Resequencing DNA

Chapter 84- Elijah’s version

Elijah returned home after what felt like an unending day filled with meticulous meetings and complex business proposals. The air was thick with the energy of potential and possibility, as he had just taken significant steps toward a major opportunity that lay ahead—a chance to collaborate with a national engineering company that had been struggling in their recent endeavours.

This particular firm, once a leader in its field, had been facing numerous challenges, including financial setbacks and dwindling projects, which had led to a downturn in their reputation. However, Elijah saw this as a golden opportunity to not only revitalise the company but also to secure a beneficial deal that could enhance his own business’s portfolio. With such prospects on the horizon, he felt both the weight of responsibility and the thrill of the challenge.

Equipped with the support of his lawyers, Elijah had spent the entire day in negotiations, diving deep into the intricacies of business terms and legal language—an exhausting endeavour that required all of his focus and determination. However, despite his dedication, Elijah began to realise that his lack of expertise in the engineering sector posed a significant hurdle. As discussions progressed, it became clear that detailed knowledge of the industry was crucial to navigating the complex landscape they were dealing with.

In light of this revelation, Elijah decided to take decisive action. Determined to strengthen his position and ensure the negotiations moved forward successfully, he called upon Edward, who Elijah fondly referred to as his brother-in-law, even though he and Pippa were cousins, after Alistair, unofficially adopted Elijah as his own, she was his sister realistically. Edward was well-versed in engineering and had a robust background in the industry. His experience and insights would be invaluable in lending a voice of authority to the discussions.

With Edward on board, Elijah felt a renewed sense of confidence. Not only would he benefit from Edward’s expertise, but having him present would also help build trust with the engineering company—demonstrating their commitment to understanding the intricacies of the industry and ensuring a smooth transition.

As he stepped through the front door, the familiar sights and sounds of home enveloped him like a warm blanket. Instantly, he was greeted with the cheerful squeals and laughter that had become a cherished part of his daily routine. Sofia, with her bright eyes sparkling with joy, rushed over to him, her little feet pattering against the polished floor.

He couldn’t help but smile as he crouched down to her level, opening his arms wide in anticipation. The world around him faded momentarily as he focused on this sweet moment. Sofia reached him in an instant, launching herself into his outstretched embrace with a giggle that warmed his heart. He wrapped her snugly in his arms, lifting her slightly off the ground as he enveloped her in a comforting hug. This was his sanctuary, a place where love and laughter thrived, and every arrival was greeted with joy, making all the hustle and bustle of the outside world fade away.

After giving Sofia a reassuring hug and a gentle kiss on her forehead, Elijah stood back up straight, brushing the strands of hair from her face while taking a deep breath filled with the scent of home. His gaze shifted, and he noticed Grace, Ashleigh’s mother, standing nearby and watching the heartfelt moment between the pair. Even though Elijah wasn’t technically Sofia’s father, she had embraced him in that role wholeheartedly, calling him "Dad" with an innocence that made his heart swell. A role and title that he felt uncertain about to begin with, however, how could he argue with the feelings of a five-year-old girl. It still felt somewhat strange to Elijah that this beautiful girl, who now felt like his daughter, was once Wesley, his cousin. The complexities of their family ties weighed lightly on his mind as he stood there, marvelling at the bond they had forged together—a bond that transcended traditional labels and definitions of family, too strong to overlook or dismiss.

“Evening Grace,” said Elijah, his voice imbued with warmth and gratitude as he flashed a smile that spoke of his relief at returning home.

“Elijah,” she replied, as she approached him, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek. Yet, as he met her gaze, he sensed an undercurrent of something more—a slight heaviness layered beneath the smile that graced her lips, one that prompted a flicker of concern within him.

“Is…is everything okay, Grace?” He inquired, his brow furrowing slightly as he focused intently on her eyes, searching for the truth hidden within.

Grace appeared to hesitate before answering, her expression momentarily clouding with uncertainty as if she were weighing her words carefully before releasing them into the air. Her smile faltered for a brief moment, and the warmth that had initially radiated from her seemed to dim just a little.

“Yes…everything is fine,” replied Grace, forcing her smile once more, however, the truth was soon to be given away.

