(Spin Off) Erind/Deen – 5.22.7

Amber Deen Leska


“Model in my underwear?” Wild thoughts raced in Amber Deen’s head. She felt herself getting dumber every second as neurons got fried from overstimulation. Deen would rather bury herself than allow anyone to peek into her thoughts at that moment. She willed herself not to look at her Guardian Angel for the shame of what it might be thinking about her.

Erind tilted her head. “Uh, yeah?”

“Or do you want me to completely undress and—?”

“Heh? I didn’t say anything about getting buck naked,” said Erind with a puzzled look.

Deen clenched her teeth. Part of her thoughts leaked out. Before Erind could say more, Deen did a quick twirl. “Was that okay?”

“Walk.” Erind’s face was impassive.

That single word had so much effect. Deen felt a tingled as she was ordered by Erind.

Deen followed Erind’s command. In that small space, only about five feet wide, Deen walked from the wall to the mirror. She didn’t look in Erind’s direction. The first pass, she realized she wasn’t really modeling. I’m only strolling, she thought, observing herself in the mirror. In the next round, Deen put a bit of sway in her hips, putting one foot directly in front of the other to catwalk.

Instead of getting embarrassed or self-conscious, showing off her assets made Deen feel powerful. She did feel vulnerable standing just in her underwear. But it added excitement too—all sorts of excitement. The rush of adrenaline and her arousal emboldened her.

This is fun…

As Deen made her third pass and turned in front of the mirror, she tossed her head, bouncing her locks away from her eyes. She looked at Erind with a raised brow as if to say, How was it?

“You seem to be enjoying yourself,” said Erind.

“This sort of feels liberating.” Deen walked closer to Erind. Deen felt herself taking back control of the situation as she towered over her best friend while only in her bra and panty. Confidence was the key, and she had the assets to back it up. “Want to try?”

“Try what, you weirdo? You want me to strip?”

“I was thinking of picking out a pair of pretty lingerie for you. But you do have to strip to change, so the answer is yes.”

“No, thank you,” said Erind in a deadpan tone. “I’m fine living the plain life. I’ll leave all the sexiness and femme fatale stuff to you.” She gathered the blouse and skirt that Deen had shed. “I’ll check what Ms. Cindy has left for you to try.”

“Beating a hasty retreat?” said Deen. Erind probably thought that making Deen model in her underwear would embarrass her. But it backfired because it gave Deen confidence. “I’m not going to do anything to you, Erind.” Deen purred that last word.

“Something tells me I shouldn’t trust you.” Erind turned around and unhooked the curtain with one hand while cradling the clothes Deen had already tried on with the other.


“I’m not going to expose—”

“Stay here.” Deen grabbed Erind around the waist and pulled her away from the door, hooking back the curtain at the same time. Deen turned around, Erind still in her arms, and deposited her best friend on the far side of the dressing room, opposite the door.

So light. Even without super strength, Deen was sure she could’ve easily carried Erind.

“Seems like my instincts were right,” said a cornered Erind clutching clothes to her chest. She looked up at Deen with narrowed eyes. “What are you going to do to me?”

“Just collecting debts.” Deen’s voice wavered though confidence was what she wanted to project. The urge to gush at how cute Erind in a corner was tugged at her heart. Deen was slightly disturbed she thought that. Only slightly. She nodded down at the bunched-up clothes Erind hugged. “That’s the fourth outfit I—”

Erind sighed, shaking her head. “The kiss thing was just a joke, Deen. Come on. Are we seriously continuing—”

“Yes.” Deen stepped forward.

Erind shuffled back. “Why are you so hung up on this? If we continue, then that’s going to be really weird.”

Deen took another step. Erind retreated; her back met the wall. Deen moved forward, sandwiching Erind between her body and the wall. “We’re way past weird,” said Deen, her lips curving into a smirk.

As much as she enjoyed having Erind in charge, Deen thought that bullying Erind might be more fun. Erind looked so helpless with nowhere to go, her chin nestled between Deen’s breasts, looking up like an innocent puppy. Or more like an angry kitten. Definitely an angry kitten. Erind’s brows collided as her eyes shot daggers over the curve of Deen’s breasts.

Cute. So cute that Deen wanted to squeeze with all her might. Which was bad because of her super strength. But squishing Erind was the only thing on Deen’s mind. Cute aggression—that was the term for the urge to squeeze cute things. From a delicate doll that Deen wanted to protect, her image of Erind had turned into the cutest plushie ever, with cheeks waiting to be squeezed.

Erind slowly nodded, her chin bouncing on Deen’s breasts, averting her gaze down. “Right. We’re way past weird. And it doesn’t mean we should continue.”

“Just pay up with a kiss and we can end this.”

Erind shook her head. “Nuh-uh. You’re going to suck on my tongue again like a vacuum cleaner. Like, you’re so needy and—”

“I know what you’re doing.”

“What am I doing? Just telling you how it is. Asking, begging for a kiss. No way you can deny that’s like super needy.”

Really cheeky, thought Deen. Cheeky and cute.

