Resequencing DNA

Chapter 26

The sensations she had been experiencing around her continued to occupy Ashleigh's mind, as she kept her eyes closed. As a result, she could use her imagination to picture exactly what was happening in her mind. The sound of Rebekah's camera shutter clicking as she moved around the room, capturing the moment from several angles. Ashleigh could also hear Rose scurrying around, preparing Ashleigh's attire for after her makeup was complete. Her most overwhelming sensation was the tickling sensation created by the makeup brushes Tiffany was using around her face, as they tickled her eyelids rather gently. Added to this was the mild, sweet scent of Tiffany's perfume and the warm, soft breath that drifted over Ashleigh's skin as Tiffany worked closely to her.

“Almost done. Open those eyes for me, sweetie," Tiffany said, interrupting Ashleigh's mental picture that she had been painting in her mind.

As Ashleigh opened up her eyes, she instantly noticed a slight weight to the feel of her eyelids, along with the corner of her eyes sticking, ever so slightly. As she looked at Tiffany, who was still standing less than a foot away from her, she became aware that she could now see her own eyelashes within her field of view.

“Well…this is new,” thought Ashleigh.

“Open your lips for me, sweetie… ever so slightly,” instructed Tiffany as she picked up the thinnest brush Ashleigh had ever seen, “where’s the lipstick you wanted to use?” she asked.

Ashleigh pointed over to her handbag as Tiffany made her way across and picked up Ashleigh’s handbag from the bedside table. Tiffany returned and handed Ashleigh her handbag so she could retrieve her lipstick. Ashleigh pulled out the lipstick, handing it to Tiffany whilst tossing her handbag on the bed beside her, before parting her lips as Tiffany had instructed her to do. Tiffany opened up the lipstick before loading the product onto the brush and began to carefully go to work on Ashleigh, with Rebekah, continuing to be snap-happy with her camera.

“Voila!” exclaimed Tiffany a moment later, a huge smile on her face as she stepped back to admire her work. “Go on…take a look at my masterpiece…you look gorgeous,” Tiffany added, beaming with pride.

Ashleigh stood up from the edge of the bed, but before she could make her way to the mirror, she was soon interrupted by Rose.

“There be no time for that just yet Miss,” said Rose, “C’mon we need to get you ready, come now m'dear, lose the robe,” she added as she reached into the wardrobe and picked up the corset that Ashleigh was to wear.

Ashleigh stood, frozen completely still. She knew this moment was coming and yet she was still no better prepared for it.

“Why is it…girls really don’t care about seeing each other undress or in their underwear…you’d never hear a guy say come on, strip down to your undies….I just don’t understand…” pondered Ashleigh.

“I…I…I can change…in the bathroom,” muttered Ashleigh.

“C’mon Miss, we ain’t got all day…robe…now,” barked Rose, in a fairly stern tone.

“Oh…fuck it…here goes,” thought Ashleigh. After unfastening her pink robe, Ashleigh closed her eyes and breathed deeply. She allowed the soft, pink material to slip down her body and drop to the floor.

With her eyes still closed, Ashleigh then felt Rose wrap the garment around her waist before she began to fasten the clasps.

“This…this isn’t too bad,” thought Ashleigh, opening her eyes just as Rose fastened the final clasp before moving behind her.

“Why do girls say these are so uncomfortable…” thought Ashleigh. That thought was soon to be interrupted, however as Rose then began to lace Ashleigh into her corset. “JESUS…I’m guessing this is why…How am I supposed to fucking breathe.”

“Big breath in m’dear,” ordered Rose, as she fiddled with the laces. All the while, Rebekah was clicking away on her camera, capturing the whole ordeal.

“How does she expect me to breathe anymore,” thought Ashleigh, following Rose’s instruction as best she could. This was followed by what felt like Rose’s foot on Ashleigh’s bottom and one last huge tug on the laces. In Ashleigh’s mind, successful in driving out any remaining air within her body.

Without giving Ashleigh a chance to recover from the traumatic experience of the corset, Rose then proceeded to hand Ashleigh her rather long, royal blue dress, still on its hanger.

“Get this on and then we’ll sort your hair,” instructed Rose.

Ashleigh did as instructed, sliding the dress over her head and down over her curves that were now, much more prominent, due to her corseted waist.

After fastening Ashleigh's dress, Rose sat her on the edge of the bed once more, before she began to style her hair.

