Resequencing DNA

Chapter 48

Once Ashleigh was inside her bedroom, she began to choose an outfit from her selection of clothes that had slightly expanded over the past week, thanks to her shopping trips with Elijah.

“ I can't be bothered to get too dressed up, not with how I'm feeling today,” she thought to herself, choosing a simple but quite stylish white blouse to pair with black denim jeans.

While she was looking in the mirror, she slipped off her black, satin robe and matching nightgown and let them fall to the floor as she stood before the mirror, taking a moment to admire her reflection in the glass.

“Mmmm, I don't know what it is, but I think I do look rather bloated,” she thought to herself as she touched her tummy, which was a little different from what she was used to seeing. “Whatever it may be, I hope it passes quickly.”

Ashleigh then stepped out of her underwear and picked them up from the floor. However, it was as she was about to toss them into the laundry basket without so much as a thought, that she noticed something.

“Oh my God…is that…is that blood?” she asked herself, as she inspected the stain on the inside of her underwear. “Holy shit! There’s something wrong…” she thought in a panic, before rushing out of her bedroom and across to the bathroom.

“OH MY GOD!” shrieked Ashleigh from within the bathroom, before letting out an ear-piercing scream.

Elijah quickly knocked on the bathroom door,

“Ashleigh…is everything okay?” he asked from behind the door.

“Oh my god! Oh my god, Elijah…I think there’s something wrong with me,” shrieked Ashleigh. “I think there’s something wrong with Wesley’s machine…the change and everything…I think I’m dying,” she added in a soft yet panicked tone of voice.

“Ashleigh…what makes you think that you’re dying?” asked Elijah, his voice sounding rather less concerned than it initially did.

“I…I…” muttered Ashleigh, whilst sobbing. Her voice cracked and she began to cry as she said, "I’m bleeding."

Elijah let out a sigh that was audible from the other side of the door, “Ashleigh…you’re not dying…okay,” he said calmly. “You…You’re just menstruating…that’s all…You will be fine.”

“Really…” sobbed Ashleigh, “but how…how do you know I’m not dying?” she asked.

“I suspected that maybe what it was after you explained how you were feeling,” stated Elijah, “I already sent a text to Pippa, asking her to pick up the supplies you’ll need…” he explained. You're going to be fine, trust me, I'm sure of it, it’s totally natural. Besides, I used to experience them too…remember,” he added in a soft, reassuring manner.

Ashleigh fell silent for a moment as she tried to regain her composure,

“Thank you…Elijah,” she said after taking a deep breath.

“Hey, you’re always welcome,” replied Elijah, softly.

“You know…it’s one part of being like this, that I never really thought of…you know,” stated Ashleigh. “I mean, I always knew that women go through this each month…but…never really thought I would experience it…even after what Wes did to me.”

“Well,” said Elijah with a slight chuckle, “Wes did explain that when he changed me…I’d have the complete, working, male… package…so I guess the same applies to you, just the other way around. And even after you became who you are now…I don’t think you anticipated still being Ashleigh, over a week later…and that is on me…I’m sorry,” he added.

“It’s not your fault,” replied Ashleigh, “I agreed to stay a little longer.”

Just as Ashleigh finished her sentence, the intercom buzzed.

“That will be Pippa,” announced Elijah, before his footsteps could be heard heading down the hallway, before quickly returning.

“Elijah…” muttered Ashleigh.

“Yes Ashleigh, I’m here,” Elijah replied.

“How…how did you ever cope? I feel so bad,” said Ashleigh.

“Well…I hated it, and I’d like to say it gets better, but I’d be lying,” Elijah replied, “However, some months are worse than others, plus you have to consider, even though you are biologically what? 23 years old? This is the first one you’ve ever had…so you’re realistically making up for the last…9 maybe 10 years or so,” he explained.

Ashleigh then heard the sound of the front door opening,

“Hey Ashleigh, I’m here,” shouted Pippa, along with the sound of a plastic bag rustling, followed by the door closing once again. “OH…MY…GOD…” stated Pippa, “Elijah?” she exclaimed in disbelief.

“Hello Pip, yes it’s me,” replied Elijah.

“I…I will deal with you shortly…I have got to deal with Ashleigh…first…erm…” Pippa muttered.

“Of course…I shall wait in the living room,” stated Elijah, before the sound of his footsteps began retreating down the hallway.

