Resident Evil: Eddie [EN]

Chapter 279:

"You want me to get that antivirus for you? Huh, I won't. Just say you're greedy and want to take my exclusive invention, Tyrant Thanatos, right? You bastard." Dr. Mueller cursed; he would not hesitate to condemn others.

"Mind your tonge, Doctor." Morgan gave off a hint of displeasure.

"Pete, Raccoon City university biology professor. I assigned him to make an antivirus in an emergency. It can kill the T-Virus quickly, for people who are lightly infected, they will be able to recover without receiving any symptoms."

"But for moderate infections, they may receive paralysis because of it. For those who have been severely infected, they will die immediately after using the antivirus."

"You want it? Sorry, I'm not interested in your dirty deal. If you want then take it yourself, that's all I can say. Good luck to you." Mueller said with a sneer.

After confirming that his subordinates had blocked this building, Morgan said solemnly. "Doctor, we are all grasshoppers on a rope. Don't try to jump to Simmons' side; he already has a talented researcher on his side; you will be of no use to that man."

"Oh, are you trying to threaten me?" Mueller snorted; he didn't like being looked down upon by others!

"If you want your Tyrant Thanatos not to be mass produced, then you can only rely on us. Count on me and Ron Davis, only we can help you."

"All we need now is a little help. Take your Tyrant Thanatos to the sewage plant as an ambush unit. Kill all the retreating guards without leaving a single one behind." Morgan's eyes flashed a ferocious light.

"You are indeed a very 'good person'. As a superior, you don't even hesitate to kill your own soldiers." Mueller narrowed his eyes.

"Those people are all Simmons family loyalists, they are all unrelated to me."

"You can see the record of this conversation, you can give your decision later." Morgan handed him a cassette disk.

Mueller immediately plugged the disk into the computer. A video is playing on the screen. It shows the figure of Simmons talking to a young and beautiful female researcher.

"The so-called Tyrant is indeed a practical weapon. But the Virus still has many development possibilities. If we can take advantage of that, there will be a drug that can improve the quality of the human body, this will be a miracle in the medical field."

"If humans can rival a Tyrant, do we still need a Tyrant? Those monsters are just trash." Carla sneered.

"My agent has obtained a sample of the G-Virus and you can start researching it. As long as you can surpass Dr. Mueller's work, I will provide you with more resources." Simmons said in an even tone.

"Surpassing Mueller? That's very easy. The guy just wants to make a name for himself." Carla praised herself.

The video was obtained from a trusted agent belonging to Morgan, namely Rachel! Rachel, who had been upgraded with a dose of Serum, could easily spy on her targets.

After watching the video, Dr. Mueller looked very angry. A girl who was less than half of his age dared to insult him? Can this be tolerated?

As a researcher, he would never admit that he was inferior to other researchers!

"Now you understand when I say that if they succeed, we will gain nothing. If we succeed, they will lose."

"Doctor, right now we need to work together." Morgan started playing his trick.

"Okay, I will cooperate with you. But I still need your help to find that person. If information leaks out, you need to send your men to kill that lucky person." Mueller said coldly.

Faced with his own importance, another human life is worthless!


As the sun goes down, zombies start roaming the streets again.

"Looks like we'll have to go on foot. The streets are already littered with moving trash." Eddie got out of the car after receiving the news from January. January, who has hacked the street cameras, can fully see the traffic lanes that have been infested with zombies.

Inside the abandoned car, there are zombies trapped inside. The zombie kept banging on the car window.

Mother Wolf raised her legs high, then she kicked the zombie that had just come out of the window with her boot. The immense power of the kick instantly broke the zombie's neck.

The crackdown made all men sigh. It's not a good thing for a woman to be too intimidating.


Suddenly an explosion was heard. A Tyrant appeared on the road. Its right arm was twisted strangely, and its protective suit had also come off. The Tyrant has entered berserk mode!

Its left hand had mutated into a giant claw, and its body was covered with thick scales!

"Vector, get rid of him," Lupo instructed her subordinates. Now she didn't want to vent her ferocious desires.

Her current violent tendencies she could still endure. But if she couldn't take it anymore, she needed to talk with Eddie in the private room.

Vector and the other two team members looked at each other, nodded, and stepped forward helplessly. The three work together with each other.

Vector uses martial arts moves to ensnare Tyrant; Beltway is responsible for setting up powerful explosives. In contrast, Bodrovski uses snipers as an additional attack.

It could be said that Vector's skills were excellent. His fighting skills were so unique that he could even predict the trajectory of the Tyrant's attacks and could dodge them with ease!

Beltway set a chain of explosive traps, and he used the vehicles around him. The explosives he uses can blow up battle tanks!

"Okay, my part is done." After Beltway was done with his piece, he went to the back.

Vector ran back quickly, while Bodrovski used a large caliber sniper to repulse the Tyrant as taunting.


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