
Chapter 61 - Sign up


More than a month passed by.

Gu Qingfeng refines the fire of purple gold every day, and occasionally teases women in mixed-color crystals, and also teases little turtles in his spare time.

The Zijin fire absorbed from the Dongfu has been completely refined by him, thinking about waiting for the physical body to recover for a period of time to find a suitable opportunity to rebuild the foundation.

He is not in a hurry.

Not in a hurry.

Xiu’s great freedom, everything goes with nature, not to mention that with the daily rest, both the physical body and the spirit of spirit are gradually recovering.

The only thing that upset him was that the old Huo De has never returned since he left last time. After listening to Fei Kui said that the old man has been outside to persuade some gangsters who have interests with the Yunxia faction, and some guests, etc. When the time comes to compete with the disciples, once there is an unadjustable conflict with Jinde and Shuide, try to minimize the losses of the Yunxia faction.

This day.

Gu Qingfeng was sitting on a rocking chair leisurely, basking in the sun and drinking a little wine. The little turtle was lying lazily on the ground with his eyes half open and half closed, as if he was dozing off again.

Gu Qingfeng called twice, pondering that this little guy’s savvy has been enlightened, and should reasonably be able to communicate with himself, but when he tried to work with the little guy, the little turtle was always a A too lazy expression.

It’s the same this time. Gu Qingfeng performed the psychic technique and tried to play with it. The little boy opened his eyes and glanced at him, then stuck his head directly into the turtle’s shell.

This is abandoning grandpa!

Gu Qingfeng can see from the eyes of the little turtle, which is a kind of disgust, as if in his eyes, a low-level human like Gu Qingfeng is not qualified to communicate with him.

Obviously, this is a very proud little tortoise, exactly a little tortoise that it considers itself to be very noble.

“Yes, you think you should abandon Grandpa.” Gu Qingfeng toasted and drank the wine, and smiled: “After a while, wait for Grandpa to rebuild the foundation, and then let you see the master’s ability.”

Gu Qingfeng thought for himself, and after a while, a chubby fat man trot into Lingyin Garden.

Bright hair, fat and big ears, a one-five-meter figure, a moustache and small eyes, no one except Fei Kui.

Gu Qingfeng practiced for five hundred years, and various demons and monsters have also seen a lot, but to say that he looks like a wonderful appearance like Fei Kui for the first time, the whole person looks like a meat ball, but this guy is still wearing A tailor-made elegant little black robe is even more rare. This kind of courtesy reveals a kind of courteous quality.

“Master, are you resting?”

Gu Qingfeng held his head casually, looked at Fei Kui with a slight smile, and asked, “What?”

“Hey, that’s it, the inner door is about to start in a few days.”

“You can arrange it for me …”

“This … Grandpa, I’m afraid you need to sign up in person.”

“How do I have to sign up?” Gu Qingfeng used to be a handyman in Yunxia faction for a few years before, and he has never entered any sect before. He doesn’t understand the rules of these loxies in the sect, asking: “So-called The inner door is more competitive, isn’t it that the martial arts practiced the disciples’ cultivation as a fairy art? “

“It’s true, but aren’t we going to compete for the Chief of the Twelve Houses, there is no need to register for the inside door competition. If you want to compete for the Chief, you must register in advance.”

“So …” Gu Qingfeng stood up and stretched a lazy waist, and said, “OK, let’s go.”

As the days of the insider approached day by day, disciples who had been trained abroad returned, and disciples who had closed their doors also went out.

Every year on this day, Yunxia faction is very lively, and various breaking news will be exposed one after another.

Which chief’s cultivation has improved again, which chief’s Xianyi has improved again, the ranking of the twelfth hospital chief may change, and so on.

But this year’s most talkative is not the Chief of the Twelve Houses, but Ouyang Ye.

Because just ten days ago, Ouyang Ye built the foundation, and the foundation was successfully built.

If it is only successful, naturally it will not cause controversy. In fact, Ouyang Ye has established a colorful foundation.

Ouyang Ye is a genius. This is a fact recognized by the Yunxia School. At a young age, the foundation was successfully established at the age of eighteen, and the foundation is still colored.

If that’s the case, Ouyang Ye is far from being called a genius.

The little girl has a very high sense of understanding, and all the other disciples practice only one immortal skill, and she does four immortal arts, martial arts, spells, swordsmanship, and formation.

Moreover, the accomplishments of each fairy art are not low, and the most powerful one is the formation method.

Ouyang Ye’s cultivation may not be very high, but her strength is very strong. With the seamless four-door fairy art, she ranked 33rd last time when the inside door was compared, which is already very good. You must know that her cultivation a year ago was only a priori sixfold, but the 34th disciple ’s cultivation was a foundation-building duality.

However, Ouyang Ye ’s genius name is more than that. She has only been in the field for only two years. The reason why she has such a great reputation depends not only on her good qualifications, but also on her understanding, but because she has the bloodline. force.


This stuff is something you can’t find. It was given by the ancestors. If you can’t find it, you can’t fix it.

No one knows what kind of bloodline Ouyang Ye has, but how strong her bloodline is. Many disciples have witnessed it a year ago.

Some people say that with the power of blood, it is not difficult for Ouyang Ye to fight for the chief of the twelfth hospital, but she did not do so.

She said she had to compete for the chief with her own strength.

Today, Ouyang Ye has built a colorful foundation. Even if she does not use her blood, relying on her colorful foundation and the seamless four-door fairy art, she is definitely qualified to compete for the chief of the Twelve Houses.

When the news spread, the disciples were discussing whether she would participate in the scramble for the chief of the Twelve Houses this year.

The name of the chief of the twelfth house brings not only honor but also status. After becoming the chief, he has many privileges in the Yunxia faction, and at the same time, the martial arts will also give a lot of spiritual resources. The chief of the institute, Fang is qualified to be promoted to the nine-passage disciples. Once you become the nine-passion disciples … waiting for you will be the source of prosperity, wealth and power, and countless sources of practice.

This is not important. What is important is that only disciples of Jiudian Biography can compete for disciples who are in charge of Chu.

This is the head of the future Yunxia School.

Who doesn’t want to?

Everyone wants.

However, for most disciples, they can only think about it.

If you want to compete for the Chief of the Twelve Houses, you must have the qualifications to compete ~ ~ is also to defeat one of them.

The reason why the twelve people can become the chief is naturally the top of the inner disciples, and it is too difficult to defeat them. Even the weakest chief Huang Yao, Xiu Wei is also a base six. Martial arts attainment is extraordinary.

Of course, the Chief of the Twelve Houses is very powerful, which does not mean that no one dares to challenge.

The disciples with the highest ranking in the inner door want to try their luck.

After three days, there is an inside door comparison, and the competition for the chief requires registration in advance.

Today is the first day of registration.

Sure enough, four or five disciples reported their names early in the morning. These were all disciples who ranked more than a dozen in the previous year, both in cultivation and martial arts.

Many disciples gathered outside the main hall, and they all wanted to see what kind of disciples have signed up to compete for the Chief of the Twelve Houses this year.

Just as everyone was talking, Ouyang Ye appeared, along with her master Fei Xue.

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