Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 18 - 1 painting

I entered the restaurant and the two of them randomly found a window seat.

Although this is a fringe area of ​​Ming’an City, but two people came to a chain barbecue restaurant with luxurious decoration and many people.

The waiter was very enthusiastic, handed over the menu, and then started to pour tea and serve free side dishes.

Wu Zhongming flipped through the menu and found that it was too expensive.

An ordinary piece of meat costs thirty or forty, and there are few slices in the picture. The photos on the menu are deliberately large, giving the illusion of rich meat. In fact, it may be stuffing teeth. Seam.

Wu Zhongming had a little calculation. If this meal was paid for by himself, maybe his hundreds of dollars in the card would have to be reimbursed.

Jiang Wanna frowned when she saw Zhong Ming, said with a smile: “It’s okay, just order whatever you want. I’ll treat you.”

Zhong Zhongming closed the menu: “You can order it, I don’t know any of these dishes.”

婉 Jiang Wanna should have eaten here, called the waiter after going through the menu, ordered a few different barbecues, and then ordered some other side dishes.

Although 是 is a barbecue restaurant, some other dishes and snacks are also good, so Jiang Wanna didn’t order all the meat, and asked for some special dishes.

The meat is served quickly, it is raw meat, and it needs to be grilled. But obviously neither Zhong Ming nor Jiang Wanna would use the barbecue grill in front of them.

Jiang Wanna raised her hand: “Waitress, please help me bake it.”

This restaurant is usually waiter to help barbecue, only guests ask themselves to wait for the barbecue waiter. It’s just that there seem to be a lot of people today, so the staff of the waiter is not enough.

A little chubby brother hurried over and started to barbecue for two people. Zhong Ming saw this little brother when he entered the door. The clothes he wears are different from other waiters. He should be a foreman or a little leader in this shop.

The brother took out his business card while skillfully grilling meat: “Are these two people visiting our restaurant for the first time? Sorry, there are a lot of customers today. Please be forgiving of the neglect. I forgot to introduce myself, this is my The manager of the store, my name is Wu Yang. This is my business card. “

Wu Yang handed the business card directly to Jiang Wanna.

Jiang Wanna reached out and took it aside, just nodded and smiled, but didn’t answer him.

Wu Yang continued to grill skillfully, and he grilled the grilled meat on the shelf on the oven, setting it up piece by piece.

“Well, let’s eat!” Jiang Wanna said.

Tong Zhongming picked up chopsticks and sandwiched a piece of roasted meat, dipped it in the dipping bowl in front of him, and put it in his mouth.

The taste of the meat is quite good, the only problem is that it is expensive.

Wu Yang said hesitantly, “Sir, is this the case, did you see this little brush? This dipping material is directly dipped into the meat after brushing it. Generally, do not dip it directly into the bowl.”

Tong Zhongming froze, only to find that he had a small hanging brush on the left hand side. According to Wu Yang, he should use a small brush to dip the meat, not just dip it like him.

“Oh, I see.” Zhong Ming felt a little inexplicable. It seems that the world is also very particular about eating barbecue. A bunch of inexplicable rules, how do you have to prepare a small brush for dipping?

I thought for a while, probably because the barbecue is too expensive, so I ate like this …

婉 Jiang Wanna smiled: “It’s okay, you can eat as much as you want, don’t pay too much attention.”

Wu Yang didn’t say anything on the surface, in fact, he still despise Zhong Ming a bit, a big man would not eat barbecue, and eating would make the girl treat, which is a failure.

Of course, Wu Yang will definitely not show it. He has already become a manager, and it is impossible to be so ignorant.

Wu Yang roasted some meat and went to work. Zhong Ming and Jiang Wanna ate and talked. They were basically talking about college affairs. Coincidentally, the two are in the same profession, only one level behind, but didn’t know each other in college.

Talk about this and found that there are really many friends in common.

I finished eating the grilled meat before, Wu Yang ran back again, and continued to grill the second wave.

Two people have nothing to do when waiting for barbecue. Jiang Wanna activates the bracelet and plans to read the news on the Internet.

哎 “Ah? Huoda has a new painting!” Jiang Wanna said in surprise.

Wu Zhongming didn’t respond: “Who?”

Jiang Wanna said: “Fire emblem, a famous artist on Weibo, have you not heard of it?”

“He, I heard it.” Zhong Ming knows that this person is a very well-known artist on Weibo. He can also be regarded as a small Internet celebrity. He often posts some personal works on Weibo and has a lot of fans.

Although Zhong Ming’s level is relatively average, he is also a celebrity in the world’s art circle. Many young artists will pay attention to his Weibo in order to learn painting skills from him. Or to see his new work for the first time.

洋 Wu Yang, who is grilling meat, is also energetic when he hears the name “Fire Emblem”: “Hey? Do you also pay attention to Huoda? Are you art students?”

Jiang Wanna nodded: “Yes, we are all fine arts from Ming’an University.”

“Art major! Disrespect and disrespect!” Wu Yang smiled even more. “Actually, I wanted to study art when I was in school. Unfortunately, I didn’t pass the exam because of poor grades. .Com later applied to the art class by myself, and now it’s considered an entry. Did you see our shop’s logo when you entered? That was my design. “

After knowing that the two were art students, Wu Yang became more enthusiastic and provided a side dish.

Wu Zhongming also saw this painting on the bracelet. The name of the painting is “Fearless”, which is an ancient theme.

正 In the center of the picture is a general wearing armor and a slashing sword, surrounded by a large number of soldiers surrounding him. However, the general was arrogant and valiant, calm and calm among a large number of enemies, highlighting a fearless manner.

Beacon of Fire: “The work” Fearless “in cooperation with Fantasy Dance Studio is welcome.

幻 舞 工作室 is a well-known game development studio in China. The games developed are mainly based on ancient themes.

Newcomers like Jiang Wanna basically go to work in game companies or studios after graduation, but already mixed and famous artists like Fire Emblem can become independent freelancers because they are famous. Many companies or studios will actively find their submissions, and sometimes an original painting is tens of thousands or even tens of thousands.

The painting of the Fire Emblem is a work contributed for the dance studio, and it should be used as game material in the future.

This is a win-win for artists and game developers. Especially for developers, after the fire emblem Weibo promotion, their games can get attention before the sale, which is very cost-effective.

Wu Zhongming looked at this painting, and the composition, color, and details are all very good. After all, the Fire Emblem is a famous painter, and his strength is certainly there.

I just think that Zhong Ming vaguely thinks that this painting is a bit problematic and weird, but at first glance he can’t tell what is wrong.

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