At that moment, Sofia tugged on the jacket of Elijah’s suit, her small fingers finding their way to him like a compass navigating the tumult of emotions swirling around them.

“Daddy,” she murmured softly, her voice a mere whisper, as if she were trying to have a discreet conversation with him amidst the tension in the air.

“Yes, sweetheart?” Elijah asked, once more crouching down to her level.

“Mummy and Grandma were angry and yelling at each other,” Sofia whispered softly.

Elijah’s eyes widened in surprise, the weight of her revelation settling upon him like an unwelcome cloud. His heart sank as he processed her words, feelings of dread sweeping over him.

“Oh really?” he asked, glancing up at Grace, unable to believe what he was being told.

“Mmmhmm,” Sofia nodded solemnly, pulling at her father’s suit jacket as if trying to draw him closer, to shield her from the reality that lay beyond the safety of their small conversation. “And then…and then Grandma went like this with her and,” she continued, raising her arm up as if she were going to lash out. “And then Mummy went out, I think Grandma was crying.”



Elijah was stunned into silence at the detailed account of events that had unravelled before his daughter’s young eyes. He found himself grappling with the implications of her words, the heaviness of their reality settling uncomfortably in his chest.

“Sofia,” he said softly, his voice filled with tenderness, “Go and find Mrs. Henry. Tell her Daddy said you’ve been a good girl and you can have some ice cream,” he added, attempting to lighten the mood with a smile that felt forced but necessary.

Sofia tilted her head, absorbing the gravity of the situation before breaking into a small smile at the mention of ice cream. For a fleeting moment, innocence reclaimed its place, and she scampered off to find Mrs. Henry, leaving Elijah and Grace in a silence thick with unvoiced concerns. Elijah straightened up, directing an inquiring glance at Grace,

“What happened? You can’t just brush this aside,” he stated firmly.

Grace opened her mouth to respond, but the words caught in her throat, tangled in a web of emotions she was struggling to articulate. She looked away, seemingly lost in her thoughts, but Elijah could see the tension etched into her features.

“From what I can tell,” he pressed on, his hands finding their place on his hips as a sign of his growing frustration, “you and Ashleigh have had some sort of...” he paused for a moment, choosing his words with care, “confrontation in front of Sofia,” he said, his voice low but stern, fully aware of the heaviness of the situation. “And you mean to tell me that she can recall every last detail about her Grandmother and her Mother having it out? What is this nonsense about you raising your hand to my pregnant fiancée? I must say I am far from thrilled about that prospect. I understand Ashleigh isn’t always the easiest person to deal with, but really?” His questions hung like a dense fog in the air, opaque and unyielding, urgently demanding clarity and resolution as they confronted the chaos that had abruptly disrupted their lives.

“Please, Elijah…I can explain,” Grace uttered, her voice barely above a whisper, filled with an earnestness that suggested deep remorse.

“Well, I suggest you bloody well do so, right now,” Elijah retorted abruptly, his tone hard and uncompromising, as the moment's intensity hung palpably around them.

Grace explained how Ashleigh was on her way out when she confronted her about how absent she had recently been with Sofia and how Ashleigh hadn’t taken too kindly to it. In fact, she had said about Grace being an absent mother herself.

Elijah nodded as he listened to Grace’s account of the events,

“I see,” he stated, his brow furrowing as he processed her words. “And that's when things escalated?”

“Exactly,” Grace said, her voice trembling slightly as she continued, “I just... I couldn’t stand there and listen to her belittle me like that. I didn’t mean to raise my hand, it just happened in the heat of the moment.”


“So, you lost control?" Elijah’s tone softened a fraction, though the intensity in his gaze didn’t waver. “Grace, you know what that kind of reaction can lead to. I can’t have Sofia witnessing that kind of behaviour.”

“I know! I know!” Grace exclaimed a flicker of desperation in her eyes. “But Ashleigh pushed all the wrong buttons. She knows how to get under my skin. You know what she can be like when she gets on her high horse. She just stood there, spouting venom while I felt helpless.”

Elijah sighed, running a hand through his hair.

“You’re right; I might not know exactly how you feel. But the last thing I want is for Sofia to think this is how adults resolve their problems. This isn’t just about you and Ashleigh. It’s about her. We can’t lose sight of that.”

