Remnants of Filth

Chapter 90 - Pain of the year

The bright red blood splattered in the exclamation of the spectator, and in the hissing, slowly opened along the wood pattern of the high platform.

The sunlight at noon was so dazzling that it made people panic. Gu Mong stood upright, without any expression on his face—he just looked at it, watching his head roll down and his body falling.

His best friend had a different head, rolled his head forward, rolled to the edge of the execution platform and stopped, a pair of eyes closed staring at him. As if to say, Manm, look back.

It’s over, let my death be the end of a dream, don’t go any further. There is no road ahead, only the illusion of mirage.

Turn around. give up.

The executioner’s machete ticked down, scarlet, dripping with blood.

go home……

The executioner sang, “End the sentence-“

The beast like a dormant winter slowly awakened from the dim cave. After the initial stimulation and deterrence, the crowd froze and gradually recovered.

Most of them are in a mood to look at Lu Zhanxing with the corpses separated on the stage. Some women summoned the courage to take a peek at them, and immediately burrowed their faces into the palms of their hands, trembling with the blurry flesh.

“It’s miserable.”

“Don’t look on the stage, it’s terrible. If you watch, it’s nightmares to sleep at night.”

After being so noisy for a while, the focus of the crowd gradually shifted to Gu Mang.

Slowly, some people began to notice Gu Man’s expression, and some people started whispering:

“Why is Gu Shuai … unresponsive …?”

“Really, he didn’t even change his face … does he still hate landing Zhanxing, after all, Lu Zhanxing pitted him so hard.”

“Then why did he come to see him off?”

“Probably … for the sake of face. Hey, people like them are fighting internally, where can they turn to the bright side.”

After all, Gu Mang was a state minister, and at that time he had not yet reached the enemy, so someone immediately retorted: “What is it? Gu Shuai is not that kind of person at all! Although Lu Shuai was his old friend, but it made a big difference. Wrong, Gu Shuai sees off for justice, but not because of courtesy, he has already achieved this point, what do you want him to do ?! “

The other side did not hesitate to give up, sneered at: “Brothers and brothers, co-death and common joy and suffering, then they are called brothers. If I am Gu Mang, I would have hijacked prisoners long ago, or kneeled in front of the king and begged myself It ’s his brother ’s life that ’s going to be like him! ”

“How do you know Gu Shuai never asked?”

“On the basis of his indifferent attitude, Gu Mang is a cold-blooded, hypocritical and hypocritical man!”

Gu Mang may have heard these words, or he may not have heard them. He still looked at the execution platform—the executioner had left, and the executioner was directing left and right to handle the follow-up. He stood in the strong sun at noon, standing like a pine tree, standing upright and straight, without the slightest pain.

He blinked as he watched Lu Zhanxing’s body tied up, watched Lu Zhanxing’s head hung, and the blood on the ground was diluted.

The executioner displayed a volume of Huang Zhezi, saying without any emotion: “Sinner Lu Zhanxing, before the battle, lost his morality, caused scourge, Feng Ming defeated, and lost the gratitude of the gods. He was sentenced to death and exposed to death. On the third day, the inside of the state was announced.

The voice echoed under the blue sky and white, and all the dust was finally settled.

The execution was completely over. Gu Mang didn’t do much to stay. In the eyes of everyone, carrying the pear pear that he had drank with Lu Zhanxing, turned around, and left without looking back—

One hundred thousand robes finally left him alone.

Gu Mang returned to his own residence. Mo Xi, wearing an invisible cloak, has been following.

The former general who ranked No. 1 in Zhonghua was so poor that he did not have his own residence. It is no wonder that conscripts need money, grain and equipment need money, and clearing relationships requires money.

And there were only so many soldiers in his army, so he only rented a hut in a secluded place in the east city after he was a slave. In addition to the firewood room, there is only one bedroom in this cottage. The only bed in the bedroom is a quilt, a pair of tables and chairs, and a few tattered wooden boxes.

It turned out that this was the house of all the generals.

Gu Mang returned to the room and put the jar on the table. Then he went to the firewood room. It was Chenguang for lunch. He boiled water and set fire to heat the leftovers left in the screen cabinet.

He eats.

His last brother was dead, and everything he had yesterday couldn’t be turned back since.

But he eats.

On a small wooden table, there is a red clay empty altar that is drinking before the death of the show star, a large bowl of rice, green tofu, Gu Mang like a hungry person, chopsticks chop rice in his mouth. He quickly ate a bowl of rice and found no grain left. He got up again and went to add a bowl to himself, still the hungry food.

It seemed as if he had a bottomless hole in his heart. Only by constantly eating something, the hollow feeling would not be so shocking.

He smashed his head into the rice, his mouth was stuffed, his cheeks bulged, and he couldn’t swallow the food as fast as he could. He slowed down, but still froze. He shuddered, trying hard to swallow the rice in his mouth without saying a word, just like choking down what can’t be said, and can’t complain.

