Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 237 - New mission

“Taigo Painting Volume” is on fire, and even with the low-light studio, it has gained unprecedented attention.

Four games, “The Lazy Way”, “Overtime Dog Survival Manual”, “Ink Cloud Smoke” and “Taiwu Painting Volume”, each of the games launched by Weiguang Studio, each has its own characteristics and gameplay And artistry, impressed the players!

Of course, so far, the influence has been concentrated in the Chinese player community.

In this world, although various cultures are constantly communicating and integrating, the gap between cultures has not been completely eliminated.

The games developed by Weiguang Studio are mainly for the Chinese player community, and it is difficult to expand to the Western player community for the time being.

However, this also just became a signboard of Weiguang Studio, which is a game specializing in Chinese style, and naturally has a large number of loyal fans.

The sharp contrast with “Taiwu Painting Volume” is the recent situation of “Reliance on the Sword”.

This game developed by Guangyi Mutual Entertainment has invested heavily in the game, and its popularity has been hot during the beta period. However, after the official beta test, the popularity has deteriorated.

In the early stage, it can attract players, relying on the game’s exquisite graphics, good-looking characters, and large-scale publicity. It stands to reason that such an orpg game, under the condition of excellent quality, should not have any major word-of-mouth reversal in the future. Correct.

However, the word-of-mouth of “Reliance to the Sword” suddenly began to decline during the public beta stage. As players played this game in depth, they discovered many disadvantages.

The game of “Reliance to the Sword” is plainly the old-fashioned gameplay of orpg. It is nothing more than running pictures, doing tasks, and copying. Players team up to do tasks and copying in the early days because of the large number and freshness. Strong, so many problems have not been exposed.

As players reach the full level, they find that the gameplay is essentially no different from those of traditional orpg.

Going online every day is either a daily activity of the liver or a copy. The free and open river and lake world advocated by the design team has not been reflected at all.

In other words, this so-called “freedom and openness” is nothing more than a few more towns and a few more npcs, but in fact there is no freedom. It is still the previous way of playing tasks and liver activities. .

What’s more terrible is that Lightwing Entertainment has added some gold and recharge content to the game in accordance with “traditional”, so that the high-end packages in the game must be obtained through recharge.

Originally, this was nothing. After all, many game companies made similar gold content. As a game that does not sell point cards, it is only natural to sell numerical combat power.

Under normal circumstances, this is a mixed reputation game, but it happened to “Taiwu Eiju”!

A more talented player made a comparison chart to compare the two games.

“Fake open world martial arts game: npc that can only talk, repeat the game invariably, and require advanced equipment acquired by Jin, it looks like martial arts is actually a Western Fantasy combat system.”

“Really open world martial arts games: You can casually plunder and abuse abusive npc, complex and diverse innovative gameplay, buyout system charges, and innovative martial arts combat systems.”

The former is accompanied by a picture of “Reliance to the End of the Sword”, while the latter is accompanied by a picture of “Taiwu Painting Volume”!

Many players also realized this problem when comparing.

It seems that at this point of the martial arts game, “Taiwu Painting Volume” is really the “Blade of Heaven”

Of course, the two types of games are different. If you just compare the pictures of the games, then “Taiwu Painting Volume” can’t be compared with “Sword of the End”, the two are far away.

But for a game, the most important thing is the gameplay, the fun that the game can bring!

At this point, “Taiwu Painting Volume” can be said to be a complete victory!

Both games claim to be “open martial arts games”, and both say they “provide the perfect river and lake experience for players”, but “Sword of Heaven” just puts a nice layer of skin on the game, it is a new bottle and an old Alcohol, coupled with the gold content in the game, players quickly get tired of it, which is reasonable.

“Taigo Painting Volume” is just the opposite. Although it also uses martial arts theme, it has made innovations in various game systems!

Especially the combat system, “Taiwu Epic” completely abandoned the traditional martial arts game of the Western Fantasy “skilling mode” method, but instead created its own set of combat rules, including internal and external injuries, poisoning, light work, Moves, etc., and integrate these contents perfectly into the game, bringing players a very novel battle experience!

Many players ridiculed, “Sword of the End of the World” invested so much, and it turned out to be an independent game such as “Taigo Eiju” on the word of mouth!

The most interesting thing is that Zhong Ming, the producer of “Taiwu Painting Volume”, also has a special identity, which is the former employee of Guangyi Mutual Entertainment.

