Resequencing DNA

Chapter 50

The girls continued to make small talk after placing their food order, with Pippa still refusing to mention the suggestions that she had in mind, making Ashleigh increasingly nervous. So tense, in fact, that she had quickly finished her drink, with Pippa then ordering a second for her, whilst telling her to relax.

“What are these…proposals then Pip?” asked Ashleigh.

“Well,” replied Pippa with a smile, “I have had a few discussions with my husband…regarding our old home and my new business, which, however, is now mere weeks from being ready to open,” she explained with a slight smirk on her face.

“What does any of this, have to do with me?” thought Ashleigh, as she listened intently.

“Okay…” said Ashleigh, “And what were you thinking, exactly?”

Before Pippa had the chance to respond, Charles arrived with their food,

“Is there anything else I can get you, ladies?” asked Charles.

“That will be all for now thank you,” Pippa replied with a smile, to which Charles smiled and bowed his head.

“Enjoy,” he said as he quickly retreated from the table.

“Well,” stated Pippa as she prepared to eat, “First of all…our old home is fully paid for…no mortgage, no rent, the only thing that gets paid for is utility bills,” she added.

“Nice,” answered Ashleigh, rather confused at why Pippa was mentioning all this to her.

“Indeed,” stated Pippa. “I mean don’t get me wrong, it’s not as big as our new home…but it is bigger than…say…your apartment,” she continued, glancing at Asheligh as she smiled.

“Wait…what?” muttered Ashleigh, “What has the size of my apartment got to do with your old house?”

“Ashleigh, sweetie…you can be so naïve at times, “said Pippa with a giggle, “I am offering the house to you and Elijah…that is…if you are still intending on living together, that is,” she added.

Ashleigh sat there completely dumbfounded, her mouth wide open and yet she was unable to make a single sound in response.

“Pip…I don’t know what to say,” she finally managed to utter in reply. “Won’t you be selling up or anything?”

“Don’t be silly, sweetie, my parents always taught us, to always look after family and give them first refusal before thinking of your own pockets,” stated Pippa with a smile.

“Well…what about Wesley…or Jude?” asked Ashleigh.

“Jude would have no need for it, he and Elle only moved into their new place last year. And Wesley…well…I wouldn’t even give that man a penny, he is my brother by blood…nothing more,” explained Pippa.

“Pip…I…I’m lost for words,” muttered Ashleigh.

“Yeah, living with Elijah after I change back, won’t be a problem,” thought Ashleigh.

“Well, of course, you will have to discuss it with that dear cousin of mine, but it is yours if you want it,” said Pippa, her calm exterior the complete opposite of how Ashleigh was feeling. “Of course…you living there would have a few…technicalities of course,” stated Pippa.

“Oh…here we go…here’s the catch,” thought Ashleigh.

“Go on?” she said, feeling anxious once more.

“Well,” said Pippa, picking up her napkin to dab the sides of her mouth. “That brings us to my next proposal,” she added, picking up her drink to take a sip, leaving Ashleigh waiting for what felt like forever. “My business, the nightclub I have purchased,” said Pippa.

“What about it?” asked Ashleigh.

“I was thinking, the type of clientele I want in my new establishment is…well...look around, it won’t be just any old nightclub or bar that you would be used to,” Pippa explained with a giggle. “I mean sure there will be your regular Joe patrons, but I want VIPs to attend my club, have fun, unwind, rub shoulders with one another, much like they do here, just less formal,” she proceeded to explain. “Yet…whilst I have business knowledge I do not possess experience in running a bar or a nightclub…contacting suppliers and god only knows what else…that is where I would need a manager…or more to the point…I would really like a certain…manageress, who has the experience that I lack,” she explained.

Ashleigh almost choked on her food, she finally managed to clear her throat before taking a huge gulp of her drink.

“I’m guessing…by manageress…you mean…me…as in…Ashleigh…right?” she finally spluttered.

Pippa picked up a napkin and handed it to Ashleigh,

“Of course, who else do I know with the experience to do this for me and also, who else would I trust?” asked Pippa.