Grace swallowed, her heart heavy as she nodded in understanding,

“I understand, Elijah. I really do. And I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for things to get out of hand,” she replied, her expression remorseful.

Elijah looked at her, his eyes searching for any sign of her sincerity.

“Speaking of Ashleigh, where is she?” he asked, shifting the conversation back to the immediate situation at hand, wanting to ensure they dealt with the aftermath of that confrontation together.

“She’s still not home,” explained Grace, “She left after we argued and hasn’t been home since.”

Elijah stood silently in thought for a moment, recalling their conversation that very morning. Elijah had instructed her to contact James if she needed to go anywhere and yet James hadn’t said he’d been anywhere other than waiting for Elijah.

“Hmmph,” he muttered, his brow knitting together in contemplation. “I specifically expressed how if she were to leave the house, she was to contact James and he would drive her. Did she say where she was going?”

“You know how stubborn and independent she can be Elijah,” replied Grace, “And no, she just said she was helping her friend Robyn.”                             

Elijah cast his mind back to the last time Ashleigh had left the house so emotionally charged. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialled Ashleigh’s number, however, instead of ringing, Elijah was simply met with the message, "The person you are trying to call is unavailable. Please try again later."

Frustration surged within him as he ended the call.

“Either switched off or no service,” said Elijah as panic began to set in. “Where are you, Ash?”

“Elijah, calm down,” said Grace, “Maybe she is currently sitting with this new friend of hers, this Robyn, trying to unwind and cool off. You know how she can be.”

“That’s all well and good, Grace,” Elijah replied, frustration edging into his voice. “I do know how she can be, but remember how it turned out last time she was so angry? It wasn’t just a casual outing; it spiralled out of control fast. I can’t help but worry what might happen if she’s in a vulnerable state again.”

Elijah’s mind raced with possible scenarios as he battled between trust and concern. He glanced at Grace, searching her face for reassurance.

Grace placed a hand gently on his arm, grounding him.

“We’ll find her. Let’s give it a little more time. She might just need space, she’ll call back in an hour or so, you’ll see.”

Elijah took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heart, but the unease gnawed at him like a persistent shadow.

“You…you’re probably right,” stated Elijah he admitted reluctantly, though his voice lacked conviction.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me,”  said Grace with a smile before making her way towards the conservatory, leaving Elijah alone with his thoughts.

As soon as she was out of sight, he pulled out his phone once again, dialling Ashleigh’s number in hopes that maybe this time, things would be different. But, as before, he was met with the same disheartening out-of-service message. Feeling the frustration rising once more, he began to pace back and forth in the expansive hallway, the sound of his hard leather shoes echoing ominously against the polished marble floor. Each step felt heavy with uncertainty, the silence around him amplifying his worry.

“Am I overreacting?” he whispered to himself, trying her number once again to no avail.

With a deep breath, Elijah’s mind drifted back to the last time she had stormed out after an argument. The memory struck him like a cold wave; she had returned the following morning, her presence marred by the distinct smells of alcohol, cigarettes, and cannabis, signals of a reckless night that he could never have anticipated. Ashleigh had later confessed to having a one-night stand—a revelation that shook Elijah to his very core. The hurt it caused him was far deeper than he had ever allowed himself to show her; it was a jagged wound that threatened to end their relationship. Elijah could still feel the weight of that betrayal, the fears from that fateful day creeping back into his consciousness like unwelcome guests, like a scar that still refused to fade. He recalled the way Ashleigh had looked that morning—her eyes heavy with the remnants of a chaotic night, a far cry from the vibrant spark he had fallen in love with. The lingering scent of smoke and spirits clung to her clothes, wrapping around him like a shroud of foreboding. He could almost feel the sting of her confession as if it were a physical blow.

Upon entering, he was greeted by a sight that sparked a flicker of comfort in his heart, redirecting his tumultuous thoughts, if only temporarily. There, perched at the dinner table, sat Mrs Henry, her kind and familiar face a balm to his frayed nerves. Beside her was Sofia, a vision of pure joy, gorging herself on copious amounts of ice cream just as Elijah had so eagerly suggested earlier. It was a scene filled with laughter and innocence that stood in stark contrast to the heaviness he had just escaped.

