Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 203 - The plot is fragmented!

Zhong Ming sat down in front of the computer of the previous world architect, opened the plot folder, and looked at each other.

Tian Yuan was sitting next to him, and the little girl secretly glanced here from time to time, presumably to see how the legendary genius designer works.

As a result, Zhong Ming sat for an hour, just flipping through various plot files without moving a word.

Tian Yuan is curious, and would like to know if Zhong Ming can save the story, but she dare not ask more.

Zhong Ming is also considering this issue.

This world architect is quite capable of writing.

About the basic setting of the world view, I wrote about 30,000 words.

There are also side story plots of various chapter levels in the game, and the content is also very much. The entire game is divided into eleven chapters. The story stories of the previous three chapters have been written, and each chapter also has one or two thousand words.

Of course, these 20,000 words are not pure dialogue text content, and there are some text descriptions on game display.

For example, when the player controls the character to come to the boss, in addition to the dialogue, there are also some simple plot actions, scene changes, etc. These must also be described in text for easy understanding.

In pure dialogue texts, there are two or three thousand words, which is also very scary.

It contains mission dialogues, puzzle content, item descriptions, monster lines …

Especially the plot content is indeed a lot.

Zhong Ming looked at it, and the plot was pretty good. Looking away from the game, it was a good story.

But the problem is, isn’t it too much text? ?

In addition, the following chapters are the ending stage of the plot, with many tasks and many props, maybe running 30,000 words.

According to this calculation, Zhong Ming had to write nearly 200,000 words!

In a month, write 200,000 words.

That must be impossible …

Even if Zhong Ming can write it out, he won’t do such a thing, he’s full!

It’s no wonder that no one in the plot took over this story, so they were reluctant to do so. Most people had to look at this structure and be frightened.

Zhong Ming looked at the outline of the game’s plot plan and was lost in thought.

After a while, Wu Minghao came.

“How’s it going? I ordered takeaway for everyone, let’s eat first and rest.”

Wu Minghao is also very concerned about the story side, after all, this is directly related to whether the game can go online as scheduled.

Zhong Ming was silent for a moment: “It’s not saved. Overthrow it.”


Wu Minghao was stunned, and Tian Yuan next to him was stunned!

Overthrow redo? you are serious? ? ?

Wu Minghao quickly pulled a chair from the side and sat down, advising: “Don’t worry, you look at it, there is no way to save it, let us consider overthrowing the redo …”

He was a little flustered.

Indeed, this mess is not easy to clean up, and the big pit is not easy to fill, Wu Minghao is very clear.

According to the plan of the world architect before, the plot text of the entire game probably reached about 300,000 words. Now it has completed less than 100,000 words, and there are nearly 200,000 words.

It is really difficult to fill in this 200,000-character pit in a month.

However, that can’t throw the 100,000 words in front of you …

Seeing this situation, most people’s ideas are definitely to make the best use of the first 100,000 words. After all, the large framework has been set up, the previous chapter plot has been completed, and now thrown, isn’t that a blood loss?

Zhong Ming explained: “It’s not that I want to be lazy … Well, okay, I think that being lazy is actually one of the reasons, but it’s not the main reason. The key is that writing the plot in this way is unpleasant and uninteresting.”

“Uh … then you mean …” Wu Minghao hesitated.

“Keep only the original worldview settings, and rewrite everything else. However, the amount of text needs to be greatly reduced, and the 300,000-character plot text will be compressed to 50,000.”

Zhong Ming’s opening directly cut 300,000 to 50,000.

Tian Yuan couldn’t help but say, “50 thousand … 50 thousand, a little less …”

Originally she kept refusing to intervene, but this time she really couldn’t help it.

After all, 300,000 to 50,000 is really a bit too chopped …

Pure plot outline? The readers don’t like to watch it.

However, if you do it as before, it will be basically impossible to reduce 300,000 to 50,000.

“Oh, by the way, there is a change in the gameplay. I just played a bit and I feel that the difficulty is a bit too low. It is recommended that the monster’s damage value be increased by two levels.” Zhong Ming said.

Wu Minghao pushed again.

What is this going to do?