He swallowed almost miserably, with his head up, eyes wide open, and looking at the roof beams, he suddenly made a snort.

It’s like a pumping rush caused by accumulation of food.

That’s ridiculous.

But his eyes were red.

Mo Xi stood beside him, far away, but couldn’t say a word, touching Gu Mang even one hair. So he watched Gu Mang’s eyes getting wetter–

Gu Man looked up, as if he had to put back the things in his eyes. He even quickly raised his hands and wiped his eyelashes, then sucked his nose.

He restrained himself, at least he thought he restrained himself, so he lowered his face again, picked up chopsticks again and chopped the light and tasteless rice.

When he was young, he used Lu Zhanxing to eat rice with green vegetables and tofu in Wangshu.

He tried to choke a few mouthfuls, but the pain of death was like a belated blade that penetrated into his lungs, and finally began to scramble for his breath, eroded his flesh and blood, and broke his indifferent face.

So slowly, his hand holding the chopsticks began to tremble, his lips with rice began to tremble, he began to tremble, he stood up, but tears began to burst out of conviction.

Drop by drop, fell down the table along the cheek.

He didn’t say anything, and while he was stuffing the rice, he was raising his hand to wipe his tears. His throat was bitter, and his throat was blocked, and he was swallowed with the rice.

But for a moment, my shaky hands could no longer hold the vegetable tofu, tried it once, slipped it down, tried it again, and broke it …

The man with a 70,000 soul on his back was suddenly smashed by a trivial failure on this table.

Gu Mang suddenly dropped his chopsticks, got up and rushed and swept everything on the table. The porcelain jar crackled and cracked all over the ground. The most thorough one was the empty wine jar brought by Gu Mang.

He panted, his chest swelled sharply, and stared blankly at the mess in front of him.

The red clay jar, he fell into a stall of old dreams.

Gu Mang looked, looked … the eyes were wet and red, and then he walked over, squatting down almost blankly, reaching out to pick up the debris-but before he touched his fingertips, he snapped back. His face was a dreamlike expression.

This dream-like awakening made Gu Mang’s face look very broken.

That was the first time Mo Xi had known him for a long time, and it was a broken piece.

If Gu Mang dared to appear in front of anyone in the army with this expression, everyone’s belief in him would fall apart. He is not a **** of war, a pool of soft mud, a lonely helpless ant, a pile of scattered sand.

Gu Mang sat down in relief, wearing an ironed and clean military dress, but as if all his bones had been removed, and fell on the dirty ground.

He froze, he stared at the messy place.

A tiny whine leaked from the throat, like a displaced young wolf. Later, the whine became choked, intermittently struggling to earn from the deep throat.

“sorry Sorry……”

Mo Xi looked at him, watched him sitting on the cold ground, slowly curled up and hugged his knees, watched him desperately hold back, but still couldn’t help tears to flow, watched him bit his lips, bite The teeth were full of blood, but still the weak voice could not be locked.

The oracle finally collapsed.

God of War finally failed.

Gu Mangwei loosened his teeth. He bit his own and used it so hard that he was going to be driven crazy by himself, panting, his eyes were so red, he looked around the house in despair, as if hoping for someone to appear suddenly Either redeem him or kill him, **** or evil.

Save him.

Come with him.


It hurts.

Why can’t you keep 70,000 heroes?

Why is the local government so deep that he is not accepted as a living ghost?

He was the only one left.

Gu Mang finally uttered his voice in sorrow. He wailed, he hugged himself, he hugged himself, as if he was hugging his robes, arms and feet across life and death. Ying Hun crossed Huang Quan to hug their Gu Shuai …

The cry that leaked from those blood-stained lips was ultimately sad and unbearable.

Gu Mang kept saying, “I’m sorry …”


Mo Xi looked at him like a cheekbones, and when Gu Man was crying silently while eating hard, his heart hurt like a knife.

At this point, Gu Mang’s pain was like his pain.

Gu Mang’s helplessness is like his helplessness.

He only saw it at this time. After losing Lu Zhanxing, Gu Mang was so painful.

It hurts as if a heart is draining blood.

He looked at Gu Mang’s eyes. Gu Mang’s mind must be a little confused, as if he could see a ghost, and as if he was eager to see a ghost.

——He wants someone to accompany him, even if he asks for a blame, he wonders if anyone will accompany him.

Mo Xi’s heart is like a knife twist.

When Gu Mang Jin Dianming was wronged in the past, he was not beside Gu Mang.

Later when Gu Mang was in deep pain, he was not around Gu Mang either.


Knowing that there can be no change in the mirror, knowing that recklessness or danger may exist.

But like Gu Mang, Mo Xi has always endured too much pain.

Before Gu Mang had no treason, it was all he owed to Gu Mang … it was because he didn’t accompany Gu Mang properly, did not see Gu Mang’s heart in time, it was he who regarded Gu Mang as an indestructible god, but Forgetting what is under the armor of the war armor is actually just a mortal body.

A bruised but still struggling …

Flesh and blood.

