Resequencing DNA

Chapter 24

Ashleigh was awoken the next morning by a knocking at her door.

“Miss Ashleigh,” shouted the voice from out in the hallway. A voice that Ashleigh was not familiar with. Far was it from the well-spoken voices of any member of the Ashton-Burns family, or the low, gruff, yet equally well-spoken voice of Gerard. Instead, the voice that called out to her was that of a middle-aged woman with a rather strong northern accent.

“Who…who is it?” she murmured, before turning over and burying her face into her pillow.

“It’s Rose, Miss” replied the voice, “May I enter?”

Ashleigh picked up her phone from the cabinet by the bed and looked at the time.

“6.30 am… already,” thought Ashleigh.

“Yes…you may enter,” mumbled Ashleigh in response to Rose’s request.

“Mornin’ Miss,” said Rose as she entered the room, switching on the lights to illuminate the room which was still in darkness.

“Morning…already,” mumbled Ashleigh, sitting up in her bed, the sensation of her breasts reacting to her movement, still not one she was completely accustomed to.

“Aye, it is just that Miss,” said Rose as she picked up a long, pink, satin robe from the inside of Ashleigh’s wardrobe and handed it to Ashleigh. “For your modesty, Miss,” giggled Rose, gesturing at Ashleigh.

Taking a glance down, Ashleigh quickly noticed the sight of her left breast that had managed to escape the confines of her nightgown.

 “Oh…I’m terribly sorry,” muttered Ashleigh, scrambling to correct herself before slipping her arms into the robe that Rose had handed to her.

“Don’t you worry about it, Miss,” replied Rose, “ Ain’t owt’ I’ve never seen before.”

Ashleigh climbed out of bed and fastened the robe around herself, once again she fell in love with the feeling of the fabric against her skin, as the robe fell to just below her knees. She then glanced down to find a pair of fluffy slippers by the bed, in a shade of pink that identically matched the long satin robe that Rose had given her.

“So…what is with the early wakeup call?” asked Ashleigh.

“Breakfast time, Miss… Foods already art ont' table,” stated Rose.

“Is everybody else awake already?” asked Ashleigh.

“Aye, that they are lass,” replied Rose. “Miss Pippa and the wedding party already beginning t’ get ready.”

“Oh…I see…am I the last to wake?” asked Ashleigh.

“Aye…that you are…under the instruction of Mr Aston-Burns himself…says that you deserved extra rest after’ night you had,” stated Rose with a smile.

“Oh…I see…how very kind of him…” muttered Ashleigh.

“Aye Tis’,” replied Rose, “Got a different job to what I usually do this mornin’ too,” she added.

“Oh…I see…and what’s that?” asked Ashleigh.

“Well…he says to me this mornin’…Rose…I said yes Mr Ashton-Burns? He said you be with that Miss Ashleigh today, he says, you help her get dressed, down for breakfast everything…I says, yes Mr Ashton-Burns I says,” explained Rose.

“I don’t think that will be necessary Rose…thank you though,” replied Ashleigh with a smile.

“I jus’ do what I am told, Miss,” Rose responded, “Mr Ashton-Burns seems to av’ taken quite the shine to you me’ love. If I were you I’d accept the elp’, especially with that there corset,” she added, pointing to the wardrobe.

“What…what corset? Pippa must have added it to the basket when I went to put on my new underwear,” thought Ashleigh, her eyes filling with dread as she thought about the images she had seen in the past of women wearing corsets. “They…they just look so…uncomfortable,” she said to herself.

“Yes…thank you, Rose,” said Ashleigh with a smile.

“Right…be off with you…just make your way back up ere’ after breakfast,” stated Rose, “Don’t be too long,” she added with a  smile.

Ashleigh grabbed her cigarettes and lighter from her bag, placing them in the pocket of her robe before heading towards the door.

As she stepped outside her room and into the hallway, Ashleigh could hear the sound of everyone rushing around and getting prepared. She made her way to the end of the hallway, but as she went to place he hand on the door, the door quickly opened, causing her to almost leap backwards, so as not to be hit by it.

“Oh…I’m so terribly sorry,” stated James as he stepped into the hallway.