“Uh, does the damage value of the monster have anything to do with the plot …” Wu Minghao couldn’t help asking.

Zhong Ming nodded: “Of course there is, this, I will come back with a detailed proposal for modification, you see it.”

Wu Minghao and Zhong Ming were chatting while they were eating. The more they talked, the more futile Wu Minghao felt.

Can’t understand what Zhong Ming is doing!

Of course, Zhong Ming has not had time to explain to him at the moment, after all, such a big change is not clear in haste. But Zhong Ming said two points, one is to compress the text, and the other is to increase the difficulty of the game. Both of these points make Wu Minghao a bit embarrassed.

Instinctively … not so reliable!

Of course, Wu Minghao did not directly refuse, just waiting for Zhong Ming to rewrite the first chapter plot.

Moreover, the agreement has been signed. Before Wu Minghao patted his chest to guarantee the plot, he handed it to Zhong Ming. You can change it casually. Now it is not easy to change the hexagrams.

The next day, Zhong Ming began to write the plot of “Fantasy Land”.

There is not much modification to the large frame of the plot. After all, the previous completion level is already very high, and the key is that these plots are designed to the game content.

For example, some plots stipulate the types and characteristics of monsters in this chapter. If they are changed, the monsters in the game must also be changed. Such a change would involve too much.

Therefore, Zhong Ming only re-created under the original framework.

After eating so many literary fruits, Zhong Ming’s plot ability has obviously improved a lot, and he has also written quickly.

While writing the plot of “Fantasy Land”, Zhong Ming also took the time to explain the specific design of “Ink and Cloud” to Dahui Brother and Zhou Sen.

If the development of both studios is successful, then “Fantasy Land” will be launched on the market about a month later, and “Ink Cloud Smoke” will be more than two months later.

At the end of the year, you can start thinking about moving the studio, and by the way, recruit more people and develop some larger games.

Wednesday afternoon.

According to the previous agreement, every Wednesday and Saturday, Zhong Ming went to the Fantasy Time Studio, mainly to communicate some problems face to face.

“The plot of Chapter 1 has been completed, the text is being uploaded, you can update the client and you can go to the game to watch it.” Not long after sitting at the station, Zhong Ming sent a message notification in the group everyone.

The game completion of Fantasy Realm is nearly 80%. The previous chapters have basically been fixed and will not be greatly changed.

Now Zhong Ming has changed and re-uploaded the plot of the first chapter, and after configuring various plot dialogues, mission texts, and prop descriptions, the completion of the first chapter is completely 100%, which can directly enter the game experience. Already.

Wu Minghao said nothing, updated the game and ran.

After running through the plot of the first chapter, Wu Minghao was completely confused.

what’s the situation? ? ?

Nothing special, just feel that the previous large and large plots are gone!

The original NPCs seemed to be a little embarrassing. When I took the task, I could n’t wait to tell all the stories about the task. Now, one by one, I have become a high-cold fan, and the language is unknown, and the feeling of being utterly uttered makes Wu feel Minghao wants to hit someone.

Moreover, after running through it again, Wu Minghao felt that the plot of the first chapter didn’t seem clear!

It stands to reason that each chapter is a small plot.

There is a connection between Chapter One and Chapter Two, but basically it is a new area and the connection is not great.

But now, some of the pits dug in Chapter 1 were not filled at all!

For example, in the first chapter, there is a task in which the protagonist comes to a village. There is a couple in the village. They sneak up on pedestrians who pass by and nearby villagers eat them. They cannot be seen on the surface. In fact, the villagers are advancing with the plot. Will slowly decrease.

At this time, according to the original plot design, the protagonist will find something wrong, and trigger some other tasks, slowly peel off the couple’s camouflage, and finally kill them in the two cellars where they hide, to find evidence of their cannibalism …

But in the plot after Zhong Ming’s revision, all these tasks have been cut off, and none is left!

Couples in the village will still eat people, and the villagers will gradually decrease, but there are no more relevant task prompts.

The entrance to the cellar is very hidden. Without the guidance of the mission, the player can only infer the position of the cellar through the description of the props and the words in other villagers’ mouths, and explore on the map to enter.

And when you enter, you will directly face a branch boss battle.

