Resequencing DNA

Chapter 9

Once Ashleigh and Pippa stepped out of the store, they noticed that James had moved the car up, whilst they were shopping, parking directly outside of the store. James stood and held the door for the girls to climb inside, closing the door behind them before they set off on their way once more.

 “So…Ashleigh…are you enjoying yourself?” asked Pippa with a smile.

Ashleigh paused before looking across at Pippa and smiling,

“To be honest…yeah…I guess I am…this is way more fun than I was expecting,” she replied.

“Miss Ashton-Burns, are we to head to the usual?” asked James, interrupting the pair.

“Yes please James,” replied Pippa before turning her focus back to Ashleigh. “That’s great, I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself…maybe we can do it again…in the future,” she added with a wink and a smile

“I…I doubt that” stated Ashleigh with a giggle, “I won’t be staying this way any longer than the original plan,” she added.

“Oh…ok Ash that’s…that’s fine,” replied Pippa with a smile.

“Yeah…as soon as Monday comes I’ll be back to my normal self,” Ashleigh reiterated, “What did you need to tell me by the way?” she asked, looking rather curious.

“When you were shopping…I got a call from Wes…I’ll explain over lunch…don’t worry,” explained Pippa.

“Oh…okay…” said Ashleigh, now sounding nervous.

The car came to a stop and James opened up the door to let the ladies step out of the car.

“What the hell did Wes want?” Ashleigh asked herself as she climbed out of the car and began to look around.

“Not the type of place I thought we’d be going, knowing Pippa as I do,” thought Ashleigh, noticing that they had stopped off at a rather charming, warm and friendly looking little bistro with a sign hung outside reading “Signora Rossa d'Italia.”

 Ashleigh continued o admire the quaint little establishment, a small seating area was placed outside with small round tables, each with glass table tops and two chairs positioned at each. The pair approached the white door of the building that had a huge panel of glass that was almost the entire length of the door before Pippa stopped and turned to James.

“James, grab yourself something to eat and drink, just add it to my bill, you know the drill,” stated Pippa.

“Yes Ma’am, thank you,” replied James, tipping his hat to Pippa in acknowledgement before returning to the car to grab a newspaper.

As the pair stepped inside, they were instantly greeted by a small man wearing a white shirt and a red tie. The man looked to be at least in his 50s, he had a rather large, black moustache, his black hair, was slicked back, however, the front o his hair was receding somewhat.

“Ah signorina Pippa, nice to see you again,” stated the man with a smile as he greeted them warmly, it was evident that the man's accent was Italian.

“Ciao Giovanni,” replied Pippa with a smile,

“Pippa must come here often,” thought Ashleigh.

“Table for two or three?” asked Giovanni.

“A table for due and a table for uno…you know the drill Giovanni,” said Pippa with a giggle.

“Ah Signorina Pippa, very good, very good, you’ve been learning no,” answered Giovanni, noticing Pippa’s attempts to answer him in Italian.

Sì signore,” replied Pippa with a huge grin on her face, rather proud of her accomplishments.

Molto bene, molto bene,” replied Giovanni with a smile, “Mi segua, per favore,” he added before Pippa stopped and looked at him with a blank expression, causing Giovanni to begin to laugh. “I said…erm…very good and follow me, please,” Giovanni added with a smile, realising that Pippa hadn’t grasped what he was saying.

Giovanni led Ashleigh and Pippa to their table, pulling out the seat for each of them to sit before gently tucking them in at the table.

“I will be one minute,” he said, returning to James and making sure to seat him close by to the girls.

Looking around, Ashleigh noticed a few of the tables were already occupied, however, the place wasn’t exactly full.

“So…you speak Italian now Pip?” asked Ashleigh with a giggle.

“I’m learning a little…I thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea, seeing as what I am planning,” Pippa replied with a smile.

“And what’s that?” asked Ashleigh, realising Pippa had never really opened up to her or Aaron this way before.

“Well…I have this idea….” Explained Pippa, “I’m wanting to own night clubs and bars, not just here but…I dream of opening places abroad…given time that is,” explained Pippa.

“That’s rather cool,” replied Ashleigh as Giovanni returned to their table.

“So le signore, what can I get you?” asked Giovanni with a small notebook in one hand along with a pen in the other.

“The usual for me please Giovanni,” replied Pippa.

“So that is Uno calzone and Uno Cappuccino, yes” stated Giovanni as he scribbled the order down on his notepad before looking at Ashleigh. “And for you signora?” he asked.

“Just a latte for me, please…I’m not particularly hungry,” replied Ashleigh.

“Va bene, Va bene,” answered Giovanni as he smiled before scurrying away into a door at the back of the room.

“That idea sounds awesome, to be honest,” said Ashleigh with a smile.

“Idea?” asked Pippa.

“You know…the bar and nightclub idea,” stated Ashleigh, “I would love to travel if I could afford it, just setting off and exploring Europe and maybe the world,” she explained.

