Resequencing DNA

Chapter 83

After sending a message to J.D. Ashleigh got a reply almost instantly. She felt as though her heart had stopped beating as she saw J.D.’s name pop up on her phone screen.

“Hey babe, thought you had forgotten about me,” read the response but was shortly followed by another message. “Yeah cool, you just tell me where and when and I’ll be there. Unless of course, you want me to pick you up on my bike?”

At that moment, a deluge of memories came rushing back, each one vivid and intoxicating. Ashleigh found herself lost in thought, reminiscing about the brief yet passionate affair she had with J.D. She recalled the way he had looked at her, his dark eyes filled with desire and the way his hands had moved over her skin, igniting a fire within her. The image of him in his rugged leather jacket flashed across her mind—he was all confidence and charisma, always with that disarming smile that could charm anyone. It made a fluttering sensation erupt in her stomach, akin to the feeling of falling in love for the first time.

However, beneath the exhilarating thrill was the heavy burden of morality weighing down on her conscience. She couldn’t brush aside the reality that she was in a committed relationship with Elijah, a genuinely good man who had always treated her with kindness and support. Elijah was the polar opposite of J.D.; where Elijah embodied safety and stability, J.D. personified wildness and danger. He was the type of guy who thrived on adrenaline, living life on the edge and routinely throwing caution to the wind. The thought of betraying Elijah once again gnawed at her heart, and the tangled dynamics of J.D. being intertwined in her friend’s life only added another layer of complexity to her emotions. It was undeniably unjust and deeply complicated, yet the thrill that J.D. injected into her existence possessed an undeniable magnetic allure that was difficult to resist.

As Ashleigh reread J.D.’s playful messages, a rush of excitement shot through her, quickening her pulse. The flirtatious undertone woven through his texts stirred her imagination even further; she could almost hear his deep, gruff voice whispering every word tenderly just for her, bringing back that familiar spark that both thrilled and terrified her in equal measure.

“He’s not a good guy Ashleigh,” she whispered to herself, trying to stem the feelings that were bubbling beneath her surface. “You just want to talk to him, look what he did to Robyn.”

“Shall we say an hour and a half? That little spot by the sea, just off Trinity Bank?” A knot began to form in her stomach, tightening with every passing second as she pressed send.

“Sure, I know the place, see you soon babe.” The reply came almost instantaneously, electrifying her thoughts and heightening her senses. The clock was ticking, and as the minutes slipped by, she felt the weight of her choices hanging heavily in the air, a palpable tension between the thrill of possible escapades and the suffocating grip of guilt.

She grasped her phone tightly in her hand, the memory of the promise she had made to Elijah flickering in her mind like a faulty light bulb—she would contact James and allow him to drive her if she were to venture out anywhere. Yet, as she opened her phone, something deep within her stopped her in her tracks. She knew she couldn’t allow James to accompany her as she met up with J.D. The thought of Elijah finding out sent a shiver down her spine; word would surely reach him, and how could she escape the inevitable fallout? Elijah would think she was having an affair yet again if James was involved. No, she had to drive herself—this was her decision, her life, and she would face the consequences, whatever they may be.

Then, unexpectedly, a glimmer of hope emerged, a thought taking shape amidst the turmoil. What if she invited Robyn along? The idea cracked open the door of possibility, allowing a sense of clarity to settle over her. Reuniting Robyn and J.D. could serve as an olive branch to mend the fractures from the past, allowing her to act as an intermediary. Perhaps with her presence, tensions could be diffused, and the conversation could flow more smoothly. It was a daring notion, but what if it could bridge the gap and allow her to navigate this dangerous territory without tearing her world apart?

Her thoughts raced as she weighed her options, her fingers hovering over the keyboard, a cacophony of emotions battling inside her. Ashleigh hesitated for a moment, then typed, “Hey Robyn,” before stopping abruptly, the gravity of her choice dawning on her. With a deep breath to quell her nerves, she changed her message slightly, embellishing it with more casual warmth: “How would you like to come over here for a few hours later on today?” Before her mind could spiral into second-guessing her impulse, she hit send with a decisive flourish, a small sigh escaping her lips as she relinquished control of her decision into the vastness of the digital realm. If she was going to meet J.D., she was determined to do it alone; introducing Robyn, unprepared, into that scenario might prove disastrous on every level imaginable.