Former employees jumped out of the company and set up an independent studio. As a result, the original company spent a lot of money to create games, which has become a topic that many players and industry insiders talk about.

It is just that to this point, Weiguang Studio and Lightwing Interactive Entertainment did not make a positive response.

Twilight Studio.

Zhong Ming is a bit busy these days.

Miao Zhu has pushed him out of several game media interviews, and many game platforms are still desperately trying to get the agency rights of “Taiwu Painting Volume”.

Although it has accumulated a lot of fame before, but now, with the blast of “Dongwu Painting Volume”, the low light studio finally came to the vision of most Chinese players.

In the eyes of many players who like traditional Chinese games, Weiguang Studio has become the “light of Chinese games” and has been highly praised.

Of course, the other side of praise is slander. There are also many people who maliciously attacked the micro-light studio, saying that they were “Huan Huaxia game fever”, “playing emotional cards”, etc. For these, Zhong Ming mostly laughed off.

“The follow-up update plan has to be finalized, and some feedback has been collected, and it is also time to implement.” Zhong Ming commanded.

Fu Xing’an and others nodded again and again.

“Taigo Painting Volume” is not a perfect game. After going online, many people continue to put forward suggestions for improvement, and Zhong Ming’s task to the design team is to give solutions to these changes and update them in the near future. , Optimization, as much as possible to make up for the shortcomings of this game.

Just after finishing the work, a message was sent on the bracelet.

Zhong Ming saw it from Yang Chengye.

The last time the smart module was sold, it was a win-win for Microlight Studio and Zhihuan Technology. Zhong Ming and Yang Chengye naturally maintained a good cooperative relationship.

Games and artificial intelligence are the general trend of future development. These two companies will inevitably have other cooperation opportunities in the future.

“Mr. Zhong, I heard that your new game” Taigo E scroll “is selling well, congratulations!”

Zhong Ming smiled, and replied: “With happiness and happiness, did not expect President Yang to pay attention to our new game?”

Yang Chengye: “It’s like fire, you don’t have to pay attention to it! It’s such a thing to find you today. One of my friends is making game hardware. Now I want to find someone to develop a Chinese-style game for the western market He had a lot of requirements. After searching for a long time, I couldn’t find a suitable game company. I just saw “Taigo E-book” and praised the game. Then I found me here, and wanted me to make a match and talk to you. Talk, I wonder if you are interested? “

“Oh? Use the Huaxia game to open up the Western market? This guy, I don’t think this idea is very reliable.” Zhong Ming vowed.

“Hahaha, I want to say this too.” Yang Chengye laughed. “But he has such a reason for doing this. The specific three words are not clear. Is Teacher Zhong free now? Why not have a meal and meet together?” Talk to him a little bit about this. “

Zhong Ming thought for a while: “I don’t think this is very reliable, but let me talk a little bit, which company does the game hardware?”

Yang Chengye replied, “Vice President of Moya Technology, Lin Xiaoguang.”

Zhong Ming: “… I’ll see you again.”

Yang Chengye smiled haha: “Okay, then I will come to the game and come back and give you the news.”

Originally listening to Yang Chengye’s statement, Zhong Ming had no hope in this matter.

Because it sounds like this requirement, it is not very reliable.

But at the earliest hearing of the company’s name, Zhong Ming felt that he had to see it.

Moya Technology is the leading hardware developer in District 8; bracelets, computers, headphones, audio equipment, etc. have made a name for themselves.

And most importantly, it also makes game consoles and various expensive simulators.

Regardless of the previous life of Zhong Ming or in this world, it is a very high threshold for game consoles. Perhaps the world can make a name for itself in game consoles, at most there are only two or three.

Because as a host, on the one hand, it has high requirements on the technical level, and on the other hand, it also has requirements on the content.

The essence of the console lies in exclusive games. Therefore, some big manufacturers with rich heritage will gain great advantages in the competition and even completely crush the living space of the latecomers.

In the past life of Zhong Ming, the three major hardware giants, Sony can be said to be the leader. Although Microsoft has thrown a lot of money and the machine performance is very good, it has been thrown away in terms of exclusive games; while Nintendo is unique by virtue of switch The design concept achieved overtaking in corners and successfully counterattacked with a series of perfect marks.

If you do hosting under these three giants? It was estimated that no one could help to collect the corpse when he died.

An absolute dead end.

But in this world, things are slightly different.