There was a gentle knock on the bathroom door,

“Hey…um…Ash…can I come in?” asked Pippa softly.

Ashleigh got up from the toilet and unlocked the door, which Pippa slowly opened and stepped inside.

“Hey Ashleigh,” said Pippa softly with a smile on her face.

This caused Ashleigh to begin crying once more.

“Hey, hey, hey, what’s wrong Ash?” asked Pippa, placing her hand gently on the shoulder of her friend.

“I…I don’t know Pip…” sobbed Ashleigh, “I honestly…I honestly thought there was something wrong with me…like I was dying or something,” she squealed.

Pippa smiled,

“No Ash, you’re not dying…there’s nothing wrong with you…in fact…everything is perfectly normal,” said Pippa in a reassuring manner as she placed the bag down on the floor in front of Ashleigh. “Come on…let’s get you sorted and all cleaned up so you can go and get dressed, I’m looking forward to having lunch together again.”

Ashleigh nodded in agreement,

“Now…I’ve brought both sanitary towels and tampons…I didn’t know which you would be more comfortable with,” stated Pippa.

“Oh…my…god,” thought Ashleigh, her eyes widened as she heard Pippa mention the items she had brought with her, the realisation of her situation finally setting in. “In the space of just over a week…I’ve gone from a guy…to a woman…in need of tampons and sanitary towels,” she thought as she began to sob again.

A short while later, Ashleigh was once again in her bedroom, finally composed enough to begin getting dressed. She decided to stick with the outfit she had already picked out. She could hear Pippa and Elijah talking in the other room. Their discussion became somewhat loud at times, but not so much as to be considered an argument by any means. Ashleigh clasped her white bra with ease as she had become quite accustomed to doing so on her own, using the tips and techniques that Rose had taught her during her stay at the Ashton-Burns Manor. Next, she slipped her arms into the white blouse and began to button it up.

“I do love the fit of this blouse,” she thought to herself as she admired her reflection whilst placing the last button through its designated loop. “I didn’t think I’d ever have a thought like that about a blouse,” she thought as she smiled to herself.

Next, she pulled on the jeans, however, she never truly believed Pippa’s words when she told her that they may be awkward to fasten at this moment in time.

“FUCKKKK,” she thought, as she began wrestling with the waistband. Taking a huge deep breath, she finally managed to coerce the button through the hole. “And breathe,” she thought, taking a long deep breath.

Ashleigh then located her black, leather ankle boots, placing them on her feet before grabbing her makeup. She opted for a simple red lip, along with a coat of mascara and a touch of kohl eyeliner on her lower lashline.

“Hmmm…just needs…a little something…”  she thought, as she surveyed her reflection, “Oh…I know,” she exclaimed, quickly retrieving the black beret that Rose had given her, that belonged to Pippa. She carefully placed it on her head, securing it neatly in place using a few, cleverly hidden bobby pins, as Rose had taught her. “Perfect,” she exclaimed, before pouting in the mirror, proceeding to giggle afterwards.

Ashleigh made her way out of the bedroom and along to the living room to reunite with her friends. Elijah and Pippa were sitting on the sofa, still deep in discussion, they didn’t realise Ashleigh had entered the room at first, however, the clicking of her heels, quickly grabbed Elijah’s attention.

“Ashleigh, you look incredible as always,” he stated, getting to his feet, “Here…take my seat,” he added with a smile.

Ashleigh smiled and looked at Pippa who also got to her feet.

“It’s fine, but thank you, Elijah,” replied Ashleigh.

“Right…we have a lunch date,” said Pippa with a giggle, “Come on, we should be on our way,” she added before turning to Elijah. “I’m so proud of you and I will always…and I mean ALWAYS, be here for you dearest cousin,” stated Pippa with a smile.

“Thank you,” replied Elijah.

The pair hugged before Pippa made her way to Ashleigh.

“Enjoy yourselves, ladies,” said Elijah with a smile, his eyes fixed on Ashleigh.

“I’m sure we will,” replied Pippa, as she turned and made her way down the hallway.

Ashleigh looked across the room at Elijah as he looked across the room at her. She couldn't do anything but smile the moment their eyes met. The smile on Elijah's face continued to grow as he continued to maintain eye contact with her. What seemed to be an eternity passed before Ashleigh found herself following Pippa down the hallway, grabbing her coat as she walked away with the pair finally leaving the apartment together.

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