As she mentally prepared, Ashleigh made a conscious decision to put her worries aside and focus on the moment. She strolled to her wardrobe, scanning her growing collection of maternity clothes with a critical eye, hoping to find something that felt just right. The sunlight streamed through her window, casting a warm glow across her chosen garments, and she finally opted for a gentle pink flowy top that covered her bump nicely, allowing her to feel comfortable while still expressing her personal style. The fabric floated around her, imparting a sense of ease as she paired it with her favourite leggings, creating a balance between casual and chic.

Looking in the mirror, Ashleigh adjusted her hair, letting it fall loosely around her shoulders, framing her face in soft waves. She practised a few friendly smiles, reminding herself that even though she was feeling anxious, she could maintain a lighthearted atmosphere. With each passing minute, the clock seemed to taunt her, the ticking in the background amplifying her anticipation and nervous excitement.

Before she knew it, a familiar vibration interrupted her thoughts—Robyn's response had finally come through. Ashleigh's heart raced as she picked up the phone, her cheeks warming with a mix of eagerness and apprehension. Robyn had accepted the invitation with enthusiasm, expressing her excitement to see Ashleigh.

“Great, see you this afternoon, I’ll need your address,” she replied, smiling as she hit the send key.

Ashleigh decided to add a little makeup to her look. She wanted to enhance her appearance without overdoing it, opting for something simple yet effective. Since becoming pregnant, she hadn’t worn much makeup, finding the whole routine to be more hassle than it was worth—her patience smoothed over by the changes her body was experiencing. Today, however, felt special. She chose to add just a hint of blush to her cheeks, a touch of mascara to define her lashes, and a sweep of pale pink lipstick to complete the look. Each small addition made her feel more polished and put together, setting the tone for whatever lay ahead.

Ashleigh grabbed her warm coat from the hooks by the door, feeling the soft, comforting fabric against her fingertips. She carefully selected a snug hat and a knitted scarf, wrapping them around her neck for that extra layer of warmth against the crisp air outside. Once she felt adequately bundled up, she reached for her handbag, placing her keys and phone inside with a sense of purpose.

As she turned to head towards her bedroom door, she took a brief moment to pause. Standing there, she inhaled deeply, allowing the fresh air in the room to fill her lungs. It provided a sense of calm amidst the butterflies fluttering in her stomach. Ashleigh reminded herself of the importance of this outing—it wasn't just an errand; it was something for a dear friend who needed her support. The thought rekindled the warmth in her heart and solidified her resolve. With a final glance around the room to ensure she had everything she needed, she opened the door and stepped out, ready to face whatever awaited her with determination.

As she made her way downstairs, she came across her mother who, as always, had Sofia by her side.

“Oh, are you off out?” asked Grace her voice laced with curiosity. Her eyes sparkled with the kind of warmth that only a mother could give.

“Yes,” replied Ashleigh hesitantly, immediately feeling a tinge of guilt for not having given her mother more details. “Just heading out to help Robyn with a few things,” she added, hoping it would quell the suspicious look her mother was currently giving her.

“Oh…I see,” Grace replied her brow furrowing slightly as if she were piecing together a puzzle.

Ashleigh smiled and began to make her way towards the front door before Grace stopped her in her tracks once more.

“What on earth is going on with you lately my girl?” she asked, her voice now rather stern. A tone that she had last heard from her mother when she was only a child.

Ashleigh felt a rush of mixed emotions swirl inside her at her mother’s question. The warmth of her mother’s love was undeniable, but the stern note in her voice carried with it a weight that felt familiar and slightly daunting. It was that tone—the one that signalled a deep concern wrapped in the fabric of motherly instincts. Ashleigh shifted slightly on her feet, contemplating how to articulate what had been on her mind, her cheeks warming and the blush she had just applied suddenly feeling like more than just a cosmetic enhancement.

“What…what do you mean?” she asked, checking the time on her phone before placing it back in her handbag.

Grace looked at her daughter with a mix of empathy and concern,

"I mean, you haven’t exactly been yourself these past few days," she replied, her voice laced with concern. "You’ve seemed…distant. It feels like there’s a wall between us, and I can’t quite break through it. I mean for Christ’s sake, Ashleigh, have you even acknowledged your own daughter these past few days?" she added, gesturing emphatically to Sofia, who stood silently beside her, her small frame emanating an aura of confusion and hurt.

