Resident Evil: Eddie [EN]

Chapter 136:

After leaving the executive building, the four went towards the cliff. The countdown ended, and a massive explosion was heard.


The enormous building exploded, the roof went straight to ashes, and the walls were shattered into pieces. With this kind of explosive power, how much dynamite did Umbrella install when this building was built?

All the biochemical monsters, including the sponges hidden in the executive building, immediately vanished by the flaming fire. Their demon soul is finally purified!

Eddie's group, who watched the explosion scene, stared in shock; on the other hand, they were also happy.

The morning sun that shines on the world brings warmth to the four of them; at least this ray can lighten their burden and bad memories while inside the building.

"It's finally over..." Billy sat on the ground with fatigue he'd never felt in his entire life. Even the mission he's been on in Africa is nothing compared to what he's just experienced in this area.

"Billy, have you planned your goal after all this is over?" Eddie asked with a smile. He handed out a bottle of water and vitamin tablets to his team.

"I don't know; what about you guys? Will you accept me on the team? "Billy laughed.

"Use this first; then, I'll arrange a document for your fake death." Eddie threw a canister of potion at the man.

Billy caught it quickly; he looked at the pale green potion in curiosity, "What is this?"

"A vaccine for T-Virus, but it's not the perfect vaccine. It is effective in the early stages of infection, which is suitable for you."

Billy saw the injuries he got. Before the executive building was blown up, he was scarred by zombie Hunter. Even though the wound is not too wide, there is still a risk of infection. "Thank you, so how do I use this?" Billy asked as he handed Eddie his name tag.

Eddie took the name tag and kept it, after which he took out the syringe, "Remember, only one needle. If you are interested in joining, you can go to the nearest town and try to contact me later."

"As for if you don't want to, I can help you start your new life." Eddie handed him a card.

Billy took the card and read it several times while trying to remember it, after which he kept it in a safe place. As a person about to identify dead, he has no choice but to leave his previous job. Otherwise, he will bring great harm to himself and his friends.

"The Arklay Mountains are very dangerous, don't stay in the area for too long. We will go east; there are motorcycles that you can use. "

"After that, you can continue to go east until you find the highway," Eddie told Billy after giving the vaccination shot.

Eddie still cherishes this particular soldier; his powers aren't too weak either. With this man by his side, Eddie can hand business outside Raccoon City to him.

If possible, Eddie would also like to find Wesker's son, Jack Wesker. As long as Eddie contacts him, he can use Jack and test his unique genetics. With that, Eddie can improve the development of the serum he's developing.

"Off-road motorcycle? Where?" Ask Billy.

Eddie looked at the Mansion in the distance, "There, we can find transportation to get away from here."

Every Umbrella facility has a garage; although there are no helicopters, other vehicles can still be found.

On the other hand, Rebecca felt very tired; after the night-long battle she had been through, her physique had reached its limit. She's not a T-serum user like Eddie; she needs to take a break!

"In front is the Umbrella Mansion; let's go there and meet other team members." Eddie pointed to the big house in the distance.

The circumstances of Enrico, Edward, and the others remain unknown; have they died? Eddie needs to check their condition.

"There are fruits we can eat nearby." Svetlana pointed towards a tree with fruits hanging from it.

"I'm not sure if the fruits are clean or contaminated with the virus..." Eddie frowned, not sure if the fruits were still edible or not.

After a short rest, they came to the Mansion; when they got there, they found no one. There were traces of fighting around the area, but no Bravo team bodies were seen.

Eddie found a decent room; he put Rebecca in the room and told her to rest first.

Seeing Rebecca so exhausted, Eddie felt sorry for the girl. He needs to give this girl a T-Serum boost when he gets back to Raccoon City.

"Svetlana, you can also rest here. You and Rebecca can take care of each other, this area is pretty safe, but you still have to be careful. I'll go to the garage with Billy." Eddie said.

"I'm not too tired; I can continue!" Rebecca said as she clenched her little hand.

"Don't push yourself too hard, little girl. Better be honest with yourself, that's all. Svetlana, please take good care of her. "Eddie asked Svetlana sincerely.

Svetlana nodded, after which she handed a grenade to Eddie, "Be careful; if something happens, you can use this grenade."

"Hey, don't call me a little girl!" Rebecca said in an annoyed tone.

"All right, all right. I'll go now." Eddie smiled as he hugged the two beautiful women, after which he left with Billy.

After far enough, Billy gave Eddie a thumbs up, "Gee man, you're a real expert!"


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