
Chapter 9 - Bucket knowledge

Today Yipinshan Village is holding a music art conference. There are a lot of older and younger musicians from Qingyang Realm. Ouyang Ye ’s fame is still relatively small in the circle of musicians, although she has so far None of them has composed their own tunes, but at a young age, they can pop out one or two tunes of the Emperor Chixiao, which is rare among young musicians.

Thanks to Ye Hui, everyone knows a little about her. Some people, like Ye Hui, think that the dragon Chiyan in the legendary man in his mouth may be a fiction. After all, If the Wizards who are proficient in the Ten Arts of the Immortal really exist, we must not have heard of them. Of course, some people think that they may be true. There are no wonders in the world. Not every wizard is very high-profile, maybe there are also wizards. Very low key.

At this moment, I heard that the famous son Yunhong was going to ask the Chiyan boy for help. Everyone rushed to see if the Chiyan boy was really the dragon among the people as Ouyang Ye said. .

“Sister Ouyang, it’s too late to regret it now. If you are exposed in public later, then you will be shameless … oops, many people treat you as a goddess. If everyone knows that their goddess has been lying to deceive everyone What do you think they think. “

Ye Hui has always seen Ouyang Ye not pleasing to the eye, because Ouyang Ye has a family background that she admires, and her qualifications that she admires. What she hates most is that the brothers and sisters in the martial arts treat Ouyang Ye as a pearl in the palm. I just wanted to find a chance to make Ouyang Ye’s face sweep away, because she was 100% sure that there was no dragon Chiyan in the world. The guy in front of him looked like he was being impersonated.

“Sister, if you don’t want to, I can’t ask the Chiyan son for advice.”

On the opposite side, Yun Hong was sitting upright, still smiling so politely.

He is the best among the young people. In the Yunxia school, and in the art circle of Qingyang Realm, Yun Hong has a great reputation. In addition, he is handsome, elegant and elegant, which is the mind of many young girls. idol.


Only Ouyang Ye knew that this guy was very hypocritical and extremely hypocritical because he rejected his pursuit a year ago. This guy secretly spread his rumors everywhere, saying that he was arrogant and arrogant, and that Ouyang Ye was clearer and fictional. The Chiyan son who came out only said to Yunhong alone. The reason why everyone knows it now is that Yunhong is the guy who is behind the ghost.

This **** Yunhong has a superficial appearance, a secret one, and embarrassingly with Ye Hui!

I’m furious!

Despite Ouyang Ye’s guilty conscience, but her guilty conscience returned to her guilty conscience, and she could not show weakness. She said coldly, “Ask for advice, Chiyan is not afraid of you!” As a result, Ouyang Ye raised a jug, poured a glass of wine, and handed it to Gu Qingfeng Beside, pass the secret whisper: Rest assured, although Ms. Ben’s temperamental accomplishment is not very high, I have read a lot of books since childhood, and I have read a lot of books on temperament. Don’t be afraid.

Gu Qingfeng took the wine handed over by Ouyang Ye, cast a glance of understanding, motioned to understand, then raised his head and drank the glass of wine, changed his posture, looked at Yunhong, and said with a smile: “Come Come on, young man, let the grandfather see what kind of music you have. “

Ji Yunhong smiled lightly, but his tone was a bit cold: “You seem very arrogant …”

“This is arrogant …” Gu Qingfeng smiled cheerfully and said, “You haven’t seen it before when I was really arrogant.”

Acting School!

Ouyang Ye cast another glance in admiration, and passed on the secret.

I’m fine.

He should be arrogant as a dragon among men.

Keep it up.

Miss Hagimoto will back you up!

既然 “Since the son of Chi Yan has proclaimed that his melody has been accomplished, then I will ask for advice today.” Yun Hong groaned for a moment and asked, “I do n’t know how the flying mad sand tune can be played?”

Yun Hong’s voice fell, and Gu Qingfeng’s ear came to Ouyang Ye’s voice whisper: **** with leaflet flow type, the string is a feather feather glass sound, a hundred turns and a thousand echoes, the magic trick is the red sky shadow moon trick, blue Hun Fei Fei Jie, Yin Zhao Lang Ye Jie …

The ancient breeze was accurately spoken according to Ouyang Ye’s night secret whispers.

This scene surprised both Yunhong and Ye Hui. If he didn’t expect that this guy could say it accurately, then Yunhong asked for a few more tunes, and one was more difficult than the other, but all were ancient Qingfeng. Answered very easily, of course, secretly Ouyang Ye has been secretly transmitting.

Little girl’s temperament is extraordinary …

The secret words of the ancient breeze came, Ouyang Ye proudly responded: That is, of course, Miss Ben said that I had read the books since childhood. I may not play these tunes, but it does not mean that Miss did not know.

Yunyun Hong smiled and said: “Oh? It seems that Chi Yan has indeed read a lot of rhythm books.”

当然 “Of course, there are no tunes that the grandfather does not understand.”

“Okay, very good, arrogant and arrogant!” Yun Hongpi smiled and clapped with a smile and smiled, “But if you can answer the tune I will say below, I respect you a glass of wine.”

Yunhong then said a tune named Nandou Jinding.

He opened his mouth, and the young people who watched beside him were frightened. Since they are qualified to participate in this music conference today, they are naturally little-known musicians, and they also know a lot about the rhythm, but who is present I have never heard of such a tune as Nandou Jinding.

I didn’t even know Ouyang Ye. She recalled all the melody books she had read over the years, and she did not remember any tune like Nandou Jinding.

“Brother Yunhong, there is no such tune as Nandou Jinding?”

Ye Yunhong hasn’t spoken yet, and Ye Hui next to him sneered, “You haven’t heard of it. It only means that you have little knowledge. It doesn’t mean that you don’t have it. If you don’t believe it, you may wish to ask your seniors.”