As he stepped closer, Sofia’s eyes lit up, sparkling with unfiltered happiness. She looked up at him, her face transforming into a colossal grin that seemed to radiate warmth and love as she pointed to the bowl in front of her. For a moment, all the chaos faded away, and the burdens resting on his shoulders felt lighter as he returned her smile, just enough to provide a glimmer of hope amid the storm.

“Elijah, can I get you anything?” asked Mrs Henry.

“Just a coffee please, I don’t really have much of an appetite right now,” he replied, “But before that, I would like to have a quick word if you will,” he added, gesturing for the older woman to join him a few feet away from the table, ensuring they could still keep a keen eye on Sofia as she delightedly dug into her sweet treat.

Mrs Henry's brow furrowed with concern as she followed him, the lines on her forehead deepening with each step.

“Whatever is the matter?” she asked, her soft eyes concerned yet filled with genuine care as if she instinctively sensed the gravity of what he was about to share.

Elijah hesitated for a brief moment—a fleeting second weighed down by uncertainty and apprehension before he steeled himself to ask the question that had been gnawing at him relentlessly.

“Have you spoken to Ashleigh today?” he inquired, the words tumbling from his lips with a mixture of hope and dread, each syllable painted with uncertainty about what the answer could potentially bring.

“Indeed I have,” replied Mrs Henry, “Is everything alright?” she asked, lowering her voice to maintain a hushed tone, yet her expression was laced with concern.

“She didn’t happen to mention where she was going?” asked Elijah sounding hopeful.

Mrs Henry paused, her brow furrowing even more as she stood in thoughtful contemplation, weighing her words carefully.

After a moment, she replied, “Not quite.” There was a solemnity in her voice that made Elijah’s stomach churn with unease. “I don’t really want to divulge what we spoke about. She was rather troubled and mentioned how she hadn’t slept well the past few nights.” Her eyes were empathetic, filled with a shared worry that only added to Elijah’s anxiety.

Elijah nodded slowly, his heart sinking a little further with each passing moment.

"I see," he murmured, his gaze drifting back to Sofia, who was blissfully unaware of the weight pressing down on him.


Mrs Henry hesitated, her brow still furrowed.

"You’re worried about her, aren’t you?  she said, her voice softening with understanding.

Once more Elijah nodded,

“Troubled, you say?” he asked, “I wouldn’t usually ask this of you Mrs Henry, as I know Ashleigh holds you in the highest regard when it comes to confidentiality,  but what was troubling her?”

“I know you wouldn’t,” replied Mrs Henry, her face etched with worry, “She was…she was asking advice on what she should do,” she explained, “It was to do with that friend of hers, Robyn, and the guy she had met that night…you know…when she…” her voice trailed off. “Is Miss Ashleigh alright?

Elijah’s face paled slightly and his jaw appeared stiff and rigid.

“She’s…she’s just not answering her phone,” he replied, trying to maintain some degree of composure, especially in Sofia’s presence. “In fact, it says there’s no service or switched off or something anyway.”

“Well that isn’t like her,” stated Mrs Henry.

“No…no it’s not,” said Elijah as he shook his head, “Especially after she apparently left home rather…heated, or so I’ve heard.”

Mrs Henry then went on to explain the events she had witnessed, catching only the tail end of the argument that had ensued between Ashleigh and her mother.

“It’s that girl I felt for, being caught up in the middle of it all,” said Mrs Henry, glancing over at Sofia who was blissfully unaware of the adult worries swirling around her.

"I know, I can only imagine," responded Elijah, a troubled frown creasing his brow.

"However, you need to stop worrying, Elijah," insisted Mrs. Henry, granting him a reassuring smile. "You know what Miss Ashleigh is like; she’s incredibly headstrong and resilient. She’s no doubt sitting with her friend right now, trying to calm down before she comes home. I’m sure everything will be just fine." Her attempt to provide comfort was evident, her voice warm despite the circumstances.

"Now, let’s get you that cup of coffee and clean up the little madame," she added with a chuckle, retreating slightly as she turned her attention back to Sofia, who was by now completely covered in a chaotic mess of ice cream and toffee sauce. It was a sight that momentarily lightened the atmosphere, a gentle reminder of the innocence still present amidst all the worries.

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