“Come on Pip…you can’t be serious,” replied Ashleigh “I won’t be… this forever,” she added in a hushed tone, so as not to be overheard by people sitting at tables.

Pippa sat back in her seat, clasping both of her hands together and looking deadly serious,

“Ashleigh,” said Pippa in a rather stern, assertive tone, “You know my family…right,” she added, looking Ashleigh square in the eyes.

Ashleigh nodded meekly in response to Pippa’s statement,

“Well then, one thing you WILL know about my family, is that we are always serious when it comes to three things…family, money and business,” continued Pippa, placing one of her perfectly manicured hands to her chin,  “So why would that change right now?”

Ashleigh fell silent for a moment,

“Well…the other…me…could do just as good a job,” said Ashleigh.

Pippa leaned forward once more,

“Ashleigh…sweetie…Edward knows about our…well…the escapades of Aaron…shall we say. plus then there’s my family…how do you think both Edward and Daddy would react if I not only gave a job to Aaron…but gifted him a house too?” asked Pippa.

“Ah…yeah…about that,” muttered Ashleigh.

 “As I said, discuss all of this with Elijah and then get back to me, you have a few weeks to make up your mind,” stated Pippa, “And let’s be honest Ashleigh…if you were that desperate to have your old life back…why is Ashleigh still here over a week later? Hmm?”

“I…I…I don’t…know,” mumbled Ashleigh in response. Unlike Elijah, Pippa wasn’t talking short-term anymore. What she was asking was for Ashleigh to give up her old life, completely, anyone she ever knew, her old job.

“If it’s about money…don’t worry, I guarantee at least triple your salary you earned in that little bar you worked in…easy,” said Pippa with a smile, as she suddenly became distracted by something behind Ashleigh.

“Pippa, sweetie, how are you gorgeous girl,” said a familiar voice from behind Ashleigh.

Ashleigh turned around to see Nina Harriett, the chef who owned the resteraunt, approaching their table.

Ashleigh recognised her voice from on the TV but had never met her or even seen her in person.

“Chef Harriett, I’m doing well, how are you,” replied Pippa, as she stood up from her seat.

“I’m good, I’m good…and remember it’s Nina, stop with all that formality,” laughed Nina. “Aw, look at you, all grown up and married, so sorry I couldn’t attend the wedding, you know how it is, busy, busy,” she added with a smile, taking hold of Pippa’s hand and admiring her wedding ring. “I assume the catering staff I sent, done their job…any complaints you let me know,” she laughed.

“It’s fine sweetie, don’t worry about it I understand,” replied Pippa with a huge grin. “And of course, the catering was out of this world, nothing to worry about.”

“And that husband of yours…he better be treating you right, any complaints there and I’ll kick his behind for you too,” laughed Nina.

“Oh you know him, he’s just the best,” answered Pippa.

“So, who’s your friend Pippa?” Nina asked, looking at Ashleigh as she finished her lunch.

“This is my dear friend and hopefully soon to be manageress of my new nightclub, Ashleigh,” stated Pippa, “Ashleigh, Chef Harriett.”

“Nice to meet you, darling, the name is Nina,” stated Nina with a smile, “Pippa, stop being so formal. A friend of Pippa’s is a friend of mine,” she added with a smile.

Ashleigh quickly wiped her mouth with a napkin,

“Nice to meet you,” she replied, as she began to blush.

Pippa and Nina got deep into conversation, whilst Ashleigh remained seated at their table,

“Pippa is right…why am I still Ashleigh…is this…really who I am? No…I’m Aaron…It’s nice of her to offer me…all this…this way of life…it’s so different…but what about my old life…disappearing for a weekend…or a week is one thing…but how could Aaron just disappear forever?” pondered Ashleigh. “I’m sure my old job would just take me back…or I could easily find a new one…I still have my apartment…has anyone from my old life even noticed I’ve vanished…and family…well they definitely haven’t noticed.”

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