There are not only young musicians watching, but also a lot of seniors who play temperament. Among them, there are many well-known musicians. The most well-known and the most profound temperament is Qin Baili. He is not only the predecessor of the Qingyang realm, but also the master of bamboo. Proud disciple.

“Senior Qin, you are our master of art in Qingyang Realm. Should you know Nandou Jinding?”

When Ye Hui asked, the middle-aged man named Qin Baili said modestly: “The real master of music is my master Wen Zhu. I ca n’t afford the title of master. As for the tune of Nandou Jinding, it is true. Yes, it ’s just that these tunes are very remote and extremely mysterious. The musical accomplishment has not reached a certain level. Usually, these mysterious tunes are rarely involved. It is rarely known to ordinary musicians. Since Yunhong salary you mentioned This tune from Nandou Jinding, so Yunhong knows how to play this tune? “

Yunyun Hong responded confidently: “Since the junior raised it, they naturally know it.”

“It’s not easy! It really is the best of our young musicians in Qingyang Realm.” Qin Baili and other senior musicians nodded and praised, “This Nandou Jinding tune comes from a powerful tune in ancient times, like Yunhong It’s really amazing that young people like Son can know! “

“Predecessor Qin is too prized … the junior just likes the rhythm, usually read a few more scores.”

Looking at Yun Hong’s hypocritical face, Ouyang Ye wanted to vomit. Others didn’t know it, but she knew that Yun Hong often collected some indifferent tunes in order to show her knowledge of rhythm.

Ou Yangye dissatisfied and said indignantly: “Know what’s so great about these tunes, can you play them?”

“Well, girl Ouyang, you ca n’t say that. It ’s one thing to know. It ’s another thing to know if you can play it. People like me who understand the rhythm, if you know ten million tunes, you are also one of your own mastery of rhythm. Kind of promotion. “

The words of her predecessor, Qin Baili, made Ouyang Ye unable to refute. She had not heard of Nandou Jinding, so she could not tell, and the voice said secretly: Damn it! You said why did you just blow such a big cowhide, and there is no tune in the world that you do n’t know, you dare to blow such a cowhide? Aren’t you hurting me?

Girl, put your heart in your belly. You are asking me to take a bath, buying me new clothes, and asking me to drink … I ’m sure I wo n’t let you lose face, it ’s not the rhythm, let ’s not blow it to you When the grandfather played the rhythm, the grandfathers of the little grandfather’s grandfather might still be playing with the urine!

I heard that Gu Qingfeng said this, Ouyang Ye even had a killing mind: God! When it ’s all this time, do n’t you pretend to be a senior man in front of me? My aunt is dying!

What’s the matter of anxious, isn’t it just posing as Chiyan boy? I said, Chi Yan, you just let me pretend to be an ancient Sirius. This group of little rabbits can’t believe it. Look, Grandpa will make you earn enough face this time.

On the opposite side, Yun Hong continued to maintain his gentleness, with an inherent arrogance on his body, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was especially self-confident. He stared at the ancient Qingfeng and laughed: “Isn’t Chiyan the prodigal dragon Isn’t it known as the leading melody? Doesn’t it claim that there are no tunes you don’t understand? Haven’t you even heard of such tunes as Nandou Jinding? “

“Who told your grandpa never heard of it.”

Gu Qingfeng leaned forward, took a piece of fruit, still put it in his mouth, and smiled playfully: “You said the tune of Nandou Jinding, if I remember correctly, this tune comes from the ancestors of ancient trees A song of “Jade Toad Futiantian”, right? “

As soon as this remark was made, Yun Hong’s expression could not help but hesitated, and the eyes of Qin Baili and others were also surprised.

Gu Qingfeng raised his head and drank a glass of wine, saying, “This Nandou Jinding tune requires six fingerings to play, nine types of strings to alternate, and twenty-two tunes to complete … six types. The fingerings are … “

The ancient Qingfeng was not salty or bland, just like saying a very ordinary thing, not only the source of Nandou Jinding, but also the fingerings, strings, and magic tricks of Nandou Jinding. Even the rhythm when playing is very clear.

The people who do n’t understand hear the clouds around, but the people who understand understand are amazed.

Ouyang Ye did not understand, UU reading www. because she has never seen the tune of Nandou Jinding in any books, but Gu Qingfeng said a lot just now, but it made her have a sense of uncertainty, looked at Yun Hong’s incredible expression, It was also found that Qin Baili and other Qin Bai were also the same, Ouyang Ye could not help speeding up.

Is this guy really telling?

She had n’t had time to confirm. Yun Hong asked several tunes in succession. Similarly, Ouyang Ye had n’t heard any of these tunes, but she did n’t expect that Gu Qingfeng was able to answer it at the first time. The fingerings, strings, and spirits of each tune are accurate.



She doesn’t understand, but she can see it from the expressions of Qin Baili’s predecessors. Not only is this guy Gu Qingfeng accurate and correct, but he seems to be too detailed, which makes these seniors very surprised.

Bian Yunhong said several tunes in succession, without any accident, they were answered accurately by Gu Qingfeng.


Yun Hong’s face was a bit ugly. He never expected that the tunes he had produced were answered by the person in front of him. This made him unbelievable. These tunes were all indifferent tunes collected by his hard work. What he does is show off his own knowledge of rhythm. Some of the tunes can even be difficult for some old predecessors, and they are unsuccessful to try. Even the old predecessors with deep temperament can hardly answer his 36 lonely tunes. Unexpectedly, this person knew everything.

This not only makes Yun Hong doubt, is this guy in front of Ouyang Ye really a Chiyan boy?

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