Report To the Lord: Your Little Heart is Acting Like a Spoiled Child Again

Chapter 26

Chapter 26: The Princess Can Kiss Again

Suddenly, Rong Shi’s kiss came over.

From Shen Yu’s eyes to her neck, he sucked all her tears into his mouth.

Shen Yu stopped crying, but she couldn’t stop sobbing.

Then he kissed her lips and swallowed her last grievance.

At this moment, a scholar suddenly passed by in this deserted alley, Rong Shi hugged Shen Yu in his arms and covered her face so that no one could see her.

The scholar said “tsk tsk tsk” after walking down the street, “The couple is so sweet now.”

After a long time, Rong Shi let go of Shen Yu.

Shen Yu was staring at him with tears hanging from his eyelashes.

Rong Shi smiled helplessly, “The princess didn’t eat candy, why are her tears sweet.”

Shen Yu turned his head at this moment, completely ignoring him.

Rong Shi can only coax her, “This is my king’s fault. I will agree to what conditions the princess asks in the future, okay?”

His voice even contained some humble pleas, Shen Yu still didn’t want to deal with him, this time she was really angry!

Rong Shi didn’t know how to coax a woman at all. At this moment, she stood in front of Shen Yu at a loss, like a child who did something wrong.

Shen Yu always said that he was the best person in the world, but he knew that he was so rotten, and she was so good that he couldn’t help but be in front of her Ashamed.

He laughed at himself, “Princess, how should this king coax you?”

Shen Yu’s eyelashes trembled, and after thinking for a while, he turned his head, “One sentence is not enough to coax me, ten sentences are needed.”

Rong Shi’s eyes showed a little light, “Ten sentences are too few, is a hundred sentences good?”

Who knew that Shen Yu turned his head angrily, and said in disgust, “One hundred sentences are too many, the prince’s mouth talks too much, and he will always say disgusting things.”

Rong Shi smiled and took her in his arms, “I can’t think of anything to make the princess happy for a while, so I owe these ten sentences first, okay?”

Shen Yu stretched out a little finger, “Pull the hook…”

“The hook.” Rong Shi also stretched out a little finger, and did not let go until the thumb and Shen Yu’s thumb were marked with 7.

After letting go, a big smile appeared on Rong Shi’s lips, and he suddenly hugged Shen Yu.

Shen Yu wrapped his arms around his neck subconsciously, and said coquettishly, “What are you doing? Bullying me again.”

Afterwards, Rong Shi hugged her and turned around before putting her down.

Shen Yu blushed and didn’t want to ignore him, but Rong Shi stretched out his hand and looked at her expectantly.

It wasn’t until Shen Yu held the hands that he laughed, “Princess must clench this king’s hand tightly, if one cannot hold it tightly, this king will kill again. ”

Shen Yu didn’t speak, but really held Rong Shi’s hand even tighter.

Rong Shi couldn’t help laughing.

Shen Yu headed forward and walked straight to the Shen Family Medical Center.

She dragged Rong Shi into the Shen Family Medical Center. The witch doctor in the medical center was still treating people with “babble”.

Shen Yu shouted, “King Qi is here!”

Everyone in the house looked towards the door subconsciously and saw that Rong Shi was really here. In the next moment, everyone was scattered.

Seeing this scene, Rong Shi smiled, lowered his head and said in her ear, “This is why the princess insisted on going out with this king?”

“Of course not.” Shen Yu subconsciously wanted to refute, but saw that the hospital manager was about to leave, so he grabbed him, “You! Don’t leave!”

Manager Zhang saw Rong Shi’s face and felt his scalp tingle, so he was forced to stay.

“The princess is called Caomin, what is it?”

He thought it was a pity for Miss Shen to marry King Qi, but now, I’m afraid it wasn’t the little devil who married the big devil!

“This hospital is mine. Let me fulfill the responsibilities and obligations of the boss. Is there a list of all the doctors here?”

Manager Zhang quickly took out a roster and showed it to Shen Yu.

Shen Yu frowned after watching for a while, “Who are the witch doctors?”

Manager Zhang quickly pointed it out to her.

With a wave of her hand, she dismissed all the witch doctors.

Steward Zhang wanted to speak for these witch doctors, but he glanced at Rong Shi next to him and didn’t dare to speak.

Shen Yu raised his eyes and looked at Manager Zhang, “What kind of diseases do the doctors in you treat? Find a piece of paper and write it down.”

Manager Zhang hurriedly wrote it.

Shen Yu glanced at it and said in disgust, “Too weak, these doctors still need to learn.”

“Uh…” Manager Zhang still wanted to speak, looked at Rong next to him, thought about his family again, and fell silent again.

Rong Shi looked at Shen Yu with interest, and found that since Shen Yu entered the medical center, his eyes were bright.

The little princess with light in her eyes is so beautiful.

She wrote another recruitment notice and asked the steward to post it at the door, and then began to prepare for the training of doctors in the medical hall.

Manager Zhang realized what Shen Yu was going to do, and asked weakly, “Miss, is this going to teach the doctor in the medical hall to treat diseases?”

Shen Yu nodded, Manager Zhang thought humbly about his family.

She wrote a whole set of training plan and handed it to Manager Zhang, “I will follow this course to teach doctors in the hospital in the future.”

“At the same time, increase the wages of doctors in the medical center by one tael, and halve the medical expenses in the medical center.”

Manager Zhang finally couldn’t sit still, “Then how can our hospital make money?”

Immediately afterwards, he saw Shen Yu take out a few silver notes from his arms.

That was all Shen Yu’s savings, she asked, “Is it enough?”

“Enough is enough!” Manager Zhang nodded hurriedly, “It’s just a hospital, five thousand taels is enough!”

“There’s more than one hospital, you can take it first.”

Manager Zhang’s heart beat even more.

The medical center is not open today. Shen Yu tossed in the medical center for a long time. In the evening, he looked up at Rong Shi.

Rong Shi has been watching her from the seat she arranged.

When she walked towards Rong, she stretched out her hand.

Rong Shi reached out and clasped her fingers, “Is this king good?”

Shen Yu wanted to step on his feet to kiss his lips, but because of his height, he could only kiss his chin.

The next moment, Rong Shi lowered his head, “Princess can kiss again.”

Shen Yu then put the kiss on his lips as he wished, and frowned, “Your Highness is the best.”

Rong Shi got up satisfied, “Let’s go, this king will take the princess to eat delicious food!”

Manager Zhang looked at the backs of Rong Shi and Shen Yu leaving like a dream, and felt very mysterious.

Rong Shi took her to the Tianxiang Building, where the food was already served.

He let Shen Yu sit next to him and cook her dishes in person.

Shen Yu swallowed it honestly, thought for a moment, picked up a piece of tofu and put it into Rong Shi’s mouth.

Rong Shi honestly opened his mouth and chewed for a long time before swallowing the tofu.

Then, he raised his head, “The tofu that the princess feeds to this king is sweet.”

“But if this tofu was fed to the king by the princess, I’m afraid it would be even sweeter.”

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