“Oh James, It’s fine honestly…I am still half asleep I think…walking around in some kind of a daze,” mumbled Ashleigh in reply before letting out an awkward giggle.

“No…honestly…it was my wrongdoing…I should never…” muttered James as he rubbed the back of his head with one hand whilst holding the door with the other. “Are you…heading to breakfast?” he asked with a smile, as he maintained eye contact.

Ashleigh felt herself beginning to blush as she meekly nodded her head in response to the question. She continued to match his gaze, even as she felt self-conscious about her outfit, as she thought, "He's trying not to look down at it," holding back her temptation to giggle.

 “Mind if I accompany you,” said James sounding rather confident, smiling as he offered his arm for her to link him.

 “Not at all…” replied Ashleigh, wrapping her arm around his, allowing him to lead her out of the hallway and into the main hall.

“Sleep well?” asked James as the pair walked towards the stairway.

“Yes,” replied Ashleigh, “Could have definitely slept longer though,” she added with a giggle.

As they arrived at the stairs, James promptly unlinked his arm from hers and instead stepped down the first step and offered her his hand.

Ashleigh delicately placed one hand in his whilst holding the bannister with the other, as she began making her descent.

“His touch…he’s so…so tender…he’s…he’s such a gentleman,” she thought, smiling as she made her way slowly down the stairs.

As they reached the bottom of the stairs, James once more linked arms with Ashleigh and began to lead her towards the dining room.

“Actually…I would like…to go for a cigarette first…if that is okay,” said Ashleigh rather softly.

“That is no problem at all,” replied James, changing direction and heading to the sitting room. As they reached the sitting room, the door opened and Alistair stepped out.

“Ah, Ashleigh, good morning, sleep well?” stated Alistair with a smile.

“Good morning…and yes…thank you,” replied Ashleigh with a smile.

“I have instructed Rose to assist you with anything you need today,” stated Alistair. “And James is taking good care of you I see,” he added with a smile, pointing at the pair linking arms.

“Yes…yes he is,” replied Ashleigh, smiling.

“He is such a nice young man, I hope he is treating you nicely,” said Alistair. “Have you been for breakfast yet?”

“No…not yet,” replied Ashleigh, “In truth…I don’t tend to bother with breakfast very often and I’m not really that hungry,” she added.

“Hmm, I see,” stated Alistair, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly. “Well, it is going to be a long day, I advise you at least have something.”

Alistair smiled as Ashleigh and James made their way past him and into the sitting room. As they did, however, Alistair quickly called out to James, causing him to unlink arms with Ashleigh and rush back to him.

Ashleigh looked back over her shoulder to see Alistair and James standing by the doorway in conversation. Ashleigh continued to make her way to the chair by the fireplace, sitting down as she removed her lighter and cigarettes from the pocket of her robe.

“Sit up straight…perch on the edge of the chair…ankles crossed,” thought Ashleigh, remembering the lessons she had received from Pippa and Eloise the previous night. Ashleigh removed a cigarette from the packet and placed it to her lips, taking a drag as she lit the end. “I know…I know what he did was awful…but…I can’t help but wonder… what Wes is doing right now…he’s an arsehole and he will pay for what he’s done to me…but it just feels weird…me being here…in his parent's home…whilst he’s not even welcome.”

Ashleigh glanced down and looked at the cigarette neatly perched between her fingers.

Jesus…I even smoke like a woman now…so dainty and feminine,” she thought as she giggled to herself as she took another drag.

Her train of thought was quickly interrupted by James as he rushed over to her,

“Tea or coffee?” asked James.

Ashleigh looked at him rather puzzled after not quite listening to what he said as she was deep in her own thoughts.

“Excuse me?” asked Ashleigh.

“Do you prefer tea or coffee?” James asked once more.

“Oh…erm tea…please…” replied Ashleigh with a smile.

“Sugar?” asked James.

“I take two in tea…” answered Ashleigh, but before she could utter another word, Ashleigh watched as James raced off back to the door, opening it to speak to someone outside in the hallway before closing it once more and returning to her, sitting down on the sofa.