The human heart is not a cold stone, but the endurance of these eight years has ended in an ant’s hole. Mo Xi can no longer bear it. He has released the cloak’s invisibility curse. Gu Mang, kneeling beside him, said hoarsely, “Gu Mang, look at me, I’m still there.”

I am still here……

But Gu Mang didn’t know if it was too sad, or his mind was stretched to the extreme, and he had collapsed. He actually did not respond to Mo Su’s voice and Mo Su’s sudden appearance.

Mo was so speechless that he couldn’t speak, and his hands were shaking, and he lifted up, trying to bring this lover in a military uniform but no glory into his arms.

At this moment, he didn’t want to think about the consequences anymore.

He really …

It has really been eight years of pain and thoughts, and has been driven crazy in the retrospection of the time glass.

“Gu Mang … Gu Mang …” Mo whispered softly, dumbly, “It’s all right, I’ll stay with you … I’ll stay with you …”

He hugged him from behind him and circled him in his arms.

But at the moment when the shoulder was about to touch, the light shimmered, and Mo Xi found that he was wearing it through Gu Mang’s body–

He looked at his hand stupidly, his face paled a little, his eyes panicked.

Time is running out.

Murong Chuyi and Jiang Yexue have broken the curse of the mirror.

He doesn’t know how long he can stay in this mirrored world, but at least from this moment, he has become nothing.

There is no longer any response to this world.

He could no longer show up, and could not comfort Gu Mang, nor could Gu Mang turn back.

On this day, Gu Mangse sat down in a pile of broken porcelain on the ground, hugging his knees, and went from day to night.

It was dark, and he leaned against the icy wall, like a stray beast, curled up asleep, his eyes were red, and the tip of his nose was red, even the ears curled up between the inks Poor pale red.

Mo Xie sat next to him all night, and Gu Mang in his dream sobbed unconsciously, Mo Xie raised his hand, but couldn’t wipe the tear from eight years ago.

Nothing can change this time.

After all, even if it was just a mirror, they still came to this end.

The author has something to say: Tomorrow is the last two chapters of the copy of Time Mirror, and the content is a bit heavy. Today, tomorrow, there will be no small theater to break the atmosphere ~~

Gu Mangmang: Crab Crab “Matching Shadows into Three” “β Dong Ai Yu Ge” Mine x2 “Meng Da`x * #” “珄 昀” “Shimada Namon Gate Roll” “Hei Di Rice Ball” “Mer Brothers My Love “” Xie Su “” Outlander “” Jiangshui Linzhao “mines x2” dill “” Lolo “” Shen Yan “mines x2” Elm wants to eat sugar “” Lin sauce “” 2019godv eat chicken “” Italy ” “Slowly” “Late Night Yuheng _ declined to visit” “The most handsome little eleven” “false” “Late Night Yuheng _ declined to visit” “ツ” “Man grass girl” “Jin Yu” “Back to time 嗖 酱 (“” The sea and the sky with meow and fish “” “Eternal truth type” mines x3 “⊙ ▽ ⊙” “Lost to you” “bilgewater” “White wine” “linko” mines x3 “eighteen” Throw mines ~~ ~

“Qing Mu looks back at Aoki”, “eighteen” and “Bamboo” throwing grenades ~~

“Yuanyuan billows” and “Xuanqing” throw rocket launchers ~~~

Big dog: 2019-04-0822: 27: 37 Little pitiful who irrigated a bottle of nutrient solution was drained by Eddie, 2019-04-0821: 42: 38 Little pitiful who irrigated a bottle of nutrient solution was drained by Ai Dee, thank you ~~ Thank you “Ni Ni Xiaocui”, “Angel”, “Jiu Yan”, “eighteen”, “Dawn”, “I just can’t talk”, “β 东 爱 俞 哥”, ” “Jun Dang Ru Mei”, “You are warm and back light”, “Ama”, “Yijiang Qiuyue”, “Red Bean Miao Miao”, “Qing Chen”, “Er Linzi”, “The fierce cat Wanning Meow!” “,” Mo “,” Xuanqing “,” Jinse “,” Wu Qilu “,” White wine “,” Jimi rice “,” Qiu Chi’s speech “,” Kwai Li “,” Wu Yu Ye Sheng “, “Peach Blossoms Three Two Three”, “senmoun”, “Dumbell’s Dumbbells”, “A Knife Essence”, “(?>?”, “Wiskey”, “sunshine”, “Caramel Ice Cream”, “Mu Ying” , “Lin Li”, “Sexy Gu Xi Pi Meng”, “Ling Ling”, “Vegetarian is really delicious”, “Yi Yichen”, “The nickname is not important”, “The elm wants to eat sugar”, “Light Along “,” Dill “,” Cang Cang Cang Cang Yun “,” I love drinking pulses & boiling water “,” jack “,”, “,” Gu Li “,” Name “,” Stream of rolling “, irrigation nutrient solution ~ ~ ~ ~

Thank you for your daily companion ~~~

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