In the post-war reconstruction phase, various companies are expanding rapidly and developing rapidly, and there is also sufficient competition in all fields.

In the field of game consoles, world-class technology companies have started almost at the same time, so we have not ushered in a situation where a company can dominate the world.

Of course, the competition is also very fierce. In addition to the hardware functions, we must fight for exclusive works.

In terms of volume, Moya Technology ranks among the top five mainframe R & D developers worldwide, but because of the world’s blossoming flowers, it is not a problem to survive.

Of course, for Moya Technology, the mainframe business is just one of the core businesses. Even if the mainframe business department is completely cut off, you can also sell bracelets, computers and so on.

However, the host is a piece of fat after all, and Moya Technology is constantly trying to expand the market.

The hosts in this world are basically oriented to the global market. In the settings, there are many languages, and there is no longer any region. Players around the world can freely play games online. But good works are still divided into regions.

For example, many western console manufacturers rely on Western classic games to monopolize the market, and they have some advantages.

In this regard, Moya technology can be said to be very weak, after all, the game research and development strength of the Chinese cultural circle is relatively weak.

The company is a reliable company. In this case, Zhong Ming is willing to meet with this general manager Lin and listen to his thoughts.

On the third night, Zhong Ming came to the restaurant ordered by Yang Chengye on time.

This is just a very personal meeting, and will not directly talk about some business, but it is equivalent to Yang Chengye matchmaking, let Zhong Ming meet with Lin Xiaoguang and get to know each other.

As to whether cooperation can be achieved, we have to discuss it in detail later.

“This is Mr. Zhong Ming, the founder of Weiguang Studio, this is the vice president of Moya Technology, Mr. Lin Xiaoguang.” Yang Chengye introduced to the two.

Zhong Ming shook a hand with Lin Xiaoguang and said to each other for a long time.

Lin Xiaoguang looks in his thirties, not too forty. What is different from Zhong Ming’s imagination is that the general temperament of Mr. Lin is more grounded, not the imaginary leadership style, but rather casual.

“Mr. Zhong, it’s been a long time. I’m a loyal player in Weak Studio.” Lin Xiaoguang said with a smile.

“General Lin is polite.”

A few words of embarrassment from the two men soon entered the topic.

Zhong Ming asked: “I heard President Yang said that Moya Technology wants to customize a Chinese-style game to open up the Western market. Is that so?”

Lin Xiaoguang nodded: “Yes, it is.”

“Why use Chinese games to open up Western markets? I think using Western culture games is more suitable?” Zhong Ming asked.

Lin Xiaoguang smiled: “Yes, we actually thought so at the beginning, but made a few games, but were unsuccessful. In this way, let me briefly talk about our products and the current situation.”

“Strictly speaking, in the field of hosting, we can only rank fourth and fifth in the field of hosting. If it is in other industries, it can already be very nourishing, but in the circle of hosting, This position is just enough for us to barely live, barely to be cut off. “

“The head effect of the mainframe industry is very obvious. It is basically a winner-take-all. Although it is still in the stage of fierce competition, it has already begun to emerge. Therefore, our company’s current strategy is: first of all, dig deep into the subdivisions , To engage in differentiated competition; and in software, it is to support as many outstanding Chinese games as possible, to make a difference. “

“In simple terms, our company ’s main product currently is a handheld. Of course ~ ~ is a handheld, it can also be connected to a TV to play. In this piece, we can basically shoot With your **** assured, this handheld from our company is the best handheld on the market today. “

“Of course, other companies haven’t followed up, mainly because there are not many players who currently buy handhelds.”

“We have also tried to contact some studios in China in the past to make games with Western cultural themes, or even directly find some well-known Western studios to buy their ready-made games, but the results are not good. The reason is simple: Western work Most of the games in the studio are also sold to other host developers, or they are simply sold alone. We ca n’t buy them, and even if they are bought, there is no special advantage. Moreover, our consoles are compared to other companies ’host consoles. In terms of performance, the competitiveness in this regard is naturally greatly reduced. “

“And Western culture games developed on domestic games can indeed be monopolized, but compared with games developed by well-known western studios, the difference is far too much. This kind of monopoly, with or without, is actually not much different. What’s more, everyone else is playing Western cultural games, we also do it, and we can’t highlight our company’s label at all. “

“So, we spare no expense and want to create a Huaxia style game suitable for handhelds, so that we can highlight our company and our handheld’s label and make a clear distinction from other companies.”

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