Tiffany finished packing up the remains of her makeup kit before saying goodbye,

“I had better go and get myself ready now,” laughed Tiffany as she left the room, just as Rose began to run a brush through Ashleigh’s, long, red tresses, far from gently to say the very least.

“HOLY SHIT…Is she trying to brush my hair…or rip it from my head,” thought Ashleigh, trying hard not to wince at every brush stroke, closing her eyes, longing for the moment to soon be over.

As Ashleigh’s eyes remained tightly shut, she could feel every pull and twist that Rose was performing on her hair, before she felt what felt like pins being put in place, in order to hold her hair in position.

“Right we are, miss. All done,” exclaimed Rose.

“Thank fuck for that…I’ve never wished to be bald so much in my life,” thought Ashleigh, as she slowly began to open her eyes.

“One last thing… keep yer eyes shut,” ordered Rose as the sound of an aerosol being sprayed could be heard.

A pungent, harsh fragrance then began to fill Ashleigh’s nostrils. An odour so strong and overpowering that Ashleigh could not only smell it, she could also taste it, as she fought off the urge to cough. It was a scent that she almost immediately recognised, due to past girlfriends, as hairspray.

“All done, Miss,” stated Rose, as the sound of the spraying stopped.

Ashleigh could no longer fight the urge and coughed as she opened her eyes.

“I must admit…I am rather intrigued to see how I look,” thought Ashleigh, as Rose was already bringing her a black pair of high-heeled shoes.

Ashleigh held out her hand, expecting Rose to hand her the shoes to put on her own feet. Instead, as Rose got back to Ashleigh, she immediately knelt on the ground and began placing the shoes on Ashleigh’s feet.

“I am perfectly capable of putting on my own shoes, Rose,” said Ashleigh with a giggle, holding her dress to the side, as Rose secured the shoes around Ashleigh’s ankle.

“It’s not that miss,” stated Rose with a chuckle as she got back to her feet. “You ever tried putting shoes on before, whilst wearin’ a corset...ya can’t bend,” she added as she continued to laugh.

“Oh…I didn’t think of that,” replied Ashleigh with a smile, as Rose delicately held her hand, helping her up to her feet.

It was with great excitement that Ashleigh slowly began to find her way over to the full-length mirror, eager to see her own reflection, yet also extremely anxious at the same time. As she did so, however, Ashleigh became hyper-aware of everything, the feeling of her dress as its soft material swished against her smooth legs. The heels she wore on her feet, instinctively caused her to take much shorter, more delicate steps, swaying her hips from side to side as she did so. She could feel the tight binding of her corset, her breasts, jiggling as she walked. Even her hair which was now not as loose and free-flowing as she had almost become used to, instead felt tightly tied up, atop her head.

“Oh…my…God…” thought Ashleigh, as she peered in the mirror, rather taken back by her reflection, raising her hand in front of her mouth in sheer disbelief. “I…I look…incredible,” she thought, “That…that woman…is…me?” she asked herself, the sight of her hand moving, almost enough to provide sufficient evidence that she was, indeed, gazing upon her own reflection.

There staring back at her was a beautiful young woman, her red hair was braided, whilst wrapped around and pinned in a bun on top of her head. Her makeup was absolutely flawless, from her long, dark eyelashes that framed her deep, ocean-blue eyes, to her full, luscious, pouting, red lips. Her royal blue dress sat delicately upon her rather dainty shoulders, making its way down, across her ample bust, hugging her cinched waistline before flaring out at her hips and draping down, just below her knees.

As she was gazing at her reflection in an almost hypnotised state, she reached out with her small, delicate hands towards the mirror.

“Oh Miss Ashleigh, you look gorgeous,” stated Rose, yet this wasn’t enough to snap Ashleigh out of her trance-like state.

Ashleigh continued to stare in wonder at her reflection. What seemed like a moment to her, was at least a good five minutes in reality. Ashleigh never even noticed that Rebekah, the photographer, had since left the room, leaving her and Rose, alone.

What did manage to break her concentration, however, was a knock at the bedroom door. Ashleigh quickly turned around to look toward the door, which was promptly answered by Rose. Ashleigh was shocked to find that it was Alistair who had come to visit. He took a moment, as he looked Ashleigh up and down before he spoke.

“Ashleigh my dear…you look incredible,” stated Alistair.

“Thank you,” replied Ashleigh with a smile, although she could feel herself beginning to blush.

“I…I erm…have had a suggestion put forward to me…one that…well…I wanted to talk to you about it,” said Alistair, as Ashleigh awaited his suggestion with bated breath.

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