Before changing the plot, players have been mentally prepared, and they will definitely buy various supplies, repair equipment and so on before entering. However, after changing the plot, players are likely to think that they have just arrived in a new scene, and they will never think that they may encounter bosses, and they will definitely be aggressive!

In short, the narrative is split and the difficulty is also increased!

Outside of the first time, there are some pits that are not filled at all!

For example, according to the original plot, this cannibalizing couple is actually under the control of a character in Chapter Two, which is a stepping stone for the boss battle in Chapter Two. After defeating the couple, through some data analysis, we can know that the boss in Chapter 2 has a special thirst for blood. The task will guide the player to collect some blood as a prop to deal with the boss.

But this task was also cut!

Instead, players search in the burrow to find a scribbled note. After reading it, you will see some information about the boss in Chapter 2. But it will not trigger the task, nor will it guide the player to collect blood, it is up to the player.

The boss in the second pass is still a difficult threshold, and it is very difficult to hit without blood.

There are a lot of similar changes, all in all, the amount of text is indeed reduced!

In the past, Wu Minghao felt that the game’s dialogue was a bit too long, and I was worried that players would not bother to watch it. Now don’t worry, players can’t realize that the plot of this game is hard to say!

Wu Minghao was a little hesitant and looked at Zhong Ming: “Is this … OK? The changes are a bit too big! And if you change them like this, one of the highlights of the game will not exist …”

Wu Minghao was panicking.

Emotionally, he certainly trusts Zhong Ming, but no matter how much he trusts, there is a degree.

Zhong Ming’s current change made him a little bit unacceptable, because one of the selling points of “Fantasy Land” is the plot. As a result, Zhong Ming easily cut off three-quarters by clicking, and the original plot changed smoothly. Stuck and veiled, from the player experience, it must be a kind of regression!

Moreover, some of these changes have affected the gameplay itself.

Some bosses require special props to be easy to play. Previously, these special props were used to guide the player to obtain them, but now they are not. They are all hidden in some clues. It may be npc conversations. It may be item descriptions. Players It’s not necessarily visible.

Although Zhong Ming has shown these key messages in red, but … don’t overestimate the IQ of the players. Sometimes the IQ of the players goes offline, which is really shocking.

Zhong Ming smiled: “I know what you think, you see the players are too vulnerable, you have to trust the players.”

Wu Minghao said, “It’s hard!”

Zhong Ming explained: “You have to be clear that the group of players facing” Realm of Fantasy “is not a bracelet player, that group of people will not know this game at all. You are facing an independent gamer They are two different species from the average bracelet player. “

The reason why Wu Minghao made the game very low is mainly the inertia thinking when making bracelet games.

In the circle of bracelet games, an iron rule of designers is “Imagine the player’s IQ as low as possible”.

In simple terms, the players of their games are all imagined as a group of elementary school students, assuming that they do not understand any guiding text at all, nor can they understand certain gameplay.

To achieve the ultimate guidance content, so that even elementary school students can understand barrier-free, then it is considered successful.

Therefore, many players are voicing. The novice guidance of the bracelet game is too mentally retarded! How stupid is the player to guide such low-level content?

But in fact, a group of players really need this kind of guidance …

The bracelet game is faced with a group of very impatient players, so they must be given sufficient guidance to allow them to play instead of playing and running away because they do n’t understand.

However, now that Wu Minghao’s role has changed, he is not making a bracelet game, but an independent game!

These two groups of players are completely different. The plot before ~, in Zhong Ming’s view, is not bad, but it is not good.

At least, it’s hard to impress these indie gamers, but it will make them feel annoying.

The plot is bloated.

Too much guidance can be boring.

Therefore, Zhong Ming simply chopped with a slash, and the player was comfortable, and Zhong Ming himself was comfortable, because he could tap the keyboard many times.

The original story-filling plot may cause resentment from players and discourage many people who are impatient to watch the plot.

Now, the plot is split into countless small pieces, which is a kind of liberation for those who do not want to watch the plot, and those who are interested in the plot will be stimulated to explore, kill two birds with one stone.

Blue shirt drunk

Both the previous chapter and this chapter are 4,000 words

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