Her tone was a mixture of frustration and empathy as if she were trying to urge Ashleigh to see the gravity of the situation. “Sofia misses you, you know? She’s been asking about you, hoping for a smile or even just a few words of encouragement, but it’s like you’re a million miles away. Don’t you realise how your absence is affecting her?”

“Mom,” Ashleigh began, searching for the right words. “It’s just been a lot lately with everything changing, you know? I’ve been focusing on myself but also on Robyn, and I just feel a bit overwhelmed sometimes.”

“Overwhelmed, yes, I can imagine. And with your own pregnancy, you’re navigating so much,” Grace said. She paused and took a deep breath, trying to steady her voice. “I understand that everyone goes through tough times, but shutting everyone out isn’t the answer. Your daughter needs you now more than ever. Can’t you see how much she looks up to you? Children absorb everything, and the energy you’re giving off is not what she needs.”

Ashleigh looked down at Sofia, realising her mother was indeed correct. Ever since she had barely spoken a word to Sofia in days.

“You used to be her source of comfort and joy, Ashleigh. Remember how you would read her bedtime stories or the way you’d laugh together over silly jokes? Those moments will fade and I don’t want to see that happen to you both,” Grace continued. “It breaks my heart to see you like this, drifting away into your own thoughts while she just stands there, feeling left out and forgotten.”

At that moment, Ashleigh felt a storm of emotions gather inside her, a combination of guilt, resentment, and an almost suffocating sense of isolation. However, whether it was the hormonal tide of her pregnancy that made everything feel more intense or the heavy weight of her struggles, Grace’s poignant words ignited a fire inside her.

“I’m not just shutting her out, Mum!” Ashleigh nearly shouted, the frustration bubbling over as her voice rose in pitch. “I’m just trying to manage everything that’s happening in my life right now! Can’t you see that?”

“Ashleigh, there is no need to react in that manner,” Grace responded softly, her own heart racing at her daughter’s abrupt intensity. She sought to emphasise her care, but Ashleigh’s voice sliced through the air again, unwilling to grant her mother the floor, desperate to articulate her own tangled thoughts and feelings.

"And who are you to lecture me about being an absent mother?" snapped Ashleigh, her words sharp and cutting, like daggers thrown in the heat of battle, clearly wounding hitting their intended mark and wounding Grace deeply.

Instinctively, Grace raised her hand, her body reacting before her mind could catch up, as though the act of slapping her daughter was the only way to express the hurt she felt. But in an instant, she froze, the impulse dissipating as she realised the gravity of the situation. Violence was not the answer, especially not now.

“Go on Mum, prove me right,” Ashleigh challenged, her back turned defiantly as she moved closer to the front door, her tone drenched in a mixture of anger and disappointment.

“Ashleigh…I…” muttered Grace, her voice trailing off, the weight of her daughter’s words settling heavily in the atmosphere between them. Her expression now told of someone struggling to hold back tears, her eyes glistening with unshed emotions.

“Save it,” snapped Ashleigh once more, turning her back and making her way towards the front door.

As she closed the door behind her, stepping out into the crisp winter air, Ashleigh noticed Mrs Henry standing by the door to the living room. She had obviously heard the raised voices and came to observe, standing there with a look of concern etched on her face. Without saying another word to anyone, Ashleigh closed the door with a definitive thud.

“I don’t need this right now,” Ashleigh muttered under her breath, each word barely louder than a whisper as she made her way towards her car, feeling an expanding void of frustration and confusion press tightly against her chest.

With a quick, almost reckless motion, she tossed her handbag onto the passenger seat, the bag landing with a soft thump that seemed wholly inadequate to capture her inner turmoil. Then, before the weight of her emotions could overwhelm her, she climbed inside and slammed the car door shut, the sound reverberating through the silence, sealing her off from the home that was once a refuge but now felt like a prison of misunderstandings. The chill of the winter air brushed against her, mingling with the frigid feelings swirling inside, pushing her to drive away from it all.

