(Spin Off) Erind/Deen – 5.23.2

Though my expression and tone were angry, I tapped Deen’s nose to show I was messing with her. Whisking her emotions was my new hobby after all. She must be having whiplash, teetering on whether everything was alright between us or not.

“I was going to say…” Deen slowly spoke, staring cross-eyed down at my finger on her nose. “Given our history, I have more reason to be scared of what you’re capable of. By the way, I don’t mean—” she lowered her voice “—Adumbrae stuff.”

“What’re you referring to then?” I traced my finger from her nose to her cheek where I slapped her. I drew circles on her cheek. “I’m very well-behaved, aren’t I?”

“Well-behaved?” Deen snorted. “If well-behaved meant French Kissing me out of nowhere, then yes. That’s not counting what you did as Blanchette—Mega French Kissing 3000, licking the inside of my throat. I can still remember the feeling of my throat stretching.”

As she said that, I lowered my hand to her throat and caressed it. She didn’t react other than lightly blushing. I thought of choking her, but she might like it. Fucking major weirdo. I might have a hand in her turning this way. Oops.

But Deen had a point. Groping was mostly her department, but I did worse things to her than she did to me. “I’m sure you’ll do the same to me if you could,” I said, not coming up with a better retort. “Admit it.”

“I did try it.” She apologetically smiled as gently held my hand on her throat. “And I ended up biting you. I hope you’re not angry at me anymore.”

“I haven’t forgiven you yet,” I said, pulling my hand away. “You didn’t correctly guess who Mom was, remember?”

“Oh, come on! That was impossible. Isn’t it already enough that you slapped me? It was a super serious injury. I would’ve died if I was a normal human. And it awfully hurt. I was crying!”

“If you got hurt, that means you disobeyed your Guardian Angel. You can’t jump in front of a car and blame it for running over you. It’s your fault.” Abuser tactic, once again.

“Fine, it’s my fault,” Deen said. She bent down and reached for my hands. I let her hold them. She laced our fingers together. “What should I do for you to forgive me? Do you want me to kneel in front of you?”

I tilted my head. “Wha-? Huh? Where did you get that idea? Let me guess. Did you have an ex do this to you before? Like, kneel to ask forgiveness?”

Deen closed her eyes and made a face. “Yeah… Some bastard cheated on me. I wasn’t stupid enough to forgive him. Guys are so annoying.” She opened her eyes and raised our hands between us. “Anyway, I’m just throwing out suggestions.”

“Do it then.” I yanked my hands away and stepped back. I folded my arms and nodded down at the spot in front of me. “Kneel.”  

Deen’s cheeks flushed even more pink. I wasn’t imagining it back in the dressing room—my weirdo best friend liked me ordering her around. This was going to be so much fun making her do stuff. It crossed my mind that I could order her to beg, but that was probably too much. Reserving that for the future.

And I didn’t even need to be bossy. Turning this around, I could be meek and act hurt about something later on and manipulate her to do what I want. A new hobby for me!

“Okay,” Deen pipped. “I’m going to kneel so we’re the same height.”

“Whatever, Deen. I’m getting less inclined to forgive you.”

She stuck out her tongue at me. “I’m doing it already.” She knelt on the ground, her head coming up to my chest.

“You’re still too tall,” I said. “Prostrate yourself!”


“Kidding.” I hugged her, pressing her head against the wall that was my chest. Time for a gentle side after bossing her. “I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have hit you that hard. It was just… a reflex. I didn’t know my own strength.” Lies, of course. I knew how strong I was, and I could’ve hit her harder if I wanted to. Just playing games with her.

“All’s forgiven then?” Deen asked, giving me puppy dog eyes as she looked up at me.

“Ye-yes,” I answered. I was supposed to string her along, but I was caught off guard. She was unfairly beautiful, especially when she acted cutesy. What really hit me was looking down at her. A rare moment. Made Deen look very weak. Made me want to control her. “Hey, what are you doing?”

From her kneeling position, Deen wrapped her arms around my waist. Then she stood up, still carrying me. I held her shoulders for balance. She walked to the side of my room and placed me on my table.

“Deen, this is a study table,” I said. “You know, for studying? Not for doing any of those nasty stuff you’re thinking.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Are you trying to reverse-Blanchette me or something? I put you on the—”

“What was that? ‘I’? You’re abandoning the Adumbrae-made-me-do-it defense?”

