Renzaimeiman: Grant It And You’Ll Get It Back 10,000 Times!

Chapter 351: Sweeping Up [Please Subscribe! ! 】

Lenore was a little unsure after hearing this, "I don't know what to do? How can I help others overcome their inner demons?"

Kofi smiled, shook his head and said. "I don't know, but this is tantamount to stopping evil.

Maybe you could take a leaf out of Lin Yu's book and pick a cruel guy

First save a soul that is completely saturated with evil, and then think about what needs to be done!"

Lin Yu didn't know what kind of trouble he would get the big boss Brutus into because of the previous gargoyle's mischief.

If he knew, he'd probably read the entire list of Hell's Kitchen mafia bosses

Looking at Iron Man waking up from a coma, Lin Yu said with a smile. "Man, you had a good dream"

Lin Yu waved his hand and summoned a corpse-eating vine. Huge amounts of red vines swallowed up the sleepwalker in the dark corner.

It was this guy who controlled Iron Man, but surprisingly, J.A.R.V.I.S had discovered this sleepwalker long ago, but he did not harm him, but prevented Edgar and others from killing this guy.

Iron Man's "sweet dreams" calm him down, and J.A.R.V.I.S., who has been checking on Iron Man's health, has the courage to let him continue to sleep. Because the AI ​​thinks his boss could benefit greatly from this dream.

Now that Iron Man is awake, the sleepwalker is naturally useless.

Iron Man looked around and stretched heavily, not even noticing Bucky wandering nearby.

Looking at Lin Yu who was leaning against a dead tree, Iron Man said with a smile. “I was reliving my childhood in my dream.

Because of my willfulness, I missed a lot of things!"

After saying these words, Iron Man looked at Bucky not far away and suddenly smiled. "Lin Yu, in fact, regret is the foundation of life, isn't it?

Because we always lose!"

Lin Yu was a little uncomfortable with Iron Man's sudden "philosophical" turn, so he waved his hand to stop the emotional Iron Man and said. "Loss has made me appreciate everything I have now!

Regret makes us look at life with a more mature attitude

Those who have sunshine in their hearts can always see the sunshine!

If regret is just regret, how gray is your life? Proxima Midnight?"

Lin Yu looked at Bucky in the distance curiously, then turned to Iron Man: "I think you have understood something, sorry, my iron hand?"

Iron Man heard this, his eyebrows jumped a few times, and then he frowned and said. "How is this possible?

I just don't hate him, but that doesn't mean I have to forgive him."

Lin Yu laughed after hearing this, clenched his fists with Iron Man, and then said with a smile. "Well, this is the Tony-Iron Man I know!"

But it’s good that you didn’t yell, at least Steve can breathe a sigh of relief!”

Iron Man shrugged indifferently and said. "what else can I do?

He is just a tool, he doesn't have many parents, I can kill him and let him leave this. "

Iron Man looked at Steve, who was inseparable from Bucky, and said in a strange tone. "And his boyfriend is still our friend."

Lin Yu likes Iron Man's current appearance as a rich man with a sharp tongue. This must be Tony-Iron Man's personality, which shows that his dream is still feasible.

Glancing at Edgar who was repairing the undead nearby, Lin Yu sighed, waved his hand with a smile. "Hey kids!

Can you take a rest? I think something in your body might be on fire right now."

After Edgar heard this, he inserted a short "power" knife into the head of the "immortal magician" who was still resisting, stirred it up, and then looked at Lin Yu and said. "You will stay in school for three months, motionless, and you will be like me."

As he spoke, Edgar looked at Winter Soldier, who was doing the same thing again, and said. "In five minutes, we are going to search and kill all these things before the end!"

You are all very powerful, you must know what to do?"

The tallest man in the Winter Soldier laughed and smashed the head of an "un-Deadman", then casually shook the sticky brains on his hands and said. "Cut off the cervical vertebrae, crush the brains, and if possible, burn them to ashes."

Edgar nodded with satisfaction; the people around him now were all very humane, and it was rare for a group of "cold-blooded animals" to make him feel close.

Throwing a glance at the helpless Lin Yu, Edgar hesitated a little and said. "It's a waste of time for you to guard the Grand Canyon. My disciplinary department still needs a few reliable assistants. Are you interested?"

The salary is not too high, but the work is not too tiring either. In your current situation, you can still go out for a walk occasionally. "

The four Winter Soldiers looked at each other somewhat affectionately, then turned their attention to Bucky.

Bucky has the brainwashing "code" that controls them and is technically their master.

Bucky, who is deeply brainwashed, will definitely not stop these four Winter Soldiers. Since the Grand Canyon is no longer important, there is not much point in dragging them by himself.

The only regret is that these four brainwashed Winter Soldiers will go crazy once they lose control. The side effects of the simulated "Super Soldier Potion" and the pain of repeated brainwashing will make a strong-willed soldier collapse the moment he regains his memory. .

This reflects the fact that Bucky is several steps ahead of them. Thanks to the same transformation, Bucky not only absorbs the Super Soldier Potion perfectly, but can even resist the pain of brainwashing.

Bucky nodded in agreement with Edgar's suggestion, walked up to Edgar with hesitation, put a small red notebook into his hand, and whispered a few words in his ear.

Edgar was silent for a while after hearing this. He looked at the Winter Soldiers with a calm expression on his face. He held the notebook in his hand and looked at it for a while, and then said. "I don't want to use this

These choices are an insult to a warrior.

If you can't even control your own brain, I think there is no point in your life!

Our schools can be a challenge for you

If you can keep your head clear in front of these bastard boys, I think you can hopefully take control of your own life.

Isn’t it so stupid to rely on brainwashing to avoid pain and find peace?”

The four Winter Soldiers nodded after hearing this. Although Edgar's "titanium alloy tough guy logic" was a bit too paranoid, the experienced directors all agreed.

They envy Bucky's perseverance, but they also hate their own fragility. The memory of themselves has disappeared in their minds, even though Bucky showed them his written and video files.

You know they are super soldiers, trained as strategic weapons to "kill", "destroy", "terrorist" and "create chaos". "Spreading fear" is their whole job.

But who would have thought that the mind of this super weapon is actually fragile?

Edgar bypassed the principal Lin Yu and recruited some suitable assistants for himself. Then, without looking at his principal, the director of corrections and the Winter Soldiers went together to find the "undeadman" who might have slipped through the net. .

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