Without allowing any further thought for her mother's words or the aftermath of their confrontation, Ashleigh turned the key in the ignition. The engine roared to life beneath her as she steeled herself, taking a deep breath to steady her pounding heart. With barely a glance back, she tore off down the long driveway, pebbles crunching under the tyres and kicking up behind her, an echo of the storm she was leaving in her wake.

Her mind raced almost as quickly as she drove along towards Trinity Bank, for her rendezvous with J.D., a desperate attempt to help talk some sense into him, for the sake of Robyn.

In no time at all, Ashleigh pulled up at the secluded spot overlooking the coastline, the waves crashing rhythmically against the rocks below, a stark contrast to the chaos inside her. She looked around, her eyes scanning the horizon, but there was no sign of J.D. just yet. She got out of the car, making her way over to the small wooden bench that overlooked the sea. The air was thick with anticipation, the salty breeze tugging playfully at her hair, yet a nagging sense of unease settled in her stomach like lead. Each moment stretched on as she waited, her thoughts colliding in a tumultuous whirlwind of hope and dread, contemplating what she would say and how he might respond. Minutes slipped by, the silence around her amplifying her worries, until the only sound was the distant roar of the ocean, echoing the tumult within her.

Minutes slipped by, each second dragging out in agonising silence. Ashleigh tried to quell the cacophony of thoughts swirling in her mind, but they collided like waves crashing against a cliff, each bringing a new wave of anxiety. It was only when she heard the low rumbling sound of an engine approaching that she snapped back to reality. Her heart leapt into her throat as she sat up straighter, feeling a surge of adrenaline as she turned her head to see if it was him. Sure enough, the rumbling was the sleek, black motorbike that she recognised instantly as J.D.'s. It gleamed under the silvery sunlight, as the bike rolled to a halt beside her car.

Ashleigh’s heart raced even faster, each thump echoing the myriad of emotions, she felt anxious at the thought of bringing up the reason she called him here, Robyn and their unborn child. However, at the same time, she was hit with the same, giddy feelings as she had been earlier that day. The excitement of seeing him again, his confidence and charisma, his smile, all triggered the butterflies fluttering within her stomach. As J.D. took off his helmet and ran his fingers through his tousled hair, Ashleigh was torn, did she continue to look his way? Did this make her appear a little too eager? Or should she turn away, returning her eyes to the waves as they crashed against the rocks?

But it was too late to retreat into her thoughts. J.D. had already noticed her, his keen eyes locking onto hers, and as he placed his helmet down on the seat of his bike, a dazzling smile spread across his face that lit up the space between them. It was infectious, and Ashleigh felt her lips curve upward into a smile in response, her worries momentarily forgotten. Yet as J.D. ambled toward her, the carefree smile on her face faltered just a bit as she sensed the change in J.D.'s expression.

It was almost as if she could see the gears turning in his mind as he closed the distance between them, his gaze shifting downwards ever so slightly. Ashleigh could only imagine the realisation that was dawning upon him; the undeniable, very real bump was now fully visible beneath her coat, something her casual attire had failed to conceal entirely.

“Is…are you…is this why,” he mumbled, his words faltering for the first time she had ever witnessed him at a loss. His usual confidence seemed to waver as he processed the implications of what he had just noticed, leaving a palpable tension hanging in the air.

Feeling a rush of playful energy mixed with the serious undercurrents of their exchange, Ashleigh decided to let him stew for a few moments longer, her heart pounding in her chest as the silence stretched between them. She could see the cogs in his brain whirring as he searched for the right words to say, and a part of her couldn’t resist drawing it out just a bit longer.

Finally, in a teasing tone that she hoped would cut through the heavy atmosphere,

“Don’t worry hotshot,” she declared, an eyebrow arched in mock seriousness, “It’s not yours.” The moment hung in the air, charged with both sarcasm and a weighty truth, as she watched his expression shift, from a mixture of confusion to sudden relief, followed by a wave of curiosity that brought a new depth to their interaction.

“Thank god,” he joked, “I was like, oh shit, not another one…” he added as he stood before her, lighting up a cigarette and stepping back further out of courtesy.

However, Ashleigh’s expression turned slightly serious in response to his flippant remark, the gravity of the situation pulling at her like a tide. She could sense the shift in the mood and how it mirrored the tumult of emotions within her own heart.