The pair sat in silence as Ashleigh continued to smoke her cigarette. However, one thing she did notice was how James’ eyes appeared to follow her cigarette to her lips each time she took a drag. Looking enthralled as he watched her exhale small streams of smoke from between her rather plump lips.

Just then, Gerard entered the room carrying a silver tray containing a silver teapot and a small cup.

“Tea, Miss Ashleigh,” stated Gerard, handing the cup to Ashleigh before filling it with tea.

“Thank you, Gerard,” said Ashleigh, “Everyone is so nice to me here,” she added with a smile, whilst sounding rather surprised.

“Miss Ashleigh,” said Gerard, nodding his head before leaving the room once again.

“You seem so surprised,” stated James.

“Surprised?” asked Ashleigh, stubbing out her cigarette before taking a sip of tea, “Surprised at what?”

“That everyone is being nice to you,” answered James, “You seem to say it as if you’re not used to people being nice to you.”

“I erm…I…” muttered Ashleigh.

“Shit…that’s because Wesley’s family actually despise me…well…Aaron that is…” thought Ashleigh, “But I guess…right now…I’m Ashleigh…and they seem to like Ashleigh.”

“That’s just because…well…I’m not exactly used to this lifestyle,” replied Ashleigh.

“Oh…you mean…the way the Ashton-Burns family lives?” asked James.

“Well yeah…but also the makeup, the dresses…the silk, the satin…” thought Ashleigh, “Hell I’m not even used to having my own pair of  tits and a vagina.”

“Yes…” replied Ashleigh rather meekly, “having people to do everything for you…like make you drinks, breakfast, etc…I even have Rose upstairs waiting to help me get dressed…I usually get myself dressed,” she giggled.

“Yes...I suppose it would be a bit difficult to adjust to...if you aren't used to it already,” replied James with a chuckle.

“I mean…James…you’ve worked for them for ten years…has Alistair or Vivian ever gone anywhere without you? Do you drive them everywhere…can they even drive?” asked Ashleigh.

“Well…no…not really…since I began working for them…I have travelled everywhere with Mr Ashton-Burns…whether that be meeting in this country or even abroad. And yes, I drive them everywhere…Mr Ashton-Burns can drive…he sold his old car because there was no use for it…he just travels by limo these days,” answers James.

“Do…do you…enjoy your work?” asked Ashleigh sipping on her tea.

“It feels like it’s all I’ve ever known Miss Ashleigh…I wouldn’t change it for the world…I was just 18 when Mr Ashton-Burns hired me,” answered James.

“Wow…that is a long time I guess…especially when you were so young,” said Ashleigh as she finished the rest of her tea. “Okay…I guess I had best go and get showered and prepared for this wedding huh?”

James stood up and took the teacup from Ashleigh’s hand.

“I shall escort you back to your room,” stated James with a smile, scurrying off out of the sitting room before returning empty-handed.

As James returned to Ashleigh, he once again held out his arm for her to link him.

“Miss Ashleigh,” he said with a smile.

Ashleigh smiled and stood from her seat, linking his arm before the pair began to make their way out of the sitting room and back upstairs.

Once they arrived at the room Ashleigh had been staying in, James let go of Ashleigh’s arm, however, he did seem rather reluctant.

Ashleigh turned to him, standing with her back to the bedroom door.

“I…I guess I shall see you…later on today,” mumbled Ashleigh rather sheepishly as she rubbed her arm.

“Yes…of course, you shall indeed,” replied James with a smile.

“I need to go and get all pretty now,” Ashleigh said with a nervous giggle.

“…Miss Ashleigh…” replied James, “If you somehow got any prettier than you are already…it would be unfair on everyone else,” replied James with a nervous chuckle.

“Oh my god, he is so sweet,” thought Ashleigh, “For somebody who always appears to be so…so confident…James seems rather nervous right now.”

The pair stood in awkward silence for a brief moment, Ashleigh looking towards the ground, avoiding the eyes of James who she could feel watching her.

“Well…I shall see you soon…Miss Ashleigh,” said James as he turned to leave and head to his own room.

“…Oh…fuck it…what’s the worst that could happen,” thought Ashleigh.

Ashleigh, who had not given much thought to the actions she was about to take, reached out to James, stopping him in his tracks and planted a kiss directly on his lips.

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