiaoqu “,” The night of the lantern “,” Shui Siliang “,” Non-snow rhyme “,” La la la la dance “,” sunshine ” , “Begonia flavor ice cream”, “Wind knock bamboo”, “A full stop”, “Asparagus”, “Fake sugar mixed with a knife”, “Think rich”, “Rice crystal”, “Crow”, Irrigation nutrition Liquid ~~

Thank you for your daily friends ~~~~

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