“What’s wrong, babe?” asked J.D., his expression slowly morphing back to his laid-back, almost carefree demeanour. “If you’ve brought me here for another good time…well I’m sorry babe, pregnant chicks don’t do it for me. Feel free to call me again after you’ve erm…you know,” he added with a wink, the flicker of mischief in his eyes surfacing again.

“What do you mean…another one?” Ashleigh asked, knowing full well what he meant, she was testing him to see if he would admit to it.

“Oh you know, same shit as always,” he responded with a chuckle, “You hook up with some chick, show her a good time, then all of a sudden boom, they get clingy, accuse you of getting them pregnant, when you know fine well, the psycho bitch has been with about five other guys, probably that very night,” he added, a hint of disdain creeping into his tone as he rolled his eyes.

“Johnny…” began Ashleigh, “I know Robyn,” she revealed, her words hitting him like she’d just thrown a bucket of cold water over him. He froze for a moment, the light from his cigarette casting a small glow on his face, illuminating the shock in his eyes.

“You know Robyn?” he echoed, his voice barely above a whisper, as if the mere mention of her name was taboo, conjuring up a whirlwind of turbulent memories he thought he had buried. “And who the fuck might that be exactly?” he added with an incredulous chuckle, trying to mask the unease creeping into his chest.

“Oh, you know, just a girl with bright red hair, piercings, a tattoo of a rose going up her arm…you know…you can’t miss her,” Ashleigh stated firmly, her gaze locking onto his, refusing to play into his childish games this time. She was done with the banter; her tone was serious as she stood her ground.

“Sounds like half the girls at the bar, babe. Care to narrow it down a little more?” replied J.D., his attempt to maintain a façade of nonchalance cracking slightly as he took a slow drag from his cigarette, the smoke curling upwards like his hopes of evading this conversation.

“You know exactly who I was talking about, J.D. Cut the act. You’ve had your fun,” Ashleigh snapped, her patience wearing thin. “Let’s be real here. She’s even more recognisable nowadays, considering she’s carrying your fucking baby.”

“Alright, alright. Let’s say… I do know this chick. What’s your point? Are you here to yell at me?” J.D. retorted, a defensive edge creeping into his tone.

“Yell? No. I’m here because I genuinely care about the poor girl whose life turned upside down after crossing paths with you,” Ashleigh countered, her voice sharp with intensity. “I’m here, thinking to myself, oh, the J.D. I once met—he wouldn’t be such a complete jerk as to get a girl pregnant and then just ghost her, right? What kind of person does that?”

The accusations hung between them like a charged storm cloud, heavy with unspoken words, palpable tension simmering just beneath the surface as both sought clarity in the chaos of past actions and present consequences.

J.D. said, his hand moving to rub the back of his neck, a gesture of nervousness he could not hide. “You know how it is in this life.” His voice faltered, uncertainty creeping into his bravado.

“This isn’t just about you. Do you think this is a game? She’s scared, Johnny,” Ashleigh shot back, her expression hardening. “She deserves better than your whims and excuses.” The challenge in her words felt like a thunderclap, resonating in the silence that followed, a stark reminder of responsibilities unclaimed and lives irrevocably altered. “You need to step up, be a man and face your mess. Don’t just disappear on her and your child.”

“What the fuck do you want me to do? Huh? Get back with her?” scoffed J.D. as he tossed the cigarette butt to the ground, crushing it under his boot with an angry grunt. “She never really had me in the first place,” J.D. explained, “Sure it was more than you and I had, but it was never serious. Plus, on the topic of you and I, I never heard you complaining after you used me for that one night.”

“Used you?” Ashleigh echoed, incredulity lacing her tone. “You think I just used you? Are you really going to bring that up now? That night was a mistake—and we both know it. But I didn’t leave someone hanging because I was suddenly ‘over it.’ It was… it was different.”

“Different how?” J.D. countered sharply, folding his arms. “Different like now? You’re acting like you suddenly care about this girl’s feelings. You were just as careless, Ashleigh. This isn’t some moral high ground you can stand on. But you were right…it was different, you were temporarily running away from your husband or some shit as I recall…just because you’d argued.”

Ashleigh’s eyes narrowed, her heart racing with frustration.