“You know what I mean,” I said. From her shoulder, I moved my hands behind her neck and pulled her down to me. Though I did that, I said, “Don’t do anything weird. Mom is here.” Mixed signals again.

Deen leaned closer. I thought she was going to kiss me, but she didn’t. She rubbed our noses together. I think this was considered a kiss in some cultures. Then she said, our nose still touching, “I’m just showing how harmless I am. Sleep on the bed with me.”

She gasped, jolting back. Then she turned away, furiously blushing.

“Embarrassed?” I chuckled. “Good that you know it sounds like you’re propositioning me. Again.”

“Nothing’s going to happen between us. We’re getting a good night’s sleep.”

I tilted her chin forward so she’d face me again. “Aren’t you afraid I’m going to eat you? I’m an Adumbrae. You said it yourself, I eat people.” I licked the tip of her nose. “What if I… took a bite out of you as revenge?”

“I… I’m okay with that,” she whispered.

I pinched her nose. “Weirdo.”

She swatted away my arm. “I’m not a weirdo. You’re the weird one, talking about biting each other. That’s not how I pictured our first time to be in bed later tonight.” Her eyes widened. Flustered, she rapidly explained, “No, not that! I mean our first time sleeping together… not in a sexual way. Definitely nothing sexual. Just two friends, on the same bed, sleeping. Not doing anything else.”

I cupped Deen’s right breast. She sharply inhaled. I felt the weight of the giant marshmallow in my hand. Way heavier than a marshmallow that size should be. She wasn’t wearing a bra. Looking her in the eye, I caressed her breast. “Are you planning to do something to me later?”

“I… I, no, I’m not.”

I started to knead her supple breast, enjoying the bounce. It did make me feel a bit envious. This weapon of mass destruction that had a lot of mass had so much potential in controlling men. If I had her body, I could manipulate so many people. But I was also happy that I could play with her body if I wanted to, and no one else could. Just the exclusivity of it, I guess? Too bad I couldn’t brag about it.

It also made me feel powerful that I could affect her emotions so easily. I felt a small bump as my palm rubbed her breast. This weirdo was getting turned on.

Her mouth parted slightly. She took short breaths and closed her eyes. I took her erect nipple between my fingers. She moaned.

“Deen, be honest with me,” I said, starting to squeeze her right nipple. “We’re best friends. We shouldn’t lie to each other.” The irony of my words wasn’t lost on me.

“I admit. I was planning to…”

“What were you going to do to me later?” I pulled her nipple. She flinched and moaned some more. “Tell me.”

She opened her eyes but looked left. She pressed her lips together and shook her head.

I squeezed her nipple harder. Then I snaked my other hand inside her shirt and found her left nipple. It was erect too, and throbbing badly. I could feel her pounding heart. She looked at me with mild surprise. I flicked her left nipple. Cracking thump of flesh on flesh. Deen yelped.

“Answer me,” I said, flicking her nipple again.

Deen continued to shake her head.

I pulled on her nipples like I was milking a cow, alternating left and right.

“I’m not saying,” Deen insisted.

Her resistance excited me and made my heart beat faster to match hers. I pulled up her shirt and latched my mouth onto her right breast, my teeth around her nipple. I sucked it hard. Her boobs were so big they covered my face. And so soft, yet firm. She smelled good too. Her cotton candy scent made me think I was sucking on a lollipop.

“Oh my god, Erind! That feels good…”

This isn’t supposed to feel good. Annoyed, I bit down.

“Ow! Stop hurting me.”

I transferred to her other nipple. Alternating licking, sucking, and biting. I’d lick and suck until I heard moans of satisfaction from Deen. Then I’d bite her nipple. She’d cry out. Weird interrogation technique, I know.

I hoped Mom was focused on her video conference.  

“I’ll tell, I’ll tell…” Deen panted.

I surfaced from her breasts. Her bright pink nipples were surrounded by a band of red skin, and even redder bite marks. Her chest was flushed red, matching her cheeks and forehead. Her pupils were extremely dilated as our eyes met.

“Good girl,” I cooed, tracing circles around her nipples. She didn’t bother to pull down her shirt and cover herself. She just let me do whatever. “Now what were you going to tell me?”

“When we’re on the same bed later,” she said, “I planned to… to…”

“To what?” I took her nipples between my fingers again, threatening to pinch them.

“To make you cum.”

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