“Erind, taunting me doesn’t work because you’re the one trapped,” Deen said smugly. She snaked an arm around the small of Erind’s back, pulling her best friend closer to her.

“I swear to the Mother Core, Deen, I’ll scream if you don’t let me go,” Erind hissed at her.

However, Deen was willing to bet Erind wouldn’t follow through with her threat. Yes, Deen would die of embarrassment if anyone found out what they were doing, but she was sure Erind would too. She guessed—and was willing to gamble—that shy Erind was even more afraid of getting exposed than her. Erind’s words were an empty threat, and Deen was about to call her bluff to have her own way.  

“You can’t scream if you’re choking on my tongue,” Deen whispered back.

Erind’s eyes widened. “What the hell, Deen?”

Deen was flustered. “Oh, god, that came out wrong!”

“How would you even fix that sentence to make it right?”

“I just meant to say like you can’t scream if we’re kissing. The tongue was a-a-a, I meant… Stop delaying! Let’s just kiss already.”

“Hey, cut it out.” Erind tried to push Deen back, but her arms were immobilized against Deen’s body. Deen stood resolute with superstrength, not willing to budge an inch. In Erind’s struggle, the flimsy panel walls of the dressing room wobbled. Erind stopped moving.

“Don’t resist,” Deen said. “It’s going to be your fault if we get found out.”

“Telling me not to resist is sketchy as—oh! Deen!” Erind furiously whispered as Deen bent down to scoop her up. “Don’t carry me like a freaking kid.”

Deen’s eye was level with Erind’s. Deen couldn’t help but feel excited about making Erind angry. Teasing Erind was her favorite pastime, she had decided a while back. She held Erind with her left hand, Erind’s feet dangling about half a foot above the floor. Deen’s right hand went to the back of Erind’s head and pulled her in for a kiss.

“Stop this, you—mhmm!” Erind continued complaining into Deen’s mouth.

Deen felt giddy when their lips touched. Soft, warm, comforting. This was where she was supposed to be. Deen’s tongue teasingly probed for an opening, but Erind was firm in keeping her mouth shut. Abandoning a gentle kiss, Deen wildly mashed her lips against Erind.

“Mhmhhmm!” Erind continued to complain.

The struggling and protesting Erind awoke something in Deen. Scary to think there was this side of her just lurking beneath the surface. But it didn’t surprise Deen to find it there. After all, she was quite a control freak sometimes. Sometimes. Most of the time.

Deen couldn’t help but take charge. The situation getting flipped—with Erind bullying her—was so novel that it turned her own. Now, Deen was back in her element, and she found it more enjoyable.

Erind swung her head back, overcoming Deen’s strength. The dressing room rattled. “There’s your kiss. Put me down already!”

“I wasn’t done,” Deen replied. And she really wasn’t. She was just starting to enjoy herself.

She pulled back Erind’s head, and their lips met once again. Deen didn’t close her eyes to look at Erind’s expression. Erind was glaring at her. Deen glared back as she furiously kissed and licked Erind’s lips, communicating that this wasn’t going to end until Erind gave up.

Erind rolled her eyes and sighed—a sign of surrender. Erind parted her lips, and Deen’s tongue invaded.

Deen didn’t close her eyes yet to savor the triumph. She shot a look at Erind that said, this is payback for what you did to me as Blanchette! They had formed enough of a bond that Deen was sure Erind got the meaning. Erind rolling her eyes again told Deen she was correct.

Deen ran her fingers through Erind’s hair, gently caressing it before harshly grabbing them. Erind sharply breathed in surprise, opening her mouth a bit more. Taking advantage of the opportunity, making sure their lips were locked tight, Deen sucked out Erind’s tongue. Erind didn’t resist anymore, encouraging Deen.

[Release Erind.]

Shut up, Gabe! Coiling her tongue around Erind’s, Deen closed her eyes.

At that moment, she shut off everything, focusing only on Erind’s tongue. So cute, so cute, so cute! Deen kept repeating in her head. She could hardly control herself. She wanted to chew Erind’s tongue. But that wasn’t possible.

[Release Erind. Release Erind!] Gabe’s voice slowly became more urgent. Deen knew what her Guardian Angel was warning her about and she. Did. Not. Care.

A bite, she reasoned with herself. Just a bite. A nibble. Surely, Erind wouldn’t mind. I’m going to bite her tongue, resolved Deen.

Erind thrashed again. Deen, still lost in her small world of enjoyment, held on to Erind. Deen was sure Erind wouldn’t do something as drastic as breaking the dressing room. Deen couldn’t get how adorable Erind’s tongue was wriggling inside her mouth. Just one bite and—

Deen opened her eyes. She tasted iron. At that moment, she could hear Gabe again.

[Back away! Back away!]

Blood? It felt warm inside her mouth. Deen didn’t feel any pain. Erind’s very angry eyes told her she had just bitten her best friend so hard it drew a lot of blood. Then Deen did feel pain as Erind freed her hand and slapped Deen.

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