“This isn’t about us, J.D.! Stop deflecting. You can’t just throw me under the bus to avoid taking responsibility for your actions, Ashleigh snapped back. “ She trusted you—she thought you were something real,” she added, her tone softening somewhat.

“Real?” J.D. shot back, disbelief etched on his face. “You think this was meant to be some fairy tale? I’ve told you before, I’m not that guy. I never claimed to be. This life…my life…it isn’t about settling down or playing house.”

“Maybe it should be!” Ashleigh exclaimed, her voice rising, tears of anger threatening to spill over. “You’re a father now. Or at least you will be. Don’t you see how serious this is? She’s living with the consequences of your choices.”

“Consequences?” J.D. snorted, pacing away and raking a hand through his hair. “So tell me, what do you want me to do? Show up with flowers and a heartfelt promise? That’s just not me. Sorry, babe, but that’s not how I operate.”

“You’re not just some guy anymore; you’re going to be a father! You owe it to her, and to the child, to take this seriously. You can’t pretend that your actions don’t have consequences. This is real life, not some movie with a neat ending!”  Said Ashleigh, however, with each word, she felt the weight of reality crashing down, her passionate plea hanging in the air, waiting for a response that might never come. She was out here, trying to convince J.D. yet she also got a moment of clarity herself. She, well, back in her former life, she could well have found herself in J.D.’s shoes. And yet here she was, trying to convince him to be there for his own child, when deep down, she too was scared, scared about the reality of when her own twins were to be born. Terrified by the prospect of not only bringing lives into the world that she would have to nurture and care for but also for everything else that goes with her new life of being a woman. She had already felt the strain of carrying them around inside of her and yet there was still a long way to go. Then she had to face the next stage, giving birth, a prospect she had never thought of, let alone be in a position to actually do.

J.D. continued to pace up and down, without uttering another word in response to Ashleigh.

“You know what…I’m done with this bullshit,” announced Ashleigh as she dragged herself up to her feet, the strain of her expanded abdomen pulling at her body as she did so.

“Bullshit?” J.D. shot back, incredulity seeping into his tone as he turned to face her, his frustration barely contained. “You can’t be done with this bullshit? How do you think I feel?”

Ashleigh turned to meet his gaze, a steely determination flickered in her eyes,

“As I said before, it’s not about you,” she hissed, her words carefully chosen and aimed to pierce through J.D.’s defences. “Maybe Robyn and her child would be better off without someone like you bogging them down. I mean, who genuinely needs a piece of shit like you dragging them under? Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad for her or her child if you just stayed clear? After all, she has friends who’ll look after her…who do you have at the end of the day.” Her voice steadied, each syllable dripping with conviction as she stood her ground, their heated exchange crackling with tension, the air thick with the weight of unspoken truths and raw emotions on the verge of exploding.

“You know what, fine, see if I care anyway,” J.D. shot back, his voice laced with bitterness, echoing through the empty space around them. He crossed his arms, a barrier against the emotional storm swirling between them. Ashleigh could see the struggle in his eyes, the flicker of doubt battling against his bravado. But he wouldn’t let her see how deeply her words were cutting him.

“See, this is what I’m talking about,” said Ashleigh, as she began to walk back to her car. “A petulant child like you could never be a real man or a real father anyway.”

As Ashleigh opened the door to her car, ready to leave the charged encounter behind her, the unexpected happened—J.D.'s hand shot out, and the door suddenly slammed shut again with a force that startled her. She turned around, her heart racing, to see J.D. towering over her, his posture rigid and imposing. His eyes blazed with an unrestrained rage, a storm of emotions swirling within them. The air was thick with anticipation, a palpable tension that seemed to ripple around them—both electrifying and dangerous.

“You think you know what’s best for everyone? You don’t know anything about me or what I’ve been through!” snarled J.D. his hands resting on Ashleigh’s car on either side of her, pinning her in the middle, leaving her with no escape.

“And you think being angry is going to change that? It doesn’t excuse your actions, J.D. It doesn’t make you worthy of being in their lives,” said Ashleigh, trying her best not to be intimidated by him.

“Worthy? You think I don’t care? I’ve made mistakes, sure, but who hasn’t?” asked J.D. through gritted teeth, his jaw clenched.