“I have been a few places and it truly is beautiful,” explained Pippa, “Maybe you can go to the grand openings of my businesses…you know…when everything is started that is,” she added with a giggle.

The pair fell silent before Giovanni arrived at the table a few moments later with the girl's drinks, placing them down on the table before heading off once more and returning to the podium near the door as he greeted yet more customers.

“So…how far along in your plans are you Pip?” asked Ashleigh, picking up her latte and taking a sip.

“Well…not very….I have, however, just bought a place not far from here…my very first nightclub…it’s currently being renovated, my fiancé, Edward is seeing to all of that for me…he knows exactly how I want it,” Pippa explained.

“Oh…okay…” replied Ashleigh, “it’s crazy that you’ll be married this time tomorrow,” she added.

“Yeah…yeah, I guess it is a little crazy to think that,” Pippa replied before the pair fell silent again for a short while.

Giovanni soon returned to bring Pippa’s food,

Uno calzone for signora Pippa,” stated Giovanni as he placed down Pippa’s plate. “And everything good for you?” he asked looking at Ashleigh.

“Yes, thank you,” replied Ashleigh before Giovanni made his way off once more.

“So…Pip…I’m rather afraid to ask…but what did Wes want?” asked Ashleigh.

“Well…it’s about my parents…” answered Pippa.

“What about them?” replied Ashleigh.

“Well…how can I explain this…erm…they…they want our brother, Jude…and Wesley…to spend the night there…along with me,” Ashleigh explained.

“Oh…okay…so I’ll be home alone tonight, that will be lovely, spending time with your family the night before you’re to be wed,” said Ashleigh with a smile.

“Erm…not exactly…” stated Pippa, “You see…Jude will be there…with his wife and Edward will be there…and Wesley…and….well…you,” she added. “Edward will be spending time with my father, Jude and Wes and Edward’s best man, Warren. then there will be me, you, Jude’s wife and my cousin Eloise, along with my two best friends, Tiffany and Rose.”

“Oh…wow…” said Ashleigh, somewhat surprised by what Pippa had explained to her. “I erm…thought the bride and groom weren’t meant to see each know… the day before the big day,” stated Ashleigh.

“Oh don’t worry we won’t,” said Pippa, “The guys aren’t staying in, they’re going to daddies country club, so it’ll just be us girls. Then when Edward and Warren are going back to Warren’s and the guys will return to my parent's house.”

“And then…we will all go home…until your big day?” asked Ashleigh nervously, yet already knowing deep down what the answer was going to be.

“No silly,” replied Pippa, “We’ll be spending the night.”

“Oh…okay…but what about the night of the wedding…surely you’ll all want some space…” stated Ashleigh.

“Well…all my family will be spending the night then too, that is until Edward and I go on our honeymoon the next day that is,” explained Pippa with a huge smile on her face.

“So…you want me to spend two nights…like this…at your parent’s house?” Ashleigh repeated in an attempt to clarify.

“Of course, don’t worry Ash, it’ll be fun and besides nobody will know your secret,” Pippa whispered before beginning to giggle.

“Erm…I’ll have my own room though…right?” muttered Ashleigh, once more knowing what the answer was going to be and yet finding the need for clarification.

Pippa just smiled before shaking her head,

“Ash…you and Wes have lived together a long time, sharing a room for two nights won’t harm I’m sure,” answered Pippa in a hushed tone, “besides…everyone has to think you’re dating…remember.”

“Oh…yeah…I forgot,” uttered Ashleigh.

Ashleigh finished up her latte, getting up and leaving Pippa to finish up her food. She went outside and sat down at one of the small tables, pulled her cigarettes out of her new handbag and lit one up.

“It’s one thing living with Wes… but spending two nights in a room with him…especially like this…his idea of his dream girl…that’s another matter completely,” she thought to herself, taking a drag of her cigarette as she sat back in her seat. She glanced through the window and noticed that Pippa was getting up out of her seat and heading to settle up the bill.

Roll on Monday,” thought Ashleigh, glancing down at her current attire, “3 more days and I’ll be myself again.”

Ashleigh then noticed a young man in a similar outfit to Giovanni, walk out the door of the bistro with a spray bottle and cloth in his hand as he began to wipe down the tables. The man must have been around 25 years old at the very most, he was at least 6ft tall, his jet black hair slicked completely back. The white of his shirt made his skin, which was olive in complexion, stand out even more.

Ashleigh sat for a few moments, watching the guy as he cleaned the tables, moving a few tables closer to where she was sitting. Glancing up from his task, his eyes met Ashleigh’s before she attempted to divert her gaze. When she thought that the man was no longer looking her way, Ashleigh caught herself glancing back in his direction, however, he was still looking her way. As their eyes met, the man flashed a smile at her, showing off his pearly white teeth, prompting Ashleigh to smile in response.

“Ciao Bella,” said the young man with a smile as he continued with his work.

“Ciao…” replied Ashleigh rather bashfully.

“However…this weekend maybe this weekend could be fun, interesting….and definitely a different experience,” she pondered.

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