“Mistakes? That’s what you call it? You’re not some misunderstood hero, J.D. You’re a burden,” said Ashleigh,  “Robyn deserves more than that. Her child deserves better. I came here to help you as much as help her, I wanted you to see that you’re having a child, how special that is. I wanted you to have a chance to be more than just some…loser who got a girl pregnant.”

“You think you have the right to judge me?” J.D. chuckled bitterly, slamming his hands down on the roof of Ashleigh’s car with such force it caused her to flinch involuntarily, reminding her of the raw, unfiltered emotion that consumed him. The laughter was dark and edged, revealing the pain that lay beneath his bravado. “You think it’s so nice to look down from your castle of luxury, with all of your champagne problems, don’t you?” he snarled, “looking down on the rest of us like we’re ants or playthings you can mess around with when you’re bored.”

“J.D…I…” Ashleigh murmured before J.D. covered her mouth with his hand.

“Sshhh,” J.D. murmured,  leaning in closer, his breath hot against Ashleigh's ear. “Just listen for a second.”

Ashleigh’s heart raced, scrambling for her next words as his grip tightened slightly.

“You know…I know who your fiancé is…after our little fling…I did my research,” he whispered, his breath warm against her skin. “See…at first I thought huh…you know…how would Mr Big shot businessman, Elijah Ashton-Burns feel…knowing his wife to be had a one night stand with some random guy. But…I decided against it, thought you were a nice woman and all that. But now…now I just think you’re some two-bit fancy piece, who thinks she can meddle in the lives of the, less fortunate shall we say.”

His voice dripped with disdain, each syllable a sharp reminder of the chasm that lay between them.

Ashleigh swallowed hard, the reality of his words sinking in, turmoil swirling within her as J.D.’s hand remained over her mouth, blocking her from responding and leaving her with an overwhelming sense of helplessness.

“You know what…get in the car,” instructed J.D. in a hushed tone, slowly removing his hand from her mouth.

“I…I can’t, you’re blocking the door,” replied Ashleigh, her voice breaking as her body trembled.

“You honestly believe you’re driving…that you’re in control right now,” laughed J.D., the amusement in his tone was chilling, yet there was an intense, burning look in his eyes that told her he was serious. Yet there was an intense look in his eyes that burnt deep. “I said get in the fucking car right now,” he added, taking her by the wrist and forcibly dragging her towards the rear of the vehicle. “Open it,” he commanded, gesturing to the boot of the car as tears began to stream down Ashleigh’s face.

With trembling fingers, she fished her car keys from her handbag, fumbling as she moved to open the boot, the metal cool against her skin. Her hands shook as she unlocked it, feeling the weight of dread settle heavier upon her shoulders.

“Get in!” he ordered, the finality in his voice leaving little room for disobedience.

“J.D. please,” pleaded Ashleigh, , her voice barely above a whisper. “You don’t have to do this. What do you want? Just let me go.”

J.D.’s expression hardened, the fury intertwining with desperation.

“What do I want?” J.D. repeated, “ I want you to see the world the way it actually is—not through the rose-coloured glasses you wear in your little bubble of privilege!”

Then, in a movement so sudden it stole Ashleigh’s breath away, J.D. stepped forward, his iron grip seizing her arm. He pulled her closer, bundling her into the dark confines of the boot of the car with an urgency that left her reeling before snatching her keys and handbag. The sudden darkness enveloped her, a crushing weight as the reality of her situation crashed over her like an unforgiving tidal wave.

Inside the confined space, engulfed by leather and the faint scent of oil, Ashleigh felt the world outside slip away, swallowed by an engulfing fear of the unknown. It was a suffocating sensation that left her shivering, both from the cold and the icy grip of despair tightening around her heart. And yet, despite the terror of her predicament, her mind was drawn away from her own fears and concerns. It was twisted in a protective instinct directed toward her unborn twins, two fragile lives intertwined with her own.

With desperate tenderness, she cradled her stomach, as if trying to console them through her turmoil. Tears streamed down her cheeks, warm and betraying, as she whispered to them softly in the darkness, seeking solace and a flicker of hope amidst the chaos, as she listened to the engine of the car start up.

“I’m here, my loves. I’m so sorry,” she murmured, unaware of the unknown path that lay ahead, her heart intertwined with theirs in a bond forged by love and an unshakable will to protect.

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